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OCA-Fiscal Monitoring Division (FMD)

Telephone (02) 536-9265

The FMD is mandated by the OCA with the power, authority and duty to examine, audit and reconcile all
funds collected by the Clerks of Court (Accountable Officers / Officers-in-Charge) of the RTC, MeTC,

OCA-Court Management Office (CMO)

Telephones (02) 536-9040;

404-2731 (Lawyer's Room);
404-2735 (Planning Division);
523-6479 (Statistics Division);
525-7196 (Fiscal Monitoring Div.)

The CMO provides services relating to judicial supervision and monitoring; judicial audit and inspection;
judicial assignments and placements; and circuitization and decircuitization of courts; and delineation of
the territorial areas lower courts. It is also responsible for the compilation, analysis and validation of case
data gathered, fiscal monitoring, audits and reconciliation. It also reviews work systems, procedures and
processes and formulation of plans and strategies for the OCA and the lower courts.

The CMO's present head is Atty. Thelma Bahia.

Program Management Office (PMO)

Telephone (02) 552-9579

Headed by Judge Geraldine Faith A. Econg, the PMO was created by the Supreme Court to coordinate
and manage the technical and administrative aspects of the judicial reform program implementation,
particularly the implementation of the Action Program for Judicial Reform(APJR). The APJR contains a
wide-ranging yet comprehensive set of reform projects and activities aimed at enhancing judicial
conditions and performance for the improved delivery of judicial services.

Fiscal Management and Budget Office (FMBO)

Telephone (02) 525-7792

The FMBO is tasked with all financial transactions of the Supreme Court including that of the OCA, all the
Halls of Justice, the PhilJA, and the Presidential Electoral Tribunal. It prepares and processes vouchers to
cover payment of salaries, allowances, office supplies, equipment, and other sundry expenses, utilities,
janitorial and security services and maintenance and other operating expenses and issues the
corresponding checks thereof. It prepares and submits to the DBM and Congress the proposed budget of
the Judiciary including pertinent schedules for each year. Salary and policy loans with the GSIS and Pag-
ibig are coursed through this Office. It prepares and submits consolidated financial statements and
reports to COA, DBM, Treasury and Congress. It also takes charge of all financial transactions of the SC
Health and Welfare Plan which include collections, deposits, disbursements as well as preparation of
financial reports and bank reconciliations.

Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC)

Telephone (02) 526-8122

Through the OBC, the court conducts Bar Examinations (which now includes Shari’a Bar Examinations)
to test whether an applicant for admission to the practice of law has the requisite ability and legal learning
or intellectual qualifications or fitness. In connection with disciplining lawyers, the OBC receives
administrative complaints, processes and submits the same to the Court for appropriate action.

The Chief of the OBC is known as the Bar Confidant, now occupied by Atty. Cristina M. Layusa.

Clerk of Court

Telephones (02) 525-4058;
525-0620 (Conference Room)
Telefax (02) 525-3208

Atty. Ma. Luisa D. Villarama

Telephone (02) 524-9560

Atty. Felipa B. Anama

Telephone (02) 523-6558

Atty. Romeo M. Salazar

(Building Administrator)
Telephone (02) 521-7242

First Division
Atty. Enriqueta E. Vidal
Telephone (02) 525-0717;
522-0969 (Conference Room)

Second Division
Atty. Ludichi Nuñag
Telephone (02) 524-6919;
522-1217 (Conference Room)

Third Division
Atty. Lucita A. Soriano
Telephone (02) 523-0823;
5255228 (Conference Room)

OCA-Office of Administrative Services (OAS)

Telephone (02) 523-0536

The primary role of the OAS is to provide prompt, efficient, effective and economical delivery of essential
support services to all the lower courts. These support services encompass the management of
personnel, leave matters, employees’ welfare and benefits, as well as the property and records
management. It has six divisions performing these duties, namely:

1. RTC, RTC JURISCONCULT Personnel Division

2. MeTC, MTCC, MTC, SDC, SCC Personnel Division
3. Employees’ Leave Division
4. Employees’ Welfare and Benefits Division

5. Records Division
6. Property Division

Office of the Court Administrator (OCA)

Telephones (02) 521-6809;

523-7385; 525-1238.

The OCA is tasked with the supervision and administration of the lower courts and their personnel. It
reports and recommends to the Supreme Court all actions that affect lower court management, personal
and financial administration and administrative discipline. Complaints against judges and court personnel
are filed with this office.

The OCA is headed by Court AdministratorJose Midas P. Marquez. His deputies are Deputy Court
Administrators Nimfa C. Vilches, Jesus Edwin A. Villasor, Raul B. Villanueva and Assistant Court
Administrator Thelma C. Bahia, Jenny Lind Adecoa-Delorino.

Jose Midas P. Marquez

Court Administrator
Telephones (02) 522-5093; 522-5090

Nimfa C. Vilches
Deputy Court Administrator
Telephone (02) 525-5723

Jesus Edwin A. Villasor

Deputy Court Administrator
Telephones (02) 536-9253; 536-9233

Raul B. Villanueva
Deputy Court Administrator
Telephones (02) 524-5981

Thelma C. Bahia
Assistant Court Administrator
Telephone (02) 536-8282

Jenny Lind Adecoa-Delorino

Assistant Court Administrator
Telephone (02) 536-9253

Library Service

Telephone (02) 524-2706

Supreme Court Chief Librarian, Mrs. Milagros Santos-Ong heads the Library Services, which assists the
Chief Justice, Associate Justices, the officers and the lawyers of the Court in their legal research tasks.

