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A critical essay. Delos Reyes, Jomard Sam A.| Suazo, Aira Ann R. | MW 9:20 - 10:50 AM |
Submitted to: Mrs. Stella Marie Arcenas.

Mr. Tan’s article delivers a vivid portrayal and relatable circumstances that
really supported his arguments very well in his discussions of multilingualism
because it presents real life evidences about language discrimination, it raises
the idea of how Filipinos makes language reflect their economic status, and it
resonates the pitch that most of the Filipinos lacks linguistic sensitivity and
cultural competitiveness.

Mr. Tan’s article delivers a vivid portrayal and relatable circumstances that

really supported his arguments very well in his discussions of multilingualism

er as
because it presents real life evidences about language discrimination. Mr. Tan

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pointed out that “Even American description of our language situation was
demeaning, with Tagalog, Ilokano, Hiligaynon and all our other languages

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referred to as ‘dialects’.” The evidence clearly shows discrimination from other
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countries and nationality agains the Filipino language which is a real life
scenarios or experience in most of the places in the Philippines. The
discrimination and degradation towards Filipino language is rampant in reality. It

shows that multilinguality stereotypes really exist in real life. Mr. Tan pointed out
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“August is buwan ng wikang Filipino or national language month when schools, in

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a burst of nationalism” The evidence supports the idea of promoting the Filipino’s
language which is not the only limited to Tagalog but also includes the whole
dialects of the Philippines, it shows patriotism, this is in order to prevent further
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discrimination. The pitch of language promotion and patriotism boosts the Filipino
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language which show to people that no language deserves to be demoted and

discriminated against.

The article raises the idea of how Filipinos make language reflect their
economic status. Mr. Tan pointed out that “Inglisero” is an extended-and loaded-

tag to refer to an adult who is not proficient in Filipino and refer to a child as a
way of praising, in this sense, people who do this are referred to as belonging to
the higher hierarchy of the community. The evidence interpreted that people who

speak English or referred to as “Inglisero” believed to be superior than others as

it also speaks about someone's social status. The argument, in this sense,
substantiates the absence of linguistic sensitivity of most of the Filipinos as
“Inglisero” which is a faulty standard or economic status being set to an
individual. The article states that “I referred to language names as tags or labels,

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and sometimes used with ambivalence, neither in praise nor in contempt.”
Having languages like conyo or mixed language are being seen as fancy
languages that sets the economical standards and status of an individual. The
evidence connects with the idea that language is relative to the economic status
of an individual as it depicts language as a standard.

It resonates with the pitch that most of the Filipinos lack linguistic
sensitivity and cultural competitiveness. The article emphasized the erroneous
nouns being used by most of the culturally incompetent Filipinos such as as
“salitang Muslim”, “Intsik”, and or “Arabic” which incorrectly pointing out identities.
Such erroneous nouns used by most Filipinos have proper identity or name,
“Intsik” for example is being used instead of Mandarin Chinese, this emphasizes
how culturally incompetent most of Filipinos. The evidence supported the idea
that most Filipinos lack cultural sensitivity because most are ignorant when it

er as
comes to employment of proper names of language. The article asserts that,

“non-bisayans, Tagalog especially, are notorious for putting down Cebuano and

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other Visayan language, this portrays absence of linguistic sensitivity. It depicts

how culturally insensitive most Filipinos are. It states that instead of promoting
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our ethnicity and local language, some are neglecting it, in a sense that non-
ou urc
bisayans and or Tagalog are making visayan language inferior. The evidence that
“non-bisayans” people are being egregious towards local languages, it clearly
shows how Filipinos lack cultural sensitivity and incompetence.
aC s

Mr. Tan’s argument about his discussions of multilingualism presents real

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life evidences about language discrimination, the idea of how language reflect
economic status, the pitch that resonates how most of the Filipinos lacks
linguistic sensitivity and cultural competitiveness convinces the reader to
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comprehend and educates themselves about the reality of the world about
ar stu

multilingual nation. The article’s paragraphs highlighted significant points that are
written coherently and relatively, in this sense, the article is somehow effective in
deciphering the central message about multilingualism because it pointed out

indifferent and not bias ideas. The article just conveys pure truths about reality.

We must encourage people to be aware of the beauty of multilinguality to set

harmony and peace across borders.


