Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Disability - Uswgo Brian D. Hill W/exhibits/statement - Facts

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Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit


To begin the complaint process, complete this form and prepare the brief statement of facts
described in item 4 (below). The Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings,
adopted by the Judicial Conference of the United States, contain information on what to include
in a complaint (Rule 6), where to file a complaint (Rule 7), and other important matters. The
Rules are available in federal court clerks’ offices, on individual federal courts’ Web sites,
including, and on

Your complaint (this form and the statement of facts) should be typewritten and must be legible.

In the alternative you can mail it to Clerk, United States Court of Appeals, 1100 East Main
Street, Suite 501, Richmond, VA 23219-3517. Do not put the name of any judge on the
envelope. Only the original is required to be filed if mailed.
Brian David Hill
1. Name of Complainant: _________________________________________

Contact Address: 310 Forest Street

Apartment 2

City, State, Zip: Martinsville, Virginia 24112


Email address: c/o: Roberta Hill at


Daytime telephone: ( _____ 790-3505

276 ) ____________________________

2. Name(s) of Judge(s): Thomas David Schroeder, William Lindsey Osteen Jr.


Court: Middle District of North Carolina


3. Does this complaint concern the behavior of the judge(s) in a particular lawsuit or
[ ✔ ] Yes [ ] No
If “yes,” give the following information about each lawsuit:
Middle District of North Carolina
Court: ___________________________________________________
1:13-cr-435-1, 1:17-CV-1036
Case Number: _____________________________________________
19-7755, 20-6034, 20-7737
Docket number of any appeals to the Fourth Circuit: ___________________
Are (were) you a party or lawyer in the lawsuit?
[ ✔ ] Party [ ] Lawyer [ ] Neither

Page 1 of 2
If you are (were) a party and have (had) a lawyer, give the lawyer’s name, address, and
telephone number:
Was not appointed a lawyer in 2255 civil case

4. Brief Statement of Facts. Attach a brief statement of the specific facts on which the
claim of judicial misconduct or disability is based. Include what happened, when and
where it happened, and any information that would help an investigator check the facts. If
the complaint alleges judicial disability, also include any additional facts that form the
basis of that allegation.

5. Declaration and signature:

I declare under penalty of perjury that the statements made in this complaint are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge.

(Signature)__________________________________ 10/25/2021

Page 2 of 2

In The

United States Court of Appeals

For The Fourth Circuit


Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit


Brian David Hill – Ally of QAnon

Founder of USWGO Alternative News
310 Forest Street, Apt. 2
Martinsville, Virginia 24112
(276) 790-3505

Pro Se Appellant


Filed October 25, 2021, through c/o Roberta Hill by


Petitioner Brian David Hill (“Petitioner”) requests investigation and the

appropriate sanctions by this Judicial Council against the foregoing Judge(s) listed in

the foregoing Statement of Facts and the COMPLAINT OF JUDICIAL

MISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY submitted to the Judicial Council of the Fourth

Circuit on October 25, 2021, by the c/o Roberta Hill by the email address of filing this complaint to the Judicial Council on Petitioner’s


This is pursuant to the authority of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of

1980 (“Act”), under 28 U.S.C. §§ 351–364, and Rules for Judicial-Conduct and

Judicial-Disability Proceedings (“Rules”), as amended on March 12, 2019.

Here are the statements of FACTS referencing the Exhibits attached thereto.

All are included in the PDF files submitted in the email by Roberta Hill. Petitioner

cannot use email due to his federal probation conditions and does not use the internet,

but his family member can email documents to the Federal Courts and Administrative

Offices when authorized to do such (such as when the Court or Council allows a

document or complaint to be emailed instead of mailed in paper form). Such as for

example Roberta Hill emailing the monthly probation reports to Brian Hill’s

Probation Officer or filing in the Virginia Courts electronic filing system to conduct

authorized court business on behalf of Brian David Hill.

Here are the Statement of Facts as to why this COMPLAINT and all attached

Exhibits should be thoroughly investigated as to why Judge William Lindsey Osteen

Junior, and Thomas David Schroeder may have committed misconduct or disability

in the performance of their duties under the color of law. If the Judges have ever

engaged in any criminal activity and it may ever be proven, then those Judges should

be sanctioned and given the appropriate punishment if such criminal activities are

ever proven. Especially if Attorney L. Lin Wood’s public statement regarding the

blackmail videos are proven true.

1. Judge Thomas David Schroeder refuses to enforce the Local Rule 7.3

equally upon his Court on all officers of the Court and all parties. That rule

was passed by the Local Rule-making committee for the Middle District of

North Carolina. Local Rule 7.3 says outright that any valid motions with

briefs which were uncontested, meaning undisputed, are ordinarily granted

by the Court without further notice. When a judge enbforces that rule on

Petitioner but not the Respondent to ensure equal footing, that shows

partiality, selective enforcement of the Court’s own rules, or both. It is

discrimination when Petitioner is directed to file a response to the U.S.

Attorney’s motion in 21 days as prescribed by presumably Local Rule 7.3

(See pages 3-5 of EXHIBIT INDEX, known as EXHIBIT 1), and that if

Petitioner doesn’t respond by the deadline, then the Respondent’s

contentions are undisputed, and the Court may rule against Petitioner
against him (See EXHIBIT 1). However, when six of Petitioner’s

contentions in his motions are uncontested and undisputed as a matter of

law and/or matter of fact, his motions are discriminately DENIED and then

wrongfully labeled as meritless and frivolous even though Petitioner’s

uncontested motions were well evidenced, well-grounded in the law. The

uncontested motions filed in case no. 1:13-cr-435-1 during the pending civil

2255 action were docketed under Documents #151, #169, #199, #206,

#217, #222.

Citation of LR 7.3 MOTION PRACTICE; paragraphs (f) and (k):

(f) Response to Motion and Brief. The respondent, if opposing a motion, shall file a
response, including brief, within 21 days after service of the motion (30 days if the
motion is for summary judgment; see LR 56.1(d)) (14 days if the motion relates to
discovery; see LR 26.2 and LR 37.1). If supporting documents are not then
available, the respondent may move for an extension of time in accordance with
section (g) of this rule. For good cause appearing therefor, a respondent may be
required to file any response and supporting documents, including brief, within
such shorter period of time as the Court may specify
(k) Failure to File and Serve Motion Papers. The failure to file a brief or response
within the time specified in this rule shall constitute a waiver of the right thereafter
to file such brief or response, except upon a showing of excusable neglect. A
motion unaccompanied by a required brief may, in the discretion of the Court, be
summarily denied. A response unaccompanied by a required brief may, in the
discretion of the Court, be disregarded and the pending motion may be considered
and decided as an uncontested motion. If a respondent fails to file a response
within the time required by this rule, the motion will be considered and decided as
an uncontested motion, and ordinarily will be granted without further notice.

2. Judge Thomas David Schroeder’s unconstitutional and/or unethical

discrimination is obvious. The rules and laws are enforced on Petitioner

Brian David Hill, but those same rules and laws are not enforced upon the
U.S. Attorney Office in the exact same case and in the exact same way. The

Local Rule 7.3 did in fact say that uncontested motions with briefs with

undisputed claims and evidence exhibits are ordinarily granted without

further notice. So, the Petitioner is compelled by the Rules to respond or

lose the case or that the motion is granted in the Respondent’s/Movant’s

favor. Yet when Respondent refuses to respond at all, there are no sanctions

against the Respondent and neither any legal victories for Petitioner. This

doesn’t make any sense that the rules are all being conducted on a one-sided

basis, a one side scale which is broken justice. No Federal Judge is

supposed to have a one-sided Courtroom or a one-sided litigation always

favorable to the U.S. Attorney Office. That isn’t following the U.S.

Constitution’s legal standard that all judges and triers of fact (jurists) must

always remain impartial throughout a civil case and/or criminal case. It is a

Judge’s obligation under 28 U.S. Code § 455 to recuse himself/herself from

a case when exhibiting any symptoms of a “personal bias or prejudice

concerning a party”, or “personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts

concerning the proceeding”; as well as any proceeding in which his

“impartiality might reasonably be questioned”. Judge Schroeder had

refused to recuse himself but instead had doubled down and exhibited more

discriminatory or biased or prejudice type behavior. Impartiality no longer

exists in the civil case of Brian David Hill v. United States of America

under civil case no. 1:17-CV-1036, and criminal case no. 1:13-cr-435-1.
Petitioner tried to resolve the issue first by filing the Document #195:

“MOTION entitled "Motion to Disqualify Judge" filed by BRIAN DAVID

HILL. Responses due by 10/21/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope - Front

and Back) (Civil Case number: 17CV1036) (Garland, Leah) (Entered:

10/01/2019)”. The Judge denied that motion and remained in the case while

further conducting discriminatory and/or prejudice and/or bias type

behavior against Petitioner. It is discriminatory when the Court’s own Local

Rules prescribed and had been passed by the Rule-making committee is

only enforced on civil Petitioners in a civil/criminal 2255 case but is not

being enforced equally on all officers of the Court who were trained as

lawyers to obey all rules of the Court. That any rules not obeyed can lead

to sanctions. This judge refuses to sanction an officer of the Court who

defrauded the court and refuses to enforce the same Local Rules on the

officer of the Court, the same rules enforced on Petitioner. It is

discriminatory when a Judge always takes the side of the U.S. Attorney

Office. Judge Schroeder does not always take the side of the U.S. Probation

Officer when that officer does not lie about Petitioner under oath. For

example, When United States Probation Officer Kristy L. Burton had lied

on the stand in Federal Court on June 30, 2015, in front of Judge Thomas

David Schroeder, See Document Declaration — Document #137, “"fifth

Additional Evidence Declaration" filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL re

128 Memorandum. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3

Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8

Certificate of Service, # 9 Envelope - Front and Back) (Civil Case

number: 17CV1036) (Garland, Leah) (Entered: 12/06/2017)”. Judge

Schroeder was okay with her perjury, permitted her perjury before his Court

even though perjury is defrauding the court aka fraud on the court. Yet

when U.S. Probation Officer Jason McMurray of Roanoke, Virginia, had

testified under oath on September 12, 2019, he was treated differently than

with Kristy L. Burton. The Judge didn’t like how Jason McMurray would

not lie on the stand against Brian David Hill. In fact, Jason McMurray’s

testimony in 2019 was treated less important or more differently than the

testimony of Kristy L. Burton in 2015. His discrimination has injured

Petitioner repeatedly (over and over again) over the years, that Petitioner

felt that he had no choice, no other recourse but to file a Petition in the U.S.

Supreme Court requesting Writs of Mandamus and/or Prohibition to nullify

all of Judge Schroeder’s excesses in jurisdiction by his defective orders.

See Exhibit 2. Exhibit pages 6-59.

3. It is obvious that something is wrong here, that Judge Schroeder has ignored

the Local Rules of his own Court when favorable to Petitioner, but always

wishes to enforce the rules on Petitioner with any possible threats of

sanctions if Petitioner files anything not well-grounded in law. So, his Court

is always set to punish Petitioner and threaten to punish Petitioner, keep

throwing him in jail over and over again, while allowing the Corrupt U.S.
Attorney Office to break Court Rules, defraud the Court repeatedly, and/or

just not follow Court Rules. This Judge even allowed repeated patterns of

fraud to be perpetuated upon his Court and its record. So, he will allow one

lie after another, one fraud after another against Petitioner. Then not allow

Petitioner to prove otherwise even when he has the proof of his claims.

Either not allow Petitioner to prove otherwise or just not accept otherwise.

Petitioner’s uncontested motions under Documents #151, #169, #199,

#206, #217, #222. All were filed in the civil 2255 case but were not actually

filed in the docket of civil case no. 1:17-CV-1036 itself but was mainly

used as a reference civil case number but kept all civil 2255 case filings

under criminal case no. 1:13-cr-435-1. So, the documents can be found

there but were filed in the 2255 case and/or while the 2255 civil case was

pending at that time. It is obvious that this Judge is ignoring the law when

favorable to a criminal defendant and 2255 case civil Petitioner. It is all

one-sided which warrants automatic recusal under 28 U.S. Code § 455.

