Proposal Innovation Management 2020 (BAYMAX SCANNER)

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Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology


Innovation Management Project Proposal

Subject Code
WBB10202 MPU3242

Title of Innovative Project


Name of project Team


Baymax Scanner is basically a medical scanner to detect mild diseases with upgraded or
updated method. The main purpose is to help front liner without spreading any virus in
hospital with new norm. Baymax Scanner is an inspiration of Big Hero 6 which is Baymax is
a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It‟s a
helper robot, who provides assistance to the host or guest within his presence. He is an
inflatable white robot with his metal parts built from inside. They are only visible when one
looks deep inside through his inflatable vinyl material. Due to the spread of Covid-19
outbreaks, we have improved the functionality of Baymax Scanner which can detect mild
illness without contact with others.

1.1 Problem statement

1.1.1 Covid-19 crisis

Now days, there are many diseases that appear such as corona virus (Covid-19). This
virus sacrificing many lives in whole world since end of 2019 but it continues to increase to
this day. It also causes many patients in hospitals and clinics. This condition will cause
hospitals and clinics to be overcrowded with many people with various diseases. Because of
the new virus, people need to live with new norm. So, we must avoid congestion for
preventing the spreading of the Covid-19. As we all know, Covid-19 is a new strain that has
never been identified before. Based on the latest information, Covid-19 is transmitted from
individual to individual through respiratory or contact droplets. Because of the rapid spread
people need to do social distance and wear a mask to prevent it from spreading. The front line
sacrifices a lot to examine patients where they need PPE for any examination for medical
purposes. With this kind of technology, physicians only need to do remote screening without
contact and close contact.

1.1.2 Duration of time

Another problem that normally faced in the hospital is time which is quite long.
Normally, in hospital there are a lot of people to be get treated. So, they should wait for a
long time for their turn. This situation is not good for the person that suffer with disease.
Some of them maybe will feel uncomfortable with this situation because of their health
condition. Of course, they want to finish the treatment quickly and then rest at home. Other
than that, the patient partner also can save their time. Logically, the are at least one person
that bring and accompany the patient to go to the hospital. Long-time taken to get the
treatment will waste their time. Some of them maybe have a lot of thing and work to do. So,
if the Baymax are used in the hospital, the patient can get their treatment quickly and save
their time.

1.1.3 Does not have enough equipment in hospital

In Malaysia even though it is developed country, there are still have many lacks in each
aspect especially health care unit. My point is proven when Ministry of Health stated
„shortage of funds means hospitals are unable to properly replace and procure new
equipment‟ to the audit findings. The latest audit report by the National Audit Department
also flagged the issue with funding for emergency and trauma department, which it deemed
“insufficient”. When we do observations in hospital at several places, they do not have
enough expertise and equipment to treat their patients. This resulted in available staff being
required to work overtime to handle the high workload, which also weakens the quality of
service, as well as the quality of life of emergency and trauma department officers and staff,
as stated in the audited report. This matter is worrying because Malaysian people have rights
to get treated and provided good health care services and the government should provide the
funds to Ministry of Health, but they overlooked upon this thing. But as innovator, we are
responsible to look this issue as important as it be and solve the problem

1.1.4 Doctor prescription sometimes not accurate

There are thousands of health supplements, herbs, potions and lotions used by the
public regularly to treat their health problems. With the number of substances on the market,
it is conceivable that mistakes can be made when practitioners prescribe or dispense drugs.
Sometimes, it can lead the doctor writing the wrong medication, wrong route or dose or the
wrong frequency. Doctor also can make monitoring error such as failing to take into account
patient liver and renal function, failing to document allergy or potential for drug interaction.
With the wrong prescription can cause others complication for health. So if the Baymax are
used in the hospital, the patient can get the right prescription as Baymax can diagnosis and
monitor the graph when the patience takes their medicine. Baymax also does not having other
commitment that can due in disturbing their work compared to doctor as human.

