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“Submitted to fulfill one of the assignments in English courses”

Supporting Lecturer : Dian Ardiansah, S.Pd., M.Pd

Arranged by :

Group 7

 Mia Amelia 1910007

 Anisa Nurjanah 1910021
 Rahmat Taopik 1910022




Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Praise our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT. Greetings and greetings,
hopefully pour out the abundant blessings of the Lord Alam Rosulullah SAW, because
thanks to His power and greatness we can complete this paper. With all humility, we
would like to thank all those who took part in helping to complete this report. We realize
that the writing of this paper is far from perfect, this is due to the limitations of our abilities,
insights and experiences, I hope this report can provide benefits for us and others. In the
end, we are looking forward to readers' constructive suggestions and criticism. Hopefully
all the help that has been given to us is a pious deed and will get a reply from Allah SWT,

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Suryalaya, 9 December 2020

FOREWORD ................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. ii


1.1 Background of the paper...................................................... 1

1.2 Problem formulation ............................................................ 1

1.3 Purposes ............................................................................... 2


2.1 Definition of Customer Service in a Bank .......................... 3

2.2 Customer Service Duties and Functions .............................. 4

2.3 Customer Service Attitudes in Serving Customers ............. 5

2.4 Basics of Customer Service ................................................. 6

2.5 Products in Customer Service.............................................. 7

CHAPTER III EXAMPLE CONVERSATION .............................................. 8


3.1 Conclusion ........................................................................... 9

3.2 Suggestions .......................................................................... 9




1.1 Background of the paper

Customer Service comes from two words, namely Customer and Service.
according to Kasmir, Customer Service is defined as the action or act of a person or
organization to provide satisfaction to customers or customers.

Customer Service is required to always keep in touch with customers and maintain
good relationships. This of course must be done because maintaining good relations with
customers also means maintaining the image of the bank so that the image of the bank
can continue to improve in the eyes of customers

Customer Service must have the ability to serve customers appropriately and
quickly and have good communication skills. Good Customer Service must be followed
by the availability of facilities and infrastructure that support the speed, accuracy and
accuracy of the work. In addition, Customer Service is required to provide excellent
service to its customers, so that the services provided can satisfy customers. For that a
customer service must have solid service basics such as service etiquette, product
introduction, and other basics.

So, Customer Service is not just about fulfilling knowledge alone, but rather about
skills and applying them. Customer Service is another task of active sales, this task is
included in a direct relationship with the consumer itself, or through means of
communication, voice or automated processes. This is implemented and communicated
with two main objectives, namely operational productivity and customer satisfaction.

1.2 Problem formulation

1. What is meant by customer service in a bank?
2. How is the Attitude of Customer Service in Serving Customers?
3. What are the duties and functions of customer service?
4. What are the basics of customer service?
5. What products are in the Customer Service at the bank?

1.3 Purposes
1. Know the meaning of customer service in a bank.
2. Know how the attitude of customer service in serving customers.
3. Know how the duties and functions of a customer service.
4. Know the basics in customer service.
5. Find out what products are in customer service in a bank.



2.1 Definition of Customer Service in a Bank

Basically a bank is a financial institution that serves the needs of the community,
both for saving money, borrowing money and payment traffic services both domestically
and abroad. According to Law No.10 of 1998 concerning banking, stipulates that "a bank
is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of savings and
distributes in the form of credit and / or in other forms in order to improve the standard
of living of many people" (RI Law No.10 / 1998 Concerning Banking and RI Law No.7
/ 1992 concerning Banking, article 1 paragraph 1).

In general, the notion of customer service is an activity intended or aimed at

someone to give satisfaction to customers through services provided by someone. This
means that every customer service must serve all customer needs satisfactorily. The
services provided include receiving complaints or problems being faced with customers.
Customer service must be smart in finding solutions to solve problems faced by customers.

Bank customer service in serving customers must always try to attract by seducing
prospective customers to be interested in the bank products offered. Customer service is
the most important part of the bank, where all transactions regarding products and
services to customer needs related to information are in the Customer service section. A
Customer Service person must have solid service basics such as service etiquette, product
introduction, and other basics. The services provided will be of high quality if each
Customer Service officer is equipped with knowledge of the basics of service in
accordance with the field of work to be faced, including the ability to master knowledge
of everything related to the bank and the products offered.

Customer Service essentially learns various techniques related to good customer

handling procedures. In this business interaction relationship, our treatment of customers
is very important in building and maintaining a sustainable business continuity. Including
ensuring customer trust and satisfaction. Especially in credit cooperatives, where our
customers are the owners of the business themselves, so their treatment and service is
very important to pay attention to. As the spearhead, of course how to speak, controlling

emotions, facial expressions, patience and insight are among the criteria needed to
become a Customer Service.