However, he refuses to leave the case, refuses to leave residing over

Petitioner’s criminal case and any 2255 motions Petitioner may ever file in

the future. Judge Schroeder controls the entire case and continues injuring

Petitioner over and over again without any means of relief or remedy. See

Document #195, Motion to Disqualify/Recuse.

4. The misconduct or disability is simple. Judge Schroeder does exhibit

selective enforcement of the rules and laws, prejudice, bias, and/or

discrimination against Brian David Hill the Petitioner. Judge Schroeder

knows that Petitioner has Autism Spectrum Disorder a mental disability and

yet has repeatedly and actively discriminated against Petitioner which

violates his Federal Civil Rights. This discrimination is odd and is not the

normal behavior of a rule enforcing and law obeying Federal Judge. Which

leads Petitioner to the remaining statement of facts below which Petitioner

would like to file in this COMPLAINT requesting investigation,

intervention, and possibly prosecution against the Hon. Thomas David

Schroeder, and/or the Hon. William Lindsey Osteen Junior. This is where

both judges come in and the investigation needs to be conducted to resolve

the issue which will be cited below. Judge Schroeder ignores the Actual

Innocence exception to AEDPA under the U.S. Supreme Court’s

controlling law of McQuiggin v. Perkins, 569 U.S. 383, (2013). Judge

Schroeder ignores the inherit or implied powers of Chambers v. Nasco, Inc.,

501 U.S. 32 (1991); when favorable to the Petitioner. Judge Schroeder

ignored the jury trial right in the ruling of United States v. Haymond, 588

U.S. ___ (2019). His discrimination is obvious that he does not want

Petitioner to ever be afforded any legal victories in which can relieve

Petitioner of being defrauded against, of having the fraudulent criminal

conviction overturned. This Judge does not want to follow the Haymond

decision of giving Petitioner a jury trial for his supervised release violation.

He completely ignores the Supreme Court case laws when they are not
favorable to the U.S. Attorney Office. It is all discriminatory and Petitioner

does not see how he had not shown this in just this one COMPLAINT. It is

discrimination which violates Federal Criminal Code such as deprivation

of due process of law, and impartiality of all jurists. When any judge or

official attempts to deprive an American citizen of his constitutional and

civil rights under the color of law, then even a Federal Judge is violating

criminal code such as Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law under

TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242. The U.S. Department of Justice had

argued that this Federal Law includes judges as well. Petitioner’s family

gave him the link to cite in this COMPLAINT such as:

Citation of TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 and Department of Justice’s

interpretation of the law cited herein:

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law
to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or
laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only
done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts
done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while
the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official
duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include
police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as
judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as
public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward
the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the
victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term,
or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the

resulting injury, if any.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully
subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District
to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the
Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts
committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use,
or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts
committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt
to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse,
or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years
or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.



Disclaimer: Brian David Hill the Petitioner does not have access to the physical

or digital blackmail videotapes mentioned by Attorney L. Lin Wood. It is

obvious that Attorney L. Lin Wood had proclaimed that he has the access to the

physical or digital blackmail videotapes. He cannot review over the blackmail

footage as that may violate federal law by viewing such material as videotapes

of child rape may constitute child pornography by legal definition, however this

evidence of the blackmail videotapes is retained by this attorney according to

his claim, and he claimed to keep them under an encryption key and is careful

as to who he will disclose the encryption key to. This Judicial Council should

take note that any claims regarding L. Lin Wood by the Petitioner are of only

of Petitioner’s assumptions or perceptions of what Attorney Lin Wood had

claimed himself on Twitter or any other public statement in regards to

blackmail. Petitioner does not know which judges or officials are on the

blackmail videotapes but had inquired as to whether any of the Federal Judges

involved in Petitioner’ case could have been involved in the blackmail tapes or

is not involved in the blackmail tapes.

5. It is obvious that when a Federal Judge does not wish to conduct

impartiality and he is allowing a repeated pattern of fraud upon his Court

which contaminates the entire record as questionable and non-credible. It

is obvious when actual discrimination occurs where a Judge cannot and will

not afford equal protection under the laws, will not provide equal

application of the Court’s local rules, and will not provide equal application

of the law. It is obvious when a Federal Judge is depriving Petitioner of his

Constitutional and Legal rights including Due Process of Law guaranteed

by the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the Court’s local rules under the color

of law. It is obvious that something is wrong here and that the fraud goes

deeper than just the U.S. Attorney Office. The fraud goes beyond just the

U.S. Attorney Office. It is possible collusion with the fraudster and

subornation of a perjurer. Working together to keep the fraud going.

6. This leads me to produce to this Judicial Council, a copy of a letter filed

with the U.S. District Court Clerk’s office. A 16-page letter regarding the

service of the Petition for a Writ of Mandamus and/or Prohibition on the

Judges Hon. William Lindsey Osteen Junior, Hon. Thomas David

Schroeder, and Hon. Magistrate Joe L. Webster. See Exhibit 3, Exhibit

Index pages 60-76. It doesn’t just serve the purpose to service the three

copies of the Mandamus relief petitions with the Clerk’s office to forward

to the appropriate Judges of the Court, but also to assert the tweets of

Attorney L. Lin Wood, asserting that any of the Court’s judges may or may

not be blackmailed with child rape and murder.

7. Attorney L. Lin Wood had claimed publicly that “the blackmail targets are

approached with a gun, a child, & a camera. The target is ordered to rape

the child on video. The target is then ordered to shoot the child on video.

The target is then owned & controlled by the blackmailers until blackmail

evidence loses its value.” Statement made on 2:22 AM - Jan 4, 2021.

8. Attorney L. Lin Wood had claimed publicly that “Many issues in our world

may be tied to blackmail scheme I described tonight, including bizarre

behavior of officials & judges in recent election. @realDonaldTrump

must appoint special prosecutor to thoroughly investigate. We need

answers. We must investigate. For the children.”

9. Attorney L. Lin Wood did mention the word “judges” in regard to the child

rape and murder blackmail scheme. Petitioner was angry that Roger Stone

failed to have U.S. President Donald John Trump to grant him a full

unconditional pardon to reverse the wrongful conviction by Hon. Thomas

David Schroeder prior to leaving office in January, 2021, Petitioner filed a

letter with Attorney L. Lin Wood inquiring on the blackmail videotapes.

Asking if certain named individuals were being possibly blackmailed with

child rape and murder. The names in such inquiry letter with Lin Wood are

the named suspects of Chief Judge Thomas David Schroder, and former

Chief Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior of the Middle District of North

Carolina, as well as other named individuals. See Exhibit 4, pages 77-85

of Exhibits Index. They are only suspects in that letter and Petitioner was

inquiring to see if they could be in the blackmail scheme videotapes. Some

of the claims made in that letter may sound crazy but Petitioner did receive

anonymous text messages including threatening text messages meant to

intimidate and made claims and somehow knew things that could not have

been possibly known publicly, so Petitioner assumed it may be the

Government intelligence agencies named in that letter. That’s off-topic but

the main issues in this COMPLAINT are Petitioner’s request and inquiry

to Attorney L. Lin Wood to inquire as to whether the Hon. William L.

Osteen Junior and Hon. Thomas David Schroeder may or may not be in the

claimed blackmail tapes.

10. Attorney L. Lin Wood had not sent a written response to that letter in

Exhibit 4 and no response had ever been made by Attorney L. Lin Wood

in response to that Exhibit 4 letter as far as to the knowledge of Petitioner.

So, Lin Wood is not confirming or denying whether or not the Federal
Judges named, and other individuals may or may not be in the blackmail

videotapes of child rape and murder. The blackmail scheme mentioned and

described by Attorney L. Lin Wood in his various tweets referenced in the

Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4 letters.

11. Petitioner does not have subpoena power. Petitioner does not have supreme

investigative powers compared to that of a Law Enforcement Agency.

Petitioner does not have the powers of the U.S. Attorney Office. Petitioner

does not have the power and authority to compel Attorney L. Lin Wood to

answer Petitioner’s inquiry on whether any of the individuals involved in

his criminal case may or may not be in the blackmail videotapes.

12. The Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit may have the subpoena power,

the investigator(s) can serve a subpoena or Warrant or Order on Attorney

L. Lin Wood to produce any records or videos involving whether the Hon.

William L. Osteen Junior and Hon. Thomas David Schroeder may or may

not be in the claimed scheme of the blackmail tapes mentioned by Lin

Wood in his tweets.

13. Lin Wood’s statements regarding judges and officials are vague. They do

not restrict itself to simply one level of Government here. It can mean

Federal, State or Local. It can mean Federal Judges, State Judges, or Local

Judges. It can include any class of politicians or Judges. That is why

Petitioner is making sure to mention the Lin Wood blackmail claim and

information in this COMPLAINT, because an investigation is needed and

warranted in this situation. Especially “for the children”.

14. The Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit can compel an order to mandate

that Attorney L. Lin Wood turn over all blackmail videotapes to determine

whether the Hon. William L. Osteen Junior and Hon. Thomas David

Schroeder may or may not be in the claimed blackmail video tapes, and

whether they may or may not be in such videotapes.

15. In the event if it is ever proven as to whether the Hon. William L. Osteen

Junior and Hon. Thomas David Schroeder may or may not be in the claimed

blackmail tapes, then this creates a serious issue regarding an officer of the

Court being possibly engaged in criminal activity so heinous that law

enforcement must arrest those Federal Judges if they had ever been placed

in such a blackmail scheme operation where they could have been

compelled to rape a child which is statutory rape, and murder the child

which is murder of a child. Both are serious crimes, and one is considered

a SEX OFFENSE when the murder of the child was done after the rape, it

aggravates the sexual offense of rape of a minor.

16. Petitioner is attempting to figure out whether both named Judges were

being blackmailed because that would explain why Petitioner kept failing

in his criminal case, why his civil 2255 case didn’t work out.

17. It is the biggest fraud on the Court when a judge may have been bribed,

blackmailed, or threatened into making an adverse decision in a criminal

and/or civil case. In fact, it deprives a Federal Court of due process of law,

and entitles the victim to relief and remedy, no matter what. It deprives a

Federal Court of jurisdiction; it is in absence of lawful jurisdiction.

18. Petitioner only wishes to file this COMPLAINT to attempt to prove

whether the Hon. William L. Osteen Junior and Hon. Thomas David

Schroeder may or may not be in the claimed blackmail tapes since Attorney

L. Lin Wood’s claim of judges being blackmailed are so vague that it can

include any Judge inside of the United States of America. Petitioner would

like this ongoing issue to be resolved once and for all. If those judges were

blackmailed, then the Judicial Council should inquire as to when this may

have happened, and whether Brian David Hill’s cases were affected

negatively against Brian David Hill as a result of the blackmail if it exists.

Attorney L. Lin Wood claimed to have this evidence and mentions about

the need for a Special Prosecutor to review over the blackmail videotapes.

The Judicial Council can save innocent lives and hold the blackmailed

Judges accountable by investigating the STATEMENT OF FACTS of this

COMPLAINT. Investigating the Exhibits and finding out directly from

Attorney L. Lin Wood which Federal or State Judges may be blackmailed

with child rape and murder concerning possibly the Middle District of

North Carolina and/or possibly other United States Court Districts within

the Fourth Circuit.

Morally it is the right thing to do for the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit to

investigate all Statement of FACTS, as well as the Exhibits, and how it pertains to

this COMPLAINT. It is of moral obligation to take action on this COMPLAINT.

The Attorney L. Lin Wood can be contacted and subpoenaed at the following:


1180 West Peachtree Street, Ste. 2400
Atlanta, GA 30309
P.O. Box 52584
Atlanta, GA 30355‐0584
Telephone: (404) 891‐1402
Facsimile: (404) 506‐9111


For the foregoing reasons stated above, the Petitioner urges this Judicial

Council to investigate Petitioner’s COMPLAINT and examine the Exhibits, as well

as contacting Attorney L. Lin Wood to make a determination on whether any

Federal Judges involved in any District of the United States District Court within

the Fourth Circuit regions could be involved in a blackmail videotape described by

Attorney Lin Wood.

For the foregoing reasons stated above, the Petitioner urges this Judicial

Council to investigate Petitioner’s COMPLAINT and examine the Exhibits, to

determine if the Hon. Thomas David Schroeder and/or Hon. William Lindsey

Osteen Junior were ever engaging in bias, prejudice, discrimination, and partiality

behavior where it can reasonably be questioned.