1.1.5 Work management

As we know, the country now is facing a very busy work and efforts. Where our country,
Malaysia, is working against and reducing the Covid-19 pandemic. When a job is too busy, it
is an obligation to establish work management to avoid any undesirable matters such as
disagreements and many critical periods. Work management is related to managing team
workflow and workload that is associated with the scope of a project. It means applying the
core principles of project management for teams to work in a profitable work environment.
Work management is done at an individual level to manage the emails and write down the to-
do lists related to the project. So, with the existence of Baymax, Baymax will further enhance
work management faster and organised because the robot can be set to a repetitive work
without any mistakes. Robot like Baymax, we will set schedules and procedures for it so that
it can work with other robots more organised.
1.2 Purpose

1.2.1 Spend less time in hospital to get treatment

As we all know, many patients need to be treated each day by doctors and this scenario
causes patients to spend long time in waiting hall waiting for their turn to be called by the
doctor. As this machine first purpose is to reduce time for patients undergo treatment in
hospital specifically. By using this machine, shorter time needed to be diagnosed and it can
suggest to the patient on the medication. In 2017, Ministry of Health of Malaysia (MOH)
stated that about 2,337,291 of patients need to ward admissions in government hospital and
50,267 patients in special medical institution under government like IJN. In addition, the
number of outpatients in 2017 treated by government hospital is 66,944,075 alone in that
year. This record is worrying because each year, the number of patients increase by year as
stated by MOH via its annual report. So, the number for each doctor to treat the patient quite
large and this machine may help the doctors to diagnose its patients.

Figure 1: Record of patients by MOH

Each year our Malaysian government by Ministry of Health predicted increasing in number
of patients by two percent and it can create chaos to medical personnel. They may experience
over exhausted, lack of sleep and redundant work that caused by high number of patients.
This creates stressful working condition and bring more harm to the health institution.
Stressful work conditions and exhaustion can lead to reduced empathy for patients and
reduced patient satisfaction. It can also lead to increased clinician errors, and
more physicians wanting to leave the practice. Surprisingly, new technology can have a role in
physician burnout. By the invention of this machine, the time spend in waiting line for
treatment becomes short and this will ease the doctor‟s load.

1.2.2 As a precaution method

The old saying goes „it is to late to lock the stable door after the horse has been
stolen‟. From the idiom, it means regrets to something happen is useless. Doctors in Britain
are “missing opportunities” to spot lung cancer at an early stage, “according to BBC News
reports. A study found around a third of people with the condition die within 90 days of their
initial diagnosis. So, the machine provides people to do self-care medical check-up as a step
of safeguard. Countless disease that we know are fatal when its diagnosed late such as cancer,
nerve disease and so on. When identified early, disease like cancer is more likely to respond
to effective treatment and can result in a greater probability of surviving, less morbidity, and
less expensive treatment. Significant improvements can be made in the lives of cancer
patients by detecting cancer early and avoiding delays in care. If we know our disease earlier,
we can get treatment and if we have a good chance it may heal completely without having
severe complications. Many people out there look down upon this health matter. It is
important to do medical check up frequently so that we can get better information about our
body. This machine can provide all the information of our body and if we have problems, it
can recognise, and we are responsible to do next step.

1.2.3 As an all-rounder machine that knows all about human health

As a team, we planned to create something that can bring benefits to people especially
to people health. Health is important as if we sick, we cannot work or do things that we used
to. By this statement we know that health is a very precious jewels in our lives. As we know,
there is no machine in this world that can scan human body and gives accurate data about the
organ activities, hormone discretion, blood concentration, kidney filtering system, blood
circulation, pulse rate, heart beat rate, oxygen level in blood and many more in just one
machine. We planned to create this innovation to help medical personnel, patients and people
that have not enough time to do medical check up so that they know their health condition.
This machine does not treat people, but it can notify, identify, recognise the disease, and
gives suggestion on medical treatment and medicine. It is like google but for medical purpose

