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A Survey on the Risk Perception of Slips, Trips, and Falls of Coal

Mine Workers in China

Samsiya Khaday Kai W. Li
Ph.D. Program of Technology Management, Chung Hua Ph.D. Program of Technology Management, Chung Hua
University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

Nailiang Li Yunxiu Chen

School of Mines, China University of Mining and School of Mines, China University of Mining and
Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China

ABSTRACT coal mine accidents have been considered as one of the most sig-
Coal mine industry has been one of the most risky industries in nificant safety and health problems in China [5-9]. Although the
terms of occupational safety and health in China. Slip, trip, and fall number of fatalities has steadily decreased, there is still a great
(STF) has been one of the most common occupational accidents gap of safety in coal mines between China and the other countries
globally which can lead to fatal and non-fatal accidents. This study [1, 4, 10].
investigated coal mine worker risk perception of occupational STF Safety promotion is essential in coal mine industry. Yu et al.
hazard. A survey was administered on 300 coal mine workers. The [11] proposed the combination intervention strategies on safety
results showed that the age group has significant effect. The per- management, individual factors, group factors, safety leadership
ceived risk of STF on the ramp and on the track were high. Rail track and physical environment. Those strategies can provide theoretical
lanes on the roadway had the highest risk ratings. Moreover, un- supports and method guidance for improving the safety production
derground crossing tracks and ramps were locations with frequent level of coal miners. The control of the safety and behavior of
accidents. Workers’ perception of the risky locations underground management is a key element in shaping occupational safety [12].
provides targets for safety promotions for coal mine authorities. Slip, trip, and fall (STF) has been reported as one of the major
accident type globally [13–15]. The literature [16] has shown that
CCS CONCEPTS STF has been recognized as the prime contributor to injuries at
workplaces. STF has been reported as the second largest source of
• Computing methodologies; • Information systems;
unintentional mortality in the USA. The annual per capita, direct,
KEYWORDS cost of occupational injuries caused by STF incidences ranged from
US$50 to US$400 [17]. These numbers indicate the significance of
Slip, trip, and fall, occupational accident, coal mine worker percep- scientific research in STF.
tion Occupational accidents in underground coal mine has been re-
ACM Reference Format: ported [18]. However, those reports were focus on major catastro-
Samsiya Khaday, Kai W. Li, Nailiang Li, and Yunxiu Chen. 2021. A Survey on phes such as landslide and fatality. A recent study concerning the
the Risk Perception of Slips, Trips, and Falls of Coal Mine Workers in China. STF problems at surface mines in the USA has been reported [18].
In 2021 3rd International Conference on Management Science and Industrial [19] indicated that mobile equipment operators, laborers/utility
Engineering (MSIE 2021), April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan. ACM, New York,
men, and mechanics were most often involved in nonfatal STF in-
NY, USA, 6 pages.
cidents at surface mines. More than 80% of the activities involved
1 INTRODUCTION in the STF incidences were walking/running, getting on/off equip-
ment, machine maintenance/repair, and materials handling. Rocks
China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of coal [1, 2]. and stones on unpaved surfaces, material accumulation on paved
According to the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, China surfaces, and pooled water were common hazards identified. These
has produced an estimated 3.36 billion tons of coal in 2016 [3]. Coal results were based on an investigation at surface mines. They may
mining industry remains one of the most high-risk industries in or may not reflect the SFT problems and hazards in underground
China and bears the worst safety record in the world [4]. Frequent mines. A study of STF for workers who work in underground mines
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or should be investigated.
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed The majority of the STF to injuries, instead of fatality, and hence
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM has been ignored by the Chinese coal mine industry. To address
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, these disparities, this paper focuses on the STF accident and aims
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a to investigate the risk perception of STF on coal mine workers
fee. Request permissions from
MSIE 2021, April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan and hazardous location in underground coal mine on coal mine
© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. workers.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8888-7/21/04. . . $15.00

MSIE 2021, April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan Samsiya Khaday et al.

