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Chapter I


In modern times, access to information is more relevant for academic work in all
higher institutions. The role of academic libraries is to provide accessible information resources
to the entire academic fraternity (Oak, 2016). Libraries make electronic sources of information
available to users because e-learning is giving new dimension in learning and hence affecting
education in many ways (Bajpai et al. 2016). The revolution in the world of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) has shifted the content of librariey resources from printed
information to online information resources (Israel and Edesire, 2016). Hence, the content of
libraries is not restricted to physical formats such as books, magazines or journals. Libraries are
now shifting from traditional printed resources to the use of electronic-driven services
(Nnadozie and Nwosu, 2016; Okazie, 2016). This makes internet use a necessary condition for
effective utiisation of library resources. However, the use of electronic resources does not take
the place of printed resources but facilitates it through access to large stock of Library materials
(Okazie, 2016).
The academic library serves as an important role in supporting the principal functions of
research and scholarship of higher education. Besides the old-fashioned way of providing
access to knowledge, libraries also offer affable environment as a meeting place that allows
users to complete their assignments, undertake their individual projects or revise their studies.
As such, the significance of the academic library in institutions of higher learning is well-
established (Tenopir 2009)
The Internet provides a collaborative environment for sharing as well as to see
information on a wide, divergent and variety of subjects. Consequently, its use has become very
popular among the student community which is used by them to complement their studies. The
availability of the Internet and electronic resources may have a negative effect on the use of an
institution's library by students, while socio-economic and demographic characteristics of
students can also have a significant impact. It is possible that while some students go to the
library to use the 4 available services, others may not go to the library, perhaps due to the
availability of alternatives like personal e-resources and Internet connection at their service..


Utilization of
library & internet

Figure 1.0 The diagram shows the effects of cyberbullying on the self-esteem, self-
efficacy, and achievement of the 3RD YEAR & 4TH YEAR STUDENTS the purposive seeking for
information as a consequence of a need to satisfy some goal. In the course of seeking, the
individual may interact with manual information systems based in the broader field of
information behaviour.
Theoretical Framework

The most common online activities for student and adolescents include playing games, visiting

web sites, and communicating with others (Roberts et al, 2004). While Internet technology evolves

rapidly, current use is associated with visual input and tactile-kinaesthetic output via manual

manipulation of peripheral devices. During Internet use, language centres of the brain are active

, particularly in online communication. Meta-cognitive abilities are required for a variety of online

activities, including playing games and accessing web sites. Video games as well as synchronous

communication decrease cognitive processing speed (i.e. reaction time). Video games require

simultaneous processing; online communication requires successive processing. Video games make

extreme demands on visual and meta-cognition skills. Accessing web sites builds knowledge base and

contributes to concept development. Figure 1 presents a theoretical framework for organising the

cognitive requirements of typical online behaviour in children and adolescents. Such requirements,

when satisfied, contribute to patterns of neurological activity which, particularly early in life, influence

neurological architecture and cognitive processes.

According to Vygotsky (1978), human cognition creates tools and then, in turn, is created by those

tools. The Internet is the most sophisticated tool that humans have thus far created and, as such, it may

ultimately have greater cognitive impact than any previous cultural tool. As always, new technology is

associated with apprehension and anxiety. For example, in the nineteenth century, ‘the telegraph

enabled a young woman, against her father’s wishes, to maintain a flirtation with a number of men on

the wire’ (Quigley & Blashki, 2003, p. 311). The majority of households currently have Internet access

and those that do not are disproportionately characterised by low socio-economic status. ‘In 1998, 74%

of Canadian households in the highest-income group had computers, compared to only 18% of

households in the lowest-income group’ (Canadian Council on Social Development, 2001, p. 4). The

majority of children and youth spend a significant amount of time online and those that do not are

disproportionately characterised by low socio-economic status (National Center for Educational

Statistics, 2003). Current anxiety surrounding children’s Internet use should be for those whose

cognitive processes are not influenced by the cultural tool (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004).
Significance of the Theory

This study brought to bear the services found in the library and the services available on the

Internet. It is hoped that results of the study will help to improve service delivery to 3RD year & 4TH year

students in the University of Ghana. In addition, the study adds to existing literature on students’

information behavior patterns and information needs. The rest of the paper is organized as follows;

related literature, methodology, results, discussions and conclusions.

