How To Gain Instagram Followers

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Create Attractive Content

A. Be mindful of lighting, negative space, contrast and balance
B. Photograph your art with attention to detail
C. Limit WIP to works that are 75% finished
II. Stay Relevant
A. Post 1 to 3 times a day work-in-progresses, time-lapses, or a detailed close up
III. Use the Right Hashtags and Alternate Use
A. Use all 30 hashtags
B. Research the right hashtags for your account size and art style
C. Balance large and small hashtags
1. No more than 5 large hashtags (over a million)
2. 5-10 medium hashtags (50k to 500k)
3. 10-20 small hashtags (1k to 50k)
4. 1-2 unique branded hashtags (less than 1k)
D. Pay attention to the top 9 of your chosen hashtags
E. Post your tags in caption and not as comment
F. Ask a question to you audience to encourage engagement.
IV. Use Your Stories
A. Post unpolished content
B. Give shoutouts to other artists
C. Let people know about your shop
D. Behind the scenes
E. Insights into personal life
F. Link external sites
V. Make Sure Your Account is Attractive and Branded
A. First 12 photos should be connected and cohesive
B. Negative space
C. Brand Your Art Instagram
1. Choose a catchy, clean and creative username
a) Try not to use underscores, symbols or gibberish
b) Check multiple platforms to see if the name is available
c) Consider using your actual name
2. Pick a great profile photo
a) Have an illustration or artwork
b) Possibly use a character that looks like you or someone that will
show up on your profile often
3. Use your bio
a) Tell a little about yourself
b) Short, sweet, and attention grabbing
c) Link a website
d) Put your full name in you bio
e) Infuse your personality
4. Be consistent
a) Your profile should look cohesive and all of the posts should
connect in some way
b) Create a visually appealing theme
c) Sometimes spice it up a little
5. Avoid extraneous post content
6. Watermark your art
VI. Write engaging captions and respond to comments
A. Within the first hour of posting is peak time for engagement!
B. Respond to everyone
VII. Post During Peak Hours of Activity
VIII. Consider Joining a Casual Comment Pod
IX. Follow the right people
A. Follow your suggested users
B. Link your contact list and follow people you think would like your art
X. Be social!
A. Genuinely like and comment on the posts that you like
XI. Put a link to you Instagram account on other social media accounts
A. Have variety between your different accounts
XII. Pick your niche
XIII. Use highlights
A. Thematic highlight covers
XIV. Convert to a business account
A. Include your email as a contact
B. Connect Instagram and Facebook
XV. Allow similar account suggestions
XVI. Geotag your work
XVII. Go live occasionally starting at 10k
XVIII. Build relationships with fellow artists
XIX. Do collaborations with fellow artists on Instagram that have less followers than you
XX. Hold contests and giveaways whenever you hit a landmark
XXI. Focus on trending topics

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