2 METHOD 3.2 Illumination and space adequacy

During the period of July 7th to July 30th in 2019, this study was As there is no sunshine underground, lighting is of extremely im-
carried out data collection of coal mine worker in China. The sam- portance. Table 3 shows the illumination adequacy in different
pling frame were selected including age, height, work experience, underground coal mine locations reported by the respondents. Coal
and total time spent for everyday with 300 subject were recruited. mining face was the most of meet the need of work (48%), while
alleyway was second. Roadway was resulted the most lack of a cer-
2.1 Questionnaire and survey tain extent (46.0%) in underground coal mine. However, the result
The questionnaires were distributed to coal mine workers via in each area in underground was slightly different between meet
WeChat on smartphones with two coal mine companies. The ques- the need of work and lack of a certain extent. Thus, the overall of
tionnaires were then distributed to coal mine workers by managers illumination of each area in underground was meet the need of
in their companies. The works filled out the questions voluntarily work.
and anonymously. Rail and sidewalks are distributed in the laneway. Due to the
The questionnaire consisted of two parts. First part was to survey structure of the laneway, the design of the walkway and the reality.
a participants’ profile and second part investigated the participants’ Table 4 shows the sidewalk characteristics, 40% of the sidewalk next
self-reported risk perception of STF in underground coal mine to the rails is narrow. While, 29% of respondent is not narrow, can be
worksites, which consisted of three components were surveyed walked normally of the sidewalk next to the rails. Yet, approximately
namely, underground work environments, Illumination and space 60% of respondent walked the rail even though walkway is too
adequacy and Risk assessment of coal mine workers. The details narrow or the flow of people.
of the questionnaire are shown in Table 1. The Multiple Choice
Questionnaire was used. 3.3 Risk assessment of coal mine workers
Table 5 shows the frequency percent distribution of the location that
2.2 Participant and measure likely to have STF accidents reported by the respondents. There was
A convenience sample of 300 coal mine workers were recruited significantly effects between age groups of workers and location
and sufficient to provide representative and stable results. The that likely to accident occurred, x 2 =36.69, p<0.0001. The frequency
online survey was performed to those coal mine workers. The distribution indicated that STF accident occurred predominantly on
demographic attributes of survey respondents are reported in Table ramp for both coal mine worker age group and that below 30 yrs
2. The respondents were split into two age groups: above or below old workers had a significant risk perception of the location that
30 yrs of age. Each of these groups accounted for 50%. More than likely to have STF accident occurred (23%) but somewhat fewer STF
60% of the respondents have work experience less than 11 years. accident occurred on mine walkway and gravel the middle when
The respondents’ work experience more than 11 years were 35.7%. compared with than 30 yrs old or more workers.
Moreover, the most respondent worked more than 6 hours daily Table 6 shows the frequency percent distribution of risky loca-
underground (88.7%). tion on the walkway. Most STF accident occurred on working on
coalface. The frequency distribution showed that below 30 yrs old
2.3 Statistical analysis workers likely to have more risk perception on coalface (42.1%)
The data were coded. We analyzed the data of characteristics in while other location (i.e., up and down and track connection lane)
underground, including illumination in underground and sidewalk. on the walkway was rather fewer STF accident occurred when
Analysis of age group was also performed. Frequency distributions compared with worker 30 yrs old or older. However, there was
were used to compare the difference coal miner age group. SAS no statistically significant affect between age and distribution of
8.0 (SAS Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used to compute the Chi-square walkway, x 2 =2.78, p> 0.05.
statistics on a combined dataset consisting of the risk perception of Table 7 presents perception of risk on the rail, the frequency
STF. distribution identified that high risk was the most perceived on the
rail. There was significantly effects between age groups of worker
3 RESULT and risk on the rail, x 2 =11.35, p <0.05. More than 30 yrs old workers
had a significant higher risk perception on the rail (75.3%) than
3.1 Subjective ratings of temperature and below 30 yrs old workers (59.6%).
humidity in underground work Table 8 presents perception of risk on ramp. The frequency dis-
environments tribution indicated that high risk was also the most perceived on
The interviewees were requested to rate the temperature and hu- workers of risky on the ramp for all age groups. There were sig-
midity in their underground work environments. Figure 1 shows nificant effects between age groups and risky on the ramp level,
that the temperature in spring was the most comfortable (39.67%) x 2 =9.99, p<0.05. As shown in Table 7, more than 30 yrs old workers
and fall was second (38.67%). The highest and lowest temperature had a significant higher risk perception on the ramp (71.3%) than
are shown in summer and winter, respectively. The humidity in workers below 30 yrs old (60.0%).
underground coal mine in spring and fall are comfortable counted
for 29% and 33.33%, respectively. Winter is very dry in underground 4 DISCUSSION
coal mine (3%). For the summer, the underground work sites are China’s appalling record of fatalities in the coal mining industry
humid (40.67%) (see Figure 2). include the industry’s complicated geological conditions, its mostly

A Survey on the Risk Perception of Slips, Trips, and Falls of Coal Mine Workers in China MSIE 2021, April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan

