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Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

Lesson title: Materials:

The Digital Self (Self and Netizen; Identity theft and cybercrimes) White Board Marker, White Board
Laptop, or Cellphone, Internet
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Students are References:
expected to:
1. Know and Determine the effects and the concept and self.aspx
development of digital self;
2. Determine the different cybercrimes; and on-social-media-like-we-do
Gibbs et.Al. (2006). Self
3. Understand social media etiquette. Presentation in online personals:
The role of anticipated future
interactions, self disclosures and
perceived success in internet
dating. Communication Research.
33.2. 152-172.
Gazzingan,L., (2018),
Understanding the Self, Panday.
lahi Publishing

The world pace is very fast that you hardly think of what will be the next. In every fast movement, we should
be very vigilant of the consequences of it.

Good day to all. Today’s lesson is all about The Digital Self (Self and Netizen; Identity theft and cybercrimes).
But first allow me to ask some questions that will stimulate your minds:
�� Are you familiar with different cybercrimes happening around us?
�� As responsible netizens, are you practicing Social Media Etiquette?
�� Are active in all social media’s outlet?

Activity 1: What I Know Chart,

This is to measure your before and after knowledge about The Digital Self (Self and netizen; Identity theft and
cybercrimes). Answer the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know. It’s okay if
you write key words or phrases that you think are related to the questions.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

Answer this now (Answer this after you learn
something in the lesson)
What do you understand about
Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

Digital Self?

Are you aware of different

cybercrimes happening around
Do you know your rights as
Do you give personal info in the
internet inquiry?


Digital self” is the idea that people often consider things and other
people to be possessions, almost like tools to help define their
identity. They use technology to redefine themselves. It is the way
people engage technology and the role technology plays in their

Development of Digital Self

The idea of the digital self-developed from the original
phenomenon of the ‘extended self’, pioneered by Russell Belk in 1988.
He believed our possessions are a major contributor to and reflection
of our identities. Back in the day, it was external objects, such as
clothes, jewelry and cars etc. that he believed we used and considered
as part of ourselves.
Nowadays however, it isn’t merely tangible belongings that
researchers consider as part of our extended self. Our digital
possessions such as photos, videos, statuses, texts, and emails are
now seen to be significantly important in shaping our digital self.

Why do we have a Digital Self?

The idea of the Digital Self is an interesting and relatively new topic discussed in consumer behaviour
research. Researchers, such as Stone (1996) and Hemetsburger (2005) claim that the digital web allows us to
try out different personas that differ from our real life identities. But why would we want to even do this? We were
especially interested in looking at why we express ourselves online the way we do and we wanted to share the
most common reasons:
- We want to meet the expectation of others: research shows over 50% of women would edit their social media
photos to look better and meet the expectations that the media and magazines have set.
- We want to boost our self-esteem: people upload photos and statuses online that they feel will receive ‘likes’
and positive feedback in which ultimately helps their egos.

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

- To feel a sense of belonging: Some of us want to fit in with the crowd and upload things that are ‘down with
the trend’ - for instance, who notices the amount of people posting pictures of their food increasing? It didn’t
come from nowhere.
- Bigger sense of freedom: Unlike real life, digital platforms allow us to express ourselves in any way we want
to without anyone there to physically judge us
- Striving to be our ideal selves: Digital Apps, such as Facetune, that allow us to improve our appearances on
photos (through teeth whitening, skin smoothing and body shape editing) helps consumers to express as their
‘ideal’ self online and inevitably feel better about themselves
In conclusion, the digital world has provided us with greater opportunities to express our identity in any form we
want to. But what we all need to remember is: how will we feel if we go so far to express ourselves differently
online that we forget what reality is, or worse, we end up resenting it?

Activity No 2.

Exercise No. 1

Directions: Explain your understanding of the two images presented and answer the questions below.

How will you manage your digital self so that your true identity will not be affected?

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

How does social media shape the youth’s emotional experiences?


