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Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No.

: 01

Khulna University of Engineering &

Sessional Report

Name of the Department: Leather Engineering

Course No.: ME 3220
Course Title: Sessional on Fluid Mechanics & Machineries
Experiment No.: 01
Name of the experiment: Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem with the help of
a Bernoulli’s Apparatus


Date of performance: 19.04.21 Group Name: B5

Date of submission: 31.06.21 Roll: 1719055, 1719056, 1719057,
1719058, 1719059 and 1719060
Year: Third
Semester: Second
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No.: 01

Working Portion:
Experiment Name – 1719055
Introduction - 1719055
Objectives - 1719056
Apparatus – 1719057
Theoretical Background – 1719058
Methodology – 1719059
Application – 1719060
The other section will be done after physical Experiment on laboratory.
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No.: 01

Name Of the Experiment:

Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem with the help of a Bernoulli’s
Introducti on:
Energy presents in the form of pressure, velocity, and elevation in fluids
with no energy exchange due to viscous dissipation, heat transfer, or shaft
work (pump or some other device). The relationship among these three forms
of energy was first stated by Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), based upon the
conservation of energy principle. Bernoulli’s theorem pertaining to a flow
streamline is based on three assumptions: steady flow, incompressible fluid,
and no losses from the fluid friction. The validity of Bernoulli’s equation will be
examined in this experiment.
Bernoulli’s theorem assumes that the flow is frictionless, steady, and
incompressible. These assumptions are also based on the laws of conservation
of mass and energy.  Thus, the input mass and energy for a given control
volume are equal to the output mass and energy:
Qin = qout
Ein = eout
These two laws and the definition of work and pressure are the basis for
Bernoulli’s theorem and can be expressed as follows for any two points located
on the same streamline in the flow:

P: Pressure,
G: Acceleration Due to Gravity,
V: Fluid Velocity, and
Z: Vertical Elevation of The Fluid.
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No.: 01

Objecti ves:
 To determine pressure, head a different Sections
 To calculate the velocity of flow at different sections using the continuity
equation, Q=AV
 To determine elevation head at different sections
 To verify Bernoulli's theorem.

Apparatus Required:
 Bernoulli’s Apparatus
 Hydraulic Bench Fl-10
 One Stop Watch
 One Bucket

Theoreti cal Background:

When an ideal incompressible fluid is flowing continuously in a conduit
and no extra energy is added or taken out between any two sections 1 and 2,
then Bernoulli's theory states that the total energy at each section is equal.
Mathematically, Bernoulli's expression is,
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No.: 01

P 1 V 21 P2 V 22
+ +Z = + + Z =Constant
γ 2g 1 γ 2 g 2
P1, P2 = Pressure at a section 1 and 2
γ= Specific weight of flowing fluid
V1, V2= Velocity at a section 1 and 2
g = acceleration due to gravity
Z1, Z2 = Height of center line of the pipe at the particular section above
the datum

1. Had kept the outflow valve of the apparatus close.
2. Had connected the inflow line with the supply water line.
3. Had opened the outflow valve slightly to pass water at a small flow rate.
4. Had maintained steady flow of water through the conduit.
5. Had recorded readings at all the five sections for pressure head.
6. Had collected the discharge water in a bucket for a particular time and
determined the flow rate measuring the amount of discharge water.
7. Had calculated the velocity of flow at different sections using the
continuity equation (q = av).
8. Then one set of reading is completed.
9. Finally, had taken five sets at reading by the same process.



Bernoulli’s theorem provides a mathematical means to understanding
the mechanics of fluids. It has many real-world applications, ranging from
understanding the aerodynamics of an airplane; calculating wind load on
buildings; designing water supply and sewer networks; measuring flow using
devices such as weirs, Parshall flumes, and venturi meters; and estimating
seepage through soil, etc. Although the expression for Bernoulli’s theorem is
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No.: 01

simple, the principle involved in the equation plays vital roles in the
technological advancements designed to improve the quality of human life.


Error Analysis:

[ The red section will be done after physical Experiment on laboratory.]

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