Table 1: Questionnaire details

Component Construct Item Type

underground work environments Temperature 1. Spring Multiple Choice
2. Summer Questionnaire
3. Fall
4. Winter
Humidity 1. Spring
2. Summer
3. Fall
4. Winter
Illumination and space adequacy illumination 1. Open up alleyway Multiple Choice
2. Prepare the roadway Questionnaire
3. Mining roadway
4. Coal mining face
5. Heading face
6. Other areas
The sidewalk next to the rails 1. Too narrow to walk
2. Narrow
3. Normally
4. Very wide
pedestrian walkway is too 1. Walked
narrow 2. Not walked
Risk assessment of coal mine Location 1. Ramp Multiple Choice
workers 2. Operation site Questionnaire
3. walkway
4. Ground protrusion
5. Depression
6. Crossing rail
7. Gravel the middle
Location on the walkway 1.Track up and down the mining area
2. Working on the coalface
3. Track connection lane
4. Track alley
Risk on the rail 1. High
2. Moderate
4. No
Risk on the ramp 1. High
2. Moderate
3. Low
4. No

Table 2: Participant demographic.

Participant profile Frequency Percentage (%)

Age ≤ 30 150 50.0%
> 30 150 50.0%
Work experience ≤ 5 yrs 86 28.7%
6 -10 yrs 107 35.7%
11 - 20 yrs 74 24.7%
> 20 yrs 33 11.0%
Spending time ≤ 6 hour 34 11.3%
> 6 hour 266 88.7%

MSIE 2021, April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan Samsiya Khaday et al.

Figure 1: Distribution of temperature in underground

Figure 2: Distribution of humidity in underground

Table 3: Illumination adequacy underground

Illumination Meet the need of work Lack of a certain extent Very lacking
Alleyway 44.0% 41.7% 14.3%
Roadway 39.0% 46.0% 15.0%
Mining roadway 42.7% 42.0% 15.3%
Coal mining face 48.3% 38.7% 13.0%
Heading face 41.0% 44.7% 14.3%
Other areas 43.7% 40.3% 16.0%

A Survey on the Risk Perception of Slips, Trips, and Falls of Coal Mine Workers in China MSIE 2021, April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan

Table 4: Perception of walkway space adequacy underground.

Sidewalk characteristics Frequency Percentage (%)

The sidewalk next to the rails
Too narrow to walk 84 28.0
Narrow 122 40.7
Normally 89 29.7
Very wide 5 1.7
Walked the rail when the pedestrian walkway is too narrow or the flow of people is difficult to pass
Walked 186 62.0
Not walked 144 38.0

Table 5: Location perceived to be likely to have STF accidents by age.

Location Coal miner age group

≤30 30+
Ramp 78 (23.8%) 45 (17.3%)
Operation site 40 (12.2%) 30 (11.5%)
walkway 30 (09.1%) 33 (12.7%)
Ground protrusion 45 (13.7%) 30 (11.5%)
Depression 50 (15.2%) 38 (14.6%)
Crossing rail 75 (22.9%) 42 (16.2%)
Gravel the middle 10 (03.0%) 42 (16.2%)
Total 328 (100%) 260 (100%)

Table 6: Perception of risky location on the walkway by age.

Location on the walkway Coal miner age group

≤30 30+
Track up and down the mining area 21 (13.2%) 29 (16.6%)
Working on the coalface 67 (42.1%) 60 (34.3%)
Track connection lane 26 (16.4%) 36 (20.6%)
Track alley 45 (28.3%) 50 (28.6%)
Total 159 (100%) 179 (100%)

Table 7: Perception of STF risk on rail by age.

Risk on the rail Coal miner age group

≤30 30+
High 81 (59.6%) 113 (75.3%)
Moderate 35 (25.7%) 28 (18.7%)
Low 16 (11.8%) 09(6.0%)
No 04 (02.9%) 0 (0.0%)
Total 150 (100%) 150 (100%)

underground mining [20, 21]. STF of occupational accident are com- This study assessed the hazard of occupational accident that
mon occurred in the surface underground coal mine. Generally, the cause of STF found that illumination of each area in underground
environment in underground coal mine is included ground stone, coal mine was meet the need of work, sidewalk next to the rails,
light dim, the step distances conflict, the narrow of the walkway is narrow, can barely walk alone. While More than 60% of the re-
and etc. These are the factors that led to occupational accident in spondents walked on the rail when the pedestrian walkway is too
underground coal mine. narrow or flow of people is difficult to pass. Demographic effects

MSIE 2021, April 02–04, 2021, Osaka, Japan Samsiya Khaday et al.

Table 8: Perception STF risk on ramp by age.

Risk on the ramp Coal miner age group

≤30 30+
High 90 (60.0%) 107 (71.3%)
Moderate 45 (30.0%) 25 (16.7%)
Low 13 (08.7%) 18 (12.0%)
No 2 (01.3%) 0 (0.0%)
Total 150 (100%) 150 (100%)

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