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 Mattress (soft)
 Adult (nadadaganan)
 Neonate - Birth -> 1st 26 days  DNR (DO NOT RESUCITATE)
 Infant – 29 days -> 1 year of age  Those infants who are coming in the
 Child – more than 1 year of Age ER who are Rigor mortis.
 AHA- American heart Association (BLS)  Color changes
 8 below - child  Anoxia – hypothermia
 8 above – adult protocols HEAD AND NECK
 Assessment:
 History  Acute otitis media
 Vital signs  MC: Pain and fever
 Brose’s low weight  External: middle ear
 To know what to do during  Manifestation: infection, fluid like on
arrest, emergency, drugs, the ear
normal values to the child.  Due to trauma
 Body wt. (estimated)  Sever pain (tragal tenderness),
o 12 mos: (age in swelling and tenderness
mos/2) + 4  DOC: antibiotics
o 1- 12 yrs: (age in yrs  Foreign Body
x2) + 10  MC: insects
o Birth: (age in yrs x2)  TX: immobilized (baby oil)
+70  Acute Mastoiditis
 Hypotensive  Infection of mastoid process (skull)
 P5 - Allowable BP =  Erythema; tenderness; edema
 Systolic - Age in year x 2 + 70  Protrusion of auricle
 Diastole – 2/3 of Systolic  Dacrocystitis
 Fever  Lacrimal sac inflammation and
 Most common chief complaint infection - pus
 Rise of core temperature associated  Periorbital & orbital cellulitis
with descending body thermo stat.  Tenderness and swollen of the
 Acute: 7 days eyelids and periorbital of the area
 GET: rectal (most accurate) , axillary,  DOC: antibiotics
oral  Rf: sinusitis, infection (pimples)
 DOC: Acetaminophen, Para,  Infantal glaucoma
Ibuprofen  Leading to disgenisis of aqueous
 Threshold: humor -> increase intra ocular
 Neonate – 3 mos. – 38.0 C pressure
 More than 3 mos. To 3 yrs  Manifestation cornea enlarge:
old. – 39. 0 C cloudy – cause blindness
 37.8 more than give Para.  Leukocoria
 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)  Normal = Red-orange reflex
 Idiopathic/Unknown  Abnormal = White; early symptoms
 “Crib syndrome” of Catarcs.
 Check to history, Physical exam.  Strabismus- duling
 Apnea – pag tigil ng hingin more than  Nystagmus- involuntary movement of
2o sec.; change in color; and muscle the eye
 Serotonin – sleep wake cycle
 Nasal cavities of erythemas  Doc: analgesics, antipyuretic, antiviral
 Bacterial sinusitis therapy
 MC: URTI  Uvulitis
 Fouls smelling discharge  Osiolated inflammation of the uvula
 Sinusitis + orbital cellulitis appears erythematous, enlarge &
 Epistaxis edematous
 Nose bleeding  Fever, drooling (cannot feed), sore
 Anterior – back plexus and Posterior throat, dysphagia(difficulty of
 Look down forward – avoid aspirating swallowing), odynophagia,
of the blood respidistress
 Geographic Tongue  Lymphadenitis
 Erythema and atrophy of the tongue  Drainage
surrounded by serpinginous (look like  Infectious process is a leading cause
snake), elevate white and yellow of inflamed lymph nodes
border.  DOC: Antibiotic
 LOC: anterior 2/3 of the tongue  TX: supportive; I&D (incision &
 NO TX Drainage) if with abscess -> cut and
 Mucocele express the secretion (pus)
 Swelling of sublingual  Thyroglossal Duct cyst
 Small blush descerete  Embryonic part of the Neck
 NO TX persistent segment of the throglossal
 Apthous ulcer duct
 AKA - Singaw, “CANKUR SORE”  MC: Midline Neck Massess in the
 Most common recurrent ulcers children
 Painful, shallow ulcers on the mucosa  Painless fluctuant mass that moves
 TX: Antimicrobial (topical, during swallowing or protrusion of
Mouthwash) the tongue
 Herpangina  Lymphangioma (cyctic hygroma)
 LOC: Soft Palate & rinse of the tonsils  Lymphatic channel
 Cause: Enterovirus  Painless; soft
 Painful oval-shaped lesion  LOC: neck
 TX: supportive
 Hand, foot & mouth disease
 MC: Coxsackie Virus A16  Enteroviruses