At present, the Supreme Court has a network of libraries with the Main Library housed at the first floor of
the New Supreme Court Building with 29 mini-libraries distributed among the four Supreme Court
Buildings in Manila, one in Baguio City and one at the Philippine Judicial Academy in Tagaytay City. It is
responsible for the acquisition and distribution of all books to the lower courts and 74 Court Libraries
throughout the Philippines.

Management Information Systems Office (MISO)

Telephones (02) 552-9622;

(SPPED Technical)
525-7223 (Satellite);
523-7672/5258178 (EDP)

The MISO is the computer technology arm of the Supreme Court. It is tasked with providing technical
expertise on the formulation of system design studies and application system development as well as
support services on hardware maintenance. The goal is to support and guide the Court in establishing
state-of-the-art information technology in its computerization efforts. It currently manages various
websites within the domain such as that of the JBC, CTA and Sandiganbayan. It
consults the Committee on Computerization on policies and implementation of new technology or
improvement of systems already used either in the Supreme Court or in lower courts.

The MISO is headed by Atty. Emmanuel L. Caparas.

The Public Information Office (PIO)

Telephone (02) 522-5090; 522-5094

Telefax (02) 526-8129

The PIO’s primary task is to disseminate, as promptly and as widely as possible, news about the
Supreme Court and its decisions and provide the public with judicial information in a manner that the
general public can easily comprehend.

The official spokesperson of the Supreme Court and Chief of the PIO is Court Administrator and
designated Chief Justice's Staff Head Atty. Jose Midas P. Marquez. Director IV Ma. Victoria Gleoresty Sp.
Guerra is the PIO’s Chief of Staff.

SC Office of Administrative Services (SC-OAS)

Telephone (02) 523-0536

Headed by Atty. Eden T. Candelaria-- its Chief-- and assisted by Atty. Romeo M. Salazar, Mrs. Rowena
C. Benipayo and Atty. Ma. Carina M. Cunanan—the Assistant Chiefs of Office-- its functions consist of the
following: Personnel Management; Human Resource Training and Development; Property Management;
Records Managemen; Management of Leave Matters; Management of Employees’ Welfare and Benefits;
Discipline of Personnel; Maintenance and improvement of buildings and premises as well as general
services of the Court Security services to justices and personnel within the Supreme Court premises.

Training Division: 552-9541

Personnel Division: 552-9537-40
Complaints & Investigation Division: 552-9551
Records Division: 552-9548/9553

Employee & Welfare Benefits: 552-95476
Leave Division: 552-9544-46
Property Division: 526-8162/525-0869
Security Division: 525-5750/525-0736
Maintenance Division: 525-5769

Judicial Records Office (JRO)

Telephones (02) 523-6464;

521-8026 (Judgement Division);
524-6607 (Docket Receiving)

The JRO takes charge of receiving, compiling, processing, and reporting all pleadings necessary for the
proper adjudication of appealed judicial cases whether civil or criminal in nature as well as original actions
properly belonging to the Supreme Court. The “pleadings” referred to are petitions, answers, comments,
motions, replies, memoranda, manifestations, briefs and court records. Rejoinders and sur-rejoinders are
no longer allowed under the rules.

The chief of the JRO is Atty.Ma. Lourdes Perfecto. Assistant Chief is Atty. Edgar Aricheta.

Philippine Judicial Academy (PhilJA)

Telephone (02) 552-9520

Telefax (02) 552-9526

Under the leadership of Chief Justice Andres R. Narvasa, the Academy was originally created by the
Supreme Court on March 16, 1996, through Administrative Order No. 35-96, and finally mandated by
Republic Act No. 8557 on February 26, 1998. This law institutionalized PhilJA as a “training school for
justices, judges, court personnel, lawyers and aspirants to judicial posts.”

PhilJA is headed by its Chancellor, retired Supreme Court JusticeAdolfo S. Azcuna

Judicial and Bar Council (JBC)

Telephone (02) 552-9512

Telefax (02) 552-9598

The Judicial and Bar Council is tasked to oversee the appointment of judges in the first and second lever
courts, as well as justices of our appellate courts. It interviews prospective applicants, evaluates their
qualifications, and receives complaints or letters of support from the public regarding the applicants. It
then forwards the list of qualified nominees to the President.

Its ex-officio Chairperson is Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno.

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Committee

Telephones (02) 687-7349;


The MCLE Committee is in charge of administering the rules, as may be necessary, for the
implementation of the MCLE, subject to the approval of the Supreme Court. In consultation with the IBP
Board of Governors, the MCLE sets the schedule of MCLE fees with the approval of the Supreme Court.
The MCLE Committee is composed of five members, namely, a retired Justice of the Supreme Court as
Chair, and four members respectively nominated by the IBP, the Philippine Judicial Academy, a law
center designated by the Supreme Court and associations of law schools and/or law professors. It is
currently headed by retired Supreme Court Justice Carolina Griño-Aquino.

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