Good Questions - Science 5 Journal

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Week 12: Survey

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Week 11 in
How to create a good questionnaire?
The first question is one you should ask yourself:

"What do I hope to learn from asking the questions?"

This defines your objectives: what you want to achieve by the end of the survey.

Example: you want to rebuild the bridge in the village. You feel that
with some help and some money you could make it really useful

You want to survey your local community to find out:

● Are other people also worried about the broken bridge.

● Are they willing to donate their time or money to help.
Now you know why you are doing a survey, start writing down the questions you will

Just write down any questions you think may be useful. Don't worry about quality at
this stage, we will improve your list of questions later.

Example: Questions you could ask for the broken bridge


● Does broken bridge worry you?

● Do you ever go pass the broken bridge?
● Can you spare some money to help rebuild the bridge?
● Have you noticed the transportation difficulties because of the broken
● Are you happy to volunteer for rebuilding the bridge?
● When would you be available to help?
● etc...
Types of Questions
A survey question can be:

● Open-ended (the person can answer in any way they want), or

● Closed-ended (the person chooses from one of several options)

Closed ended questions are much easier to total up later on, but may stop people giving an
answer they really want.

Example: "What is your favorite color?"

Open-ended: Someone may answer "dark fuchsia", in which case you will need to
have a category "dark fuchsia" in your results.

Closed-ended: With a choice of only 12 colors your work is easier, but they may not
be able to pick their exact favorite color.
Types of Questions
Look at each of your questions and decide if they should be open-ended
or closed ended (take the opportunity to rewrite any questions, too)

Example: "What do you think is the best way to rebuild the broken bridge?"

Make it Open-ended:
the answers won't be easy to put in a table or graph, but you may get some good ideas, and
there may be some good quotes for your report.

Example: "How often do you pass the bridge?"

Make it Closed-ended with the following options:

● Nearly every day
● At least 5 times a year
● 1 to 4 times a year
● Almost never

You can present this data in a neat bar graph.

List of Questions
Write the questions (related with your issue) for your survey in this provided boxes.

No Survey Questions

1 Apakah kamu sering menyisakan makanan ketika makan?

a. Sering
B. Tidak Pernah
C. Kadang-kadang

2 Apakah yang kamu lakukan dengan sisa makanan yang kamu hasilkan?
a. Buang di tempat sampah
b. Memberikan kepada orang tidak mampu
c. Dimasak kembali
d. Diberikan ke peliharaan

3 Apakah yang kamu ketahui tentang sampah makanan yang terjadi di Indonesia?
Iya, sampah makanan di Indonesia mencapai 13juta ton per tahun.

4 Apakah yang harus kamu lakukan untuk mengurangi sampah makanan di Indonesia?
Menyimpan dan menghabiskan makanan sehingga tidak terbuang buang.
List of Questions
Write the questions (related with your issue) for your survey in this provided boxes.

No Survey Questions

5 Makanan apa saja yang banyak menjadi sampah?

Sayuran,buah buahan,beras

6 Bagaimana cara memanfaatkan sampah makanan?

Dibuat menjadi kompos atau pupuk

7 Bahan sisa makanan apa saja yang bisa diolah menjadi kompos?
Sayuran dan daging

8 Bagaimana mengolah sampah makanan di rumah?

Memisahkan sampah organik dan anorganik
List of Questions
Write the questions (Air Pollution) for your survey in this provided boxes.

No Survey Questions

List of Questions
Write the questions (Air Pollution) for your survey in this provided boxes.

No Survey Questions

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