For the foregoing reasons stated above, the Petitioner urges this Judicial

Council to investigate Petitioner’s COMPLAINT and examine the Exhibits, to

determine if the Hon. Thomas David Schroeder and/or Hon. William Lindsey

Osteen Junior may or may not be involved in any of the blackmail videotapes

mentioned by Attorney L. Lin Wood.

For the foregoing reasons stated above, the Petitioner urges this Judicial

Council to take any other appropriate actions to remedy the situation.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dated: October 25, 2021


Pro Se

Brian David Hill – Ally of Qanon

Founder of USWGO Alternative
310 Forest Street, Apt. 2
Martinsville, Virginia 24112
(276) 790-3505
Pro Se Appellant


I hereby certify that on this 25th day of October, 2021, I caused this


c/o Roberta Hill through her email address upon the

following Attorney(s) and Court Official(s):

Attorney L. Lin Wood

1180 West Peachtree Street, Ste. 2400
Atlanta, GA 30309
P.O. Box 52584
Atlanta, GA 30355‐0584
Telephone: (404) 891‐1402
Facsimile: (404) 506‐9111

Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals
1100 East Main Street
Suite 501
Richmond, VA 23219-3517

Brian David Hill – Ally of Qanon

Founder of USWGO Alternative
310 Forest Street, Apt. 2
Martinsville, Virginia 24112
(276) 790-3505
Pro Se Appellant


For the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit in reference to:
COMPLAINT files by Brian David Hill on October 25, 2021.


Exhibit Page


entered November 12, 2014…........................................................................... 3


entered November 12, 2014…........................................................................... 6


entered November 12, 2014…........................................................................... 60


entered November 12, 2014…........................................................................... 77


Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit
Filed on October 25, 2021
by Brian David Hill

United States District Court

Middle District of North Carolina
324 W. Market Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401-2544

John S. Brubaker, Clerk TELEPHONE: (336) 332-6000

January 10, 2018



Re: Case: 17CV1036/13CR435; HILL v. USA


The respondent has filed a Motion to Dismiss on 1/10/2018, which may or may not be supported
by an affidavit.

You have the right to file a 20-page response in opposition to the respondent's motion. Your
response may be accompanied by counter affidavits or you may submit other responsive
material. Ordinarily, uncontested motions are granted. Therefore, your failure to respond or, if
appropriate, to file counter affidavits or evidence in rebuttal within the allowed time may cause
the court to conclude that the respondent's contentions are undisputed. As a result, the court may
dismiss your suit or render judgment against you. Therefore, unless you file a response in
opposition to the respondent's motion, it is likely your case will be dismissed or summary
judgment will be granted in favor of the respondent. Any response or counter affidavits or other
responsive material to a Motion to Dismiss must be filed within 21 days from the date of service
of the respondent's motion upon you.

Any response you file should be accompanied by a brief containing a concise statement of
reasons for your opposition and a citation of authorities upon which you rely. You are reminded
that affidavits must be made on personal knowledge, contain facts admissible in evidence and be
made by one shown to be competent to testify. A false statement under oath or under penalty of
perjury may be a crime punishable as provided by law.

Case 1:13-cr-00435-TDS Document 142 Filed 01/10/18 Page 1 of 2


The original of your response should be mailed to this office and a copy served upon the
respondent. Any pleadings presented to this court for filing must be accompanied by a certificate
stating that you have served copies on the respondents.



By: /s/Leah Garland

Deputy Clerk

Case 1:13-cr-00435-TDS Document 142 Filed 01/10/18 Page 2 of 2



Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit
Filed on October 25, 2021
by Brian David Hill
Supreme Court, US

OCT 0 S 2021

Kn ®fje
Supreme Court ©f ®fje 3Sntteb States

On Petition for a Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition to

the United States District Court for the Middle
District of North Carolina and the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit



Brian David Hill

Ally of QANON, and General Flynn
Former USWGO Alternative News Reporter
Tel.: (276) 790-3505
E-Mail: Nn Fmail

irs.w.G.o. Friend of justice for all

Dated: October 12. 2021

%£ k; JusticeForUSWGO.NL,

I. Questions Presented

Where the U.S. District Court for the Middle

District of North Carolina had systematically and

repeatedly deprived a Petitioner of Due Process of

Law under the Constitution, allow the multitudes of

Fraud on the Court upon its record and repeatedly

refused to correct its record after the proven fraud

upon its record proven by the Uncontested Motions of

the Petitioner?

Where the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of

Appeals have acted autonomously by ignoring the

Supreme Court case law authorities, controlling case

law. Not just repeatedly ignoring or disregarding

evidence, witnesses, and proper legal rules and

procedures to bully an innocent man for years?

Where the U.S. District Court had deprived the

Petitioner of rights guaranteed and enumerated by

United States Constitution and of the U.S. Supreme

Court (“SCOTUS”) by bucking this highest Court’s

authoritative laws of the Court, acting in



Where the U.S. Court of Appeals had repeatedly

over ten times had protected the repeated

Constitutional violations of law and Due Process

violations by rubber stamping every appeal to be

favorable to the offending District Court and always

favorable to the prosecuting attorney of the United

States of America?

Where the U.S. Court of Appeals knew that the

SCOTUS had ruled differently regarding different

matters concerning Constitutional rights such as (#1)

the right to a Jury Trial for Federal Supervised

Release Violation charges carrying imprisonment

terms; (#2) such as the right for a criminal defendant

and 2255 Petitioner to bring forth the ground of

Actual Innocence to overcome a one year statute of

limitations time bar; (#3) such as regarding the

inherit or implied powers concerning valid

uncontested or proven Fraud on the Court claims?

Where both the U.S. Court of Appeals and the

U.S. District Court had acted in REBELLION against

SCOTUS authoritative case laws not just once but


multiple times and so remedy cannot be obtained in

the lower Courts anymore or any further?

Where the “due process of law” clause of the

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V, is being deprived

and ignored by the U.S. District Court in the Middle

district of North Carolina and the supervisory Court

known as the U.S. Court of Appeals by denying

uncontested Hazel Atlas motions?

Where the errors have piled up throughout the

U.S. District Court criminal case, 2255 civil case, and

have done nothing to correct the fraud. They have

done nothing to correct the errors, and they have done

nothing to correct their autonomous decisions

contrary to SCOTUS on multiple occasions. Will the

Supreme Court grant extraordinary relief to strike

down those null and void decisions?

Where relief cannot be obtained by direct

appeal, by Habeas Corpus, by the Court’s inherit or

implied powers? Where no relief can be obtained at all

no matter what evidence, witnesses, and expert

witnesses is ever offered or submitted?


Where the bias and prejudice are well within

the record of the District Court, that the treatment

and respect for U.S. Probation Officer Jason

McMurray the truthful officer differs from the

treatment and respect of U.S. Probation Officer

Kristy L. Burton the perjurer?

Where due process had been completely

deprived with no fairness, no impartiality under the

adversarial system?

Where both Courts are engaging in excess of

jurisdiction by depriving Petitioner of due process

systematically as it is shown on the record how it is

systematically being conducted?

Where both Courts are systematically ignoring

evidence and witnesses when favorable to the

criminal defendant even when the Federal Criminal

Prosecutor's evidence which was reviewed by the

Grand Jury actually may also be favorable to the

criminal defendant that it also gets ignored and

disregarded by both Courts acting in rebellion against

common sense and the law?


II. Table of Contents

I. Questions Presented............................................ ii
II. Table of Contents................................................ v
III. Table of Authorities.......................................... VI
IV. Petition for Writ Of Certiorari..................... 1
V. Opinions Below..................................................... 5
VT. Jurisdiction........................................................... 7
VII. Constitutional Provisions Involved......... 8
VIII. Statement of the Case.................................. 8
1. All unlawful, null and void judgments
acting in excess of jurisdiction............................. 13
2. The Court of Appeals, which is the
supervisory Court refuses to hold the U.S.
District Court accountable under any appeal
and refuses to Order and Remand anything;
even if well-grounded in law and fact............... 17
A. To hold the District Court and Appeals
Court accountable for Not following the
Laws, Not Following SCOTTJS authoritative
case laws; acting in repeated excess of
jurisdiction.................................................................... 24
B. To keep in uniformity with all Courts, the
Supreme Court needs to make an example
out of the District Court and the Fourth
Circuit Appeals Court to make sure that
they fully comply with the decisions of this
Supreme Court. That they cannot render
decisions contrary to this Supreme Court....... 29
C. No other adequate remedy is available...... 33
X. CONCLUSION...................................................... 34


III. Table of Authorities


Mallard v. U.S. Dist. Court for S. Dist. of Iowa, 49Q U.S. 296



United States v. Havmond. 533 U.S (2019) 15

19, 20, 27

Chambers v, Nascn Tnc 501 ITS 32

(1991) 24

Hazel-Atlas Olass On. v Hart/ford-Rmpire Co., 322 U.S. 238



Whiteside v. United States, 775 F.3d 180, 182-83 (4t.b Cir.

2014) (en


22, 35

Rolling v Sharpe 347 U.S 497

(1954) 27

Johnson y Zerhst 304 U.S. 458 S Ct.1019

(1938) 26

Klugh v. U.S. 620 F Supp 892 (D.S.C

1985) 26

Marshall v. Jerrico 100 S. Ct. 1610. 446 U.S. 238

(19801 25

Bradv v. Maryland. 373 U.S. 83 (19631


Giglio v, United States. 405 150 (19721


Strickland v Washington 466 U.S. 668 (19841


In re Mnrchinson 349 ILS. 133 136



Hanson v Denckla. 357 US 235. 2 L Ed 2d 1283. 78 S Ct 1228 (19581


OTP WAYNE MIJT. L. ASSOC, v. McDonough, 204 IT. S. 8,27

S Ct,. 236 (19071


Giglio v, United States 405 U.S 150

(19721 18

Pure Oil Co. v. City of Northlake, 10 Ill. 2D 241, 245, 140 N.E

2D 289




Donsley v United States 523 ILS 614

(19861 21, 35

Murray v, Carrier, 477 IIS. 476

(1966) 21, 35

McQniggin v\ Perkins 569 ITS 363

(20131 21, 35

Schlup v, Dein 513 11 S 296

(19951 21

House v Pell 547 IL S 516

(2006) 21

Herrera v Collins 506 IT. S. 390 -405

(1993) 21

Hallherg v. (roldhlatt Pros., 363 Ill 25

(1936) 26


Local Rule 7.3(k) and (f) of the Middle District of North

Carolina 16-17, 20-21,

Appellate Rule
10(e)................... 23

Fed. Rules Civ. Proc., Rule 60(b)(4), 28 U.S.C.A.; U.S.C.A.

Const. Amend.
5 26


Supreme Court Rule

20 13


28 U. S. C. §1651(a), the All Writs Act 7

Section 242 of Title 18 31

Constitutional Provisions

United States Constitution, Amendment V 8

United States Constitution, Amendment I 8

United States Constitution, Article III 8

Due Process of Law under the Fifth Amendment 6

Petition seeking Mandamus and/or Prohibition

relief against the following Null and Void

U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North

Carolina; case no. # l:13-cr-435-, l:17-cv-01036:

Documents #54; #122, #200, #236

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit:

Null and void Judgments under case nos. # #19-7756,

#15-4057, #17-1866, #18-1160, #19-2077, #19-4758,
#19-7483, #19-2338, #19-7755, #20-7737 and #20-


IV. Petition for Writ Of Mandamus or Prohibition

Brian David Hill (“Petitioner”), a criminal defendant and

civil case 2255 Petitioner respectfully petitions this court

for an Extraordinary Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition to

review over all illegal, unlawful, invalid, null and void

judgments, mainly of the U.S. District Court. The null and void

judgments of both the party #1: U.S. District Court for the Middle

District of North Carolina (“District Court”) and party #2: the U.S.

Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (“Appeals Court”). The

main party is the District Court as the Appeals Court is being

referenced to show cause proving that all other possible relief

was attempted but have failed, that no other adequate relief

can be obtained. Not just, review but mandate corrective

action(s) against one or both parties in this case and prohibit

any illegal/unlawful actions by one or both Courts in which had

repeatedly deprived the Petitioner of Due Process of Law for

years and years; as well as prohibit any actions by both parties

from further violating the Constitutional rights of Petitioner.

