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Caedrel’s Revenge

By Ducker#0809


Caedrel had always been a good caster for the League of Legends European

Championship, or LEC for short. He had great analysis and brought a certain wit which

nobody before him had displayed. From his winning smile to his relentlessly bad puns,

people loved Caedrel, and that may have been an understatement. There was one thing

though, one issue which surrounded Caedrel. As tough to get rid of as that guy at your work,

you know the guy, Caedrel could never stop this from looming over him. Caedrel had never

made the LEC playoffs, and both his coworkers and fans would never let him hear the end of

this. He was annoyed at first, but still laughed along. He would cough and say ‘Caedrel was

the problem.’ on the broadcast of EUphoria when referring to his old team’s new-found

playoff chances.

This annoyance grew though, Caedrel’s encouragement of his own harassment led to

more mistakes from within his past being repeatedly brought up. In the spring of 2022,

commonly known as the ‘Malzahar Meta’, his coworker Medic would repeatedly bring up an

infamous moment in which Caedrel cancelled his malzahar ult during a pro game. Every

single time a Malzahar would ult during one of Medic’s casts, he would say ‘Let's hope he

doesn’t cancel it.’ Sometimes even replacing the word ‘cancel’ with Caedrel. Clever

wordplay which Caedrel did not enjoy much.

These slight annoyances would build overtime, and he would always play along, too

worried about how people would perceive him if he admitted he did not actually like the

memes about him. As the LEC grew more popular, more people knew of him and his

mistakes. He would meet people on the streets and they would make motions like that of a

Malzahar cancelling his ult, others would not-so-subtly scream ‘Hey look, its someone who
didn’t make it to playoffs!’ from across the street. The pressure built, and he knew one day he

would crack. It may not have been today, nor tomorrow, but he feared what would happen

when the prideful part of his brain snapped, and a long-standing community meme,

‘Caedrel’s revenge’ would come to happen.

As the clock struck down til midnight on the 27th of August, 2022…













Act 1, Part 1
- A Caedrel is born -


Caedrel’s Revenge would begin…

Caedrel woke up on a Sunday, different than before. During the night, he had

metamorphosed. He looked around with new eyes, and saw his room, a testament to his

failures, all in one place. The person who had once slept here was no more, and today would

be the day he would stop being reminded of his failures. Today was an important day for

another reason as well, it was the grand final of the LEC Summer 2022 split, Rogue vs Mad

Lions, a repeat of the 3 previous split’s ending matches. Caedrel sat in bed, with the clock

reading 6:00, just staring at some pictures on his dresser across from him. The memories

captured within these pictures gave him the pieces to formulate a plan slowly. The clock

ticked along, and with each passing minute another piece of his plan would form in his head,

at 6:30, he knew to get this all done, he would have to move swiftly.

He stealthily jumped out of his bed, making sure to let Corinna sleep in, and slowly

got dressed. It was the finals today, so he made sure to put on his best attire, a gleaming white

dress shirt with marbled blue and eggshell buttons, a wool turquoise suit jacket and pants,

with a seal referencing his past, an excel pin just above his left breast. He took a look in the

mirror, and stared for a second. He scowled at himself, just another reminder of his failures.

The only reason he had the suit was because he was a caster, and he needed something nice to

cast in. He added another piece to his schedule; while he was out, he would also take a stop at

the tailors. He declothed and put on something more casual, a plain black t-shirt and some

jeans, then put on his shoes and stepped outside.

It was sunny outside, which did not fit the new Caedrel’s vibe whatsoever, so he

added yet another thing onto his mental to-do list, grab some shades. He walked by a few

people who replicated the mood of the day, sunny, and scowled, too many people were too
happy. He had reached his breaking point in the night, hopefully they would too and come to

see the world more like how he had.

