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Gastro Intestinal

Vomiting and Diarrhea

 Most Common: Acute viral gastro

enteritis (AGE) (infants and children)
 Viral: rashes, self - limiting and
supportive therapy
 DIARHHEA and vomiting =
 NO: antibiotic, metronidazole
 YES: (ORS/ORESOL) - oral rehydration
solution – 1st line treatment

Ideal: ORS composition: 75mmol/L
 Loose, liquid, increase frequency of
NA(sodium) content.
 Regular if 3x a day? Not count.
Other drinks (sports Drink):
 Change in consistency and frequency of
increase glucose kesa NA (45-60)- to
bowel movement.
retain water
 AGE (Abnormal) = At least 3 or more
episode of diarrhea in 24 hours period. Sports: perspire electrolyte
 ASSESMENT coming from sweat. Not in vomiting and
 Signs/symptoms: diarrhea.
Mild: Color urine: DARK
Sunken eyeballs, sunken fontanels DRUGS:
(infant), dry mouth, no tears, Skin Zink: prescribe for diarrhea to
Turgor (loose skin) promote intestinal mucosa healing
Severe: less active of the baby, Probiotics: (ersa flora)
decrease urine output, thirsty imbalance in the gut flora of the GI to
History: when the last change help adapt a good bacteria.
of diaper? DRY or WET? Antibiotics: if NEEDED only
CLINICAL DEHYDRATION SCORE decrease in WBC, (+) fecalysis (pus cell),
(nasa gilid. hindi ko alam kung same urinalysis, fever r/t diarrhea. ETC.
lang pero ito un.. meron kasi IMCI kaso
pang community yun.) PREVENTION: HANDWASHING
Replace: (oresol) oral (PAMED/DOH) -> feco-oral route
rehydration solution  why? Because (children).
of WHO world health organization (NO
GOAL: replace 30ml/body
wt./hour -> time of hydration.
Clinical disease
Acute Appendicitis (AP)
PYLORIC STENOSIS  MC: surgical emergency in
 Stomach-> pylorus (below children
stomach)  Localize pain RLQ
 Stenotic - lumiliit  MC Burney’s Point – midway
 Pyloric muscle-> hypertrophy – bet. Umbilicus and asis
obstruct blood flow. (anterior superior iliac spine)
 Non bilous – Bile – Coming (pelvic bone)
from Gall Bladder  Increase WBC (-) urine – classic
 Color: green (dark vomiting), manifestation
projectile vomiting  Assessment: History and
associated with weight loss Physical Examination
and dehydration.  Start: Epigastric -> Peri
 Hyponatremic (decrease umbilical -> RLQ
sodium  TX: Surgery
 Hypokalemic (decrease
potassium Malrotation & Volvulus
 Hypochlorimic (decrease  Normal: Cecum – RLQ
chloride  Incomplete rotation of the gap
 Metabolic alkalosis in the utero places the cecum
(increase PH) in RUQ
 Pag wala sa pwesto prone
 Kinakaen ng small intestine ung  Malrotation (erroneous) –
maalaki na intestine andun lang pero hndi pa
 One segment of the bowel bumubuhol
invaginates to a more distal  Complication: Volvulus –
segment rotating from itself
 MC site: ilioc cholic (bet ileus  Bilous vomiting and abdominal
and large intestine) distention
 “TELESCOPING”  Apperance of duodenum in the
 MC: intestinal obstruction in UTZ: Bird’s Peak
infants.  TX Surgery
 Triad (classic)
 Abd pain Necrotizing Entero Colitis
 Bilous vomiting  Necrotize – nabulok
 Bloddy stool color: (kurant  Risk Factor:
jelly)  Premature infants less than
 Description: tinitiklop ung tiyan 1500 grams
sa sobrang sakit.  MC finding in X-ray:
 DX: UTZ Pneumatosis Intestinalis
 TX: surgery
Thepeutic enema (Air) Constipation
 Infrequent hard stool  DOC (Drug of choice): Diazepam
 MC: Dietary – low fiber 2 dozes. – Benzodiazepam
 3yrs old once a day  Electrolyte imbalances:
 Hypo natremia
GI BLEEDING  Hypo glycemia
 Upper and lower intestinal  Hypo kalcemia
bleed  Hypo magnesimia
 Boundaries ligament of treitz
(duodenum) Benign Convulsion
 Hematemesis - Vomit bloody  Simple – less than 15 mins. 1
 Melena – dark/black stool time in 24 hours.
(acid)  Complex – more than 15
 Hematochezia – bright red mins. – occur
stool  DOC: anti-comvulsive
- Massive blood loss in
the Upper GI Head Ache
bleeding – not enough  Pain in Sculp
time to interact in the  MC: Viral
hydrocholoric  MC site: Fronto Temporal
Primary headache
 Involuntary water activity 1. Migrain – unilateral;
associtated with changes in pulsating
behavior Frontal; temporal
 Partial – only part Pain: increase
 Simple – conscious intense in the 1st 24
 Complex – hours.
 Generalized - whole part 2. Tension – bilateral;
 Tonic – clonic – not pulsating.
stiffening of the Tightening; bond
extremities, like or pressure
repetitive, absence Last for 7 days.
(block Stare)
 Atonic – loss of
body tone 3. Cluster - unilateral
Orbital; frontal;
Status epilepticus lacrimation; eyelid
 Prolong of recurrent lasting edema; face edema
from more than 5 mins. *NOTE: yung mga kulang na shade un ung
Without regain consciousness site of headache*
 Post- ictal stage – drowsy, (-)  DOC: Analgesics
bladder tone, regain  Complication:
consciousness  Chronic head ache
 Vomiting Torsion
 Sleep related  Swelling, tenderness
 TX: Surgery
Ways to grade Mental status
 Lethargic – decrease Epidydimis
awareness in the  Phren’s Signs – relief of
environment (lasing) pain (paginangat)
 Stupor – decrease  infection of epidydimis
contact in pain stimuli  pain; manifestation like
(magigising pag sinaktan UTI
 Comatose – Hydrocele
unresponsive with  Accumulation of water
painful stimuli around testes
 Pain and swelling in

