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Topic 1: Accounting and Financial statement?

1. What is accounting? How many types of accounting? (Definition and explaintation

about each types).
2. What is financial statement? What does it include? (Meaning & explaining) The
meaning of financial statements to the business.
3. Explain how transaction impact other financial statement?
4. What skills do you thinks an accountant need?

Topic 2: Goverment and Taxation

1. What is taxation? How many types of tax? (Giving detail about different tax’s name,
explaining what those taxs are about, the rate of each tax.).
2. What is tax evasion and tax avoidance? What are the differences? And how to avoid
3. What is goverment spending? What does it include?
4. Giving agruement both in defence of and against taxation and goverment spending
but preferably with a conclusion coming down on one side or the other?

Topic 3: The business cycle

1. What is economic growth?

2. What is business cycles? How many stages? When will each stage happen? ( When
do you expect the economic situation to change? Why?).
3. Pros and cons of each stage.
4. Cause of business cycles.
5. Demand-Supply diagram. What is it? How is it relate to business cycle?

Topic 4: Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS)

1. What is CSR? How many types of CRS and what are they? (Definition and
2. Why do we need CSR for a business? Is it important?
3. What is the role of CSR to a business? What can it help business?
4. Some example of CSR in Viet Nam.

Topic 5: International Trade

1. What is International Trade?

2. Advantages and disadvantages of international Trade?
3. What is comparative and absolute advantage?
4. What is protectionism? How many types of protectionism? What are they?
(Definition and meaning, examples).
5. What is free trade? Benefits and drawbacks of it. Do you agree with free trade or
against it?

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