“Guten tag!” a man greeted Caedrel, smiling under his thick moustache, as he lifted

his cap up in a manner which Caedrel honestly felt was condescending. It's reasonable to

assume that the man meant nothing by this gesture, but Caedrel meant a lot with his own, he

lift up his hand, slapped the cap out of the smiling man’s hand, and turned around to flip the

man off. The man was shocked by this action, but continued to smile, he meekishly peeped

“Entschuldigung.” out. Caedrel smiled as he knew he had, in a way, put this man down the

way he had been put down for so long.

“You’re not sorry, you’re as bitter about that as I am at the world, you can let it out, I

encourage it.” Like a cheesy supervillain, Caedrel preached to the man, who now had an

utterly befuddled look on his face.

“Es tut mir leid, ich spreche kein Englisch.” a phrase which prompted Caedrel to

walk away, he did not need to waste his time here, he had much to do, like get a new suit at

the tailor’s shop just ahead. He continued on the sidewalk up to the entrance, scowling at

those he passed by, took a breath, and stepped inside.

“Willkommen!” said the tailor.

“English?” asked Caedrel.

“Ja, er, yes.” The tailor responded.

“I know what I am looking for, and I don’t have time for it to be fitted.” Caedrel

stated matter-of-factly.

“Yes, that is fine...” The tailor was confused as to why the man asked if he spoke

English since he already knew what he needed. Caedrel, smirking to himself, picked around

the store for the pieces to his new identity. He took a black satin dress shirt with black
buttons, and a Burgundy wool-satin blend suit jacket and pants. He paid for it there, and

walked out in his new costume.

People on the street looked at him curiously. They all asked themselves the same

question, why would anyone need a suit at 7 in the morning. Some thought, maybe he is a

news anchor, but when they thought about it, a burgundy suit with black shirt did not seem

like a news anchor’s getup. Everyone who saw him went on with their lives, but always had

that sight in the back of their minds, whether to serve as a warning to themselves or perhaps

be used as inspiration in any endeavors they may partake in.

Caedrel looked at these people the same way they looked at him, but for a different

reason. How can these people’s lives be so carefree, so simple as to have nothing to do at 7am

and still be willing to just walk around on a Sunday. Why not sleep? Why not go somewhere

for breakfast? Why not… get revenge. This thought put him back on track, he grinned to

himself in an uncanny way, and began on his walk towards the many things he had to do that

day. He walked swiftly down the sidewalk towards his destinations, sometimes encountering

a puddle, and not wanting to dirty his suit or shoes, would take people’s coats and just throw

them on the puddle.

He became somewhat of a menace, and quickly word spread of a burgundy suited

individually ruining peoples clothes. Some would dash at the sight of him, while others

would know nothing of his presence until it was too late, and have their favourite coats ruined

in the mud. Some screamed profanities at him, while others ran to fight him, but he kept on

his brisk pace, and when they ran in front to scream at him or fight him, the look on his face

chilled their bones. He was on a mission, and they could tell they would do best not to stop it.

He went to the hardware store first, and grabbed a stack of 2x4s, some nails, a hammer, a

couple pulleys, piping, a baseball, an air compressor, a bucket, some rat poison, and a lot of
fishing line. He took this stuff quickly to the LEC office, where he stored it in a safe location

to be undisturbed.

The next stop was the grocery store. He gathered a collection of ingredients to create

everyone on the Rogue team’s favourite sandwich. Of course Odoamne loved BLTS, Inspired

favourite was a childhood classic, the good ol’ fashioned ham n’ cheese. Larssen loved tuna

melts, and Hans Sama and Trymbi both loved the same sandwich, the panini. He took these

ingredients back to the office and stored them in a secret fridge he used to hide his lunch from

his coworkers. They often stole his food and said ‘Oh, you were going to eat this? I thought

you might have just missed lunch.’ and would also start laughing with a mouthful of his


The next step of his plan was to review the security footage from Rogue’s games the

past 3 years, to see what order they tended to file into their green room, and at what intervals

they did so at. The average speed of their entrance into the room was about 1.3746m/s, and

they most often went in the order of Hans, Inspired, Larssen, Odoamne, and Trymbi. He

couldn’t be sure it would be exactly the same this time, but hopefully it would be, and he set

out to work on the final stages of this plan.