1.2.4 As a medical assistant in hospital

Technology is described as „purposeful design operation‟ and technical practise is

described as the operation by which technical results are produced and have effect on the
environment. Technological results are designed to improve people‟s skills and broaden
human opportunities. By these statements, it is a waste if we have the idea to create
something that can help human to do chores easier, but we choose to not create it. So, the
machine that we introduced may help as a guidance or a helper to medical practitioners to do
their job even better without having difficulties and not to worry about careless mistakes.
Their skill enhances and get better by time and their knowledge will broaden with the help of
this machine. Technology has brought a few remarkable changes to the health industry
throughout the years. It has allowed several cures to be created and beneficial changes to be
made in treatment and care.

1.2.5 Can detect body parts or organs that have problems

The machine nowadays is advance in performing works and it gives high success of
precision and accuracy. This planned innovation gives more about the accuracy and it will
help the doctor to find and detect body parts that need to be cared or treated. We cannot deny
that today‟s machine is good, but this innovation will give much excellent result.
Furthermore, it can detect tumour, cancer cells, just like MRI can do but even better. Usually,
current technologies cannot detect small size of growth in our body because of its have
limitation. This machine also as a first step to diagnose disease and its stage so that
physicians can treat them better with the assist of this innovation.
1.2.6 Save cost

In other side, with this scanner it can help the government to reduce the cost to supply
PPE equipment the hospital. Given that our country experiencing a huge economy crisis, so
we can say that this technology give an advantages to overcome the crisis.

1.2.7 Prevent the close contact

With this Baymax Scanner, it can help simplify the treatment process. It does not
mean we do not need a doctor but with this scanner can help doctors treat mild illness
especially the patient that have Covid-19 symptom. By using this technology, our frontline
does not need to make a close contact to the patient that have the symptoms of corona virus
such as fever, sore throat, cough and cold. All medical check will be delivered by this robot,
so the doctor no need to worry about the risk of infection. This indirectly will reduce the
infection rate in this counter. Using this Baymax Scanner, the patient simply goes and stands
in front of the scanner, inserts their identity card, and then the Baymax will start scanning the
patient. After that, it will give them receipt that shows type of diseases and medication to be
taken. If the illness is mild, the patient simply goes to the counter, shows their receipt and
identity card, gets medicine and goes home, but if there is a serious illness, then the patient
should see a doctor
1.3 Project Goal

1.3.1 Complete tasks within the timeline

Our goal should be to carry out the project within the timeline decided upon. This
means that our team must do everything possible to put the project to an end and keep on
schedule. Remember to prevent guessing and incompetence in designing the scope to provide
a fair timeline to deal within.

1.3.2 Deliver the project in the budget

Some project teams set budgets, and others inherit them. If we set the budget or
inherit it, we need to make sure that we do our best to manage our team's spending and know
where the money is heading. If we complete the job in the budget, we show our willingness
to manage the project professionally.

1.3.3 Finish the project with the desired quality

Even worse, quality is frequently lost to keep up when programs are behind project
plan. Often project leaders find that project components must be downsized or fully removed
in order to catch up. Sure, where there are problems, the project schedule should be updated,
but consistency should never be put at risk. While deadlines are essential, it is also necessary
to retain the consistency of the project throughout the whole process.

In order to benefit people, Baymax was founded by the brilliant Tadashi Hamada as a
healthcare provider to develop healthcare around the world. The method of developing
Baymax was challenging and complicated, but Tadashi never tarnished his willingness to use
his abilities to support humanity, so he worked enthusiastically on Baymax in hopes of
encouraging his younger brother, Hiro, to use his talent as Tadashi did. Nowadays, a barrel-
shaped robot on wheels has been developed by Malaysian scientists that they hope will make
the rounds on hospital wards to check patients with coronavirus, minimising the risk of
infection by health staff. But with this Baymax Scanner is to assist the frontliner without
spreading any new normal virus in the hospital and we also enhanced the efficiency of the
Baymax Scanner due to the spread of Covid-19 outbreaks, which can detect mild illness
without contact with others.