Exercise No. 2

Directions: Write the positive and negative effects of using social media to youth nowadays
Write down your answers inside the box

Exercise No. 3
Directions: Read the short situation and answer the questions below.

There is a mother and her preschool age boy sitting next to me. He has made a-sort-rocket out of his
juice box. He says excitedly, "Look what I did with my juice box" not one, two or three...but six times (each louder
than the first). The mother is texting. She looks up at him on his sixth attempt of connecting with her and she
says, "Um, yes, we will leave in 5 minutes." He crushes his rocket. In psychological terms this lack of interaction
is referred to as an empathic failure and will possibly have consequences. Children remain developmentally
concrete for many years and cannot comprehend who their parent is communicating with or why. They just
experience the disconnection and the fact that something they don't understand is coming in between their
relationship with their parent.

1. How could this seemingly attentive and undoubtedly loving mother create better technological boundaries to
preserve her relationship with her child?
2. How could she better define her digital self in a way that is more congruent with her true self?
Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

3. How did this mother end up unintentionally prioritizing her relationship with technology (texting) over her son
at that moment in time?

Identity Theft - also known as identity fraud is a crime in which an imposter

obtains key pieces of personally identifiable information, such as Social Security
or driver's license numbers, in order to impersonate someone else.

Types and examples of identity theft:

1. True-name identity theft means the thief uses personal information to open
new accounts. The thief might open a new credit card account, establish cellular
phone service or open a new checking account in order to obtain blank checks.

2. Account-takeover identity theft means the imposter uses personal information to gain access to the
person's existing accounts. Typically, the thief will change the mailing address on an account and run up a huge
bill before the person whose identity has been stolen realizes there is a problem.

Cybercrime is any criminal activity that involves a computer, networked device or a network. While most
cybercrimes are carried out in order to generate profit for the cybercriminals, some cybercrimes are carried out
against computers or devices directly to damage or disable them, while others use computers or networks to
spread malware, illegal information, images or other materials. Some cybercrimes do both -- i.e., target
computers to infect them with viruses, which are then spread to other machines and, sometimes, entire
networks. Common types of cybercrime include hacking, online scams and fraud, identity theft, attacks on
computer systems and illegal or prohibited online content.

Exercise No. 4
Directions: Read the article below about “Social Media Etiquette for College Students and Young
Professionals”, and then answer the questions below.

Social Media Etiquette for College Students and Young Professionals

by Diane Gottsman

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

Students attend college to become educated, build

friendships, and venture out into the world feeling
confident and equipped with the skills a company will
be impressed to review on a resume.

Unfortunately, a number of Oklahoma University

students were recorded reciting racist comments,
costing the students more than their Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternity expulsion and a scolding from the
president of the university. In the corporate world, employees are expected to be ambassadors of their company.
I feel certain that OU and SAE expected the same respect and consideration from their student representatives.

Their behavior will be forever imprinted on the web, where future employers can readily gain access to their
actions with little effort. Clearly the point is not about being caught, but having the good sense and solid judgment
to NOT participate in archaic racist banter in the first place. This lack of common sense could have happened at
any school, inside any fraternity, or in a myriad of circumstances. It’s every individual’s choice to understand that
decisions, good or bad, can have long term implications.

The effects of social media are never more than a click away and everything you do can potentially be captured
for the entire world to see.

Social Media Etiquette for College Students and Young Professionals:

1. Determine how you want to be perceived on Facebook, Twitter, and all social media outlets. Like
it or not, your communication becomes a strong part of your overall image. Recognize this as an
opportunity to set yourself apart as a person with integrity.

2. Know that employers DO check your social media accounts. Some may tell you they don’t have time
to visit everyone’s profile, but smart employers know it’s worth the effort before saying “yes” to a new

3. Google yourself. Observe what comes up, including Google images. Eliminate any questionable posts
or pictures. Show respect for yourself and your credibility by keeping your posts (and your daily
interaction) clean.