Petitioner asks this Court to mandate vacatur and nullification

of all offending Judgments by one or both Courts, which had

deprived Petitioner of Due Process of Law; violated multiple


controlling case laws from SCOTUS, which had not been

overruled by this very Court; and had violated the U.S.

Constitution to such an egregious extent. To the extent, which

includes a repeated pattern of frauds, abuses, and miscarriages

of justice can no longer be ignored by any credible

Constitutional Court of Law with any integrity. Both Courts

are acting autonomously outside of law as if SCOTUS does not

exist anymore. This Court must act to correct all miscarriages

of justice and to correct all autonomous court rulings from the

inferior Courts which keep piling up. These autonomous

rulings, which keep piling up one on top of the other. All in favor

of the corrupt United States Attorney Office for the Middle

District of North Carolina (“U.S. Attorney Office”) who

originally had prosecuted a fraudulent criminal case from the

very beginning and destroyed discovery material.

The officers of the District Court at issue in this writ are

#1: Hon. William Lindsey Osteen Junior, #2: Hon. Thomas

David Schroeder, #3: Hon. Magistrate Joe L. Webster. All are

officers working at the District Court.

The officer of the Appeals Court at issue in this writ are

#1: Hon Patricia S. Connor, Clerk. This is an officer working at

the Appeals Court. In the event that SCOTUS feels and


requests that any other possibly applicable officer be served a

copy of this Petition when evaluating over this Petition, this

Court can request any additional parties and Petitioner will

comply with such an order. If this Court finds it necessary.

The judgments in which this Petitioner seeks relief have

all deprived Petitioner of Due Process of Law under the Fifth

Amendment of the Constitution and have allowed a repeated

pattern of fraud, lies, and abuses by the U.S. Attorney Office

without any remedy. All remedies have been exhausted. Please

help me SCOTUS. I have no hope left. Petitioner cannot obtain

any relief no matter what evidence and witness testimony is

brought up, no matter what evidence or witnesses is offered or

submitted, and no matter what authoritative case law is

brought up in arguments. This Court’s laws are ignored.

This is a very complex situation but with the page/word

limits, Petitioner asks this Court to allow further filing of

arguments/pleadings or requests Oral Argument for

clarification when considering this Petition on its merits, to

review over its merits. It does have merit. There are many legal

and Constitutional issues, which were never resolved in the

District Court and Appeals Court when brought to their

attention. The inferior Courts are completely broken.


The District Court had filed multiple null and void

judgments, which are subject to lack of jurisdiction or excess of

jurisdiction; and thus this Court has the Constitutional right

and original legal authority. This legal authority of this Court

is to undo a repeated pattern of non-jurisdictional orders

against Petitioner, which are all supposed to be null and void.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

(“Appeals Court”) have created judgments contrary to the

evidence on the record, contrary and contradictory to the

authoritative case laws by this very Court. Petitioner shows

from the judgments and records of all Appeals Court cases

Petitioner was involved with that no relief can be obtained by

the Appeals Court, and no remedy can be obtained by the

Appeals Court. They rubber-stamp every final judgment

against Petitioner and always in favor of the U.S. Attorney

Office. Thus, Petitioner has no other avenue to obtain any

Constitutional/Legal relief or remedy no matter the merits. The

District Court admitted in its own opinion that even if

Petitioner had any merit at all, it would deny them. Thus,

Petitioner is subject to an unlawful and unconstitutional

Kangaroo Court, which had deprived Petitioner of all remedies

under the Laws of the Land. Even the famous celebrities Bill

Cosby and Michael Jackson were acquitted of their charges

because of either being found innocent in the case of Michael

Jackson, or prosecutorial misconduct as found in the case of Bill

Cosby. If both can be legally acquitted, so must Brian David

Hill a victim of a repeated pattern of miscarriages of justice.

The Appeals Court offending case nos. are #1: 20-7737,

#2: 20-1396, #3: 20-6034, #4: 19-7756, #5: 19-7755, #6: 19-2338,

#7: 19-7483, #8: 19-4758, #9: 19-2077, #10: 18-1160, #11: 17-

1866, #12: 15-4057. No matter what arguments were brought

up, every Appeal affirms the decision of the District Court no

matter what was in the record, no matter the argument, no

matter what the law says or what SCOTUS says. It is virtually

impossible for a valid Appeals Court of Law to deny every

appeal ever consecutively from a single criminal defendant or

civil litigator. When many appeals are denied and dismissed

with all having an unpublished opinion no matter the

argument, it should have drawn the Court into serious question

as to whether it had failed to properly administer justice under

the Law. Are they compromised? Were they blackmailed?

The District Court offending case nos. are l:13-cr-435-l,

and l:17-cv-1036.


V. Opinions Below
There are many judgments and the opinions would exceed the

page and word limits set by the Rules of this Court. Read all

offending judgments of the District Court and Appeals Court as

outlined in the Joint Appendix. They are offending judgments

because they were all made in deprivation of Due Process of Law

(excess of jurisdiction) and decisions were made in contradiction to

the Case Laws set by this authoritative Supreme Court.

However, one opinion made by the officer: Hon. U.S.

Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster of the Middle District of North

Carolina. This Magistrate said and I quote:

“g. The Merits As explained above, all of Petitioners grounds

are time-barred. However, if the Court were to reach the merits of
Petitioners grounds for relief, it would deny them.” Citation from
Document #210, Page 19, Case no. l:13-cr-435.

This opinion was affirmed by officer: Hon. Chief Judge

Thomas David Schroeder (JA 35-37), and so they were both

colluding to deprive Petitioner ofDue Process of Law under the Fifth

Amendment. See Document #236, #237, Case no. l:13-cr-435. The

point I am making is that the District Court does not care about the

merits and would deny any relief even if merits or the law allow such

remedy and relief. It is a kangaroo court, and that short sentence of

Hon. Mag. Judge Joe Websters opinion had shown that the District


Court never cared about the merits, never cared about any evidence

or witnesses actually filed with the Court. Never cared about

appointment of impartial expert witnesses. It was all one sided and

always will be one sided (in violation of the adversarial system,

impartiality, fairness) unless this Supreme Court takes action and

mandates an end to this endless judicial nightmare of miscarriages

ofjustice that keeps going and going like an Energizer Battery.

VI. Jurisdiction
Mr. Hill’s petition for Mandamus and Prohibition is a

request for Extraordinary Relief and all other attempts to obtain

relief have been exhausted. Mr. Hill invokes this Court's

jurisdiction under 28 U. S. C. §1651(a), the All Writs Act.

Mandamus is appropriate where petitioner "lack adequate

alternative means to obtain the relief they seek", Mallard v. U.S.

Dist. Court for S. Dist. of Iowa, 490 U.S. 296, 309, (1989).

Petitioner had been shut out of his Petition for a Writ of Habeas

Corpus (JA 35-37 and JA 69-74). Petitioner’s Hazel Atlas motions

were all denied despite being uncontested and undisputed (JA 78-

80) and proven the frauds on the Court by an officer of the Court.

Therefore, Petitioner had been shut out of all Hazel Atlas remedies

under the Court’s inherit or implied powers. His appeals have all


been closed with the exception of his remaining two Petitions for

Writs of Certiorari to be filed in this Court on October 11, 2021,

accompanying this Petition. The two to-be-filed Petitions

regarding case nos. 19-7755, 20-6034, and 20-7737. Since a large

majority of Writs of Certiorari is usually denied without an

opinion, and the right to relief is discretionary, Petitioner is only

left with Mandamus relief if those two Petitions are denied. If

those two remaining Petitions for Writ of Certiorari are denied,

then Petitioner has no other adequate remedy left and thus

Mandamus is the appropriate relief. Therefore, Petitioner asks

that this Mandamus Petition be acted upon last of all three

Petitions to be filed with this Court on October 11, 2021. That

includes this petition in all three.

VII. Constitutional Provisions Involved

United States Constitution, Amendment V:
“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or
otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or
indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land
or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in
time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject
for the same offense to be put twice in jeopardy of life or limb;
nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken
for public use, without just compensation.”

United States Constitution, Amendment I:


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment

of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances.”

United States Constitution, Article III:

“Section 1. The judicial power of the United States, shall be

vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the
Congress may from time to time ordain and establish...” (citation
partially omitted)

“Section 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in

law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the
United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under
their authority;—to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls;~to all cases of admiralty and maritime
jurisdiction;—to controversies to which the United States shall be
a party...” (citation partially omitted)

VIII. Statement of the Case

We are now faced with a situation of jurisdictional defect

upon jurisdictional defect. Where many errors come together

throughout the entire case of United States of America v. Brian

David Hill (case no. l:13-cr-435-l); Brian David Hill v. United

States of America (case no. l:17-cv-01036); and Brian David

Hill v. Executive Office for United States Attorneys, et al (case

no. 4:17-cv-00027, Western District of Virginia). NOTE: The

Western District of Virginia case is not being prosecuted in this

Mandamus Petition but is only used for reference as it involved

the other two cases and the U.S. Attorney Office. The


corruption and criminality of the United States Attorney Office

for the Middle District of North Carolina. They had become so

corrupted that they would not even contest the Fraud on the

Court claims in the District Court. One fraud for example:

regarding perjury of their key-witness Kristy L. Burton, and

regarding other ethical issues. See Petition for Writ of

Certiorari filed with this Court for appealing Appeals Court

case no. # 20-7737. They never contested the claims of fraud

under Documents #169, #171, #199, #206, #222, and #217. See

case nos. l:13-cr-435-l and l:17-cv-01036, Middle Dist. Of

North Carolina.

In addition to that, it was admitted by the U.S. Attorney

Office in Greensboro, NC, in the Western District of Virginia

lawsuit under case no. 4:17-cv-00027 that they had destroyed

evidence such as:

(#1) The State Bureau of Investigation forensic case file

which had download dates of July 20, 2012, to July 28, 2013,

after being seized by police on August 28, 2012;

(#2) The false confession audio file of Brian David Hill on

August 29, 2012, and compiled by Mayodan Police Department;

(#3) any other evidence that should have been protected

under Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972) and Brady

v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). See the admissions by the U.S.

Attorney Office under oath/affirmation and in their pleadings

(case no. 4:17-cv-00027, Western District of Virginia) in

Document #48, Document #49 in Hill v. EOUSA, et al. Citation:

“ECF NOS. 49-3, 49-6 and 49-7 WERE STRICKEN FROM THE


Memorandum in Support re 48 MOTION for Summary

Judgment . filed by Executive Office for United States

Attorneys, United States Department Of Justice.

(Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Princina Stone Declaration, # 2

1, # 3 2, # 4 3, # 5 4, # 6 5, # 7 6, # 8 7, # 9 8, # 10 Exhibit B -

Carolyn Loye DeclarationXSloan, Cheryl) Modified on

1/4/2018. Modified docket text to reflect exhibits stricken from

the docket, (mih)”. They admitted to evidence being destroyed.