He built a contraption inside the wall of the rogue greenroom which would shoot a

baseball at Larssen’s knee. Fishing wire was rigged to the door so that when it opened, it

would trigger a mechanism which would start a countdown until the point where Larssen

would normally enter the room. This mechanism was built with a bucket full of water as a

counterweight, and a lot of fishing line and pulleys. When the counterweight reached the

floor, it would cut another string of fishing line, allowing the air compressor to fill up the

piping he bought, and the pressure would cause the baseball to go flying out at a certain

point. With the mechanism done, he turned to make all of the Rogue members’ sandwiches,

and in Hans’ panini, he put the rat poison. Not enough to seriously hurt him, but enough to
cause him enough pain about half way through the games that he would have to leave.

Caedrel had even thought ahead, what if Trymbi thought Hans’ Panini was his? Well, Caedrel

burned a little picture of yuumi on Trymbi’s panini so Trymbi would pick that one, and a

picture of draven on Hans’, so Hans would pick that one. To avoid suspicion, Caedrel put a

picture of volibear on Inspired’s Ham n Cheese sandwich so Inspired would distrust that

sandwich but nobody else would distrust their own more than Inspired’s.

Now all Caedrel had to do was hope that everything would come into place.

Act 1, Part 2
- Game Day -

Caedrel greeted Rogue in their green room by presenting them their sandwiches. They

all smiled and thanked Caedrel, not knowing hit true intentions. He watched from the corner

of his eye as everyone took the right sandwich, with inspired standing over his, mumbling to


“I hate the stupid bear…”

“Oh no, the bear!” Odo teased inspired, “Seriously, do you want mine? It’s just a

picture of a bear. I'm sure it's not poisoned.” Everyone laughed.

“Oooo, it might be Caedrel’s revenge!” Hans Sama joined in the teasing, to which

everyone laughed. They all started eating their sandwiches, as Caedrel took his spot on the

caster desk with Drakos. Him and Drakos were schedules to cast the first 2 games, while

Vedius and Medic would be on the last 3. The Analyst desk started their broadcast while

Drakos and Caedrel prepared for the matches. Drakos rested in a couch while Caedrel sat in a

chair, deliberating over the pieces of his plan, but acting like he was memorizing the notes for

the match in his head. Drakos looked over to him,

“Hey, it's fine you’ve never done this before.” Drakos reassured Caedrel in a

compassionate and caring voice.

“What do you mean, I’ve casted the past 3 finals.” Caedrel was befuddled, did Drakos

just forget?

“I meant you haven’t made it to playoffs before!” Drakos razzed Caedrel, and did a

fake laugh before bursting out into actual laughter. Caedrel sat there silently, and while the

old Caedrel would have taken that, the new Caedrel stood up from his chair, and gave a death

stare to Drakos. Drakos recoiled, he had not seen this side of Caedrel, “Woah, buddy, you

know I don-” and was cut off by Caedrel undoing his belt and hitting Drakos with it a couple


“Shut up.” Caedrel demanded silence, and Drakos looked at him in bewilderment and

fear. This was a new side to his good friend. Soon after, they needed to go out and start the

cast, Caedrel adjusted himself and started on his notes, talking mainly about the comps the

teams were bringing. When Malzahar was locked in, Twitch chat spammed “KECaedrelW”

for a while, a custom emote of Caedrel’s face laughing in the same manner as KEKW. The

game went on with Caedrel and Drakos commentating as normal, eventually ending in Rogue

picking up their first win of the best of 5 series.

“Jeez, I need to pee.” Caedrel said to Drakos after going back to the analyst desk.

before running off. He did not actually need to pee, he needed to set up the knee-breaker

designed for Larssen. He ran into the Rogue greenroom and grabbed the bucket half full of

water hidden behind the couch, then quickly tied it to the rope before running out of the room

and closing the door. He watched as the Rogue players filed in at about the right walking

speed, and thank god Larssen was in 3rd, he heard a thunk as Larssen fell to the ground with

an injured knee. Larssen screamed in pain and Caedrel ran to him.

