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De Castro, Angeline L.

DOH Reports New Cases Of UK COVID 19 Variant In PH

There are so many pandemics happening in the world, storms,

earthquakes, fires, and so on. Today we have a pandemic called the Covid-19
virus. Covid-19 is a disease whose target is the body and health of people
who may die. It is a virus that is contagious in various ways, it has different
symptoms that can be seen if it is a covid-19. Today so many people are
currently facing the availability of covid-19, everyone in the world is suffering
from the presence of this disease, as a result of which the government has
implemented GCQ and ECQ, the lockdown in each barangay to prevent the
spread of covid-19. But it is unavoidable for people to violate the so-called law
that if possible do not leave their homes, wear masks, face shields, and
always use alcohol to prevent the covid-19. Too many people have been
affected by this disease, some have lost their jobs temporarily to prevent it,
but it has also become a way for the whole family to be together in their
homes, have more time to bond and talk, some have not been good in their
situation especially with those who lack money that needs work to eat, to buy
food, pay for electricity and other expenses. Where ever we are we must wear
a mask and face shield and also have alcohol to avoid interactions with other
people and not having the covid-19. Every person that had detected having
this virus needs to undergo quarantine to examine and to know if it is a
COVID-19 because there is a possibility that it turns to Covid-19. They need
to consult the doctor immediately for avoiding this sickness as much as earlier
we can do.

Educationally, we are currently having this online class to attend for not
stoping the education system. What is happening we are as of today is called
the New Normal. We are facing this pandemic so hard and can't accept that it
is happening in our world. So many people are sacrificing their lives to avoid
this Covid-19, first is the doctors we have, they are doing their best to help
others to not lose their hopes having this sickness, the nurses, the front liners
and the scientist that experimenting this pandemic we have right now. They
are taking medicine to get rid of the covid-19, or even a vaccine will do to
avoid it. As for the overseas people they are trying to come back where are
their places are to avoid covid and to be together with their families, but
before that, as what I wrote earlier they need to attend to the quarantine to
examine first their situation if they have a covid or get a positive to have this
covid-19 for avoiding some interaction with others and not to spread it. They
need to quarantine in 14 days to have the access to go out and get a bond
with their family.

And for today they have this vaccine to avoid having the covid-19, but
recently the news of having this new variant of covid-19 is really hard to
understand that why is all of this is happening. This new variant or the UK
variant of covid-19 is something that we do not know where this going. It
started in the United Kingdom and now we have this too here in the
Philippines. As far as I can remember there are travel restrictions, they need
to have a travel ban for the UK to not get it widespread and to avoid it. In and
out coming from the UK is sort of the right way to do to avoid it, because it is a
new variant of covid-19 we don't know what will happen next if it is going to
stop. I can say is that even with the protocol, the system still does not follow it
because if it were properly, the new virus mentioned would not have been
able to enter our country. We have already experienced the deadly covid 19
viruses. It has killed many lives, so this should be a lesson to us and we
should be smarter about how to reduce it. The UK variant of Covid-19 now
gives fear again to every Filipino especially since there are 16 cases recorded
here in the Philippines, for me I am very concerned for myself and my family
especially since we are not that ready for that possibility it will happen in case
it reaches our place again. The fear caused by covid 19 from physical to
emotional aspect is not a joke because it is not clear where it came from and
how it can be transmitted. We all know the effect of covid 19 no matter how
careful you are if there is an irresponsible one following the protocol given by
the experts ignores our precautions. The world is suffering so much to
handles this situation we have right now, this is the people's fault I say if the
people are careful and know what they are going if right or wrong, maybe this
is not happening as difficult it is. But to be honest, we cant avoid having this
pandemic, we aren't perfect for not having these struggles right now, every
person has their problems to think about, handle and solve. People's doing
the wrong things is not right maybe this pandemic is the consequence of what
we wrongly do. But God is always there for us to guide us to be safe. Every
people in the world that are facing this pandemic is having a hard time
thinking if this is right or wrong. I believe to Jesus Christ our God that this
pandemic we have today is one of his way for us to be strong and be warned
that this happening right now is to test us to have cooperation, to be learned,
and not to give up whatever happens. We must go on, be strong and live for
our lives. This pandemic is hard to deal with, the lives of people are on it we
are sacrificing our lives, our selves to handle this and get rid of this pandemic
so we can turn back as we used to before, that there is no pandemic like this,
that no more people are dying and died because of this, that every people
have their works to do and earn money for their family, to have something to
eat at least three times a day, and be together with their love one's, be with
their family and have the bonding together, go to school every weekday to
attend classes, not online class, and have their homework to do, the children
that can go out and make friends with as same as their ages and have some
fun and to play with them, go to the park or amusement park and enjoy their
childhood days and make more memories that there is no pandemic like this
are happening.

So, as of now that this new variant of Covid-19 is currently having here in
the Philippines, we must more careful and be cautious of what and where we
are going. Follow the protocols so we can be safe and always pray to God
and don't give up, be strong and make it possible to be free to Covid-19

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