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Public International Law

Pre-Bar Notes 2018

NOTES 2018

Bali Package - essentially consists of ten past

agreements made at separate previous WTO Thai Cigarettes - the Philippines got a well
Ministerial Conferences and covers the areas of food deserved win in 2011 at the WTO in the dispute
security, cotton, and preferential treatment for poorer Thailand – Customs and Fiscal Measures on
countries. It also contains provisions on the lowering of Cigarettes from the Philippines (docketed as
tariffs and agricultural subsidies, the inclusion of which DS371). That case had to do with Thai taxes
nearly derailed the proceedings. imposed on imported cigarettes, with Philippine total
exports of our cigarettes significantly declining for
the two years prior to the filing of the complaint.
Clearly, the outcome of the case was quite important
considering that the livelihood of thousands of
Filipino farmers was at stake (for more details, see

ICSID - the Philippines has concluded two cases to

date: Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services
Buenos Aires - Ended with a number of ministerial Worldwide vs. Republic of the Philippines (docketed
decisions, including on fisheries subsidies and e- as ARB/11/12) and Baggerwerken Decloedt En
commerce duties, and a commitment to continue Zoon NV vs. Republic of the Philippines (docketed
negotiations in all areas. as ARB/11/27).

Trump Tariffs - His executive order imposing 25% The Trans-Pacific Partnership - is an expanded
tariffs on steel and 10% on aluminum relied on the version of the 2005 Trans-Pacific Strategic
Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and GATT Article Economic Partnership Agreement and currently
XXI.Hardest hit should have been Canada and Mexico includes as parties Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile,
but they’re exempt from the tariffs. Also exempt Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru,
(temporarily), according to USTR Robert Lighthizer, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States. The
are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, and the TPP is said to expand NAFTA provisions that favor
EU. These, ironically, make up the bulk of US steel US domestic industries, as well as borrowing heavily
imports. Prominent countries in the tariff list are China, from the US-Korea FTA template.
Russia, Taiwan, Japan, and India.

*Jemy is a lawyer specializing in international economic law and the World Trade Organization, and also philosophy of law. He is the Secretary for the
School of Law and Governance of the University of Asia and the Pacific. He was 2009 Bar Examiner for Political Law and Public International Law and is an
opinions columnist for BusinessWorld. He is also the Executive Director of the Philippine Council for Foreign Relations and Vice-Chair for Jurisprudence and
Legal Philosophy at the Philippine Judicial Academy. Jemy read international law at Cambridge, on scholarship from the Cambridge Overseas Trust.

Blog: Also on Facebook and Twitter.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising
Partnership - is between the ASEAN members only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful
(Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, sanctions.”
Thailand, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)
and Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Hors de Combat – see Protocol 1, Article 41,
New Zealand. It was seen as combining two prior Geneva Conventions: Safeguard of an enemy hors
trade proposals: the East Asian Free Trade de combat. A person who is recognized or who, in
Agreement (that had ASEAN, China, Japan and the circumstances, should be recognized to be 'hors
South Korea) and the Comprehensive Economic de combat' shall not be made the object of attack. A
Partnership (same line-up as EAFTA but with the person is ' hors de combat ' if: (a) he is in the power
addition of Australia, India and New Zealand). of an adverse Party; (b) he clearly expresses an
intention to surrender; or (c) he has been rendered
Philippine Competition Act - “applicable to unconscious or is otherwise incapacitated by
international trade having direct, substantial, and wounds or sickness, and therefore is incapable of
reasonably foreseeable effects in trade, industry, or defending himself; provided that in any of these
commerce in the Republic of the Philippines, cases he abstains from any hostile act and does not
including those that result from acts done outside the attempt to escape.
Republic of the Philippines”. (see Sec. 3)

Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act

(JASTA) - is a law passed by the United States
Congress that narrows the scope of the legal
doctrine of foreign sovereign immunity and amends
the United States Code in regards to civil claims
against a foreign state for injuries, death, or
damages from an act of international terrorism.

1984 UN Convention Against Torture: "torture"

means any act by which severe pain or suffering,
whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted The UN Working Group of Experts on People of
on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him African Descent Report - finding the United States
or a third person information or a confession, liable for reparations to African-Americans: “Having
punishing him for an act he or a third person has listened to African-Americans in different parts of the
committed or is suspected of having committed country, the Working Group considers that civil rights
or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or laws are not being fully implemented, and even if
for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, they are fully implemented, they are insufficient to
when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the overcome and transform the institutional and
instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of structural racial discrimination and racism against
a public official or other person acting in an official people of African descent. Mass incarceration,