Figure 2: Baymax medical robot Big Hero Six

Health knowledge: Baymax has a health database and has data on over 10,000 different
medical procedures, including likely surgical ones. As he tried to do Hiro therapy, this also
requires psychological wellbeing. Data storage: If Baymax takes the time to retrieve
information from a module, it has the ability to store a large amount of data, making it highly
intelligent in many fields. Monitor screen: In his vinyl body, he can project various types of
data from analysis.
Figure 3: Medibot in Malaysia

A barrel-shaped robot on wheels has been developed by Malaysian scientists that they hope
will make the rounds on hospital wards to check patients with coronavirus, minimising the
risk of infection by health staff. The Medibot, created by scientists at the International Islamic
University of Malaysia, is a 1.5 metre (5-foot) robot built to help health care staff
communicate remotely with COVID-19 patients.

The robot has been designed to help reduce direct interaction time with COVID-19 patients
by nurses and doctors. The university is looking to try it soon at its own affiliated hospital,
which does not treat virus patients, priced at around 15,000 ringgit ($3,500). The teams are
looking at deploying the robots in government hospitals for COVID-19 patients if the trails
are successful. In the battle against COVID-19, several other countries are deploying robots.

The Regional Center of Robotics Technology at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok has

tested a robot modified to screen and observe COVID-19 coronavirus patients. A robot called
Ivo is being used to help patients infected by the novel coronavirus at the Circolo di Varese
hospital. A robot was used to advise clients at a supermarket about healthy behaviour in times
of the coronavirus outbreak in Lindlar, Germany. In India, Tunisia, Italy and the US, other
robots have been used.
2.1 Engine Design

The Chatbot engine is our chat Chatbot 's primary back-end logic that accepts input
using the Get method through the Web Api. The Chatbot engine communicates with the
XML file that contains all the medical data written by the medical professionals. The chatbot
engine acknowledges symptoms and then communicates with the user to determine the
disease that the user may suffer from. It can also accept a disease name and recommend cure
for the same. It maintains sessions to ensure that data between different api calls persists.

2.2 Detecting Disease

By considering the initial symptoms provided by the user, the engine may have short-
listed several diseases. Now, in order to suggest remedies to the user, the engine must
determine the exact illness most likely to be suffered by the user. This is done by the engine
iterating through the sorted list of diseases and asking the user questions about each disease.

It is done in the following way:

a. Our Chatbot asks the first question from each of the diseases in our list to the user. If
the user accepts that the symptom matches with his illness, the engine adds one (+1)
to the score of the disease.
b. Similarly the engine does this for the other two questions of all the diseases. Now the
Chatbot has asked the user the top 3 question from each of the shortlisted diseases.
c. Now the engine does selects the disease eith the highest score
d. If there are multiple diseases with the same score, the engine repeats the above for
few more questions until the last question of any one of the diseases get encountered.
e. If the engine successfully manages to find a single disease with the highest score, it is
most likely the disease the user may be suffering through, but if the engine still cannot
find the disease, our ChatBot connects the user directly to the doctor.
2.3 Consultation Process

Once the engine has successfully identified the disease that the user may be suffering
from, our Chatboat needs to talks to the user and collect the problems he is suffering from
and then accordingly provide the solution based on the problems. To carry out this process,
the Chatboat engine needs to maintain two different arrays for medication and remedies. Also
an integer variable is used to maintain the seriousness score.

