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National Security Concerns

1 ST SEMESTER 2020-2021
Since the emergence of territorially based states as the political
organizing principle in Europe after 1468, the concept of security for
the past 400 years predominantly meant ““protection from organize
violence.” According to McNamara (1968), security includes the
promotion of economic, political, and social development in “poor
nations” as:
a. A mean of preventing conflicts; and
b. Preserving a minimal measure of “global order” and stability.

Based on the 1992 UNDP Human Development Report by Dr.

Mahbub ul Haq, the new approaches to security emphasize the
critical interrelationship among the most daunting threats to human
I. Overview
Security of all the people everywhere- in their homes, in
their jobs, in the streets, in their communities, and in the
environment. Security is a national concern that every Filipino
must consider to ensure peaceful existence of the state. It shall
be the State’s primordial concern as well as to secure its
In view of the above information, it is of prime essence that in
transforming the youth into responsible citizens that orientation
on concepts and mechanisms of national security be done to
effectively carry out the task of community development.
Hence this module was formulated to achieve the said purpose.
II. Objectives

1. Understand deeply that the national security

is everybody’s concern;
2. Develop awareness of the various factors
that can lead to aggression and violence;
3. Identify the two type of threats and hostile
elements that may greatly affect to our
national peace and security.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Concept of National Security
Definition of Terms:

1. Subversion- It is a group of conspiracy seeking to

alter an existing system or government through
deceit and other unlawful means, or it is an act
of individual or group who seek to alter an
existing system through deceitful means.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Concept of National Security
Definition of Terms:

2. Communism- It is a theory which advocates

elimination of private ownership. It tends to
make the society stateless and classless.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Concept of National Security
Definition of Terms:

3. Agitation- It is subversive technique to arouse

the hatred and anger among people.
Agitation make someone
troubled or nervous and feeling
an atmosphere of chaos and
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Concept of National Security
Definition of Terms:

4. Propaganda- It is a line of persuasion to

influence the belief, emotion, behavior,
attitude and opinion of the target audience.
They also use
social media
successfully for
which is also
relevant as an
issue of
radicalization as
a platform to
expose their
message to the
widest possible
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Concept of National Security
Definition of Terms:

5. Infiltration- Deception use of legal activities.

This is used to exert influence and if possible,
seize control of the target groups.
The ISIS has
extensively utilized the
social media and has
been very effective in
attracting and
inspiring more and
more people from
very diverse
backgrounds for
expanding its territory
as a central part of its
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Concept of National Security
Definition of Terms:

6. Politics- It is an art or science concerning the

winning and control over a government.

Due to marginalization,
political tensions and open
hostilities developed between
the Government of the
Philippines and Moro Muslim
rebel groups, by 1969.

Quevedo, Orlando B. (Posted 9 June 2016). Injustice: The Root of Conflict in

Mindanao. Retrieved 5 June 2017.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Human Security
1. Safety from such chronic threats as hunger, disease
and repression;
2. It means protection from sudden and hurtful
disruptions in pattern in the patterns of daily life-
whether in homes, in jobs, or in communities. Such
threats can exist at all levels of national income
and development.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Human Security
Main categories of threats to human security:

1. Economic Security 5. Personal Security

2. Food Security 6. Community Security

3. Health Security 7. Political Security

4. Environmental Security
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Human Security

Human Security and Human Development

“Human security, in its broadest sense, embraces far
more than the absence of violent conflict. It encompasses
human rights, good governance, access to education and
health care and ensuring that each individual has
opportunities and choices to fulfill his or her potential.”
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Human Security
National Security and Human Security
Every step in this direction is also a step towards
reducing poverty, achieving economic growth, and
preventing conflict. Freedom from want, freedom from fear,
and the freedom of future generations to inherit a healthy
natural environment- these are the interrelated building
blocks of human- and therefore national security.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Human Security

Human and Ecological Security

Human and ecological security is a change in
paradigm and value. A change in the concept of security
from the military phenomena to poverty, ecological
degradation and rapid demographic change.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Threats to National Security
Many security threats to the Philippines are non-military in
nature. Pressing security concerns like terrorism, poverty, and
environmental degradation, needs to be addressed in an informed
and intelligent manner.

