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EMERGENCY MEDICINE  Companion – know by doctor

OB-GYNE  Vulva & urethral opening

 Vagina: laceration, fissures,
Vaginal bleeding on non-pregnancy lesion, infection & foreign body
Menstruation  Cervix: polyps, inflammation,
infection, ulcers, discharges
Days Menstruation Ovaries uterus
 Position : Lithotomy / sim’s position (elderly
0 menstruation Follicular proliferative
1-4 Ovulation ovarian uterine
4-8 Luteal phase Secretory *COMPLETE HISTORY and ADDITIONAL
 Follicular – cell; on-going maturation of follicle. INFORMATION*
 Estrogen – surrounding the area
 Luteal phase – corpus luteum  LMP (LAST MENSTRUAL PERIOD/CYCLE) –
 Progesterone – 2nd phase will increase unang araw ng huling regla (NORMAL)
 Fertilization – embryo -> implant - >
 PMP – Previous menstrual period
produce hormone- BetaHCG -> alarm
copus luteum continue producing estro  MIDAS – Menarche, Interval (Regualr or
and proges to make the environment irreg), Duration, Amount (pads?), Symptoms
uterus viable to the baby/implanted egg (dysmenorrhea, headache..etc.)
 If not (no fertilization)- proges and estro  OB-SCORING (GPTPAL)
will sudden withdrawal hormone cause
vasoconstriction of the spiral arteries in
G- Gravida – ilan beses nagbuntis
the uterus -> will loss of blood supply P – Para (Parity) – umabot sa complete
ISCHEMIA/ slough off blood -> pregnancy umabot ng 37 weeks.
MENSTRUATION T- Term – 37 month above
 Normal Menstruation flow P – Pre- term – below 36 months to
 Mens: 28 days (+/- 7 days)
above 20 months
 Duration: 4 days
 Amount: 25-60 ml of blood loss/day A – Abortion – below 20 months
 Pads: 30 ml – full soaked? Moderate soaked? L- Living – number of children living
Or feel niya lang magpalit. *twins – counted as each.
 Menorrhagia – menses more than 7 days  What to ask? Current sexual activity; barrier
 Metrorrhagia – irregular vaginal bleeding protection; other disease (hive/hepatitis);
 Menometrorrhagia – irregular & excessive previous history of surgery; family history of
 Polymenorrhagia – frequent but light coagulopathy (bleeding disorder)
 Post-coital bleeding – bleeding after  If everything is clear but still continue the
intercourse bleeding suspect for HORMONAL:
 Post-menopausal – bleeding after 6 month  DUB - (dysfunctional uterine
after sensation of menses. bleeding) inside of uterus
 Average age for menopause –  AUB – (Abnormal uterine Bleeding)
51 years old outside of uterus.
 Ovulatory phase. – (+ )signs for any
Physical Exam symptoms: bleeding low estrogen;
 Need? breast tenderness; bloated;
 Consent - to examination; and dysmenorrhea
explain the procedure  Anovoluntary - immature
 MC bleeding: cancer post menopausal Clinical Condition
 Laboratory findings: Genital trauma:
 Pregnancy test – routing  Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) –
examination in all OB Cases female deficiency factor 8
on reproductive phase. - Replacement of factor 8
 If refusing sign a waiver that they
are refusing PT.  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
 UTZ – usual doing for OB cases  TRIAD: obesity,
 TRANSVAGINAL - Non hirsutism,
virginal oligomennorrhea
 PELVIC – virgin  Not in all triad cases
 Look for abscess, masses in symptoms should not
the line of the uterus be present but in most
cases you can diagnose
 CT-Scan – acute pelvic
with that.
abdominal pain bec.
 Variation in the menstrual cycle can
Entertaining other cause. If
also be affected by:
repro UTZ
 Stress
 MRI – staging cancer
 Endometrial biopsy –
sample in the ling of uterus PART II
ptx. AUB younger ptx risk
Abdominal Pain non pregnant
for CA.
