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G Staikov, Institute of Solid State Research (IFF-b), Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany
& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction (2) electrodeposition on a substrate of the same metal

Me, which corresponds to the growth of the three-di-
Electrocrystallization refers to nucleation and crystal mensional (3D) Me crystal phase. The case of electro-
growth occurring on electrodes in electrochemical sys- deposition on foreign substrate (1) is more general
tems under the influence of an electric field. Nucleation because the advanced deposition stages of the process
and growth phenomena are involved in many battery always involve the crystal growth of the 3D Me phase.
systems, where the electron transfer is coupled to various The mechanism of initial stages of Me deposition on
phase transformations occurring during charge and/or foreign substrates depends strongly on the Me–substrate
discharge in the active electrode materials. For example, in interaction and the crystallographic misfit between the
the lead–acid battery the electrochemical reactions in- bulk 3D Me crystal phase and the substrate. At a rela-
volve formation of different electronically conducting and tively weak Me–substrate interaction, the deposition
insulating crystal phases (e.g., lead, lead dioxide (PbO2), process starts at electrode potentials E more negative
lead sulphate (PbSO4), which have a decisive influence on than the Nernst equilibrium potential of the 3D Me
the characteristics and operational life of the battery. phase (EoE3DMe) with the formation of isolated 3D
Electrocrystallization is also a basis for technologically Me crystallites on an unmodified foreign substrate
important electrochemical processes such as electro- (Figure 1(a)). This deposition mechanism is not affected
deposition, passivation, and electrorefining. The electro- by the Me–substrate misfit and is called ‘Volmer–Weber’
deposition has recently become of particular importance growth mode. In the case of strong Me–substrate inter-
for the development of modern micro- and nanosystem action, however, the deposition can start even at elec-
technologies. A typical example is the developed elec- trode potentials more positive than the Nernst
troplating technology for fabrication of submicron copper equilibrium potential (E > E3DMe) with the formation of
on-chip interconnects of microelectronic devices. Elec- Me monolayers (2D Me phases), a phenomenon known
trocrystallization processes are not only of technological as underpotential deposition (UPD). The 2D Me phases
interest but, in many cases, also offer excellent possibilities formed in the UPD range act as precursors for the
for investigating the fundamental aspects of nucleation
and crystal growth. This is mainly because in electro-
chemical systems the driving force and the rate of crys- 3D Me
tallization can be measured and controlled with high
accuracy by the electrode potential and the current.
Typical electrochemical reactions involving phase for-
mation and crystal growth phenomena are: (i) cathodic
electrodeposition of metals, semiconductors, and alloys; (a)
(ii) anodic electrodeposition of semiconductors; and (iii)
anodic formation of insulating layers (passive layers) on 2D Me
metallic and semiconducting substrates.
The overall electrocrystallization processes are com-
plex; in addition, the phase formation phenomena involve
ion transport in the electrolyte and charge transfer across (b)
the electrode/electrolyte interface. Additional compli-
cations can arise due to chemical reaction steps and/or
parallel electrochemical reactions. The simplest con-
ditions can be realized in the case of electrodeposition of
a metal (Me) from an electrolyte containing simple metal
ions (Mez þ ): (c)

Figure 1 Schematic representation of different mechanisms of

Mezþ þ ze -Me ½I initial deposition stages on foreign substrates: (a) Volmer–Weber
growth mode, (b) Stranski–Krastanov growth mechanism, and (c)
Two situations can be generally considered: (1) formation Frank–van der Merwe growth mode. 3D Me, three-dimensional
of the new Me phase on an inert foreign substrate and metal; 2D, two-dimensional metal.

Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization 33

subsequent formation of the 3D Me phase at EoE3DMe following expression:

and can lead to two different deposition mechanisms
2 3 
depending on the crystallographic Me–substrate misfit. 4Bvm sF nc
DG̃ðnc Þ ¼ ¼ ze jZj ½2
In systems with significant Me–substrate misfit, the de- 27ðze jZjÞ2 2
position follows the so-called Stranski–Krastanov growth
mode including the formation of unstrained 3D Me where B is a geometrical factor depending on the shape of
crystallites on top of a predeposited and strained 2D Me the 3D nucleus (B ¼ 36p for a sphere and B ¼ 63 for a
phase (Figure 1(b)). In the rare cases of negligibly small cube), vm the volume of an atom in the nucleus, s the
Me–substrate misfit, the UPD monolayers are unstrained average specific surface energy of the nucleus, and F* a
and the deposition of Me can take place by a layer- factor, which accounts for the nucleus–substrate inter-
by-layer mechanism known as ‘Frank–van der Merwe’ action. The corresponding stationary nucleation rate J
growth mode (Figure 1(c)). can be expressed as follows:
The above considerations show that electrodeposition
of metals includes many 2D and 3D phase formation J ¼ K1 exp½DG̃ðnc Þ=kB T  ¼ K1 expðK2 =Z2 Þ ½3
phenomena, which play an important role in determining where K2 ¼ 4Bvm s F =27ðzeÞ2 kB TT . The preexpo-
2 3 
the deposition kinetics and the evolution of morphology nential factor K1 depends only slightly on Z and, for small
and structure of metal deposits. Detailed investigations |Z| values, can be considered as a constant. For small
of metal electrodeposition in various systems have nuclei consisting only of several atoms, macroscopic
contributed significantly to a deeper understanding quantities such as surface energy and adhesion energy
of nucleation and growth and to the development of lose their physical meaning, and eqns [2] and [3] no
theoretical models of electrocrystallization at an atomic longer hold good. In this case, the nucleation process can
level. Therefore, in the following two sections of this be described by the so-called atomistic nucleation model.
article the basic theoretical and experimental aspects of According to this model, the excess energy term F(n) in
electrocrystallization will be reviewed and illustrated eqn [1] can be expressed by
considering the kinetics and mechanism of nucleation
and crystal growth processes in the case of metal elec- X
trodeposition. An approach for studies of electro- FðnÞ ¼ nfk  fi ½4
crystallization processes relevant to the lead–acid battery
system will be discussed in a separate section. where fk is the binding energy of an atom in the so-
called kink site or ‘half-crystal’ position of the infinitely
large bulk crystal and fi represents the binding energy of
Formation of New 3D Crystal Phase an atom in position i of the small cluster formed on the
foreign substrate. The calculations show that in contrast
The driving force of electrochemical formation of a new
to the classical nucleation model, nc remains constant in
3D Me crystal phase, the supersaturation Dm̃, is given by
relatively large overpotential intervals, in which the sta-
the relation Dm̃ ¼ zeZ, where e is the elementary
tionary nucleation rate is described by the equation
charge and Z ¼ E  E3DMe o0 represents the cathodic
overpotential. The formation of the new phase requires 0
J ¼ K1 exp½Fðnc Þ=kB T exp½ðnc þ 1  aÞze jZj=kB T  ½5
the generation of clusters with a size ensuring their
spontaneous growth at the applied overpotential Z. The where the constant K1 includes the number density of
energy of formation DG̃ðnÞ of a cluster consisting of n Me nucleation sites N0 and (1  a) is the cathodic charge
atoms can be generally expressed by the equation: transfer coefficient for the transfer of metal ions from the
electrolyte to the nc-size critical nucleus under the action
DG̃ðnÞ ¼ nze jZj þ FðnÞ ½1 of Z.
A specific feature of the J|Z| relationship is the
where the term F(n) represents the energy excess asso- existence of a critical overpotential |Zcrit|. As illustrated
ciated with the creation of new interfaces. At constant Z, schematically in Figure 2, the nucleation rate J is
the function DG̃ðnÞ displays a maximum at a critical practically zero at jZj{jZcrit j and rises exponentially at
cluster size nc, at which the cluster can grow spon- jZjcjZcrit j. Based on this specific behavior, a very
taneously. This critical cluster is called the nucleus of the powerful double-pulse potentiostatic technique for
new phase and determines the energy barrier for nu- experimental investigation of nucleation kinetics was
cleation DG̃ðnc Þ. developed. In this technique, nuclei of the new phase are
According to the classical nucleation model, the en- generated applying a short nucleation pulse with suf-
ergy barrier DG̃ðnc Þ for the formation of 3D nuclei on a ficiently high amplitude jZ1 jcjZcrit j. During a following
foreign substrate can be related to nc and Z by the second growth pulse with much lower amplitude
34 Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization

jZ2 j{jZcrit j, the nuclei generated by the first pulse grow ln J versus |Z| plot. The experimental ln J  |Z| de-
to larger crystallites, which can be microscopically ob- pendence shows two distinct linear regions in agreement
served. This allows the determination of the number with eqn [5] and the predictions of the atomistic nucleation
density of nuclei N by counting the number of crystallites model. From the slopes of the two straight lines, values
on a given substrate area. Experimental N  t depen- of nc ¼ 4 and nc ¼ 1 can be obtained for the number
dences at different overpotentials can be easily obtained of silver atoms in critical nucleus in the overpotential
by varying the duration of the first nucleation pulse. intervals 25 mV{|Z|{51 mV and 51 mV{|Z|{90 mV,
Figure 3 presents the illustrative experimental data respectively.
obtained by the double-pulse technique described above for The overall rate of formation of the new 3D Me
electrochemical nucleation of silver on a glassy carbon crystal phase on a foreign substrate is determined by both
substrate. Experimental plots of the number density of nu- the nucleation rate and the growth rate of newly formed
clei N versus time t (nucleation pulse duration) at different crystallites. Two limiting cases of nucleation are usually
overpotentials Z (nucleation pulse amplitudes) are shown in considered. The so-called ‘instantaneous nucleation’ re-
Figures 3(a) and 3(b). The data for the stationary nucle- fers to the case when all nucleation sites N0 are converted
ation rate (J ¼ dN/dt) determined from the slopes of the to nuclei virtually instantaneously at t ¼ 0, while in the
linear N  t dependences are presented in Figure 3(c) in a case of so-called progressive nucleation, the nucleation
sites are converted to nuclei progressively during the
whole period of observation.
In the very initial stage of phase formation, the indi-
vidual small crystallites grow independently and the
fraction of the substrate surface covered by them or their
diffusion zones is negligibly small. Under these con-
Nucleation rate J

ditions, the current–time relationships can be expressed

by a general time law i(t)Bt p, where the power p depends
on the rate-determining step of metal deposition reaction
(charge transfer, ion transport) and on the nucleation
type (instantaneous or progressive). For example, in the
case of crystallite growth controlled by hemispherical
diffusion, the initial current density i(t) is expressed by

Figure 2 A schematic representation of the dependence of

nucleation rate J on the overpotential |Z|. jiðt Þj ¼ N0 Kd ðZÞt 1=2 ½6

50 mV
45 mV
80 40 mV
N (cm2)

60 35 mV 13

40 30 mV
25 mV
20 11

0 40 80 120 160 200 240
In J

(a) t (ms)
90 mV
80 80 mV 70 mV
60 mV 7
55 mV
N (cm2)


40 5

0 3
0 2 4 6 8 10 40 60 80 100
(b) t (ms) (c)  (mV)

Figure 3 Kinetics of electrochemical nucleation of silver on a glassy carbon electrode: (a) and (b) dependences of number of nuclei N
on time t for various overpotentials |Z|, and (c) dependence of the stationary nucleation rate J on the overpotential |Z|. Adapted from
Milchev A and Vassileva E (1980) Electrolytic nucleation of silver on a glassy carbon electrode. Part II. Steady state nucleation rate.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 107: 337–352.
Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization 35

