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Democracy in the

United States
Democracy in the
Principles of American
United States
Worth of the Individual:
high value on individual
freedom, personal
responsibility, self-reli- ance, Rule of Law: the U.S.
and individual achievement. government and its
Americans believed that if Ideals of American officials are subject to ​
recognized and enforced
left free to pursue their own
path, people can reach their
highest potential. This was
Democracy limits on their powers. It
forces leaders to act
all stated in the Declaration upon the law always.
Liberty is the or the ability of
of Independence.
An ideal is a people to act and think as they
conception of choose, so long as their choices do
something in its most no harm to the liberty or well-being
perfect form. of others.
Liberty, equality and Liberty also refers to a person's
self-government Citizen
are Participation: It is demanded freedom to excercise the rights
that citizens must be actively
the main American guaranteed to all U.S. citizens
ideals. participating the society. Citizens at under the Constitution making
all times must be informed about them free to vote, excercise their
what's happening in the society. In a right to counsel, experience equal
strong democracy people participate rights, equal protection under the
in the political process at all levels. law.
Equality is theThey must bethat
principle ableallto people
manifest if the Majority Rule:Government
a candidateintervention
wins an may in
regime isn't fair enough.
posseses a fundamental, moral worth that Yet fact be required
election by a majority, by getting to protect
morethe rights
participation must also
entitles them to fair treatment under the law be peaceful, of citizens.
half of the votes cast. During elections, a
respectful of the law,
and equal opportunity in all aspects of life.and tolerant of candidate wins by the votes of the plurality.
the rights and liberties of others.
Some examples are: Thomas Jefferson in Americans believe strongly that a balance
the Civil War and Tocqueville when he must be struck between majority rule and
wrote about the revolutionary American protecting minority rights. Minority rights
equality that is still missing by slavery. are the politicaltherights heldthat
by groups who
Self-Government: belief ordinary
make up less than half of the population.
people could aspire to rule themselves and do
so as Inpolitical
a liberal equals.
democracy, Theindividual
key to rights
self- of
government is that and
both majority people are are
minority the protected
ultimate by
source the
of government
law and haveauthority.
their own rights.
In a nutshell, people have own sense of self-
Compromise: the ability of two opposing government are always ready to make a
groups to give up some of their demands and revolution.
come to an agreement. In part, the necessity for
compromise is a by-product of the diversity of
the American people.

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