 Short term MNGT:  History and PE
 Unstable – hemodynamically  Usual chief complaint
unstable, low BP  Very tricky to diagnose lots of causes, or
-> General radiating in other organs.
Resuscitation ABC (Airway, P- Provoking/palliative/predisposing
Breathing, Circulation) Q- Quality
-> D&C (Dilatation & R- Radiation/region
Curettage / RASPA) S- Severity (pain scale 1-10)
-> Continues Bleeding: T- Time
SGX MNGT – Removal of uterus  Past medical history
 Stable – Oral meds: estrogen or  Physical Examination:
progesterone – supplement  Internal Exam
only  Digital Rectal Exam
 OCP, Antifibrinolytic  Fecalysis – get a sample
Tranexamic acid basic drug  Manual extraction
giving any bleeding ptx.
 Long term MNGT: NSAIDS :
Mefenamic acid, ibuprofen.
Inhibit prostaglandins dev’t
vasoconstriction. Control
 Abdominal quadrant  DX: UTZ with Doppler
(see blood supply)
 Ovarian Cyst – no pain usually but with
pain; raptured, torsion, enlarge, naiipit
ibang organ
 Types of ovarian cyst
 Functional Ovarian Cyst-
Functional cell during menstrual
cycle can able to enlarge and
cause pain (rapture, hemorrhage)
 Misle murch? - Brief pain on the
structure; dysmenorrhea (can
occur before or after)
 Monster cyst – dermoid cyst –
Areas of abdomen – can cause
comprise epithelial lining with
abdominal pain – sometimes other
hair, tooth, nails,
organs radiates to other
 Endometriosis – outside uterus
 Lab exam:
 Endometrioma - Condition kalat
 PT (pregnancy test) exam
lalat ang stroma (chocolate
 CBC (complete blood count)
cyst) – blood color chocolate
 Urinalysis
 Adenometriosis – wala sa uterus
 Pelvic utz
nagkakaroon ng menstruation sa
 Narcotic Drug : not given should be
labas (fallopian, anywhere.);
cyclic bleeding
 NSAIDS : remove but sometimes it will  Adenomyosis - endometrium
rapture the organ (menstrual cycle) invade
 Analgesic : can give reduce anxiety and myometrium
reverse the symptoms  Futz- hugh - curtis syndrome
 Anti-emetics : anti vomiting – - Secondary to PID (cured or
metoclopramide not) ; inflammation expanded to
 antibiotics Glisson’s capsule ; adhesion ; look like
 Migration epi gastric- hypo – right lower hepatitis (pain; RUQ ; (-) in liver fxn
 Out Patient without analgesics : minsan test) : history: have previous symptoms
pwde pag hindi pa ganun kasevere pero PID
observe and kailangan bumalik within - TX: SAME WITH PID
12 - 24 hours with serial examination (doxycycline; metroxycline
Cause abdominal pain - DX: CT SCAN
 Adnexal torsion – EMERGENCY
Torsion- twist ang fallopian  Leiomyomas – MC: pelvic mass (benign)
tube sa uterus can cause problem when enlarge;
 MC: cyst bleeding; pain;
 s/s: sudden unilateral  LOC: outside, sa gilid.