4. You are what you tweet or post. People make judgments based on what they see and every post
matters. Read through your stream and ensure it reflects your character.

5. Don’t rely on privacy settings. Anything can be shared on the web. Download an app that will alert you
if something is posted online where your reputation could be in question. Google Alerts will monitor the
web and notify you when your name has been mentioned. You can find a variety of tools by searching
“Reputation Management”.

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

6. Dedicate posts emphasizing your achievements and accomplishments. Link to charities you support
and let others know how they can get involved. Vary your content to retain interest. And, of course, only
post if it’s the truth.

7. Take your online presence seriously. Social media is a phenomenal way to connect, build a community
of like-minded friends and stay current on what’s going on in the world. Use it wisely and you will reap
the benefits. Abuse it, or disregard its importance, and you will eventually face the consequences.

1. Why is it vital to secure your identity?


2. How does identity theft happen?


3. What should you do if your identity is stolen?


4. Is social media an important factor on building your career? How and why can it affect your employment in
the near future?

Exercise No. 5

Directions: Watch a short clip entitled “Think before you Click” and then answer the questions below.

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

Short Clip:

1. After watching, what did you realize?


2. Why is it important to be careful in choosing what to post on social media?


3. Why do you think most people would want to post anything that is happening in their lives?

Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the table.

Activity 5: Checking for Understanding

Let’s have an enumeration type of short assessment to determine your comprehension.

Now it’s time for you to answer ….

1–5 Reason’s why we have Digital self?

6–7 Types and examples of identity theft

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

8 – 14 Social Media Etiquette for College Students and Young Professionals

15 – Illegal activity that involves a computer, networked device or a network

Write your answers here:



Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Thinking about your learning

Give three (3) positive things that you’ve learn from the lesson.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

From the learning that you get, what are your plans to change for the better “YOU”?

What more do you want to know and learn?



1. How can we control our children to stop or refrain from using gadgets?
Ans. We cannot entirely stop children from using gadgets because it is also used to teach our children
nowadays. We can only teach them to be responsible and educated users.

2. Is it necessary that even adult or senior citizen to use gadgets and internet?
Ans. Yes, let them experience also how it feels like, but they should also observe Social Media Etiquette.
Using social media for elderly is one way of entertainment for them. It can also make connections with old
long lost friends.

3. Why are they allowing some bad and unethical sites to be publicized?
Ans. They are not allowing. In fact, they are blocking sites which are undesirable and with malicious
words. Refrain from accessing malicious sites as this can harm you.


Activity 5: Checking for Understanding Key Answer

1. We want to meet the expectation of others: research shows over 50% of women would edit their social
media photos to look better and meet the expectations that the media and magazines have set.
2. We want to boost our self-esteem: people upload photos and statuses online that they feel will receive
‘likes’ and
positive feedback in which ultimately helps their egos.
3. To feel a sense of belonging: Some of us want to fit in with the crowd and upload things that are ‘down
with the
trend’ - for instance, who notices the amount of people posting pictures of their food increasing? It didn’t
come from nowhere.
4. Bigger sense of freedom: Unlike real life, digital platforms allow us to express ourselves in any way we
want to without anyone there to physically judge us
Gen 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)
Lesson #18

Name: _________________________________________________
Section: _______________________________________ Class number: _______
Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

5. Striving to be our ideal selves: Digital Apps, such as Facetune, that allow us to improve our appearances
on photos
6. True-name identity theft
7. Account-takeover identity theft
8. Determine how you want to be perceived on Facebook, Twitter, and all social media outlets
9. Know that employers DO check your social media accounts
10. Google yourself
11. You are what you tweet or post
12. Don’t rely on privacy settings
13. Dedicate posts emphasizing your achievements and accomplishments
14. Take your online presence seriously
15. Cybercrime

Thank you for your cooperation!!

God Bless…
Stay Safe always!!!


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