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Use must+ verb in writing or formal speaking to say that something is necessary or is a rule. Use have to or need to + verb in informal speaking. Use have (got) to + verb for extra emphasis. Use don't have to + verb to say that something is not necessary. Have to and need to can be used with different verb tenses, a plane/train/hotel reservation a plane/rain/bus ticket 5. Abdul 6. You 124 Unit 10 GABD What cid you do before your last trip? Use vocabulary from exercise A. ©) Circle the correct option for each sentence. 1. Everyone ( got to 2. You can't change your reservation online. You ( must a travel agent. 3. Last week, we ( need to 4. To geta driver’ license, you ( must has got to haven't to Travelers must apply for a passport at least six weeks in advance. We have to buy our tickets. | need to get a vaccination Jerry has got to make a hotel reservation soon! You don't have to buy a ticket for a baby. Babies can ride the train for free. We had to show them our passports. Someone will need to carry Lin’s bag, needs to ) get a vaccination before the trip. will must hhad to ) apply fora visa, don’t have to ) pass a driving! have to ) apply for a passport now! don't have to ) make reservations for the train aC} Look at the car rental rules in the chart. Work with a partner to make nes sentences using expressions of necessity have a driver's license ‘What are the rules in your English class? Write a list in your notebook. Us? | make a reservation expressions of necessity. Compare your lst with a partner's list. ouhavereareand la your he tell the company where you're going Conversation 2- be 25 years old (CVEDED Close your book and listen to the conversation. Where is Peter going pay with a credit card on his vacation? Ed: So, Peter, when are you taking your vacation? Peter: in September. I'm going to South Africa, Ed: Wow, South Africa! What a great trip! Peter: It will be. But first | have to get a new passport, and I have to apply foravisa. r That sounds like a hassle! 3 | RealLanguage Peter: It's not so bad. | can get the visa from my travel agent. And | don’t have to get any vaccinations. A hassles an informal word You have to have a driver's license. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice again. Look at the chart. Make new conversations about these countries. Do travelers need... | apassport? | a visa? eons Yes (online) Australia Yes (from the embassy) The Philippines No ‘' CRATE A Talk about preparations foratrip ()o0 hole 4@ Por Talk to a partner. Say where you want to go and what you need todo to | prepare for the trip, } *U), » Travel 125 EUS emen ce eeien Listening CXEB Fead the information. Tell your partner which kind of vacation you would enjoy the most. Explain. Mee ce Cr ae eer und cc Mr eye ean Soir) ut eal torestand relax. Sleep new, like art or music, Meu ene Cee) Cee Have experiences to tell music, and enjoy the _ subject that interests Sait ee you CARDED Listen to three people taking about their vacations, Which country are they going to? Cate: a Marcie: aie ina RS ec a Sl Listen again. Which kind of vacation will they take? a Marl, oes 4 Julie re ABD Which of these vacations would you enjoy the most? Explain your reasons to your partner, Pronunciation: Reduction of have to, has to, got to CXEDED Listen to the pronunciation of have to, has to, and got fo. Notice how they sound like hafta, hasta, and gotta in fast speech. |'ve got to finish my homework. (sounds like /ga-fa/) He has to clean the house, (sounds like /haz-sta/) Do you have to work tomorrow? (sounds like /hae-fta/) GID Practice these sentences with a partner. Pay attention to the pronunciation of have to, has to, and got to. 1. Sorry, Ihave to leave now. . 5. He has to be there at six o'clock. 2. I've got to apply fora visa. 6. Do you have to make a reservation? 3. Rosa has to pack her suitcase, 7. You've got to answer my questions, 4. They've got to stay after class. 8. Tomorrow, | have to go to the bank it the three You and a partner have won a dream vacation in a contest. Read abou different trips nn ae Live with a family in London, and take English classes at a language school with students from Many countries. Every ‘weekend, you'll take atrip toa famous place, a view of the sea; and a your meals, CXBB Tak with a partner about the thr take together, trips and choose which one you will What do you have to do before this trip? Think of five things, What will you take along? List fifteen things. COBY A taik about itterent kinds ot vacations it your plans. Why did Get together with another pair of students, Tell them abou yOu choose this trip instead of the other two? Explain your reasons. Adventure tour in Africal Travel from Egypt to South Africa ina truck and visit twenty countries. You'll see wildlife and learn about African cultures, Stay ina beach house! Swim, relax, orjust do othing. The house has a beautiful garden with chef will cook all of If we go to Africa, welll have to get lots of vaccinations! Il bring a digital camera to take pictures of the animals. Travel 127 | lL tcl) VER SUIS Marea) Via / . i] Cc . | ) Write the numbers of the words from the box in the correct circles. Complete the sentences. Use the words from exercise A. . Atthe securty chee Officers look inside your bags. - You can take a small Gory on boa —— on the plane with you. After your flight, get your bags from the aoa. c . The sili Goel looks at your ticket and gives you a seat, . When you are going somewhere, you go to the eporbore area, The tee is the big building at the airport. . The_Qut€ ga door where you get on the airplane. . Your beeen GOS> is a paper with your seat number, (GIBB Describe an experience at an airport. Use words from exercise A. must not You | cant bring a knife on the plane. {Must not and cant mean that something is not clowed. Thee slaw o rule against. “This meaning is itferent ram don’ hae. You must not tte pictues hee. = pictures are nt aloved You don't have to tke pictures hee. = pictures ar OK but not neessary 128 Unit 10 C3 Write sentences with must, must not, and can'tabout the signs on the right. 