The consultation process takes place in the following manner:

1. Questioning Symptoms.
The Chatbot questions the user about the symptoms from the Diesese‟s XML record.
The engine then adds up the score of the symptom to the seriousness score of the
diseases for every symptom that matches with the user‟s problem. If the symptom
matches with the user condition, the respective medication fed in that particular
symptom gets added in the medication array and the similar thing happens for the
remedies array.
2. Threshold Checking
Sometimes, it may happen that the problem is too serious for the chatbot to handle. In
this case the Chatbot would connect the user directly with the doctor and also provide
the doctor with the chat history of the user. By the time the doctor is available to chat,
the user provided by the first-aid solution. To trigger this process, the seriousness
score should hit or rise above the threshold level.
H=Σ (Score) / Threshold Value
H = It is the decision parameter which is used to check if the threshold level
was hit.

Σ (Score) = It is the total score of all the symptoms that the user claims to

Threshold Value = It is the upper limit value until which the Chatbot can

Condition for triggering= if H >= 1 the Chatbot connects the user to the doctor.
3. Providing Solution
After all the symptoms of the particular disease has been questioned to the use, the
consultation session is said to be complete. The engine now uses both the medication
and remedy array to form a combined solution that could be given to the user. The
engine prepares the solution in a XML format. The AIML component uses the
template (<template>) Tag and the SRAIX (<sraix>) Tag to parse the XML response
and show it to the user.

3.1 Form of innovation

The Baymax Scanner offers the form of service innovation. This is because, this
scanner is the upgraded of existing service. Before this, patient with all type of disease does
not matter if it serious or not, they should waiting for their turn to meet the doctor. But with
this new innovation, the treatment process in the hospital become more simple and easy. The
patient just go to the scanner to scan their disease, got the receipt. If there are just a simple
disease, patient just go to the counter and get the medicine, but if there is serious disease the
patient should meet the doctor. By this, we can decrease the amount of patient that waiting to
meet the doctor in hospital.

3.2 Type of innovation

The type of innovation of the Baymax Scanner is disructive.. Disruptive innovation

replace an earlier technology. These products and services improve in line with technology.
Malaysian scientists have created a barrel-shaped robot named Medibot on wheels that they
hope will make the rounds on hospital wards to check on coronavirus patients, reducing
health workers' risk of infection. Baymax scanner are the innovation of Medibot. Instead of
using for Covid-19 ward to check corona virus patient only, we innovate it function to
become multi-function. Now, it can used to detect any other disease and used in another
department in hospital.

3.3 Factor that affect innovation

One of the factor that may affect the innovation is resource which include people,
money and management support. To create the Baymax Scanner, we should get the help and
advice from biomedical engineer. This is because, they have deep information about the
existing technology that used in medical. They will design in proper manner so that the
Baymax‟s system will work properly. We also should have a strong financial in order to
create this innovation. Of course, this kind of innovation quite costly because it used modern
technology. Without good financial, we cannot create it although we have the complete
information and knowledge. Other factor that affect this innovation is infrastructure. We
should have complete infrastructure to create the Baymax Scanner. With the complete
infrastructure, the process to design and build the scanner can more effecient. For example, to
start the design process, we should have the correct software such as solid work or others. So
the design process will more

3.4 Source of innovation

The source of the Baymax innovation is the incongruous which is when thing does not
match as there are expected to. We believe that most people think that all treatment process at
the hospitals is smooth without any delay. But, in reality there are always some problem. For
example, the doctors may not punctual with their times. Of course, there all are normal
people and sometimes have their own technical problem. This situation commonly occurs in
the hospital. This cause there are some delay during the treatment process and cause all
patient should wait for it. It was not good since we are faced will Covid-19 crisis which mean
we should avoid the crowded area. By using this Baymax Scanner, we can overcome this
problem because patient can make their check up with Baymax Scanner.

3.5 Product classification

The Baymax scanner is a an improvement to current product or class of product.

Baymax Scanner is the improvement of the existing product in term of function. Currently,
the mostly machine that used in hospital have it specific function which is limited in its
function. Baymax scanner come with multi-function. It can scan the health condition of
human body and show the result where there is a serious disease or not.