In its internal aspect, national security relates to the defense

of the nation’s government against hostile local elements seeking
its replacement with their own government. In this sense, national
security refers to the measures aimed at countering domestic or
internal challenges to the existing political and socio-economic
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Threats to National Security
In its external aspects, national security is concerned
with safeguarding the state against outside or foreign
forces, pressures, or influence designed to conquer it or
undermine its sovereignty, or placing under the domination
or control of some foreign state or states. In this sense,
national security embraces the defense arrangements
directed at insuring the safety of the state against foreign
intervention or domination.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Types of Threats:

1. Rebellion or Insurrection.
A refusal of obedience or order. It may, therefore,
be seen as encompassing a range of behaviors from civil
disobedience and mass nonviolent resistance, to violent
and organized attempts to destroy an established
authority such as the government.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Type of Threats:
2. Terrorism.
The systematic use of terror especially as a means of
coercion. 1) At present, the International community has been
unable to formulate a universally agreed, legally binding,
criminal law definition of terrorism. 2) Common definitions of
terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to
create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal,
and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-
combatants (civilians).
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Types of Threats:
3. Murder.
As defined in most countries, is the unlawful killing of
another human being with intent (or malice
aforethought), and generally this state of mind
distinguishes murder from other forms of homicide.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Types of Threats:
4. Kidnaping and Serious Illegal Detention.
The taking away or transportation of a person
against the person’s will, usually to hold the person done
for ransom or in furtherance of another crime, or in
connection with a child custody dispute.
On June 19, 2001 Guillermo Sobero,
an American citizen kidnapped
from the Dos Palmas Resort, was the
first foreigner beheaded by the Abu
"Troops scour area for man rebels say they beheaded". USA Today. 20 June 2016. Retrieved 29 July 2016.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Types of Threats:
5. Hijacking/ Highway Robbery.
The crime of taking or attempting to take something
of value by force or threat of force and or by putting the
victim in fear. In common law robbery is defined as taking
the property of another, with the intent to permanently
deprive the person of that property, by means of force or
fear. Precise definitions of the offence may vary between
jurisdictions. Robbery differs from simple theft in its use of
violence and intimidation.
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Types of Threats:
6. Crimes involving destruction.
It may apply either as a measurable degree of damage up
to and including a state beyond use or repair, or it may indicate a
state wherein such damage is occurring and continuing.
Something ‘being destroyed’ is in a state of destruction. E.g. Self-
destructive behaviors, suicide, demolition.
These types of security threats could be minimized by having
proper citizens’ values, commitment to support and act positively
on issues related to national security and concern for a friendly
and peaceful environment.
Recognize the attire and
posture of a potential bomber.
Self-destructive behaviors,
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Internal Threats:
1. Our national security concern is infused with four
important dimensions. Internal threats to our national
security make up the first dimension.
2. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Abu Sayyaf
Group (ASG)
3. Communist party of the Philippines/New People’s Army
/National Democratic Front (CPP/NPA/NDF)
III. Discussion/ Lesson
Internal Threats:
4. Organized crime
5. Grave incidence of poverty
6. Economic sabotage
7. Graft and Corruption
8. Severe Calamities
9. Persistent environment degradation
III. Discussion/ Lesson
External Threats:
1. The growing uncertainties that lie in the regional and global milieu
make up the second dimension of our national security concerns
even as threat of external aggression against our country remains
in the remote horizon.
2. Smuggling of firearms and contraband, illegal migration and the
occasional movement of foreign terrorists through the porous
borders of our south western frontier
3. Lingering effects of the currency crisis affecting the countries within
the Association of Southeast Asian (ASEAN)
III. Discussion/ Lesson
External Threats:
4. Ethic, religious and cultural conflict

5. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

6. Transnational organized crimes

7. Natural disasters and environmental issues

8. Cybernetic crime
Thank you!!!

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