4. net & Aruct 5 __mosntate fore a pickers here _ © Complete the sentences about things to remember when going to the airport. Use your own ideas. 1. You have to. 2. You can't v 3. You must 4. You don't have to Conversation CXEDED Close your book and listen to the conversation. What time will the traveler get on the plane? Check-in agent: Good afternoon. Where are you flying to today? Traveler: To Caracas. Here's my ticket. Check-in agent: Thank you. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? Traveler: A window seat, please. Check-in agent: And do you have any bags to check? Traveler: Just one. And this is my carry-on bag. Check-in agent: OK. Here's your boarding pass. You're in seat 27A. Boarding time is 10:15, but you must be at the gate 15 minutes before that. poke Traveler: | have a question. Is there a restaurant after the security check? Check-in agent: Yes, there are two. Thank you, and enjay your flight! (ABD Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again. (EB Make new conversations with this information, 1. Seoul | aisle seat | two bags | 15C | 2:30 pm | a place to buy a newspaper 2. London | window seat | two bags | 30E | 4:00 pm | a pharmacy CALTELE VA Use English at the airport Pretend a partner is a foreigner at your local airport. Ask and answer questions about what you have to do to board your plane. Travel 129 Reading Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. Which places in your country get the most tourists? 2. Do the tourists cause any problems? Find the information in the text, » 1. What did Khumbu look Wiké 50 years ago? a 7 ; 2. What does much of Khumbu look like today? 3. What problems are caused by tourists in Khumbu? 4. What actions are people taking in Khumbu? Match the columns to complete the reasons, 1. Tourists visit a. t's too Khumbu cl expensive. 2. Moretourists —_b. because they want go to Khumbu hot baths and now. foreign food 3. The forests inc. because the wood Khumbu are was used for tourists. Oe 4d. because the 4. Tourists use a mountains are lot of wood Lo beautiful. 5. People don'tbum e, because it’s easy kerosene to get there 130 Unit 10 Rene o Se Wis ¥4 NR eee ny ld, SOS RRS at ae eo Leena ee Sacer ne ene nen Norgay started from Khumbu when they became the first ooo cee ey Since then, thousands of visitors have come to Khumbu to enjoy the spectacular mountain scenery and to take an adventure vacation. Tourists hike between the illages and sleep in very small guesthouses. roe a ad ee os Be aL Ra tnt Se ene ce eC eae ee ee ee eee OLS Cea eee ees STL Coa nt eee nee built to alove planes and helicopters to bring in more Soe De nt eee local man. “They destroy the trails when they all walk De esac cae Cte ae ater bottles and soda cans everywhere.” But the biggest problem of tourism is deforestati SE et ee ee to build tea houses and to use for firewood. Partly because over 25,000 tourists pass through “Tourists don’t think about the problems they th SSR cr ee ee at is used to cook their foreign food and heat water for ‘their baths. One tourist uses as much wood in a day as SUS et on eee ae Sonnets One possible solution is to cook and heat water with kerosene, but it's too expensive for many local has got to distribute kerosene ry to local people,” says the scientist, rae People in Nepal are taking action. One group has started a program to sell cheap kerosene. Another Pee CUMS as eer SSS ae Will help to save the land and to produce wood products Dee UeS ae ete ocr Saat has planted more than a forests and flowers again. Climbers ascend through the Khumbu Cea ee RET] What does tourism bring to Venice? ‘* money (shops, hotels, restaurants, etc.) energy and activity | * culture from other places What does tourism bring to Venice? * crovids, traffic, pollution * higher prices (food, housing, etc.) + rude behavior A fhe older person thinks tourism brings money to Venice. Tourists love to go shopping for | fouventrs and they stay (inhotels, and... 132 Unit 10 Communication Sere < EB Look at each person's picture and opinion. Explain one person's viewpoint to your partner. Add details using your own ideas, Writing IBS In your notebook, list six places in the world that get a lot of tourism every year. Discuss why people like to visit these places, [BB Brainstorm several positive and negative aspects of tourism to complete the t-chart below. (basil me. | How can tourists help a place they visit and not hurt it? In your notebook, Write a paragraph with a topic sentence, three or more good ideas, and details about each idea. ESEDIEEELE A discuss the pros and cons of tourism Take turns. Read your paragraph to a small group of students. Discuss each other's opinions a _ SOR Veer oem TM Von eR E White-watenrafting in New Zealand 1G) Read about the video and check the meanings of the words in bold. EXD) watch the video and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Queenstown is a beautiful and quiet place. DE 2, The jet boat was invented in New Zealand, PE 3. You can do sixty different activities in Queenstown, TF 4. Helicopter hikers stay on top of the mountain for along time. oT F 5. Everyone is happy after they try bungee jumping, T/F GAD watch the video again. Circle the correct answer |. The gap under the jump pod is ( 300 | 440’) feet . Jet boats were made to travel on ( lakes | rivers) 1 2 3. The mountain hike takes ( four | fiv) ) hours, 4. In helicopter hiking, people walk ((up down ) the mountain. 5, . The world's first bungee-jumping site was a (bridge) | wire ©) Which of the activities in the video do you want to try? Why? GAB Plan a three-day tour of your country for foreign visitors. What kind of tour will they have? Which places will they visit? What will they do there? Travel 133 Gea ae Cd 134 Te eeu SU ae MVE dey answer the questions: PR erg RC Sn Ue eee ro i 4 UT ety, Uy Sete —% ae 8 PO UUs a ecco? —>.- ‘ 3. Talk about career planning ky gs Pee eer

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