2.2 Customer Service Duties and Functions

As a customer service person, of course you already know the main tasks that
must be carried out. This task must be carried out properly In practice, especially in the
banking world, the duties and functions of customer service are as follows:

a. As a Receptionist
Customer service serves as a receptionist, namely as a receptionist who comes to
the bank. The guest in question is a customer who comes to the bank. Its function in
this case is to serve the questions posed by customers and provide the desired
information as completely as possible. When receiving guests, customer service must
be friendly, polite, and pleasant.
b. As Deskman
As a deskman means a customer service person who serves a variety of
applications submitted by customers and prospective customers. The services
provided include providing directions and instructions on how to complete the
application, as well as the desired procedure.
c. As a Salesman
The point is that customer service functions as a person who sells banking
products as well as an implementer of cross selling. Selling products means offering
bank products to every prospective customer who comes to the bank.
In this case, customer service must be good at convincing customers to buy the
products offered.
d. As a Customer Relation Officer
That is to function as a person who can foster good relationships with all
customers, including seducing or persuading customers to stay afloat from the bank
concerned when they face problems. The function as a Customer Relation Officer can
be carried out in various ways, for example by telephone or in person.
In this case, the duty of a customer service is to maintain the image of the bank
by fostering good relationships with all customers so that customers feel satisfied and

trust the bank. The most important thing is to act as a liaison between the bank and
all customers.
e. As a Communicator
As a communicator, customer service functions as a person who contacts
customers and provides information about everything that has to do with the bank and
the customer. Customer Service can also serve as a mouthpiece for the bank to its
2.3 Customer Service Attitudes in Serving Customers

Attitude in serving customers is important for a customer service. Because a good

attitude will have a good effect on the results of services provided to customers. Likewise,
an attitude that is not good or should not be done by a customer service will have a
negative effect on the services provided.

Here are some attitudes that customer service should pay attention to in serving
customers or prospective customers:

a. Give customers the opportunity to speak

This means that customer service provides the opportunity for customers to
express all their wishes first. In this case, customer service must be able to listen to
every conversation put forward by the customer. Customer service must also try to
understand customer wants and needs.
b. Listen carefully
Listening carefully means that when a customer raises a problem, customer
service must listen attentively so that the customer feels happy. Attention will make
customers happy to explain the problems they are facing and their desires.
c. Don't interrupt the conversation
Interrupting or interrupting customer conversations is disrespectful. This can also
distract customers from expressing their opinion.
d. Ask questions after the customer has finished talking
As said before, customer service is prohibited from interrupting or interrupting
conversations. If there are questions raised by the customer, it should be asked after
the customer has finished speaking.

e. Maintain a polite, friendly manner and always act calm
In serving customers, courtesy and friendliness must always be maintained.
Likewise, emotions must remain under control and always behave calmly in dealing
with unpleasant customers.
f. Show a caring attitude and an attitude of wanting to help
In principle, customers who come to the company want to be helped. This means
that the customer has a problem that he is unable to solve on his own.
A. Here's what customer service can do in starting a conversation
 Good morning or good afternoon…
 How are you doing?
 May I help you with something?
 Is there a problem?
 What can I do for you today?
B. this is what customer service can do in ending a conversation with a customer
 Thank you very much.
 glad to help you. We hope you are satisfied with our service.
 Thank you again, if there is still anything you need to ask you don't need to hesitate
to come back.
2.4 Basics of Customer Service

The following are the basics of services that must be understood, namely as
follows, the following:

a. Dress and dress cleanly

b. Confident, friendly and full of smiles
c. Greet them gently and try to say names, if you know them
d. Calm, polite, respectful and listen diligently to every conversation
e. Speak the language properly and correctly
f. Passionate about serving customers and showcase their abilities
g. Don't interrupt and interrupt the conversation
h. Able to trust customers and provide satisfaction
i. If you are unable to deal with the existing problem, ask for help
j. If not able to serve, please let me know when to be served.

2.5 Products in Customer Service

In serving customers a Customer Service must master type products owned by the
bank. In general, to acquire customers, products in the bank's Customer Service are:

 Savings Savings
 Current Accounts
 Deposit Deposits

A. The following is an example of how a customer service person helps a customer
whose ATM card is swallowed in an ATM machine :

Security : Good morning..may I help you?

Anisa : I want to Reporting the stuck ATM card

Security : Here’s your queue number for Customer Service Rina. Please

come forward, thank you!

CS : Good morning, may I help you?

Anisa : actually my ATM card is stuck inside the machine.

CS : Firstly, I will block your card to prevent any undesirable things and to

keep your money safe. Second, don’t worry, the card will be submitted

to our bank and it’s totally safe with us. Lastly, you will need to get a

new card.

Anisa : What if I want to make a new one?

CS : We need your ID and your passbook for verification.

Anisa : Here you go.

CS : I will also need to ask your question to verify it further.

Anisa : Okay.

CS : And you will be able to use your new card shortly.

Anisa : Thank you!



3.1 Conclusion

Basically a bank is a financial institution that serves the needs of the community,
both for saving money, borrowing money and payment traffic services both domestically
and abroad. In general, the notion of customer service is an activity intended or aimed at
someone to give satisfaction to customers through services provided by someone. This
means that every customer service must serve all customer needs satisfactorily.

So, Customer Service in a bank is to serve every customer who wants open a
savings and time deposit bank account. And don't forget also a customer service must be
able to find a way out of every problem experienced by each customer. Not only that, the
role of Customer Service too It is very important for banks to maintain and increase
customer trust and maintaining a positive image through product quality, service quality,
and safety.

3.2 Suggestions

Alhamdulillah, finally this paper assignment was completed in accordance with

the predetermined time. This is inseparable from the blessings given by Allah SWT, who
has given His gifts so that we assign this paper. However, we also realize that there are
still many shortcomings in completing this task. Therefore, ask for criticism and
suggestions from readers for the improvement of future papers.


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