 Viral that starts w/ low grade fever  Head, foot, mouth disease
lasting 2-3 days followed lesions on  Symptomatic: fever, anorexia,
the oral cavity, palm of the hands, malaise
soles of the feet and buttocks  Vesicular oral lesion -> red papules
 Admission? Due to severe pain on palms, soles, buttocks
cannot feed -> dehydration  Measles
 DOC: antipyuretic, hydration &  “First Disease”
analgesics  Highly Contagious
 Herpes Simplex Gingi Vostomatitis (HSV1)  Upper respiratory symptoms ->
 HSV1 – above belt ; HSV2 – Below malaise, fever
belt  Photophobia & 3C’s (Conjunctivitis,
 abrupt high grade fever, irritability, Cough, coryza (sipon))
decrease oral intake drooling due to  Behind the ear @ hairline(head to
pain, swollen, erythematous, friable feet progression)
 Koplik Spots- Discrete spots with Red  Bullous – separation of the skin giving
base first appear on the mucisa rise to bullae that local @ site of
opposite the lower molars & then infection; toxin mideated
spread to involving entire buccal erythadermes; formed bullae filled
mucosa fluid
 TX: Symptomatic  Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)
 Rubella (german Measles)  4th disease
 “3rd Disease”  Nickolsky signs – separation of
 Rashed on the face of the neck, trunk dermis when in pressure
& arms coalesces on the face of  Malaise; fever
eruption reaches on lower  DOC: antibiotics
extremities  Scarlet fever
 Distinct presence of  2nd disease
lymphadenopathy suboccipital and  Strawberry tongue
posterior auricular (marami kulani)  Fever; sore throat; abd pain; rash
 Forscheimer Spots – pin point  Sand paper rashes
petechiae involving the soft palate  Erysipelas
 Lymphadenopathy is the clinical  “St Anthony fire”
manifestation  MC: lesion on face
 TX: symptomatic  Cellulitis & lymphangitis skin
 Erythema Infectiosum associated with fever; chills; malaise;
 “5th disease” vomiting & headache
 Abrupt appearance of the rashed  Erythematous plaque (peripheral)
with “Slap cheeks” appearance  Erythema Nodosum
(butterfly appearance)  MC site : shin (leg part)
 Rosseola Infantum (exanthema subitum)  Associated tender nodules; OCP –
 “6th disease” oral contracentive pills
 Rashes, immediately fail on non-  Erythema Multiforme
specific symptoms; 3-5 days of illness  Virus; burning sensatation then
 Most prominent neck, trunk, abrupt onset of rash frequently
buttocks involving palm & soles
 Herpes Virus  “target lesion”
 Herpes labial/ Cold Sores  Steven-johnson Syndrome
gingivostomatitis – painful vesicles in  “hypersensitivity of the medicine”
the oral cavity  Widespread blisters usually less than
 Eczema Herpeticum – dev’t vesicles 10% BSA (body surface area)
eruption  Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis – more
 VESICLES – small lesion with clear than 30 % BSA
fluid  Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
 Varicella (chicken Pox)  Kawasaki Disease
 Pruritic generalized vesicular lesion  “Mucocutaneous lymph nodes
with mild systemic infection syndrome”
 TX: asymptomatic  Can lead sudden death due to
 DOC: azyclovir coronary artery aneurysm
 Non – Bullous Impetigo  Fever (5day day more than),
 Impetigo: a big vesicle; cigarette burn conjunctivitis, mucous membrane
 Non-bullous – vesicles that ride to changes, changes in extremities, rash,
form golden yellow crust; Dry cervical adenopathy
 TX: IVIG (immunoglobulin) given by  MCE: before: H. influnezae -> NOW:
wt streptococcus pneumonae
 Henoch – schonlein purpura  Abrupt onsent of fever; drooling;
 MC: Vasculitis in childhood sore throat; hot potato voice (paos)
 Palpable purpura in buttocks  Assumes tripod position & sniffing
 Cause: renal dse and abd pain position
 No specific TX  Thumb signs- enlarge epiglottitis
 TX: aiway mngt (can cause: inubate),
nebu, epi, antibiotic.