for the case of instantaneous nucleation and by where qmon is the charge density needed for the de-
position of one monolayer.
2J ðZÞKd ðZÞ 3=2
jiðt Þj ¼ t ½7 Optimal experimental conditions for investigation of
different growth mechanisms have been realized in the
for the case of progressive nucleation. In these equations case of electrochemical growth of isolated Ag(100) and
the growth constant Kd ðZÞ is given by Kd ðZÞ ¼ Ag(111) single-crystal faces prepared by the so-called
ð2DcÞ3=2 ½1  expðzeZ=kB T Þ3=2 , where D and c are capillary technique. In this technique, a properly oriented
the diffusion coefficient and the concentration c of metal silver single crystal is grown in a glass capillary by
ions in the electrolyte, respectively. As can be seen electrodeposition from an aqueous 6M silver nitrate
from eqn [7], in the case of progressive nucleation the electrolyte solution. Applying appropriate deposition
nucleation rate J can be estimated from the slopes of the conditions, isolated ‘quasi-perfect’ Ag(100) and Ag(111)
|i| versus t3/2 plots of initial parts of experimental current single-crystal faces can be produced completely free of
transients. This technique has been successfully used screw dislocations or with a limited number of screw
for investigation of nucleation kinetics in many electro- dislocations. Next, the various crystal growth mech-
chemical systems with fast charge-transfer reactions anisms are discussed on the basis of selected experi-
and low concentrations c. mental results obtained on such ‘quasi-perfect’ silver
As mentioned earlier, eqns [6] and [7] are applicable crystal faces in the system Ag(hkl )/6M silver nitrate.
only in the very initial stages of the phase formation The generation of new monatomic layers on a screw
process. In the advanced deposition stages, however, it is dislocation-free singular crystal face takes place by 2D
also necessary to take into account the reduction in the nucleation. The kinetics and the mechanism of the
substrate surface area available for nucleation due to the growth process are determined by the mean nucleation
spreading and overlap of growing crystallites and their time t̄n and the propagation time tp defined by the
diffusion zones. In the existing theoretical models, the equations
actual fractional surface coverage y(t) is usually described
t̄n ¼ ðJAÞ1 ½10
by the Kolmogorov–Avrami relation:

yðt Þ ¼ 1  exp½yext ðt Þ ½8 tp ¼ Vp1 A1=2 ½11

where yext(t) is the so-called extended fractional coverage where J is the stationary nucleation rate, A the area of the
representing the total surface area that would be covered by crystal face, and Vp the rate of propagation of 2D islands
all growing crystallites disregarding their interference and (the propagation rate of monatomic steps). Two different
overlap. Different theoretical expressions for the overall growth mechanisms can be generally distinguished de-
current transients have been derived on the basis of eqn [8] pending on the characteristic times t̄n and tp: (1)
using various approximations for the shape of growing mononuclear layer-by-layer growth and (2) multinuclear
crystallites and their diffusion zones. A good fitting has been multilayer growth.
obtained in many cases between experimental and theore- The mononuclear layer-by-layer growth mechanism
tical transients. Nevertheless, it is often recommended that operates at relatively low |Z| where the mean nucleation
the used theoretical models and the fitting parameters be time is much larger than the propagation time t̄n ctp .
checked, whenever possible, using independent measure- Under these conditions the formation of each new
ments including direct microscopic observations. monolayer involves only one 2D nucleus, which has
In the advanced growth stages the surface of the enough time to propagate over the whole surface before
crystal consists usually of low-index faces called singular the next nucleus is formed. The growth process is
faces, which determine the crystal growth rate. The most characterized by current fluctuations connected with the
important theoretical and experimental aspects of elec- nucleation and spreading of each monolayer. The cor-
trochemical growth of singular crystal faces are reviewed responding mean current density depends only on the
in the following section. nucleation frequency (JA) and is given by

Growth of Singular Crystal Faces 1
jī j ¼ jiðt Þjdt ¼ qmon JA ½12
Generally, the current density for the electrochemical
growth of a singular crystal face is determined by the Figure 4 shows a typical current response obtained
frequency of generation of monolayers fmon and can be during the electrochemical growth of a ‘quasi-perfect’
expressed by the equation screw dislocation-free Ag(100) crystal face at a constant
overpotential Z ¼ 6 mV. Single-current spikes (tran-
ji j ¼ fmon qmon ½9 sients) that are sporadic in time are observed under these
36 Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization


i (mA cm2)
I (nA)