3.6 Process model

The innovation process model for Baymax scanner is Rothwell model (1994) which is
can be specified as Integrated model The term used for the system of health service finance
and management in which both the financing and provision of health services are supplied by
the same organization with no separation between purchasers and providers. This commonly
found in so-called national health services.
3.7 Innovation process design

a. Insight/Research

The idea of Baymax Scanner triggered from the animation of Big hero 6 and the
current technology which is Medibot. We realise that we can improve the medical
treatment in hospital by creating this technology. We with the help of biomedical
engineer make some research about Medibot. From that, we find that the current
Medibot is limited in its function. So, we try to combine all medical technology in the
Baymax scanner. For example, from our research, the current Medibot some are used
specified for covid-19 patient, and some Medibot are used to detect some disease
based on their symptom. Based in that, we innovate this technology by adding and
combining their function in one robot. This Baymax scanner now can scan the human
organ, temperature and the predict the disease based on the symptoms.

b. Development

The concept of our innovation is to increase the efficiency of the current machine and
make the work become easier for medical staff. The purpose of development in
innovation is to gather all the ideas and turn it into a product. This step is important as
what we need in the innovation should lean back to ideas or solve the ideas. We have
been doing some research about the availability of current machine in hospital. Many
machines in rural area especially need some work to keep it reliable and in high
conducive condition as it may affected the precision. We collect ideas from
specialists, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel, on how to improve
productivity of work so that the problem of redundant of non-treated patients will
solve and decrease. We also take advice and consultation from manufacturers in
which part we need to improvise, and most common problems occur that affected the
machine efficiencies. Our idea is solely based on improving function of machine so
that the machine does not do only has one function, but we make it multipurpose
machine. We get this idea from watching a cartoon movie entitled „Big Hero Six‟
where the side character which is a robot that can recognise health level of a person. It
brings us some ideas how fantastic it will be if inventors develop this machine for
benefit of humankind. To build this machine we need to go through multistage of
improvement and prototyping. This new invention needs to always revise or evaluate
so that it does not bring harm in the future. The prototype of this machine needs to
examine so the risk of failure decrease and bring high precision results.

c. Design

People need their interactions with technologies and other complex systems to be
simple, intuitive, and pleasurable. When done well, human-centred design enhances
the user experience at every touch point and fuels the creation of products and
services that deeply resonate with customers. Design is empathic, and thus implicitly
drives a more thoughtful, human approach to business. Baymax deals with the design,
construction, operation, and use of robots and computer systems for their control,
sensory feedback, and information processing. Baymax is a unit that implements this
interaction with the physical world based on sensors, actuators, and information
processing. The Baymax is created with barrel-shaped robot on wheels that hope can
easily moving around the hospital to check the patient. It also equipped with a camera
and screen via which patients can communicate remotely with medics. By using this,
the doctor no need to worry about the risk of infection because it does not need to
make a close contact to the patient that have the symptoms of corona virus such as
fever, sore throat, cough and cold. Baymax is a 1.5-metre-tall (five foot) white robot
that give stabilization during the movement from one place to another place and also
has sensor that can detect any obstacles. So, Baymax can avoid it in preventing the
incident with the patient. Lastly, it has the ability to store a large amount of data,
making it highly intelligent in many fields and the system is always updated with the
information about all the disease because virus always mutation for continuity their
life. So our Baymax can easily identify, recognise the disease, and gives suggestion
on medical treatment and medicine. It is like google but for medical purpose only. By
doing the innovation process, it hopes our Baymax can give benefits in the medical