“Oh my god.” Caedrel and many others said these three words in particular. “I’ll call

an ambulance.” Larssen grabbed Caedrel’s arm,

“No, I can’t leave, we need to beat Mad Lions… they still have our trophy!” Caedrel’s

plan was coming together perfectly. “I’ll stand in for you Larssen, I can play mid, I can help

you beat Mad Lions. Larssen for a second forgot about the pain, he was deep in thought.

“Yes, I need you to help us beat Mad Lions, Caedrel, you’ve got this.” Larssen

approved, and Caedrel’s plan had entered its final steps, it was just a matter of going through

the motions now. “Now, call the ambulance, but didn't let them take me to the hospital. I need

to be around for this.”

As game 2 started, Vedius and Medic took over casting duties. Vedius explained the


“You might be wondering why we’re here for the second game, unfortunately, Larssen

has been injured between games, Caedrel is going to be the stand in for Rogue. With the

current Malzahar meta, we hope he doesn’t, well…” Vedius and Medic laugh, and Medic

finishes the thought.

“Caedrel it.” Caedrel’s arm hairs stand up, he has Larssen’s headphones on so he

cannot actually hear the caster duo’s words, but he felt their aura. He looked up at them after

feeling this. “Oh look, there he is now. Hi Caedrel!” Medic says across the room and waves

politely, which Vedius does as well.”

“Hi Caedr-'' Vedius notices Caedrel just staring at them with the same look he gave

Drakos before the broadcast. “Okay… It looks like he heard us.” Vedius laughs a little,

“Anyway, champ select is going to start. We’ll see what Rogue first pi- MALZAHAR!”

Twitch chat spams KECaedrelW at the sight of Malzahar, and the cameras zoom in on

Caedrel’s stare. The rest of champ select goes on as normal, MAD lock in the next meta

picks, AP Gangplank jungle, then the good ol’ fashioned glacial augment Kha'zix support.

Followed by Rogue choosing their top and adc, Camille and then Kindred. The final drafts
for both teams are extremely by the book, with the only curveball being Trymbi’s support


The draft is as follows:

MAD - Akali, Gangplank, Vex, Ziggs, Kha’zix

Rogue - Camille, Akshan, Malzahar, Kindred, Alistar

Laning phase goes about how you would expect, with Ziggs and Vex getting their lane

priority leading to an easy bottom scuttle by Elyoya on his Gangplank, leading to a swift 3

minute scuttle smite. Inspired Akshan responds with the expected top gank, leading to

Camille getting a double kill due to Vex’s scuffed TP. Caedrel does well for himself, he does

not see himself as a great mid, especially in this meta, but he does capitalize on Humanoid’s

failings and gets a significant CS lead. With the amount of gold Malzahar is up, most people

would think the game is over due to his strength, but of course you have to think of the Vex

Twin Shadow tech, which evens out the game slightly. Around 17 minutes in, the Count

Nashor spawns, and Rogue can use their advantage to claim it.

“Now, since Elyoya has scuttle smite, it's really important for Caedrel to use his ult

properly here, so, yep we’re seeing Caedrel go up to the wall, he flashes and uses hi- oh my

god.” Vedius becomes silent, and Medic takes over as the impossible happens, Caedrel has

flashed over the Count Nashor wall and cancelled his ultimate.

“Elyoya moves to the wall and uses scuttle smite, securing the count, the buff won’t

last long but we see Humanoid moving past Rogue’s blue, humanoid is going to use the

shadow to take out Hans, and without their Kindred Rogue starts backing off, but here comes

Armut, he lands the shuriken flip and comes in with PERFECT execution. Down go

Odoamne and Caedrel, and here comes Elyoya for the cleanup. There's the barrel, and down

go Rogue and their hopes at winning this game one.” The player cam of Caedrel just shows a
broken man holding his head in shame as Mad Lions push down mid, ending the game the

same minute they get the ace. KECaedrelW’s spammed in chat.