40 10


0 0
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40 50
t (ms)
t (s)
Figure 5 Current density transient for the multinuclear
Figure 4 Current transients during the mononuclear layer-by-
multilayer growth of a quasi-perfect (screw dislocation–free)
layer growth of a quasi-perfect (screw dislocation–free) Ag(100)
Ag(100) single crystal face at an overpotential. Adapted from
single crystal face at an overpotential Z ¼  6 mV. Electrode area
Budevski E, Obretenov W, Bostanov V, et al. (1989) Noise
A ¼ 3  104 cm2. The insets indicate the locations of growing 2D
analysis in metal deposition – Expectations and limits.
islands. Adapted from Budevski E, Obretenov W, Bostanov V,
Electrochimica Acta 34: 1023–1029.
et al. (1989) Noise analysis in metal deposition – Expectations
and limits. Electrochimica Acta 34: 1023–1029.
Carlo simulations using various approximations. Ac-
conditions. Each current transient is characterized by a cording to the theoretical calculations, the overall tran-
charge density equivalent to that for the formation of one sient is characterized by an initial current increase
monolayer (qmon), which demonstrates clearly that the followed by several oscillations before reaching the
mononuclear layer-by-layer growth mechanism operates steady-state current density given by
in this case. The shape and the duration of each current
transient depend on the location of growing 2D islands jiss j ¼ bqmon ðbJVp2 Þ1=3 ½14
on the crystal face as illustrated in Figure 4 (insets).
Before the interference of a growing 2D island with the where b is a constant, which varies from theory to theory
face boundaries, the growth current I1(t) increases lin- and has a value close to unity.
early with time according to the equation: Figure 5 presents a typical experimental current
transient obtained on a screw dislocation–free Ag(100)
jI1 ðt Þj ¼ 2qmon bVp2 t ½13 face at an overpotential Z ¼  14 mV. As seen, the tran-
sient shows the characteristic current oscillations pre-
where b is a factor that depends on the geometric shape dicted by the theoretical calculations for the case of
of the growing 2D island (b ¼ p for a disk). The propa- multinuclear multilayer growth. The product ðbJVp2 Þ can
gation rate Vp can be evaluated from the slope of initial be evaluated from the very initial rising part of the cur-
linear parts of current transients using eqn [13]. A de- rent transient, which is described by jiðt Þj ¼ jqmon jbJVp2 t 2.
tailed statistical analysis of current–time records with The analysis of experimental data for |iss| and ðbJVp2 Þ
sufficiently large number of nucleation events showed obtained at different Z in an ln |iss| versus ln ðbJVp2 Þ plot
that under these conditions the process of 2D nucleation shows a linear dependence with a slope of 1/3 in good
occurs randomly in space and time. The mean nucleation agreement with eqn [14].
time t̄n and the corresponding 2D nucleation rate J can The growth mechanisms with 2D nucleation dis-
be obtained from the statistical analysis of experimental cussed above operate rarely in real systems because real
results. crystals are usually not perfect and contain screw dis-
With increasing |Z|, the nucleation rate J increases locations. It is well known that screw dislocations play an
much faster than the propagation rate Vp and t̄n becomes important role in determining the mechanism of growth
much shorter than tp ðt̄n {tp Þ. In this case the deposition of real crystals. A screw dislocation intersecting a singular
of each monolayer involves the formation of large crystal face gives rise to the appearance of a step, which
number of nuclei. During the growth process the growth originates from the intersection point (Figure 6(a)). After
morphology of the crystal face has a multilevel structure, application of a cathodic overpotential, this step winds up
which is formed due to the nucleation occurring on top into a spiral and the growth takes place by the so-called
of growing 2D islands of the preceding monolayer. This spiral growth mechanism (Figure 6(b)). A specific feature
multinuclear multilayer growth has been investigated of this mechanism is that during the growth process, the
extensively by different analytical methods and Monte spiral step does not disappear and the crystal face can
Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization 37