Here are the links to the destroyed evidence pages leaked

regarding the destroyed evidence by an anonymous concerned



EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Media Writer Brian D. Hill Setup On
Child Pornography Possession: I We Are Change (web link
WithChildPom - Leaked SBI Docs prove USWGO framed with
child porn : Anonymous : Free Download, Borrow, and
Streaming : Internet Archive (web link citation)


In fact, the District Court and Appeals Court have gotten

so brazen with their deprivation of Due Process of Law against

Petitioner that online YouTube videos have been uploaded by

friends or family in regards to Brian Hill being held hostage by

the District Court. Thousands have seen the videos according

to Petitioner’s family giving Petitioner screen captures of the

reported view counts. Petitioner’s family confirmed that view

counts were being manipulated to being lowered than the true

view counts. Therefore, the view counts may be higher than

what YouTube had reported. I was given the link texts:

See -
Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, was TORTURED
into Falsely Pleading Guilty. (Video stream citation);
httpa://www.yniituhe,c*nm/watch?v=GkvT.tinnTCltY - Proof that
Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT, being HELD
HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court (Video stream citation)
See https://www.yfmti3hft-P.nm/watch7vasNlasri7JRag The
Federal Courts and Fourth Circuit US Court IGNORES THE
LAW - Brian D Hill Interview/Statement (Video stream

The fact those videos are coming out showing the lies and

frauds by the U.S. Attorney Office, leaked SBI document photo

pages, the alleged claim of possible child pornography with the

download dates as to being 11 months, 8 days after the

computer was seized by the Town of Mayodan Police

Department. Its corrupt Mayodan Town lawyer Philip Edward

Berger Senior also allowed the corruption in the Town of


Mayodan Police Department by depriving Petitioner of Brady

Material for his 2255 Motion. See Document #2-2, pages 18-19,

Western Dist. Of Virginia, case no. 4:17-cv-00027-JLK-RSB,

Filed 04/25/17. The U.S. Attorney Office destroyed the

confession audio. This helped Town of Mayodan and its corrupt

lawyer violating Brady v. Maryland named Philip E. Berger

Senior so that Brian would be prevented from proving that his

confession was a false confession and that the audio was

botched up and altered in violation of the Federal Rules of

Evidence. It is obvious that when the claimed download dates

are between July 20, 2012, and July 28, 2013; the computer was

seized on August 28, 2012, that something criminal and

sinister was going on here. The U.S. Attorney Office never

refuted those download dates in the SBI forensic report by SBI

Special Agent Rodney V. White, ever. They never claimed those

download dates had never existed in their own evidence used

for the Grand Jury indictment of Brian David Hill on November

25, 2013. It is clear that there is fraud, abuse, and corruption

by the U.S. Attorney Office, no doubt about that. They are being

protected by officer: Hon. Thomas David Schroeder, and officer:

Hon. Mag. Judge Joe L. Webster. They all rather push this


fraud under the rug. That the fraud continues and deny every

motion Petitioner had ever filed requesting any kind of relief.

This case presents very important questions of exceptional

circumstances warranting “Extraordinary Relief’ as required by Rule

20. “Procedure on a Petition for an Extraordinary Writ.”

As to Supreme Court Rule 20: “the petition must show that the

writ will be in aid of the Court's appellate jurisdiction, that exceptional

circumstances warrant the exercise of the Court's discretionary

powers, and that adequate relief cannot be obtained in any other form

or from any other court.” Petitioner had demonstrated that no other

adequate relief could be obtained in any other form or from any other

court. The only Court that can provide relief for these extraordinary

jurisdictional defects is this Supreme Court, as Petitioner cannot

obtain any relief in the District Court and in the Appeals Court.

Here are the facts for the Justices to consider:

1. All unlawful, null and void judgments acting in excess of


The judgments by the District Court in case no. l:13-cr-

435-1 which are acting in deprivation of Due Process of Law;

permitting Frauds on the Court; and acting in excess of

jurisdiction from the District Court are as follows. Those


judgments are acting autonomously and in repeatedly

contradiction to SCOTUS.


(1), Count(s) 1, Ten (10) months and twenty (20) days

imprisonment, but not less than time served; ten (10) years

supervised release; $100.00 special assessment. Filed on

November 12, 2014 — Note from Petitioner: This judgment was

grounded on fraud by U.S. Attorney Office by the uncontested

Motions filed at a later time in the case under Documents

numbered: #169, #199, #206, #222, #264 and #217. See JA 5-10.

Document #122: ORDER Supervised Release Violation

Hearing signed by JUDGE THOMAS D. SCHROEDER on

7/23/2015. Defendant's supervised release is not revoked and

the Defendant is to remain on supervised release. The

Defendant shall participate in a cognitive behavioral treatment

program and location monitoring home detention program as

set out herein. All other terms and conditions of supervised

release as previously imposed remain in full force and effect in

case as to BRIAN DAVID HILL (1). (Daniel, J) - Filed on July

24, 2015 — Note from Petitioner: This judgment was grounded

on fraud by U.S. Attorney Office by the uncontested Motions

filed at a later time in the case under Documents numbered:


#169, #199, #206, #222, #264 and #217. Not just fraud but

deprivation of Petitioner’s constitutional right to a TRIAL BY

JURY as set forth in SCOTUS case United States v. Haymond,

588 U.S.___(2019). See JA 11-18.



supervised release is revoked. Nine (9) months imprisonment.

Nine (9) years supervised release is re-imposed under the same

terms and conditions as previously imposed. The Defendant

shall surrender to the U.S. Marshal for the Middle District of

N.C. or to the institution designated by the Bureau of Prisons

by 12:00 p.m. on 12/6/2019 as to BRIAN DAVID HILL. Signed


(Daniel, J). Filed on October 4, 2019 — Note from Petitioner:

This judgment was grounded on fraud by U.S. Attorney Office

by the uncontested Motions filed at a later time in the case

under Documents numbered: #169, #199, #206, #222, #264 and

#217. Not just fraud but deprivation of Petitioner’s

constitutional right to a TRIAL BY JURY as set forth in

SCOTUS case United States v. Haymond, 588 U.S. (2019).

See JA 19-34.


Document #236: ORDER signed by CHIEF JUDGE

THOMAS D. SCHROEDER on 12/31/2019, that the

Government's motion to dismiss (Doc. [141]) be GRANTED,

that Petitioner's motion to vacate, set aside or correct sentence

(Doc. [125]) be DISMISSED, and that this action be

DISMISSED. FURTHER that Petitioner's motion to file under

seal (Doc. [140]), motion for a psychological/psychiatric

evaluation (Doc. [151]), motions for the appointment of counsel

(Docs. [153] and [169]), motion to continue supervised release

(Doc. [154]), motion to dismiss (Doc. [165]), motion for copies

(Doc. [168]), and request for transcript (Doc. [194]) all be

DENIED. A judgment dismissing this action will be entered

contemporaneously with this Order. Finding neither a

substantial issue for appeal concerning the denial of a

constitutional right affecting the conviction nor a debatable

procedural ruling, a certificate of appealability is not issued.

Civil Case l:17CV1036.(Taylor, Abby). Filed on December 31,

2019. See also the JUDGMENT on Document #237. — Note from

Petitioner: This judgment was grounded on fraud by U.S.

Attorney Office by the uncontested Motions filed at a later time

in the case under Documents numbered: #169, #199, #206,

#222, #264 and #217. That judgment was acting in excess of


jurisdiction as the Motions under: #169, #199, #206, #222 were

uncontested as a matter of law under Local Rule 7.3(k) and (f)

of the Middle District of North Carolina. Uncontested and thus

those motions had proven enough fraud that those uncontested

motions should have been granted on its face. See JA 35-37.

2. The Court of Appeals, which is the supervisory Court

refuses to hold the U.S. District Court accountable under any
appeal and refuses to Order and Remand anything; even if
well-grounded in law and fact

On April 7, 2015, Appeals Court in case no. 15-4057, affirms in

part and dismisses in part Petitioner’s appeal due to Ineffective

Assistance of Counsel in violation of Due Process of Law under the

Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Effective Assistance of

Counsel under the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. See

Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984). See JA 38-41.

On October 9, 2017, Appeals Court in case no. 17-1866,

dismisses the interlocutory appeal. That appeal was to protect

Petitioner’s right to discovery in his criminal case and to prove that

the U.S. Attorney Office was covering up and destroying evidence

then refusing to turn over a copy to the criminal defendant. In sheer

violation of a criminal defendant’s rights under Giglio v. United

States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972) and Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S.

83 (1963). This was done intentionally by the U.S. Attorney


Office to cover up any evidence proving the Actual Innocence of

Brian David Hill. Again,

See the evidence documented under JswgnFramed
WithChildPnm - Leaked SBI Docs prove USWGO framed with
child pom : Anonymous : Free Download, Borrow, and
Streaming : Internet Archive (web link citation).

The Appeals Court knew from the record in the Western

District of Virginia FOIA lawsuit civil case that Petitioner was

a criminal defendant in the Middle District of North Carolina.

They totally violated his rights under Brady v. Maryland and

Giglio v. United States. See JA 42-47.

On July 24, 2018, Appeals Court in case no. 18-1160, dismisses

the appeal. That appeal was to protect Petitioner’s right to discovery

in his criminal case and to prove that the U.S. Attorney Office was

covering up and destroying evidence then refusing to turn over a copy

to the criminal defendant. In sheer violation of a criminal defendant’s

rights under Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972) and

Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). This was done

intentionally by the U.S. Attorney Office to cover up any

evidence proving the Actual Innocence of Brian David Hill.

Again, See the evidence from the following:


WithChildPorn - Leaked SBI Docs prove USWGO framed with


child porn : Anonymous : Free Download, Borrow, and

Streaming : Internet Archive (web link citation). Link text from

Brian’s family. The Appeals Court knew from the record in the

Western District of Virginia FOIA lawsuit civil case that

Petitioner was a criminal defendant in the Middle District of

North Carolina. They totally violated his rights under Brady v.

Maryland and Giglio v. United States. That decision also

protected Mayodan Police Department who, through its corrupt

Town Attorney Philip Edward Berger Senior, deprived

Petitioner of his CONSTITUTIONAL right to obtain a copy of

his false confession by the audio recording recorded on August

29, 2012 by Detective Christopher Todd Brim and/or Detective

Robert Bridge. See JA 48-53. See Document #2-2, pages 18-19,

Western Dist. Of Virginia, case no. 4:17-cv-00027-JLK-RSB,

Filed 04/25/17. Any legalize in that letter would be by a lawyer.

On October 17, 2019, Appeals Court in case no. 19-2077,

dismisses the appeal. However, the reason for that dismissal was that

after Petitioner had served a copy of his Petition for a Writ of

Mandamus in the Fourth Circuit upon the District Court, the judge

had been moved to put in his final written judgment. That was after

stalling/stonewalling for weeks, relief was obtained not in the Appeals


Court but that Petitioner was given relief by that pressure put on the

District Court. See JA 54.

On October 16, 2020, Appeals Court in case no. 19-4758,

affirms the entire judgment of the District Court in an unpublished

opinion. Attorney Edward Ryan Kennedy had pushed for Certiorari

relief in case no. 20-6864 before this Court but had failed due to it

being denied. However, the Appeals Court had deprived Petitioner of

his Constitutional right to TRIAL BY JURY as outlined in SCOTUS

case United States v. Haymond, 588 U.S. ___ (2019). The

Appeals Court had rebelled against giving Petitioner his

Constitutional Due Process right to Trial by Jury. They had

rebelled against SCOTUS. See JA 55-61.

On March 17,2020, Appeals Court in case no. 19- 7483, affirms

the entire judgment of the District Court in an unpublished opinion.

The appeal was over the District Court denying Petitioner’s motion

for stay of judgment pending appeal. They not only had deprived

Petitioner of his Constitutional right to trial by jury but had deprived

Petitioner of staying out of Imprisonment at the time in 2019 knowing

the Supreme Court had ruled that Supervised Release Violators are

guaranteed a right to Trial by Jury. Again, see SCOTUS case

United States v. Haymond, 588 U.S.___(2019). The Appeals

Court and District Court had rebelled against giving Petitioner


his Constitutional Due Process right to Trial by Jury. They had

rebelled against SCOTUS. See JA 62-64.

On February 10, 2020, Appeals Court in case no. 19-2338,

dismisses the Petitions for Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition

against the District Court in an unpublished opinion. That

Mandamus and Prohibition appeal was over the District Court not

acting upon uncontested Hazel Atlas Motions regarding proven Fraud

on the Court claims against Officer of the Court: Anand Prakash

Ramaswamy, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North

Carolina aka the U.S. Attorney Office. At that time when it was

denied, Motions under #169, #199, #206, #217, and #222 were all

uncontested in accordance with Local Rule 7.3 of the Middle District

of North Carolina. Fraud was proven, Mandamus should not have

been denied, and Prohibition should not have been denied. Any time

periods set by the Local Law of that Court were all passed the

deadlines. Therefore, Petitioner had won his cases and won his claims

but the Appeals Court and District Court had refused to hand

Petitioner over that victory. As a matter of law, Petitioner was

entitled to relief. Both Courts are REBELLING against the Law; they

are working AGAINST THE LAW. Lower inferior Courts are not

supposed to rebel against SCOTUS and they are not supposed to rebel

against the law even if they disagree with it. If they feel that a law is

unconstitutional or not legally valid, then they should make a legal

opinion and ruling deciding such. None of that was done in the

decisions against Brian David Hill, the law was ignored by the

District Court and Appeals Court; and the law was not followed by

the District Court and Appeals Court. See JA 65-68.

