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Reflection/Reaction/Learnings on Webinars:

During this time of the pandemic, apart from being confined at home, most of the
students were adjusting from a traditional set-up wherein face to face was the approach for
learning to an online or virtual teaching style. I believe that this was one of the challenges many
struggled with. Other than that, students were bombarded with tons of work to do, may it be
videos, quizzes, readings, etc. However, despite all that, we were made to attend webinars.
Honestly, at first I did not see the benefits of attending webinars, but later changed my mind as
I saw how it helped in my understanding of certain topics and even learning on new and
updated ways of approach when it comes to medicine. Lecturers took time and effort to explain
their topics as simple as possible for each of their webinars. If you still had some clarifications
or questions, you may ask them towards the end of the webinar so no question will be left
unanswered. Although I have attended numerous webinars, I have failed to screenshot most of
them, as most of the time, they did not give certificates. This is one of my regrets. Going
forward, I would be making an effort to record all webinars I have attended. One of the many
webinars I was not able to screenshot (at least the title page) was that about COVID-19. I have
learned immensely from that. I learned that not everything you see online is to be believed in,
and that there are many different kinds of approach to a patient with COVID, as sometimes, not
all will present with respiratory symptoms, although most of them do. Currently, there is a
guideline to be followed in treating covid patients that is to be followed in the Philippine set-up.
Another webinar I have attended was entitled, “Functional Constipation” and “Generalities of
Fluid Management in Pediatrics”. In this webinar, they mainly focused on how to deal with
dehydration and fluid management. Overall, I believe attending webinars are truly helpful and
insightful! Also, some even give CPD units, which I believe will be helpful especially when I
become a doctor. Building a habit of attending webinars and making sure that my knowledge
about medicine is up to date is very important and would help me become a great and
responsible doctor.

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