grow continuously even at very low |Z| without the need where i(0) represents the current density at t ¼ 0. This
of 2D nucleation. The height of spiral steps is related to current–time relationship is derived on the basis of
the Burgers vector of screw dislocation and for metal Kolmogorov–Avrami relation (eqn [8]) considering a
crystals is usually equal to the height of the monatomic large number of dislocations randomly distributed on the
steps. The growth spirals consisting of monatomic steps crystal face.
appear as growth pyramids with a slope determined by Figure 7(a) shows a current transient obtained on a
the step distance (the distance between spiral turns) ds(Z). ‘quasi-perfect’ Ag(111) crystal face intersected by only
At low cathodic overpotentials |Z|{kBT/ze the steady- one screw dislocation. At short times, before the inter-
state current density for the spiral growth is given by ference of the new growth pyramid with the face
2 boundaries, the initial growth current I(t) is described by
Vp ðZÞ qmon kV 2
jiss j ¼ qmon ¼ Z ½15
ds ðZÞ 19e
I ðt Þ ¼ I ð0Þ þ ½iss  ið0ÞbVp2 t 2 ½17
where e is the specific edge energy and kV the propa-
gation rate constant of monatomic steps defined by
kV ¼ Vp(Z)/|Z|. The parabolic |iss|  Z2 dependence where I(0) and i(0) ¼ I(0)/A are the current and the
predicted by eqn [15] has been found experimentally by current density at t ¼ 0. Figure 7(b) represents the initial
electrochemical growth of ‘quasi-perfect’ Ag(100) and part of experimental current transient in an I versus t 2
Ag(111) crystal faces with limited number of screw dis- plot. From the analysis of observed linear I  t 2 de-
locations. As seen from eqn [15], the steady-state current pendence and from the steady-state current obtained at
density iss does not depend on the number density Nd of long times, the parameters (kV and e) characterizing the
screw dislocations intersecting the crystal face. On the spiral growth process can be determined.
contrary, the current density transient i(t) for the spiral
growth depends on Nd and can be expressed by the
equation Electrocrystallization Processes Relevant
to the Lead–Acid Battery System
iðt Þ ¼ ið0ÞexpðNd bVp2 t 2 Þ
þ iss ½1  expðNd bVp2 t 2 Þ ½16 As mentioned in the ‘Introduction’ section, the electro-
chemical reactions occurring during the operation of the
lead–acid battery involve the formation of nonmetallic
crystal phases such as the semiconducting lead dioxide
and the insulating lead sulfate. The investigation of
kinetics and mechanism of these electrocrystallization
processes under real operation conditions of the lead–
acid battery is a very difficult task. An effective approach
(a) (b) to overcome some of the arising problems is described in
Figure 6 Schematic representation of the spiral growth this section. This approach is based on the application of
mechanism: (a) crystal face with a step originating from a screw microelectrodes and allows the study of nucleation and
dislocation and (b) spiral growth of the crystal face. growth kinetics of single growth centers of the new 3D

1.0 0.5

I (A)

I (A)



0.2 0.35
0 5 10 15 20 0 4 8 12
(a) t (s) (b) t 2 (s2)

Figure 7 Current transient for the spiral growth of a Ag(111) crystal face intersected by only one screw dislocation (initial overpotential
|Zi| ¼ 0.25 mV; final overpotential |Zf| ¼ 1.15 mV ) (a) overall current transient and (b) I vs t 2 plot of the initial part of the transient. Adapted
from Staikov G, Obretenov W, Bostanov V, Budevski E, and Bort H (1980) Current transients for the electrolytic growth of crystal faces
intersected by screw dislocations. Electrochimica Acta 25: 1619–1623.
38 Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization

12 •

10 •

I 1/2 (nA1/2)
8 2

I (nA)
6 •

4 1 •

2 t0 •

0 40 80 120 20 40 60 80
(a) t (s) (b) t − t 0 (s)

Figure 8 Current transient for the electrocrystallization of a-PbO2 on a carbon disk microelectrode (radius 4 mm) at an overpotential
Z ¼ 400 mV: (a) I vs t transient and (b) I1/2 versus (t  t0) plot of the transient. Adapted from Li LJ, Fleischmann M, and Peter LM (1989)
Microelectrode studies of lead–acid battery electrochemistry. Electrochimica Acta 34: 459–474.

crystal phase by electrochemical and microscopic the birth of the first nucleus t0 by analyzing sufficient
measurements. number of nucleation events at different overpotentials.
Figure 8 shows a typical current transient obtained Carbon microelectrodes modified with electrodeposited
during anodic electrocrystallization of a-PbO2 on a single lead dioxide centers were also applied successfully
carbon disk microelectrode with a 4 mm radius. The for investigation of the reductive transformation of
corresponding electrochemical reaction is given by lead dioxide to lead sulfate in sulfuric acid electrolyte
Pb2þ þ 2H2 O-PbO2 þ 2e þ 4Hþ ½II