“Yeah we cannot see that happen again, in such a Count-focussed meta there is no

way you can miss the Nether Grasp on the scuttle smite Gangplank.” Vedius elaborates

further as Caedrel retreats further into his shell. Rogue’s comms are sad but everyone mostly

understands. They get up and go back to Rogue’s Greenroom, where the team consoles

Caedrel for his mistake.

“I’m just so sorry guys, I cannot believe I Caedr- cancelled it.” A dejected Caedrel

cannot stop apologizing.

“Caedrel, Caedrel, don’t worry, I play mid next game. I can Malzahar easy, just go on

your Lee Sin.” Inspired offers to step in, allowing Caedrel to play his famous one trick

despite its lack of meta relevance.

“Are you sure guys?”

“Yeah, it will be poggers.” Odoamne assures Caedrel.

As the next match starts up, the casters comment on the switch in seats.

“It looks like Caedrel has swapped to jungle for this match, Medic, with Inspired

going mid.”

“Thankfully, god knows he can’t play Malzahar.” Medic belittles his coworker and the

two join in a chorus of laughter, you can even hear the production staff through their mics

laughing because of how loud they are. “Anyway we do know he’s a Lee Sin one trick, while

it's not meta I do see that being on the table.” Draft goes on, with much of the same with the

exception of the Lee Sin coming into jungle, the Akali getting banned out this time, and that

causing MAD to also put a different mid. The draft is as follows:

MAD - Kennen, Gangplank, Sona, Ziggs, Kha’zix

Rogue - Camille, Lee Sin, Malzahar, Kindred, Galio

This game immediately gets off to a rocky start, instead of going for the early scuttle

smite like last game, Elyoya goes to abuse the weakness of the Lee Sin pick in the current

meta, leading to an easy first blood pickup for him, getting the Gangplank ahead. With his

bottom Jungle stolen, Caedrel goes for a gank top lane at minute 4 and fails a dive under

tower. This allows Elyoya to farm his top side as well. 32 CS down and multiple levels, the

entirety of both teams' jungles turn into an Elyoya farming simulator, where he picks up all

the caps in a circle, and also kills Caedrel multiple times. Rogue surrenders the game at

minute 15, one of the most embarrassing performances in all of league history. Caedrel’s

player cam continues to show a destroyed player.

After the game, Rogue once again goes to the green room, where they find Larssen in

a wheelchair.

“I am coming back in, I can’t let a 3rd game get lost like this, I’m sorry Caedrel, I

don’t dislike you I just can’t watch this trolling.”

“I get it Larssen, I’m so sorry guys.”

“Hey, it’s mostly fine, just 2 games, it's MAD lions, not like they can pick up a 3rd

against our full team.” Odoamne is still cool as a cucumber.

“Uh, guys…” Hans Sama falls over, grabbing his stomach, the rat poison has taken

effect. “I-I can’t play, god please…” The medics who were in the green room for Larssen

rush over and begin the work.

“Well it looks like you’re my adc for this game.” Trymbi says.

“I can only play Jhin.” Caedrel tells them.

Fredy looks up in delight.

“We have a Jhin strategy.” He says with his eyes glowing.

As the next game starts, Vedius once again comments on the role swap.

“Well it looks like Larssen is back, putting Inspired back in the jungle, however it
seems Hans Sama has come down with something and Caedrel is once again in a new role.

He will be playing ADC, which is interesting.” The first pick for Rogue comes through, and

its a Vex. “Vex first pick? You don’t see that every day, what is the strategy here.” MAD of

course respond with the powerful Malzahar pick and an Akali. When Rogue pick Jhin as their

final pick after a series of seemingly random champions, it finally clicks for Vedius. “Ah,

Medic, I know what this is.”

“You do? It looks to me like its trolling, but don’t tell me I stole your joke.”

“Actually, from leaked scrimms I heard about this odd Jhin comp, and the one meta

champ there, Gangplank, is actually going AD after his lich bane today.” Vedius chuckles.