Scope and Limitation

This study is limited within the level students of the three respective institutions

taken under study i.e., Thapathali Campus, National College of Computer Science and Kathmandu

University. The study has been carried out among the students belonging to the academic year

2006/2007. The principle focus of the study is to find the use of the library and its services by the

student while preparing for their assignments and also during their regular academic work. The study is

also focused on finding out the student information seeking habit and the various technologies they

explore to reach for the information while preparing for their studies. This study has tried to show that

the students does not solely depend upon the college library for information, they go through Internet

as well as other electronic sources for the information they want. The study is limited only on finding out

the student's motivation on using the library and the other options they use to get the information they

want. This study prevails among the user's habit and their information need. This study is mainly an

analytical and descriptive study based on the response of the student

Statement of the Problem

Libraries are nests, which thatch scholarship but libraries are not themselves

automatically valuable to users. Users need to be motivated to see the real worth of a library. There are

various resources available both in print and electronically the main 33 purpose of these resources will

be fulfilled only if the users are able to locate these information sources effectively. Hence, the true

worth of the library will be made.

Coming to this era of technological development the forms of resources has been distinctively

transformed from printed books and journals to various electronic forms. Today’s library has a challenge

to broaden its resources and develop its collection in print resources as well as electronic format.

Student of these generation are more inclined to digital forms of information they like to get

information in a fastest way.

This study has tried to find the answer for the following question that prevails among the student’s

making use of their libraries.

Are the students aware about the library resources and services available for them?

Where do they learn about the library’s resources and services from?

What type of resources do the students prefer to use?

Do they know how to retrieve information from different present resources?

Do they view their library as a resourceful library or not?

How frequently do the students look for information in electronic resources?

Different information searching tools they use while looking for information?

Do the student feel that library resources could get them academic success?
Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to have an insight about the role of a library in student’s

life. This study will help to get answer for the type of resources that the students prefer and feel

comfortable using. And also try to find out the various aspects of users the things that motivates them

or discourages them in coming to the library. It will also be a helpful indication on how important proper

education about library is as it teaches information skill to the students for effective retrieval. It is also

hoped that the study will be a guideline for the librarians, faculty and the authority to know about the

users information requirement and give them concrete directions for future collection development.

Definition of Terms/Glossary

Academic Library:- An academic library is a library in school, college, University and all other institute of

higher learning. It is a library which is an integral part of an institution of higher education.

CD-ROM:- Compact Disc Read Only Memory. A compact disc format that is used to hold text, graphics

and hi-fi stereo sound. The disc is almost the same as the music CD, but uses different tracks for data.

The music CD player cannot play CD ROM discs, but most CD-ROM players are able to play CD discs. a

storage medium popular in modern computers. One CD-ROM can hold 600 MB of data

Electronic Journal:- E-journals were defined to be publications available in electronic form only and

having an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). According to their definition, an e-journal

contains original work which is subject to a peer review process, and is published only on the Web at no


Electronic Library: The library deemed to be one in which the core processes of the library become

basically electronic in nature. Which is likely to happen in through the widespread incorporation and use

of computers and the various facilities that they are able to make available, such as online indexes, full-
text searching an retrieval facilities, automated record keeping and computer based decision making. In

addition, within an electronic library system there will be a conscious movement towards more

widespread use of electronic media( both digital and analogue ) for the storage, retrieval and delivery of

information. This willmean that libraries of this sort will be involved in an active and extensive

computerization programme.

Information:- Information is a property of data resulting from or produced by a process that produced



Understanding the differences between the library and the Internet and knowing where your
research comes from is crucial in the process of research writing because research that is
available from libraries (either in print of electronic form) is generally considered more reliable
and credible than research available .

It makes for effectiveness in any academic system. Both faculty and students need to use

information daily in their various academic endeavors. For decades, faculty and students have

actively used the library and its resources as their main information source.

We now live in the information age where access to many Internet resources is just a few clicks away.

The Internet is a technology, which has gained more popularity in many countries across the world and

Ghana, is no exception. The Internet as a medium of communication and source of information has

enabled students, researchers, business information seekers and information professionals to access

information to enhance their work and communicate effectively.

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