 Failure Distal of the
foreskin to loosen,
Boys who do not
 Obstruction of the
blood supply
 Pyrosprism – Prolong
unwanted erection.

Incorporated Hymen
 Cyclic abdominal pain;
no mennarc;
 Bulging hymen; bluish
accumulated blood

 Mild – 13-15  Problem in the
 Moderate – 9-12 language
 Severe – 8 below  Brocca’s – not fluent;
(Intubate) expressive; motor
(hirap magsalita)
Mild Head Injury  Wernick’s – fluent;
 MC: Fall (infant) receptive; auditory
Play & Sports (Non-sense)
(School Age)  Global – mix of brocca’s
Adolescent and wernick’s; Most
(Vehicular Accident) Common
Cranial Nerves MC: Raptured
Complain: Worst
 Sub Dural: vein ->
trauma ->
MC: Atrophy of
vein; alcoholism and
 Epidural: (MMA)

 MC: headache
 Menigial
sign –
Kernig’s – knee
Test Cerebellars – maneuver iaangat
Dysrhythmias – check nose
Rapid alternative Temporal Arterities
monement –  Above 80 yrs old
movement  steroids
 Tender; engorge
Headache category
 Cat IV – not life Vertigo
threatening  Displacement of crystal
 Cat III – benign cases in middle ear
secondary causes  Sensation of imbalance
sinusitis, HPN  Function of imbalance
 Cat II – Critical but not  Nystagmus - Jerking of
emergent eyes
Brain Tumor –
 DSE: Meinierre’s
Not increase in ICP
disease- associated
(intra cranial
with hearing loss
Pressure), trauma
 Cat I – Critical & BOOK PERIPHERAL
 Sub Arachnoid VERTIGO*
Hemorrhage: Abdominal Pain
 Visceral Pain - Rapid, SGOT(AST),
dull; Irritation on SGPT(ALT)
unmyelinated fibers  Urinalysis – UTI,
 Parietal- irritation of  Lactate-
myelinated; localized anaerobic,
 Referred Pain – felt mesenteric
distant from the ischemia
disease organ  Appendicitis
 P- Provoke/ (Pedia) – MC
palliative Burney’s
 Q- Quality point
 R- Region/ - MC:
Radiates Obstruction –
 S- Severity increase
 T- Time secrete
 Forgut – divided into mucous;
different organs: Fecalith
Epigastric DX: CT-SCAN
 Midgut – 1st half of 2/3  Cholecystitis-
transverse ; ¾ Adult ->
duodenum – inflammation
periumbilical of Gall
 Highgut- supra Bladder; URQ
umbilical - Murphy’s –
 Assessment: inspiratory
NORMAL: Inspection, arrest when
Auscultation, doing deep
Palpation, percussion. palpation
Abdomen: inspection, - MC: Stones
Auscultation, -complication ;
Percussion, Palpation cholangitis –
 Lab Test: inspiratory;
 pancreatic – ascending
lipase/  Charcot’s
amylase triad
(more than Fever
3x the Pain
Normal Value) Jaundice
 beta-HCG – (+)  Raynaud’s
pregnant, Pendant –
ectopic, Charcot’s triad
abortion, H- + HPN +
Mole Altered
 liver function – Mental Status
 MC: Gall stone; alcohol;
scorpion bite
 Ranson’s Criteria –
grade sa severity of
 Lab exam: lipase and
Hemorrhagic ->
Turner’s Sign – gray
bluish discoloration
of flungs
Cullen’s Sign-
hematoma on

Abdominal Aneurysim
 Arterial wall occur
 Increase 1.5 x Normal =
Risk Factor:
 Older male
 Smoker
 Atherosclerosis
 Prevention: Control BP
 More than 5cm =
 TRIAD: flank pain
(abdominal) + HPN +
Containing abdominal
 DX: bedside UTZ

Mesenteric Arterial Occlusion

 Increase lactation
 MC: Atrial fibrillation –
irregular beating of
heart -> thrombosis
 Severe pain; out of
proportion of the
physical finding

 Pedia – whole PART

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