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English Learning Guide Competency 1 Unit 1: Customer Service Workshop 2

Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Name: Nayibe Urrea Garzon Cohort: 2 Date: 17/06/2021

Training program: Tecnologo En Gestion Empresarial Instructor: Jason Cruz



1. Work in pairs, read the next reading and answer the following questions:
Ramo is an independent company from Colombia, they were created in Bogotá in 1960. This company
specializes in producing some food as cakes, snacks, snack cakes. These products are commercialized in
Colombia, but now, they are exported too. They were a small company and started only in Bogotá city;
actually, it is a big company along Colombia, they have different factories: In Bogotá, Antioquia, and Valle
del Cauca.

Some departments of this company are the production department, accounting and finance department,
marketing department, among others. Each department has its own employees such as salespeople,
operators, publicist, coordinators, etc. and Ramo has approximately 3000 employees and it has selling for
about $ 320.000.000 pesos.

1.1 What is the company’s name?

RTA. Ramo

1.2 Where is it located?

RTA. In Colombia

1.3 How old is the company?

RTA. They are 61 years

1.4 What kind of company is it? Does it offer products or services? (Mention 3 of its most popular
products or services)
RTA. It is an independent company, it offers products which are cakes, snacks, ponques

1.5 What departments does the company have? Mention them.

RTA. The production department, accounting and finance department, marketing department

1.6 What facilities does the company have? Mention them.

1.7 What kind of employees and how many employees are there in the company?
RTA. has its own employees such as salespeople, operators, publicist, coordinators, etc. and Ramo has
approximately 3000 employees

2. Work in pairs, think of a company you know or want to investigate and discuss the following

2.1 What is the company’s name?

2.2 Where is it located?
RTA. It is located in Barrios Unidos

2.3 What kind of company is it? Does it offer products or services? (Mention 3 of its most popular
products or services).
RTA. It is a company that offers mobile and home phone services.

2.4 What departments does the company have? (Mention 5 departments)

RTA.La empresa tiene 10 empleados como asesores comerciales, gerentes, coordinadores y backoffice

2.5 What facilities does the company have? (Mention 3 facilities or installations)
RTA. The company does not have any facilities

2.6 What kind of employees and how many employees are there in the company?
RTA. They are direct employees by the company and it has 10 employees.

3. Work in pairs, create a company about whatever you want and discuss the following questions:

3.1 What is your company’s name?

RTA. Our company is called Zeppes

3.2 Where is it located?

RTA. Located Bogota

3.3 What kind of company is it? Does it offer products or services? (Mention 3 of its most popular
products or services).
RTA. This company is an independent type that offers products such as shoes, clothes and backpacks

3.4 What departments does your company have? (Mention 4 departments)

RTA. It does not have departments since it is a very small company and the people who created it are the
ones who run it.

3.5 What facilities does your company have? (Mention 4 facilities or installations)
RTA. Does not have facilities

3.6 What kind of employees and how many employees are there your the company?
RTA.They are direct employees by the company, it has 9 employees

4. Make a presentation using power point about your company in the point 3 taking into accounts the
questions and using images and pictures to show it.

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