“I guess we’ll see if it pans out as game 4 starts.”

The draft as follows:

MAD - Akali, Akshan, Malzahar, Kindred, Kha’zix

Rogue - Gnar, Gangplank, Lillia, Jhin, Vex

As the game starts, the 5 Rogue members invade the top side and get first blood for

Caedrel’s Jhin. With the extended first blood gold, Caedrel backs to buy his Serrated Dirk,

after the seemingly odd choice of ‘forgetting’ to buy a starter item. With a Serrated Dirk in

lane, Caedrel easily stomps the Kindred and Khazix, and Akshan has to continue to babysit

their lane as Inspired does to Elyoya what he did to them the previous game. The game is so

far from winnable for MAD, but their one silver lining is that the Jhin comp combo isn’t

panning out. It’s not a particularly hard to execute combo, it's just for some reason Caedrel

keeps managing to cancel his ult. It's not super important since he is just far enough ahead to

ace them every respawn, it is just an embarrassing look for someone who is already ridiculed

for cancelling his ult.

“And in dominating… eh, mostly dominating fashion, Rogue brings us to a 5th game,

and you all know what comes with that.” Medic states before throwing the broadcast into the
break with Silver Scrapes playing. Back in the Rogue Greenroom, Hans Sama is feeling

better, to which Odoamne breathes a breath of relief.

“Caedrel, you’re top, I was fine before but now I think you’re actually trolling, that

was not poggers.” Before anyone can stop him, Odo just leaves. Everyone just looks at

Caedrel without much of a word, and sit there staring at him until they need to go for game


Drakos subs in for Medic on game 5 as he wasn’t supposed to be casting 4 entire

games and his voice is exhausted as a result. Vedius notices the parallels between the caster

duo and as we go into game 5, he makes what he has noticed apparent to the audience.

“Welcome back Drakos, a shame you couldn’t have casted the Malzahar game with

me, would have been a nice callback to when we casted Caedrel cancelling his ult years prior

on H2K.” Drakos cannot help but laugh at this realisation, it feels as though everything had

come full circle.

“Wouldn’t that have been something, Vedius, but as we get into draft it is important to

note that Caedrel will not be playing ADC as he was last game, this game he is top lane,

subbing for Odoamne. This means that he cannot play Malzahar again, and I probably will

not be able to recreate the famous line.”

The draft as follows:

MAD - Akali, Akshan, Malzahar, Kindred, Leona

Rogue - Camille, Gangplank, Pantheon, Ziggs, Galio

The game is off to a rough start, Humanoids Malzahar is proving to be in a league of

its own when Elyoya is actually freed up to shadow mid lane. Inspired Gangplank did get the

early scuttle smite, but with the threat of Malzahar, all of the dragon’s are going the way of

MAD. The Game essentially goes kill-less until 17 minutes when the count is about to spawn,

and Rogue begins to rotate to it with their scuttle smite ready.

“We are looking now at the Rogue rotation to Count, of course Humanoid is going to

be able to use the Malzahar ultimate on inspired, preventing the scuttle smite, but we are

seeing Caedrel with his flash up, perhaps he can get a good Hextech ultimatum to prevent it.”

“Yeah Drakos, we’re hoping to see that and the best part is that Caedrel cannot

actually cancel the Camille ultimate, so if he does get this long range, frame perfect ultimate,

that should be it.”

“Alright here is Hans coming up, throwing his Bouncing bombs into the pit, while

Trymbi and Larssen are pushing the top and mid wave, of course they will be able to hero's

entrance and grand starfall if needed. Inspired is behind the pit, readying his Scuttle smite

while we see Elyoya position himself near the wall, but they don’t see him, Caedrel is

coming, flash over, and here is the Hextech Ultimatum.” As Caedrel gets the perfect hextech

onto Humanoid, he goes to hookshot the wall to stun Humanoid and prevent the Nether Grasp

on inspired. As this happens, Hans Sama uses his Mega Inferno Bomb, Trymbi uses Hero’s

entrance onto Caedrel, and Larssen Grand Starfalls into the pit. This is the perfect engage,

and this scuttle smite followed by a likely ace will secure the game for Rogue, winning the

series. However, Caedrel hookshots out of the pit, and out of the hextech ultimatum…

Cancelling it.