d. Product Engineering

For the production engineering, there are four process structure required in order for
us to complete the product thoroughly such as job shop, batch, line and continuous
process. Firstly, in order for us to start our customer would place the order through
our designated customer service namely through social media such as Whatsapp or
Instagram or simply by placing order through telephone calls. This is suitable by
using the job shop process. It is because we create it in small amount production
which is by every order we will manufacture the product through cutting edge
technology and skills. The reason being for us choosing job shop for the production
engineering is because it favours towards the cost saving and efficiency of the
production itself. Our financial support team has calculated the production costs,
budget and selling and have found that it is very convenient for us to use job shop
production. The process starts when customer‟s order came through our hotline and
orders accordingly. So, we will later then placed the required materials needed for the
production engineering from our associated companies that we have ventured. Once
the materials have been received, the production starts and it will usually take about 3
– 4 months to complete the product and get through quality control. If the product is
met the requirement needed, it will later be shipped or posted to the wanted direction.
Then, our customer may enjoy the fully functioning product under the warranty
period of 2 year provided by our company. If the product is found to be faulty, it may
be sent back for replacement or fixing.

e. Pilot Testing

The aim of the Pilot Testing is to assess the viability, time, expense, risk and
efficiency of the research project. Pilot Testing verifies the Baymax component or the
entire system under real-time operating situations. This test can be carried out
between the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and the production. In Pilot Testing, a
selected group of end-users will try the system test at the Baymax and provide
feedback before the system is fully deployed. In other words, it involves doing a dress
rehearsal for the usability test on the Baymax. The most famous evaluation approach
is to continually evaluation the device to determine its vulnerable points. These
vulnerabilities are then returned to the development team as design flaw reports, and
these vulnerabilities are fixed in the next Baymax system build. It will have some
procedure used for testing, checking product readiness for full-scale implementation,
better decision on time and resources allocation, gives opportunity to gauge your
target population's reaction to program, measurement of success of program in order
to make the Baymax perfect enough to be market and gives team a chance to practice
activities they will use for usability test.

f. Full scale manufacturing.

To manufacture are new product, we should find new equipment because the current
equipment that we have are only for current product. In doing so, we should
collaborate with other company in Malaysia that can build us the new machine that
suitable to manufacture the Baymax Scanner. We also will sent our worker to get
trained from the company about the procedure to run the machine.

g. Market Launch

For the market launch there are few activities that can help to introduce the Baymax
Scanner. Firstly, preparing sales kits. A sales kit is a promotional tool that members of
sales team can leave behind to educate potential customers about the business and
shows the benefits of the products and services. A useful sales kit consists of
educational and promotional material designed to help a sales representative win new
customers. As competition grows across all industries, the sales kit can help company
stand out above the rest by demonstrating legitimacy and product knowledge as the
Baymax Scanner are useful to people in medication field. Next, demonstration is an
act of showing that something exists or is true by giving proof or evidence. So that,
before launching to the Hospital we will demonstrate the product to convince Doctors
and Nurses that this Baymax Scanner will help a lot in control the spreading of virus
nowadays. We also preparing promotion, Promotion is a catch-all term that includes
all the ways a business can attempt to enhance the visibility of its products, services,
or brand. With this Baymax Scanner we will start with a Prototype to explain the
function for health and reduce the physical contact between front liners and patients.

Project Action Steps Person in charge Resources Material

1.Project title briefing All group members Briefing by Dr Shahbani
2.Brainstorming the project All group members Google, Youtube, Yahoo
3.Discussion All group members Google Scholar
4. Literature review Umaira Nadirah Google Scholar
5. Design the circuit Alimi Proteus 8
6. Purchasing the component Alimi Online shopping
for the project Aizat
7. Construct the project Hazim Proteus 8
8. Tested the project Umaira Nadhirah Proteus 8
9. Collecting data Alimi Proteus 8
10. Troubleshooting Aizat Proteus 8
Umaira Nadhirah
11. Finishing project All group members

Mark Miodownik, 25 October 2015, Inflatable ‘soft robots’ like Baymax may be used in
hospital, viewed 30 September 2020
Big Hero 6 Wiki, 17 November 2015, Baymax, viewed 30 September 2020
Alita Sharon, 15 April 2020, Countries deploy robots against COVID-19, viewed 10 October
2020 <>
The Medical Futurist, 16 January 2020, The Top 12 Health Chatbots, viewed 10 October
2020 <>

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