I. Introductory Paragraph
A. Thesis Statement: Mr. Tan’s article delivers a vivid portrayal and relatable

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circumstances that really supported his arguments very well in his
discussions of multilingualism because it presents real life evidences
about language discrimination, it raises the idea of how Filipinos makes
language reflect their economic status, and it resonates the pitch that most
of the Filipinos lacks linguistic sensitivity and cultural competitiveness.
II. Body Paragraphs
A. Main Point 1: Mr. Tan’s article delivers a vivid portrayal and relatable
circumstances that really supported his arguments very well in his
discussions of multilingualism because it presents real life evidences
about language discrimination.
Evidence 1: Mr. Tan pointed out that “Even American description of
our language situation was demeaning, with Tagalog, Ilokano,
Hiligaynon and all our other languages referred to as ‘dialects’.”
Analysis: The evidence clearly shows discrimination from other

er as
countries and nationality agains the Filipino language which is a

real life scenarios or experience in most of the places in the

eH w

Link: The discrimination and degradation towards Filipino
rs e
language is rampant in reality. It shows that multilinguality
ou urc
stereotypes really exist in real life.
Evidence 2: Mr. Tan pointed out “August is buwan ng wikang
Filipino or national language month when schools, in a burst of

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Analysis: The evidence supports the idea of promoting the

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Filipino’s language which is not the only limited to Tagalog but also
includes the whole dialects of the Philippines, it shows patriotism,
this is in order to prevent further discrimination.
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Link: The pitch of language promotion and patriotism boosts the

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Filipino language which show to people that no language deserves

to be demoted and discriminated against.
B. Main Point 2: The article raises the idea of how Filipinos make language

reflect their economic status.


Evidence 1: Mr. Tan pointed out that “Inglisero” is an extended-and

loaded-tag to refer to an adult who is not proficient in Filipino and
refer to a child as a way of praising, in this sense, people who do

this are referred to as belonging to the higher hierarchy of the

Analysis: The evidence interpreted that people who speak English
or referred to as “Inglisero” believed to be superior than others as it
also speaks about someone's social status.
Link: The argument, in this sense, substantiates the absence of

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linguistic sensitivity of most of the Filipinos as “Inglisero” which is a
faulty standard or economic status being set to an individual.
Evidence 2: The article states that “I referred to language names
as tags or labels, and sometimes used with ambivalence, neither in
praise nor in contempt.”
Analysis: Having languages like conyo or mixed language are
being seen as fancy languages that sets the economical standards
and status of an individual.
Link: The evidence connects with the idea that language is relative
to the economic status of an individual as it depicts language as a
C. Main Point 3: It resonates with the pitch that most of the Filipinos lack
linguistic sensitivity and cultural competitiveness.
Evidence 1: The article emphasized the erroneous nouns being

er as
used by most of the culturally incompetent Filipinos such as as

“salitang Muslim”, “Intsik”, and or “Arabic” which incorrectly pointing

eH w
out identities.

Analysis: Such erroneous nouns used by most Filipinos have
rs e
proper identity or name, “Intsik” for example is being used instead
ou urc
of Mandarin Chinese, this emphasizes how culturally incompetent
most of Filipinos.
Link: The evidence supported the idea that most Filipinos lack

cultural sensitivity because most are ignorant when it comes to

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employment of proper names of language.

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Evidence 2: The article asserts that, “non-bisayans, Tagalog

especially, are notorious for putting down Cebuano and other
Visayan language, this portrays absence of linguistic sensitivity.
ed d

Analysis: It depicts how culturally insensitive most Filipinos are. It

ar stu

states that instead of promoting our ethnicity and local language,

some are neglecting it, in a sense that non-bisayans and or
Tagalog are making visayan language inferior.

Link: The evidence that “non-bisayans” people are being egregious


towards local languages, it clearly shows how Filipinos lack cultural

sensitivity and incompetence.
III. Concluding Paragraph

A. Synthesis: Mr. Tan’s argument about his discussions of multilingualism

presents real life evidences about language discrimination, the idea of
how language reflect economic status, the pitch that resonates how most
of the Filipinos lacks linguistic sensitivity and cultural competitiveness
convinces the reader to comprehend and educates themselves about the
reality of the world about multilingual nation.

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B. Final Impression: The article’s paragraphs highlighted significant points
that are written coherently and relatively, in this sense, the article is
somehow effective in deciphering the central message about
multilingualism because it pointed out indifferent and not bias ideas. The
article just conveys pure truths about reality. We must encourage people
to be aware of the beauty of multilinguality to set harmony and peace
across borders.

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