On December 18,2020, Appeals Court in consolidated case nos.

19-7755 & 20-6034, denies the Certificate of Appealability despite

raising very important issues of both a Constitutional and Legal

nature. The issues of both Actual Innocence and Fraud on the Court,

both of them were not subject to being time barred. See SCOTUS

cases Bousley v. United States, 523 U.S. 614 (1998); Murray v.

Carrier, 477 U.S. 478 (1986); McQuiggin v. Perkins, 569 U.S. 383

(2013); Schlup v. Delo, 513 U. S. 298 (1995); House v. Bell, 547 U. S.

518 (2006); and Herrera v. Collins, 506 U. S. 390 -405 (1993). Not just

actual innocence but fraud was proven by the uncontested motions

filed by Petitioner. Petitioner had shown and proven the issues of

fraud and that the fraud was perpetuated by an officer of the Court

who indicted, arrested, and wrongfully convicted Petitioner. That was

by Officer of the Court: Anand Prakash Ramaswamy, Assistant U.S.

Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina aka the U.S.

Attorney Office. The proof is that the Motions under #169, #199, #206,

#217, and #222 were all uncontested in accordance with Local Rule

7.3 of the Middle District of North Carolina. Petitioner had won his

cases as a matter of law and won his claims by those being

uncontested, but the Appeals Court and District Court had refused to

hand Petitioner over that victory. As a matter of law, Petitioner was

entitled to relief. Both Courts are REBELLING against the Law, they

are working AGAINST THE LAW. Lower inferior Courts are not

supposed to rebel against SCOTUS, and they are not supposed to

rebel against the law even if they disagree with it. In the decisions

made against Brian David Hill, the law was ignored by the District

Court and Appeals Court; and the law was not followed by the District

Court and Appeals Court. Even created autonomous case law

authority Whiteside v. United States, 775 F.3d 180, 182-83 (4th Cir.

2014) (en banc); contradicts with SCOTUS. See JA 69-74.

On March 17, 2020, Appeals Court in case no. 19-7756,

affirmed the District Court and dismissed the Appeal without any

remedy. That is concerning Document #216: “MOTION entitled

"Petitioner's and Criminal Defendant's Motion to Correct or Modify

the Record Pursuant to Appellate Rule 10(e) (Doc. #[215])"...”. That

had brought up very concerning information from four Affidavits and

brought up suggestion of additional witnesses including Renorda

Pryor an officer of the Court, as well as Jason McMurray a Probation

Officer that is an officer of the Court. This is regarding information


factually omitted from official Court Transcript, which again is

covering up evidence or covering up testimony, which may be

favorable to the Petitioner. Regardless, purposefully omitting

information from an Official Court Transcript of the Record of a Court

may be a Federal Crime or malfeasance when the intent is proven.

The Appeals Court refused to correct the transcript of the record, and

the District Court refused to correct such omissions from the record.

That is a serious violation of proper Judicial Procedure. The Appeals

Court let them get away with it. See JA 75-77.

Last one that is being cited. On April 27, 2021, Appeals Court

in case no. 20-7737, affirmed the District Court and dismissed the

Appeal without any remedy. That is appealing the wrongful denial of

all uncontested Hazel Atlas Motions. The Appeals Court had refused

to provide relief as a matter of law despite Local Rule 7.3 MOTION

PRACTICE. That local rule with the 21-day deadlines. That all

motions, which are uncontested, would ordinarily be granted without

further notice. That also contradicts the SCOTUS case laws of

Chambers v. Nasco, Inc., 501 U.S. 32 (1991); and Hazel-Atlas Glass

Co. v Hartford-Empire Co., 322 U.S. 238 (1944). See JA 78-80.




A. To hold the District Court and Appeals Court

accountable for Not following the Laws, Not Following
SCOTUS authoritative case laws; acting in repeated
excess of jurisdiction

The District Court is holding Petitioner hostage to

fraudulent begotten judgments not caring about whatever

witnesses, whatever evidence, and whatever case law

Petitioner introduces in the District Court. Petitioner cannot

obtain any relief no matter the argument. That itself shows an

inherit bias or prejudice on its face. Not one person can be 100%

wrong all of the time. When all appeals by one person are

denied, dismissed or affirming the original judgment, then

something is clearly wrong here with that Court of Appeals.

The Appeals Court is depriving Petitioner of due process of law

because every single appeal had been denied. Even Appeals

backed by Affidavits, witnesses, properly cited authoritative

case law. Any well-grounded pleading Petitioner files is usually

all systematically denied.

Petitioner is being held hostage by an unreasonable

District Court, biased District Court, prejudiced District Court

against Petitioner, defrauded District Court, and a District

Court acting with repeated excesses to its own jurisdiction.

See ht.tpfi!//www.yoiituhe rnm/wflt.f>.h?v=(TkvIJinnKltY -

Proof that Brian D. Hill; USWGO Alt. News, is INNOCENT,

being HELD HOSTAGE by Corrupt Federal Court (Video

stream citation) — Link text, provided by Family

The limitations inherent in the requirements of due

process and equal protection of the law extend to judicial as well

as political branches of government, so that a judgment may

not be rendered in violation of those constitutional limitations

and guarantees. Hanson v Denckla, 357 US 235, 2 L Ed 2d

1283, 78 S Ct 1228 (1958). In this case for example, Judge Bjork

refused to hear what the Defendant had to say. (Note: Sounds

similar t,n officer: Judge Thomas David fichroeder of the

District Court) “Defendants who have been treated with

unfairness, bias and the appearance of prejudice by this Court,

and the opposing counsel, leaves open the question of how an

uninterested, lay person, would question the partiality and

neutrality of this Court.“...our system of law has always

endeavored to prevent even the probability of unfairness.” In re

Murchinson, 349 U.S. 133, 136 (1955). This court had a duty to

ensure fairness. This Court failed, or refused to ensure that fairness.

Marshall v. Jerrico, 100 S. Ct. 1610, 446 U.S. 238 (1980) “Judgment

is a void judgment if court that, rendered judgment, lacked jurisdiction

of the subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner

inconsistent with due process. Fed. Rules Civ. Proc., Rule 60(b)(4), 28

U.S.C.A.; U.S.C.A. Const. Amend. 5 - Klugh v. U.S., 620 F. Supp., 892

(D.S.C. 1985). Where Due Process is denied, the case is void,

Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458 S Ct.1019; Pure Oil Co. v. City of

Northlake, 10 Ill. 2D 241, 245, 140 N.E. 2D 289 (1956) Hallberg v.

Goldblatt Bros., 363 Ill. 25 (1936). “A court cannot confer jurisdiction

where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding valid. It is

clear and well established law that a void order can be challenged in

any court”. OLD WAYNE MUT. L. ASSOC, v. McDonough, 204 U. S.

8,27 S. Ct. 236 (1907).

Again, see all of the Supreme Court cases referenced above, See

sections “1. All unlawful, null and void judgments acting in excess of

jurisdiction” and “2. The Court of Appeals, which is the supervisory

Court refuses to hold the U.S. District Court accountable under any

appeal and refuses to Order and Remand anything; even if well-

grounded in law and fact”. Both Courts have acted in rebellion against

the authoritative rulings of the Supreme Court without a valid reason

as to why. They have done so to deprive Petitioner of due process of

law in every way, shape or form. It no longer matters about the one-

year statute of limitations under the Anti-Terrorism and Effective

Death Penalty Act (“AEDPA”) or any of it. Petitioner was deprived of

evidentiary hearings for his Actual Innocence claim. Petitioner was

deprived of evidentiary hearings for his uncontested fraud on the


court claims. Petitioner had been deprived of his Constitutional right

to a Trial by Jury in both Supervised Release Violation hearings.

Whenever Petitioner timely appealed that decision, the Appeals

Court refused to apply the Supreme Court’s holding under United

States v. Haymond, 588 U.S. (2019). Petitioner was again

deprived of due process and was being deprived of Trial by Jury.

Petitioner had been deprived of all Constitutional rights

by the District Court and Appeals Court. They are likely doing

this to other civil litigants and criminal defendants. They

should not be getting away with breaking the laws. They should

not be ignoring the laws. The officers need to be sanctioned and

the only applicable remedy for this Mandamus and Prohibition

Petitions is to rule those offending judgments are null and void,

that they no longer carry the weight and force of law.

Equal Protection under the Laws must apply to the U.S.

District Court and the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court. This Supreme

Court held in Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 U.S. 497 (1954), that the

Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment nonetheless

imposes various equal protection requirements on the federal

government via reverse incorporation. All laws must be

enforced and be equally enforced, that is why we even have

laws. If an officer fails or refuses to fulfil his duty, then he has


become essentially a useless official, wasting the resources,

time, and legitimacy of his respective office. Integrity lost.

The inferior Courts have now acted in such a way as to become

either Rebellious Courts or Runaway Courts. A “Runaway Court” is a

Court, which is running away from complying with the laws of the

land. The officials and officers of a Court who ignore the laws, ignore

its own rules when its favorable to a stigmatized person such as for

example: a criminal defendant, and ignore evidence and everything

else for its own benefit to do whatever it well pleases, then it acts in

excess of jurisdiction. It is a runaway Court and it is running away

from any proven evidence. It runs away from any laws favoring

somebody who the Court does not like. A “Rebellious Court” is a Court,

which acts in rebellion against a higher Court, refusing to follow

newer or even older but valid Supreme Court decisions. Creates

autonomous case law directly contradicting the case law of the

Supreme Court. Like Whiteside v. US in the Appeals Court for

example. It acts in rebellion and refuses to render a lawful decision

from a superior Court. Acting in sheer disrespect to the officials and

officers of a superior Court. The U.S. District Court is acting in

disrespect to the Supreme Court, and so is the Appeals Court. The

lower Courts no longer wish to bring any remedy to Brian David Hill

and never wanted to bring any remedy. If this is being done to Brian

Hill, a criminal defendant, then it is being done to others in the Fourth

Circuit and the District Court. It can be proven if others speak out.

The U.S. Court of Appeals is refusing to actually do their

job and reverse an erroneous decision of an inferior Court as a

matter of law. The U.S. District Court is refusing to actually do

their job and reverse clearly fraudulent begotten judgments

and erroneous decisions as a matter of law. When inferior

Courts refuse to obey the law repeatedly, they need to be

punished and sanctioned. Criminals are punished for breaking

the law. Then why not the inferior Courts???

B. To keep in uniformity with all Courts, the Supreme

Court needs to make an example out of the District
Court and the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court to make
sure that they fully comply with the decisions of this
Supreme Court. That they cannot render decisions
contrary to this Supreme Court.

This Court has the ability to use its authority to grant the

Petition for Mandamus and Prohibition, then order, Mandate, and

order Prohibition to keep the uniformity of the Courts across this

country to continue following the authoritative and controlling

Supreme Court decisions to prevent the entire legal system from

going into disarray. When courts do not have to follow what the

Supreme Court says, then it creates rebellious or runaway courts.

Judges can just cover their eyes, cover their ears, and cover their

mouths. They no longer have to follow any laws. They do not have

to follow Due Process of Law. They do not have to look at any

evidence, quite the opposite. They can treat evidence as if it does

not exist. They can treat credible witnesses as if they do not exist

either. Then whenever a party to a case brings up the law, the

Judge can simply act as if the law does not exist either. Then the

Appeals Court rubber stamps the inferior Court decisions, and no

remedy can ever possibly happen, ever. Then the law no longer

exists in our Courts. Then they can choose which laws to obey and

which ones to ignore. This is very dangerous for any of our courts

to be doing this type of behavior in the United States of America.

It upsets the chain of command. It becomes a CONFEDERACY,

an autonomy zone. Courts can act as “Rebellious Courts” or

“Runaway Courts”. The law no longer applies to the inferior

Courts. If the Justices of this Great Court do not want this

precedent being set where rebellious behavior by activist judges

gets rewarded while the American people suffers greatly with

repeated abuses and miscarriages ofjustice until death, then they

can set an example by making an example out of those rebellious

Courts. They are rebel courts and no longer follow the

Constitution or its own rules or any laws or rules. They selectively

enforce the laws and rules while ignoring the rest. This is

unlawful behavior. This is Deprivation of Rights under Color of

Law. See

color-law. Link text provided by family of Petitioner.

