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Print Advertisement Analysis

Dreadful Johnny Farrah

The Photo is a Print

Advertisement of Johnny
Farrah’s bags belts and
accessories, established in New
York in 1980 by the Lebanese
American designer of the same
name, Johnny Farah offers a
range of high-end leather goods
include handbags, belts, shoes,
and accessories. Johnny Farah’s
early influences came from
Copenhagen. While living there
in the 1970s, he developed a
particular interest in the
simplicity and practicality of
Scandinavian architecture and
furniture design. It was his life-
changing encounters with
architects like Arne Jacobsen and
Hans Wegner that were the
catalyst for Johnny’s decision to
leave mechanical engineering
school and concentrate on his
design, which up until then was only a means to support his studies.

The Print advertisement of Johnny Farrah shows a man choking a covered face woman
using a belt in a violent pose, this image is very offensive in the eye of every woman and the
society. Johnny Farah advertisement really couldn’t think of any other option and decided a male
model choking a female model with a leather belt while her head is covering with a handbag was
a money-making combination. On the other hand, the male model also has a thick brown belt
wrapped around his neck, evoking memories of Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre. In the Advertisement the woman is dominated, sexually harass, and being assaulted in
a weakened position. This is a good example of “Creativity isn’t enough if the message isn’t
good” a large portion of the potential message of this advertisement is really bad in nature, aside
from that as analyze deeply into the objectivities, it seems that their accessories were made to
harm, especially women. Traditionally, a belt is used for corporal or physical punishment by
parent or to a woman any act causing deliberate physical pain by striking with an implement
such as a belt. Also, the background color used in the photo is white, which is not applicable to
the context of the advertisement, because white represents faith, purity, and safety, which is
completely different from what the advertisement conveying. Often, Advertisers challenged with
Print Advertisement Analysis
Dreadful Johnny Farrah
cutting through a cluttered marketing atmosphere, sometimes aim to shock and leave a nostalgia
to people. Unfortunately, while their aim may be to get their client noticed, it becomes as violent
or awful as it looks. The Framing of the photo captures the entire scenario, you can see the
violence from head to toe. Next is the subject, there are two subjects in the advertisement, the
abuser and the woman victim, you can see the physical aggression and the positioning of the
subjects were in a semi-side view posture, focusing on the action of the man, making it miserable
and ferocity.

In my study, I examined how advertisements that depict violence against women shape
women’s subjectivities. I found out that women were positioned in three ways – as “teases”
which despites the violent contexts suggestive offer a promise of sexual intimacy. as “pieces of
meat” dehumanized in order to be controlled, dominated, and consumed. and as “conquered”
subjects who are submissive, vulnerable, and psychologically adrift. According to the
Department of Health, Violence Against Women is any act of gender-based violence that results
or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women including
threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in public or
private life. Gender-based violence is any violence inflicted on women because of their sex. To
make it right, the following defined should not be observed in the advertisement.

Johnny Farah is a fashion product business, one of which is the belt and leather bags, but
as you look into the elements used it has shown more dreadful and roughness in it rather than
divert the focus to the product itself. To make it positively consumes contagion and advertiser-
friendly content, the violent pose and the character must be erased, it offends traditional notions
of decency. It will be better if a group of citizens abounds with the products doing a friendly
pose like “arms over the shoulder pose” it is a friendly gesture signifying camaraderie. With that
pose, The Belts, bag, and other accessories are worn by the subject. Moreover, they can use a
brighter color instead of a pure one, to make the photo more attractive to the eye; like the scenery
in a park, city, or a public place. With that, the viewers sync in mind that the product can be
worn occasionally, for a party, or as a casual one. To make the subjects more engaging, it should
be in a gaze position, which demands the viewer. Thus, this simple redesigning though the
subject, structure and the elements, it makes the brand and products more society friendly and
will encourage more customer to buy the products, because of the looks, the trendy

J. Farrah (2013). Coco Perez, Johnny Farrah Advertisement.png. PHIRIZILTON
Print Advertisement Analysis
Dreadful Johnny Farrah

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