Yasmin Afra BKI 1D - Tugas Inggris Unit 1

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Yasmin Afra N.H – 1214010181
Kelas D Bimbingan Konseling Islam

● Part A
1. Pasthumous : An action or activity related to a person that is carried out after the
person concerned dies.
2. Breed : A classification system used to categorize humans into large populations or
3. Bring Up : Nurturing ( up to big ).
4. Graze : Where the incident happened to an object so that it looked scratched
5. Guardian : Someone who is responsible for us
6. Notorious : Known or known
7. Sacrilegious : bad behavior
8. Wage : Money and so on that are paid as compensation for services or as payment
for labor that has been expended to do something
9. Sacred : Clean and fulfill religious/religious requirements to carry out worship
10. Take Part : Work together
11. Orphan : A child who has not yet reached the age of puberty has been abandoned
by his parents
12. Discharge : Dismissal from duty
13. Save : Put things in a safe place
14. Prophet : Servant of Allah SWT who gets the trust in the form of revelation from
Allah SWT for himself
15. Gather Up : Together into a single unit or group in the same place
● Part C
1. The prophet was born at Mecca
2. In 570 AD
3. Was bred and brought up by his grand father
4. Grand father
5. When he was six years old
6. At the age of eight
7. He went to Syria
8. Abi Thalib
9. 20th year occurred the notorious sacrilegious war ( Harb-al-Fijar )
10. Because it was waged during the sacred month of Dzulqa’d.
11. Quraish (the prophet also belonged to his clan) and the Banu Kinana on one side ,
and Banu Qais bin Ghaliah on the other.
12. The prophet took no part except collecting the arrows released by the enemy and
handing them over.
● Part Exercise 1
1. The stars usually is coming out at night
2. He is playing piano now
3. Birds often it makes nest on stress
4. Last week her sister sended me a letter
5. He buys a new English book two days ago
6. She usually prepares breakfast for the whole family
7. Last Friday they are being absent from class
8. Where Ali and Amir spended their vacation last month?
9. Siti is attends the meeting because she was ill
10. what your brother doing now?
11. We often going to the theatre together
12. Why you often coming late?
13. You and your brother speaking English everyday?
14. Tomorrow his parents leaving for Mecca
15. Badu always taking part on social activity
16. At this every moment they are having a meeting
17. Two days ago , Siti and Aminah decorate our Classroom
18. We not knowed where Abdullah lives
19. They grazing their cattle everyday
20. Long time ago the Quraish and the Banu Kirana wagest war against the Banu
Qaish bin Ghaliah

● Part Exercise 3
1. Prophet Muhammad posthumously with his uncle after the death of his mother
2. Prophet Muhammad went to emigrate to begin his da’wah
3. I ride a motorcycle to go out
4. I ask Allah for protection
5. You are the most diligent between the others
6. He thinks to bring up with ideas
7. Halimah is the mother of the Prophet Muhammad who is claned
8. I said goodbye to this parents to leave
9. I go to the market to trade
10. Chinlu Saudi Arabia is a template for war
11. How should I trust you
12. I’m ready to accompany you
13. Now I’m 18 years old
14. I have to be able to fight laziness
15. The rock is very hards
● Part Exercise E
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. A
21. C
22. A
23. C
24. C
25. B

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