The U.S. Department of Justice had held under its position

regarding Section 242 of Title 18 of Federal Law. The District

Court and Appeals Court are depriving Petitioner of SCOTUS

guaranteed rights under the Constitution, and those officers are

violating that law and depriving Petitioner of all rights under the

color of law.

The Department of Justice (“DOJ”) held that “Section 242 of

Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any

law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected

by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose

of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done

by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority,

but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful

authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or

pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties.

Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this

statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law

enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public

health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is


not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the

race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national

origin of the victim.” Since the DOJ held what that law had said,

it is clear that the District Court and U.S. Attorney Office is acting

in rebellion against the laws of the land to deprive their enemy:

“the Petitioner” of all Constitutional and Legal reprieves.

Petitioner only wants justice and does not want to make enemies

with anybody. Petitioner did not start this fight; it was started by

the U.S. Attorney Office under Document #1 and prosecuting a

fraudulent case against him.

It is time for this great Supreme Court to hold the inferior

Courts to the letters of the law. The District Court and Appeals

Court had ignored the Supreme Court one too many times. If they

do not like the decisions of the Supreme Court, then they can quit

their jobs and resign from the Offices of the Courts. They can even

request to become a candidate for the President’s next

appointment of a Supreme Court justice if they so disagree. Then

they can add dissenting views and get the well respect that they

deserve. It is time for the Supreme Court to make an example out

of the Rebel Courts or Runaway Courts. Hold the District Court

accountable as well as the Appeals Court. Hold them all

accountable for acting in rebellion against the law, against the


rules, and acting against the evidence and witnesses. A Court with

such a disregard for due process should be vacated of all of its

improper judgments. First of all, starting with the null and void

judgments against Petitioner. Any decisions made by the District

Court and Appeals Court contrary to controlling case law by this

Supreme Court should be vacated as a matter of law. Mandamus

is appropriate. Prohibition is appropriate. Relief is necessary.

C. No other adequate remedy is available.

The Appeals Court threw away every Appeal by Petitioner.

Petitioner had been deprived two times of trial by jury. Petitioner

had been deprived of Due Process of Law. Petitioner had been

deprived of his Actual Innocence and evidentiary hearings and

discovery. Petitioner has exhausted all remedies. 2255 Motion had

been exhausted and dismissed. Hazel Atlas motions which were

uncontested were exhausted and dismissed. All appeals in the

Appeals Court for the Fourth Circuit were dismissed without any

remedy no matter what was argued.

There is no other remedy available except the U.S. Supreme

Court. Mandamus is appropriate.


Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,

Petitioner petitions this Court for a redress of the foregoing


The Probation Office of the Western District of Virginia was

so concerned about the officer Hon. Thomas David Schroeder’s

disregard for the testimony of USPO Jason McMurray on

Document #215, case no. l:13-cr-435-l. They were so concerned

about the District Court’s bias, prejudice, that USPO Kristy

Burton was allowed to commit perjury and Hon Schroeder was

happy about Kristy Burton’s perjury, yet was not as respectful to

USPO McMurray in 2019. Didn’t want to accept his testimony the

same way as with USPO Burton. They were so concerned that

they had petitioned the District Court to move the Supervised

Release case to the Western District of Virginia. See Document

#260: “USPO PROB 12B - Modification to Conditions as to BRIAN

DAVID HILL. (Attachments: # (1) Prob 49) (Grassmann,

Shaelynn)”. See Documents 261, 262: " Probation Jurisdiction

Transferred to Western District of Virginia as to BRIAN DAVID

HILL Transmitted Transfer of Jurisdiction form, with certified

copies of indictment, judgment and docket sheet. (Garland,

Leah)", and Document #263: “Notice to Western District of


Virginia of a Transfer of Jurisdiction as to BRIAN DAVID


For the foregoing reasons, Mr. Hill respectfully requests

that this Court issue a writ of Mandamus and/or Prohibition

to review over the null and void judgments of the U.S. Court of

Appeals and mainly of the U.S. District Court. Mr. Hill

respectfully requests that the Honorable Justices of

this Court issue a writ of Mandamus and/or Prohibition to

Mandate that the District Court vacate all judgments, which

are considered null and void, and which are in excess of

jurisdiction. Since the District Court had repeatedly acted in

excess of its own jurisdiction by depriving Petitioner of due

process; and allowed uncontested frauds by the U.S. Attorney

Office against Petitioner; Petitioner requests that this Court

enter a Mandate vacating any or all Judgments in the Joint

Appendix of the Orders #54, #122, #200, #236, #237, and #268.

Petitioner requests that the criminal action since Document #1

be dismissed with prejudice.

Petitioner furthermore requests that the District Court

and Appeals Court prove that they had jurisdiction for all of


their orders being challenged by this Petition for Writs of

Mandamus and Prohibition.

The Appeals Court offending case nos. are #1: 20-7737, #2: 20-

1396, #3: 20-6034, #4:19-7756, #5:19-7755, #6:19-2338, #7:19-7483, #8:

19-4758, #9:19-2077, #10: 18-1160, #11: 17-1866, #12: 15-4057. If any of

those decisions are contrary to controlling case law set by this Supreme

Court, those decisions are clearly erroneous, null and void. Petitioner

requests that this Court sanction the Appeals Court for repeatedly

rendering judicial decisions contrary to SCOTUS. When SCOTUS clearly

made decisions and if they were made aware of those SCOTUS decisions

prior to rendering decisions contrary to those SCOTUS decisions, then

those cases need to be sanctioned by this Supreme Court. Petitioner asks

for sanctions.

Petitioner, last of all, requests nullification or modification of

contrary decision: Whiteside v. United States, 775 F.3d 180, 182-83 (4th

Cir. 2014) (en banc) which contradicts with this Court’s holdings under

Bousley v. United States, 523 U.S. 614 (1998); Murray v. Carrier, 477

U.S. 478 (1986); McQuiggin v. Perkins, 569 U.S. 383 (2013); and any



DATED this 12th day of October, 2021.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian D. Hill
Rriftn T) Hill
Brian David Hill
Pro Se
Ally of QANON and General Flynn
Former USWGO Alternative News Reporter
Tel: (276) 790-3505
E-Mail: No Email




Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit
Filed on October 25, 2021
by Brian David Hill





Case no.: 1:13-cr-435-1 (Please File on Docket, so that Brian's family can
check PACER.GOV and confirm that you had received this letter and the
three (3) copies of Petitions for Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

ATTN: Clerk of the Court U.S. District Court

Telephone: 336-332-6000 Middle District of North Carolina
L. Richardson Preyer Courthouse
324 W. Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401-2544

Dear Clerk of the U.S. District Court,

I really hated that it had to come to this point. I didn't want to have to go this far.
However, I have no choice at this point with the high amount of corruption that has
escalated since the Obama Administration after I was framed with child pornography
and cheated out of nullification of my wrongful conviction, being deprived of due
process of law systematically by a few Judges of your Court. Cheated out of default
judgment. I wanted to just live my life and not bother anybody. I just wanted to run a
news organization back in 2009. That is the past and I have no choice but to risk my life.

Anyways enough bantering. The purpose of this letter is simple. In the envelope
with Certified Mail tracking number ID #: 9402 8368 9523 2448 4674 48 contains three
(3) copies of Petitions for Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition. As well as three (3) copies
of the filed Motions to Proceed In Forma Pauperis. Each copy of the Motions and
Petitions have the individual Judge's name on it, as officers of the Court, named.

One Motion and Petition is to be served with the Hon. Chief Judge Thomas David
Schroeder. The second Motion and Petition is to be served with the Hon. Judge William


Lindsey Osteen Junior. The third Motion and Petition is to be served with the Hon.
Magistrate Judge Joe L. Webster. There should be a sticky note on each copy.

That is simple and easy to forward to the proper officers of the Court.

Anyways, I did like to thank your deputy Clerk for adding the response deadlines
under Documents #169, #199, #206, and #217 in my criminal case 1:13-cr-435-1 noted
herein. I always like to give personal written thank yous to those who do the right thing.
Thanks to you construing my letter as a motion under Document #169, that compelled
Anand Prakash Ramaswamy the corrupt Assistant U.S. Attorney to have 21 days to
respond. I also like to thank you for the Roseboro letter under Document #142. That
letter gave me real insight into Local Rule 7.3, paragraphs (f) and (k). I didn't realize that
each and every motion I had ever filed accusing Ramaswamy of defrauding the Court or
each uncontested motion is ordinarily supposed to be granted without further notice.

I have everything I need thanks to your Local Rule of this respectable U.S.
District Court. The Local Rule which says if I didn't respond in 21 days, that I would
lose my 2255 case. However the AUSA Ramaswamy didn't respond to a good number of
motions which means that my contentions in every single one of those were undisputed.

My contentions that I was factually innocent of possession of child pornography

were undisputed. That Motion number is cited in the Petition for the Writ of Mandamus
or Prohibition being filed in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is being made
aware of Brian David Hill's factual contentions of being innocent. Didn't you know...

Copied from Petition for Writ of Certiorari:

On January 30, 2019, The Petitioner had filed his second uncontested
motion under Document #169 in his § 2255 case such as “MOTION for
Hearing and for Appointment for Counsel filed by BRIAN DAVID HILL.
Responses due by 2/20/2019.” That motion made claims, uncontested claims
and I quote that:

Doc. #169 Citation: “I won't let a guy in a hoodie...stop me from proving my

factual innocence in this case…The fraud upon the Court is caused by both
ineffective assistance of Counsel forcing me to falsely plead guilty under
Oath, and a fraud upon the Court by a false factual basis of guilt in this
criminal case…The fraud in the fact that I never got to review over the
entire discovery evidence with Attorney Eric David Placke, before he


persuaded me to falsely plead guilty under Oath means I had plead guilty
without understanding the full weight of the very evidence that the
prosecution had used against me in my case…The "Factual Basis" of my
guilt provided by the Government prior to sentencing was Fraudulent. My
confession statements were proven to be inaccurate and false, a false
confession caused by my Autism because of the way I was interrogated…
The SBI, that is the State Bureau of Investigation and through their Case
File (forensic report) reported files/images/videos of interest but there was
NO affidavit verifying/confirming whether each such file could have been
actual child pornography. In addition to that, the SBI case file said that 454
files had been downloaded with the eMule program between July 20, 2012,
and July 28, 2013, while my computer was seized on August 28, 2012. The
criminal Judgment of guilty on November 12, 2014, was a fraudulent
Judgment based upon fraud on the Court. Letter respectfully filed with both
the Hon. Magistrate Judge of the Court and the AUSA Ramaswamy on this
the 24th day of January, 2019.” (Citations omitted)

Like catching somebody stealing cookies out of the cookie jar. That single
Document #169 that your deputy Clerks had made very well sure to add a 21-day
response date since it is law that Courts can liberally construe pro se documents and
letters as actual Motions. Because your Clerks considered Document #169 as a motion
and referred such motion, gave the Government lawyers 21 days to respond and they did
not, further proves my cause in the U.S. Supreme Court. Brian David Hill = Innocence.

The Government did in fact defraud the Court, that is why I had filed this Petition
for Writs of Mandamus or Prohibition against Hon. Judge Osteen, Hon. Chief Judge
Schroeder, and Hon. Joe Webster. They all knew I had won my case under Local Rule
7.3. They all knew I found those alleged SBI eMule (if it is child porn????) download
dates and saw no affidavits verifying every file to being of actual child porn. Then the
Pre-Sentence Investigation report saying no victims by name, unknown series. The
whole entire case is a fraud, a sham, a frame up, and that normally happens when
somebody pisses off a powerful corrupt politician who may have been involved with the
Pedophile Rings like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Attorney L. Lin Wood was
right, and I feel like sharing with the Clerk's office my family's screenshot captures of
Attorney L. Lin Wood from Georgia claiming that Politicians and Judges may have
raped children and were blackmailed with this child rape and murder into being
compromised any Federal Judges and any State Judges. This should scare everybody at
your Clerk's office knowing that any of the Judges in your Court could have been
compromised and if proven would reveal a terrible pattern of fraud and miscarriages of


justice. I hope none of this is true. I hope L. Lin Wood is wrong about any of the Judges
and Politicians anywhere could be engaged in being a target of blackmail.