 Risk Factor: low  TX: steroids; anti
Estrogen, age histamine
 Vulvoginitis  Atropic dermatitis – lumiliit; elderly; no
 Factors: infection, allergic estrogen; no nourish the vaginal ; dry;
contact, foreign body, lack of sore; itching; dyphrenia (painful sexual
estrogen during menopausal intercourse); discharge; epithelium
and after appears (think, inflamed, ulcerated);
 MC: Bacterial Vaginosis kulang na sa dilig (estrogen) 
 Bartholene’s glands cyst – labia minora
Bacterial Vulvovaginit Trichomona
-> 4oclock and 8 ocolock; FUNCTION:
Vaginosis is s
add moisture to area; limiliit when you
candidiasis vaginitis
Cause Gardnerella Candida trichomonas got higher age; pwde cyst or abscess
vaginalis albicans (enlarge or pus (nana) )
discharg Thin; Thick; Thin  TX: antibiotic (pain reliever)/
e Asymptomat thrush; watery; Surgery (hiwain for drain and
ic; with odor “cottage adherent; warm compress)
cheese”; gray in  Pinworm – enterobius; notorious sa
itch; pruritus color; itchy; anal pruritus at night; intestine->
discoloratio anus->vagina
n;  DOC: albendazole / pyrantel
“Strawberry  DX: gray ham scotch tape
cervix” method – parang wax
PH: less More than Less than More than
 Vaginal foreign bodies –
than 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
 Chronic vaginal discharge –
Whiff + - +
test foul odor; if mababaw
Pap Clue cells Pseudohyph motile irrigation of PLNSS or manual
smear ae (yeast) removal
decriptio  TX: UTZ
s  PID (pelvic inflammatory Disease)
lactobacil  Most common disease in
li gynecology in states any
infection along the way or
whole reproductive
DOC metronidazol fluconazole metronidaz
 Oopharitis - Inflammation in
e ole
 Contact vulvovaginitis -Like skin disease
 Salphingitis - Fallopian tube
(dermatitis); itchiness; allergic reaction;
 Endometritis, myometritis
local swelling; burning sensation;
 RF: multiple sexual partners;
 RF: napkin, panty liner,
STD; sexual abuse; IUD gushing;
feminine wash,
adolescent younger years
underwear, maduming
 STD bacteria enter vagina
kamay (HAWAK NG
during contact-> seminal fluid->
localized to one area -> this is the CA late to DX look
peritonitis like infection.
 MC: abdominal pain  Nipple inverted
 LAB TEST: result- INFECTION  Color: Orange; dippling
(increase WBC, ESR,ESRP..ETC.)  Non-inflammatory
 TX: TRANSV – collection of fluid  MC: pain; nipple discharge
in pouches  Worried: serious sanginous - >
 CC (chief complaint) Lower signify CA ; Watery; small
abdominal pain - Ptx pasok sa percentage
RF above; tenderness; cervical  Mondour disease
tenderness - > start antibiotic  (thrombophlebitis) like various
 DOC: doxycycline, vein; ung vein pumapalibot sa
metronidazole; cephalosporins breast; Cord like mass on the
 Complication: fitz-hugh-curtis; breast.
tuboovarian abscess (tube  Red flag: (know if cancer or not)
ovaries)  Breast mass
 When to admit? Inability to with/without
exclude surgical emergency adenophathy
(other cause); high fever; vomit;  Ulcerated Mass
TOA (matigas; kabahan ka;
masakit wag kakabahan)
 Epsilateral arm edema –
 Galactorrhea blockage of lymph drainage
 MC: elevated prolactin levels  Breast trauma hematoma
 MC: seat belt; After SGX ;
Inflammatory Breast disease
Benign but observe 1.5 ml
 Acute Mastitis blood clot -> increase/expand -
 Infection localized area of > drain
erythema; not fluctuant; no  Multiple breast syndrome
pus;  Incontinence
 MC: staph. Aureus (nose of the  Involuntary leakage of urine
baby while sucking) due to:
 Yes to BF(breastfeeding) – need  Detrusor muscle over activities
to express  Stress (sphincter function)
 abscess  To little tone
 (collection of pus in the capsule)  Urge – contraction
 NO BF  MIX – urge + to little tone
 Over flow – cannot handle in
 Mammary Gland estasia the small amount
 lumiliit ang duct; no secretion;  Prolapse
inflammation sa gilid. o cytocele - Bladder
 Inflammatory breast cancer o uretrocyctocele - Part of
 Inflammation and mastacia but urethra
usually treat as mastitis but o rectocele - Anus
o enterocyctocele – Intestine
 Parity (marami na)
 Vaginal pressure
 Previous Surgery (NSVD)
 Most common Cause: Cancer
 Uterine- gyne
 Ovarian – 2nd most deadly
 Cervical – HPB (human
Papiloma virus)
 Vagina – LOC: posterior wall
upper 1/3 related to dES

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