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police violence, housing segregation, disparity in the Treaties and Executive Agreements - The US
quality of education, labour market segmentation, government, in order to resolve questions as to
political disenfranchisement and environmental whether an agreement is a treaty or an executive
degradation continue to have detrimental impacts on agreement, issued Department Circular No. 175,
people of African descent, despite the application of dated 3 December 1995, presently US State
civil rights laws." Department Foreign Affairs Manual (11 FAM 721.2),
which says executive agreements are:
Withdrawal from the ICC: Regardless of Senate 1) agreements which are made pursuant to or in
Res. 289, s. 2017, the president arguably has accordance with existing legislation or a treaty;
authority to unilaterally withdraw because: 2) agreements which are made subject to
congressional approval or implementation; or
The president has role as lead diplomatic
3) agreements which are made under and in
accordance with the President’s constitutional
He has authority to open or close diplomatic
relationships with other countries;
He has authority anyway not to submit the treaty
Obergefell v. Hodges - is a landmark 2015 US
for senate concurrence;
Supreme Court decision on the recognition by Ohio
The ‘greater includes lesser’ doctrine would
of same-sex marriages validly established in other
indicate that if he had option not to include us in a
treaty then he should have option to undo entry
into treaty;
Hämäläinen v Finland, July 2014 - the ECHR
By analogy: president can nominate officials,
upheld that States can’t be forced to recognize same
which congress confirms, but president can
sex marriages.
afterward terminate that appointment;
The structure of the constitution;
The European court was unequivocal: European
Art. 127 of Rome Statute merely requires notice;
human rights law does not require countries to “grant
Art. 18 of Vienna Convention states that a treaty
access to marriage to same-sex couples.”
starts to apply rights upon signing itself.

Finally, the ECHR in Gas and Dubois made a crucial

point: in denying such same sex unions, no wrongful
discrimination was made.

As of December 2017, 29 countries recognize same

sex marriages: The Netherlands (2000), Belgium
(2003), Canada (2005), Spain (2005), South Africa
(2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Argentina
(2010), Iceland (2010), Portugal (2010), Denmark
(2012), Brazil (2013), England and Wales (2013),

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France (2013), New Zealand (2013), Uruguay while no court has yet ruled on the matter, there is
(2013), Luxembourg (2014), Scotland (2014), US broad consensus among legal experts that a rock
(2015), Greenland (2015), Finland (signed 2015, cannot be made into an island. What matters is the
effective 2017), Ireland (2015), Columbia (2016), original status of the feature, not what it is made into
Australia, Austria, Malta, Germany (2017), Taiwan
(2018/2019) Philippines vs. China - Ghanaian judge Thomas
Mensah is President of Tribunal (formerly Chris
Baselines - There was previously an existing Pinto of Sri Lanka). The other four judges are
Baselines law (RA 3046, as amended by RA 5446, Rudiger Wolfrum of Germany, Stanislaw Pawlak of
enacted in 1961) that, along with PD 1596, Poland, Jean-Pierre Cot of France and Alfred Soons
prescribed baselines expressly including Sabah and of the Netherlands.
Kalayaan Islands as part of Philippine territory
Judgment: Philippines vs. China – a) To the
Nicaragua vs Columbia (2012, ICJ) – the ICJ extent China’s nine-dash line is a claim of “historic
considered the definition in international law of rights” to the waters of the South China Sea, it is
islands and associated maritime features, their invalid; b) None of the features in the Spratly Islands
entitlements to maritime zones, and the impact of generates an EEZ, nor can the Spratly Islands
these features upon maritime boundary delimitation generate an EEZ collectively as a unit; c) China
between two states with joint claims over a maritime violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its EEZ;
area. and d) China has aggravated and extended the
disputes through its dredging, artificial island-
A low-tide elevation creates no territorial sea, building, and construction activities.
exclusive economic zone (EEZ), or continental shelf,
and cannot be claimed as territory in its own right. It
is legally part of the seabed and its only real effect
on the maritime regime is that, if it lies within the 12
nautical mile territorial sea of another feature, it can
be considered the baseline from which that rock or
island’s entitlements are measured.

A rock, which is distinguished from an island by not Benham Rise - A continental shelf is the edge of a
being able to sustain independent human habitation continent that lies under the ocean, extending from
or economic life, generates a territorial sea but no the coastline of a continent to a drop-off point called
EEZ or continental shelf. the shelf break. From the break, the shelf descends
toward the deep ocean floor in what is called the
A low-tide elevation cannot be made into a rock or continental slope. It may either be a minimum
island—the relevant article of the UN Convention on (natural shelf) of 200 nm. or a maximum (legal shelf)
the Law of the Sea is explicit that the latter two must of 350 nm. or 100 nm. From the 2,500 metre isobath
be “naturally formed” above water at high-tide. And (whichever is nearer). The area entitles same rights
as in EEZ

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