Feel free to see if any of the U.S. Marshals are willing to investigate the Lin Wood
revelations. I mean, this is huge if this kind of criminal activity is going on in our
Government. This completely will destroy the integrity of our Federal and State
Governments. This Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell stuff including the Lin Wood
Lizard Squad revelations will destroy people's faith in our legal system as well as
people's respect for the law will be gone. The corruption is already eroding people's faith
in our legal processes. Pedos can frame me and anybody with child porn. That's scary.

If Lin Wood is right, the Clerks need to be initiating the Judicial Councils and any
Law Enforcement groups including INTERPOL to be investigating these Lizard Squad
blackmail videotapes leaked from the Federal agencies to determine how many Federal
Judges and State Judges may be compromised. This is not good for America.


Officials and Judges????? Hmmm who could that be I wonder????????

Because Joe Biden the pedophile creepy uncle Joe is our President, we will never find
out which judges of the State or Federal may be raping kids and are blackmailed for the
rest of their lives, thus compromising our Federal and/or State Judges anywhere or
Nationwide or anywhere, whatever the case may be. We will never find out under the
corrupt Attorney General and pedophile President Joe Biden. It's clear he is, Hunter
Biden with the child porn on his laptop according to former U.S. Attorney and Mayor of
New York named Rudy Giuliani and never gets arrested, never arrested by the U.S.
Marshals Service but I am called a danger to society when I am a virgin, I never raped, I
never molested anybody, and I am called a danger to society while some real powerful
child molesters never get Federally Indicted. People with child porn like Hunter Biden,
oh because indicting Hunter Biden would make Joe Biden angry and Joe Biden could
probably file a pardon on his son to release him from any potential imprisonment.


My family has all of the special Lin Wood tweets before they were censored. I do
not need to use the internet, my family has all of them and gave me the screenshot files
so I can bring up these very important issues concerning the Judiciary and Politics.



Clerk, please file this letter in color to ensure that the Lin Wood screenshots show
up really good and detailed in the docket. There needs to be special investigations into
whether any judges of the Middle District of North Carolina could have been
compromised. Special counsels needed to investigate the videos, subpoena Lin Wood.


Anyways, that is all I have for you Clerk of the U.S. District Court. Please reply to
this letter with acknowledgment of receipt of this letter, as well as receipt of the three
copies of both the Mandamus Petitions and Motions to Proceed In Forma Pauperis.

I was too afraid to bring up this blackmail tweet screenshots from Attorney L. Lin
Wood in case anyone who may or may not be compromised in your U.S. District Court,
but since this is simply a letter to the Clerk of the Court, not naming names or anything,
I'd thought I'd share this information with you. It should concern you too if anybody in
the Judiciary had raped children and became compromised to blackmail. Fraud.

I do not like doing this kind of stuff like revealing the truth this dangerous as it
could get me killed or kidnapped, but I am being held hostage to the Fed corruption that
is holding me hostage. The political corruption. I am being held hostage to an illegal
sentence, an fraudulent prosecution, and a repeated lack of due process of law.

Please do not construe this letter as a motion. Please do not forward this
letter to any Judge. If any are compromised and read this letter, I'm a dead man.

I respectfully request that you only forward the petitions and motions to the
Judges named in the sticky notes on all three of both the Motions and Petitions.

I hope to get a good outcome in the U.S. Supreme Court. I am grateful to your
deputy Clerks for all of the hard work and effort throughout the years in my criminal
case. I hope to get justice someday. I hope the Supreme Court does grant Mandamus
relief and orders all null and void judgments to be vacated. I hope for remedy that I
cannot obtain in this very Court no matter what evidence or witnesses that I ever had.

Brian D. Hill
Former news reporter of U.S.W.G.O. Alternative News
Ally of QANON
310 Forest Street, Apartment 2
Martinsville, Virginia 24112
(276) 790-3505
JusticeForUSWGO.NL or


1180 West Peachtree Street, Ste. 2400
Atlanta, GA 30309
P.O. Box 52584
Atlanta, GA 30355‐0584
Telephone: (404) 891‐1402
Facsimile: (404) 506‐9111


Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit
Filed on October 25, 2021
by Brian David Hill



Wednesday, January 20, 2021 18:03

ATTN: L. Lin Wood P.O. Box 52584

Law Office of L. Lin Wood, P.C. Atlanta, GA 30355-0584
Please CC to Sidney Powell Telephone: (404) 891-1402
Facsimile: (404) 506-9111

Dear L. Lin Wood,

This is in reference to YOUR tweets. My family took screenshots and gave them to me
to use as reference in this EMERGENCY LETTER. These are YOUR tweets.

Here they are:





I like to bring to your attention the following individuals who have been targeting me or
have been getting the CIA/NSA to target me, and if they are compromised as you have
been saying on Twitter, then I like to have an inquiry on possible blackmail targets who
have been making my life a living hell and almost caused me to kill myself back in
2013. Receiving threatening CIA text messages, CIA greeting cards with terms such as
“SNOW WHITE” an intelligence Supercomputer, receiving threatening emails in 2013.
This involves pedophilia and they set me up with child porn and I suspect that the
following individuals have been blackmailed with child rape and murder, and that would
give them access to those materials used to try to set me up back in July, 2012.





● Philip Edward Berger Senior, NC State Senator and President Pro Tempore
● Philip Edward Berger Junior, former Rockingham County District Attorney
● Federal Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior, Middle Dist. North Carolina
● Federal Judge Thomas David Schroeder, Middle Dist. North Carolina
● SBI Agent Rodney V. White
● NC Reidsville Detective Robert Bridge
● Any or All listed Federal Appellate Court Judges of the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court
of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.
● Charles J. Caruso, Mayodan Police Chief
● Christopher Todd Brim, Detective Sergeant, Mayodan Police
● Attorney Mark Jones, Bell Davis and Pitt law firm

I have photographs of criminal case discovery materials that prove alleged child
porn was downloading from July 20, 2012, to July 28, 2013. My computer was seized
on August 28, 2012. So for 11 months it was downloading to my computer when I didn't
even have my computer while it was supposedly in secure law enforcement custody. I
have been set up here and I have evidence of it but the CORRUPT JUDGE Thomas
David Schroeder ignores it all. He is probably being blackmailed too like John

Look sir, I am willing to be executed, murdered, to prove my actual innocence. I

am willing to risk my life and my families lives to clear my name. I need to give these
individuals names to you and if they are in any of the child rape blackmail schemes
evidence that you were tweeting about, then they are the SUSPECTED #1 culprits who
SET ME UP WITH CHILD PORN. President Trump would not pardon me even though
Roger Stone agreed to get this information to President Trump. He told me through text
message today that he was unable to have me on Trump's final pardon list. So now my
only option is to prove that any of these individuals were pedophiles blackmailed child
rapists being videotaped by the blackmailers of the Deep State Swamp. Compromised.

You have information that may very well embarrass the corrupt compromised
Judges or the corrupt NC State Senator, if any of it is even remotely true. I can use this
information to prove my Actual Innocence if Pedophiles or Child Rapers were in
charge of investigating me in 2012. Any of that can be useful in embarrassing the
corrupt Judges and then they would no longer hold unlawful control over me and I can
finally be acquitted because I AM ACTUALLY INNOCENT.

I need to know. You have the evidence of blackmail by the blackmailers of child



rape and murder. That gives them the child porn materials used to set me up and ruin my
life. They have the child porn materials, they set me up. Your evidence can help me
prove it.

I ran a blog named “USWGO Alternative News” at USWGO.COM. Check the

Wayback Machine from 2009 to 2012. My stuff is also located at and you
can search up “uswgo” keyword and find the articles I had done which had made me a

I always knew I pissed off State Senator Phil Berger Senior. His son was involved
in the child porn investigation against me and they admitted to it in Affidavit and his
name was in the federal discovery papers, knowing that it would already be a conflict of
interest for somebody I written bad articles about on my news blog to be involved in any
criminal investigation against me because of the high risk of evidence planting, evidence
tampering, and foul play.

Cheryl King knew what was going on but she mysteriously died while in Georgia
and the SBI said to me she was six feet under. So they were tracking her and she died
without explanation. I suspect she was murdered. The FBI was sent this information and
the FBI refused to do anything about any of it and refused to even interview me over any
of it. I did get one FBI Agent to look at some of my papers, he began to open up a
criminal investigation file and asked me to come down to the FBI Office in Greensboro,
NC to give a statement. I have this evidence. Then the investigation was halted and
called meritless by his boss. The Agent was Jerry Pickford in Greensboro, NC.

Look I know by writing you this letter I may end up dead like Cheryl King of the NC
SBI but I have nothing left to lose now that President Trump left office without giving
me a FULL UNCONDITIONAL PARDON. Joe Biden and his son are both pedophiles,
compromised. They hold the nuclear football and can nuke whoever they please. For
of America and Trump wouldn't pardon an innocent man like me. I no longer respect the
Sex Registry because I am innocent and a pedophile is our Fake President now.

Another one of your Tweets, next page:



I need to know L. Lin Wood if any of the following individuals were blackmail



● Philip Edward Berger Senior, NC State Senator and President Pro Tempore
● Philip Edward Berger Junior, former Rockingham County District Attorney
● Federal Judge William Lindsey Osteen Junior, Middle Dist. North Carolina
● Federal Judge Thomas David Schroeder, Middle Dist. North Carolina
● SBI Agent Rodney V. White
● NC Reidsville Detective Robert Bridge
● Any or All listed Federal Appellate Court Judges of the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court
of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.
● Charles J. Caruso, Mayodan Police Chief
● Christopher Todd Brim, Detective Sergeant, Mayodan Police
● Attorney Mark Jones, Bell Davis and Pitt law firm

If any of them were actually involved in pedophilia, child rape and murder, then
they were compromised at the time and during the time child pornography
investigation retaliation and set up operations against me and my mother. They
threatened to set up my mother if I did not falsely confess. Any evidence that they were
involved in pedo stuff even before they targeted me would nullify my false
confession and nullify my false guilty plea. I NEED HARD EVIDENCE or at least
something like a smoking gun. That is my only way I can be acquitted as Joe Biden
will never pardon me. Like a giant arrow pointing to them as the possible culprits.

I am risking being murdered as they monitor my mother's internet access and they
are monitoring my phone calls. I am risking my life but I must do so because
President Trump never granted me a full unconditional pardon. I must risk my life.
That is my only way, I have no other recourse.



I have no hope left after President Trump left office. The CIA/NSA is going to WAR
WITH ME. The attacks and traps have been coming for days. They are trying to hurt me.

I may probably need to be placed under protection of General Michael Flynn and be
placed in a safe house if they come after me with guns and abduction squads. I have
even tried to get this information to Attorney Sidney Powell, Pentagon.

I have been targeted by these pedophile SCUM since 2012. The corrupt CIA and
NSA people. I need some kind of evidence. YOU Have this evidence. Your likely the
ONLY ONE among few others who has this evidence. I need something to prove if any
of them are compromised. I need the smoking gun to get my wrongful conviction
overturned and YOU HAVE THIS EVIDENCE.

I will probably ask my Attorney involved in my criminal case to subpoena you for
the evidence if necessary. I don't want to put you in that position. Please help me NOW.
I cannot get pardoned anymore, President Trump is GONE FOREVER. They will
probably arrest him and give him a felony. Your my only hope left.

I already informed a corrupt Federal Judge that I know they are compromised and
told them about your tweets. They will likely have me targeted and who knows what
they will do to me now. I am at high risk if they are compromised as you have claimed. I
need actions now, The Swamp must be DRAINED or they will drain all of us instead in
Concentration Camps or CIA black sites. The SWAMP must be drained. That was why I
mailed Chris Miller of the U.S. Pentagon, Secretary of Defense. There must be action
taken on those who have framed me with child porn and those SWAMP enemies. The
invisible enemies.

God bless you,

Brian D. Hill
Former news reporter of U.S.W.G.O. Alternative News
Ally of QANON


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