The driving force for this electrocrystallization process is Conclusions

given by the anodic overpotential Z ¼ E  E3DPbO2 > 0
where E3DPbO2 represents the Nernst equilibrium po- This article reviews the present knowledge of nucleation
tential of the 3D lead dioxide phase. As seen in and crystal growth phenomena involved in electro-
Figure 8(a), after application of the overpotential at t ¼ 0 crystallization. The theory and experiment of electro-
a sharp current increase is observed at a relatively long chemical nucleation have been well developed. A
time t0 corresponding to the birth of the first stable significant contribution has been made by the intro-
growth center of lead dioxide. Figure 8(b) shows that the duction of the atomistic nucleation theory. The mech-
initial rising part of the transient in Figure 8(a) is in anisms and kinetics of crystal growth are well understood
agreement with the current–time relation for kinetically and have been experimentally verified in the case of
(charge transfer) controlled growth of a single hemi- electrocrystallization of silver on isolated silver single-
spherical lead dioxide center given by crystal faces. Although the considerations in this article
are restricted to the simple case of electrocrystallization
nF 3 of metals, the presented basic theoretical and experi-
I ðt Þ ¼ 2p V ðt  t0 Þ2 ½18 mental concepts are general and can be applied to other
vM g
electrocrystallization systems. In real systems, however,
In this equation, n ¼ 2 is the number of transferred and in particular in the battery systems electro-
electrons, F the Faraday number, vM the molar volume of crystallization processes are complex and are often
the lead dioxide deposit, and Vg ¼ Vg(Z) the overpotential coupled to other electrochemical and chemical rea-
dependent growth rate. The deviation from the linear ctions. Therefore, developments of specific sophisticated
I1/2 versus (t  t0) plot at (t  t0) > 40 s observed in experiments and theoretical models are necessary to
Figure 8(b) is due to the birth of a second lead dioxide elucidate the kinetics and mechanism of electrocry-
growth center. Subsequent examination of lead dioxide stallization.
deposit by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) con-
firmed the formation of a second growth center. SEM
studies also confirmed the hemispherical shape of the
growing centers. From the slopes of experimental linear
I1/2 versus (t  t0) plots and eqn [18], the overpotential Symbols and Units
dependence of the growth rate Vg(Z) was determined. A area of a crystal face
The nucleation rate can be extracted from the times for B,b geometrical factors
Electrochemical Theory | Electrocrystalization 39

c concentration of metal ions in the Abbreviations and Acronyms

electrolyte 2D two-dimensional
ds step distance SEM scanning electron microscopy
D diffusion coefficient of metal ions in the UPD underpotential deposition
e elementary charge
E electrode potential
E3DMe equilibrium potential of a 3D metal
See Also: Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and
Electrochemical Applications: Lead; Silver;
fmon frequency of generation of monolayers
Electrochemical Theory: Electrokinetics; Kinetics;
F Faraday number
History: Electrochemistry; Recycling: Lead–Acid
i current density
Batteries: Overview; Secondary Batteries – Lead–Acid
i¯ mean current density
Systems: Overview.
iss steady-state current density
I current
J stationary nucleation rate
Further Reading
K1, K10 preexponential factors in nucleation
rate equations Armstrong RD and Harrison JA (1969) Two-dimensional nucleation in
K2 nucleation constant electrocrystallization. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 116:
kB Boltzmann constant 328--331.
Bockris JO’M and Despic AR (1970) The mechanism of deposition and
Kd growth constant dissolution of metals. In: Eyring H, Henderson D, and Jost W (eds.)
n number of atoms in a metal cluster Physical Chemistry – An Advanced Treatise, vol. IXB, pp. 611--730.
nc number of atoms in a nucleus New York: Academic Press.
Bockris JO’M and Razumney GA (1967) Fundamental Aspects of
N number density of nuclei Electrocrystallization. New York: Plenum Press.
N0 number density of nucleation sites Bostanov V, Staikov G, and Roe DK (1975) Rate of propagation of
Nd number density of screw dislocations growth layers on cubic crystal faces in electrocrystallization of silver.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 122: 1301--1305.
t time (nucleation pulse duration) Budevski E (1983) Deposition and dissolution of metals and alloys. Part
T temperature A: Electrocrystallization. In: Conway EB, Bockris JO’M, Yeager E,
vm volume of an atom in the crystal phase Khan SUM, and White RE (eds.) Comprehensive Treatise of
Electrochemistry, vol. 7, pp. 399--450. New York and London:
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