“-How do. Just cancelled it. Wait, Caedrel just cancelled it.” The words which spelled

his future so long ago have once again been said on broadcast. Humanoid gets the nether

Grasp onto Elyoya, and without the scuttle smite available, MAD lions grab count Nashor.

With Trymbi and Larssen ulting into their doom, all of the members of Rogue walk off stage

in disbelief that this happened. Caedrel is the one member on the Rogue side left as Mad lions

win game 5 and the LEC Summer 2022 trophy.

Act 1 Epilogue

The fallout from the finals was immense. Caedrel’s infamy spread, and his career in

League of Legends was soon over. So much for his revenge. His entire life was seemingly

over, banks would laugh him out, Corinna broke up with him, and even landlords he met

when trying to find a new apartment would say things like ‘Oh, its you! I hope you don’t

CANCEL your lease!’ Without much else in terms of skills, he had no choice but to change

himself and move away. He did a complete 180 on his appearance, he grew out both his hair

and facial hair, replaced his glasses with some coloured contacts, and took voice training to

sound completely different.

It wasn’t just him who was affected. All 4 of the champions he played in that Rogue

finale were never seen in pro play ever again. The stigma around Caedrel was so widespread,

that even when Jhin and Camille were 1v9ing games in solo queue, no pro touched them.

Bwipo took his place on the caster desk, and together they all continued taking potshots at

Caedrel. Even in the LCS they have a segment sponsored by Amazon where they make fun of

Caedrel once per week. It is reported the segment costs 3 million dollars because of all of the

famous talent they hire to write jokes solely about Caedrel. Conan had to cancel his show

because of the amount of work he puts into putting down Caedrel.

He would soon move away to Korea and start streaming again, having to build his

brand from scratch. After moving to Korea, he adopted a new nickname, Lerdeac, which is

Caedrel backwards. He explained this to his stream audience by saying he was ‘like the

reverse Caedrel.’. Despite everything being against new streamers, he did manage to gain a

large following, and was soon invited to costream LCK with Nemesis and LS. This went on

for about a year, and finally being so far removed from the Malzahar meta, Caedrel could rest
easy analysing the new strats, including Viego support and Ziggs jungle. It wouldn’t be long

until Malzahar came back though.

On one fateful night, Faker, who is still playing in the LCK in 2025, locks in

Malzahar, a stigma’d champion. Caedrel sweats a little, but keeps his composure. What

happens next though would be the end of this multi-year charade. In the game, he, LS, and

Nemesis watch Faker flash over a wall and cancel his ult. Caedrel cannot help it, and breaks

down crying on LS’ stream. The stress from this moment causes caedrel’s contacts to fall out,

his hair to shrivel back to its former length, and all of his facial hair to fall off. His years of

voice training evaporate as he looks up and says ‘He Caedreled it.’ LS and Nemesis, shocked

by this event, turn off the stream and kick him out. However, the clips have already

happened, and the mass attention destroyed LS and Nemesis’ careers in the league


Now back in Berlin, Caedrel has watched LS and Nemesis move onto other games,

LS goes back to starcraft, but Nemesis goes onto Dota 2. One fateful night, Caedrel watches

as Nemesis is playing solo queue in Dota 2, and uses his ult after blink daggering over a wall.

Soon after the blink dagger, he cancels the ultimate. The awful press from this kills Dota 2,

which starts off the deathrattle of every moba ever made. Within weeks of this, League’s

average players at any given moment is down to a whopping 300. Matchmaking is

impossible, and it just keeps bleeding. Caedrel watches league’s death, and laughs to himself

while wearing his Burgundy suit he got so many years ago…

“So, it begins.”

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