 NORMAL Respiratory Rate (RR)  Bacterial trachaetis
 New Born = 50  2nd infection
 Above 6 months = 40  Membranous bacterial group
 Above 1 year = 30  MC: S. Aerus (staphylococcus aerus)
 Assessment:  URI(upper respi infxn) – sudden
 Vital sings must be accurate: 1 full worsening; increase fever; stridor,
minute cough, productive THICK Sputum
 Stridor  CXR (chest xray): subglottic
 High – pitched, harsh sound narrowing, irregular trachea
produced by turbulent air flow thru a narrowing
partially obstructed airway  Airway Foreign Bodies
 Less than 6months –  MCE: Food and toys
laryhngotracheomalacia (vocal cord  Consider in young children w/
paralysis respiratoy symptoms regardless of
 More than 6 month – croup; duration of sympoms
epiglottitis; bacterial tracheitis;  Sudden coughing & choking – Most
foreign bodies predictive S/S
 Larygnomalacia  Laryngotracheal – stridor &
 MC: congenital stridor hoarseness, bronchial wheezing &
 Developmentally weak larynx decrease
 stridor worsen when crying &  LOC: bronchi (R mas Malaki enlarge
agitation lumen)
 often improves whne neck extend &  CXR: unilateral obstructive
prone position emphysema, atelectasis
 obstruction – MC: tongue  TX: airway mngt.
 Viral croup  Wheezing
 “Laryngotracheobrinchitis”  High pitched sound caused by flow
 MCC: Stridor outside of neonatal prominent during expiration
period  Bronchiolitis (child)
 MC Etiology: parainfluenza virus  Inflammation of airway & production
 Mild respiratory symptoms 1-2 days; of mucous
harsh cough “barkin” or “seal-like”  Etiology: PSV – respiratory syncial
hoarse voice & stridor worsen @ virus
night  Asthma (adult)
 Steeple signs – subglottic narrowing  Chronic inflammation disorder of the
 TX: nebulizing, steroids, epinephrine airways; irreversible
 Epiglottitis  Acute exacerbation – worsening
 Supraglotic wheezing; cough; associated w/
 May progress rapidly to life decrease expiratory airflow
threatening airway obstruction
 Status asthmaticus – acute severe  Pre-load – amount of blood that heart
asthma progressive unresponsive receives to distribute to the body.
asirway obstruction. (ET. Intubation)  Afterload – resistance to the blood flow out
 Hypercarbia – hall mark of ventilation of the heart.
of o2  Contractility or inotropy – which is the ability
 TX: oz nebu, b2 agonist, steroids of the cardiac muscle to pump blood
 Pneumonia  Cardiac rate- which is the ability of the
 Infection of lungs decrease of larynx cardiac muscle to pump blood per unit of
 Neonates – aquire of NSVD time
- chlamediaclomatis  Chronotrophy - heart rate; muscle pump in
 Infant & child – les 2 yrs old – RSV the unit of time.
 Child 2-5 yrs old – RSV , viral  Cyanotic – blue baby
 5 to adolescent – M. penumoniae  Tetralogy of fallot (infancy)
(bacteria)  Transposition of the great arteries
 Tuberculosis – upper lobe infiltrates (Newborn)
& hilar lymphadenopathy  Total Anomalies pulmonary venous
 Cystic fibrosis – decrease mucous return (TAPUR)
clearance  Tricuspid Atresia
Heart Disease  Truncus Arteriousus
 Acrocyanotic
 Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
 Atrial septal defect
 Bluish discoloration –bluish discoloration of
the skin; deoxygenated HGB (hemoglobin);
3-5 mg/dl; o2 saturation = 70-80% (no face
mask, intubate. Etc.)

 Tetralogy of fallot
 R ventricular hypertrophy, R VSD,
pulmonary stenosis, overriding of
 Clinical symptoms – depends on the
 Fetal circulation -> o2 placenta situation on the above – Obstruction
 Shunts: on the R going to ventricle
 Ductus Arteriosus - Aorta –  CXR: But shaped heart
pulmonary artery  Transposition of the great arteries
 Formaen ovale – R- L Atrium  Normal = aorta rises form the LF and
 Vein – back to the heart pulmonary originates of Right
 inferior vena cava – drain lower ventricle
extremities; unoxygenated  Abnormal = Aorta rises from the RV
 superior vena cava – upper and pulmonary originates on the left
extremities; unoxygenated ventricle
 Arteries – Oxygentaed blood (EXCEPT:  EGG shaped = shape of the heart
pulmonary artery )  Total Anomalies pulmonary venous return
 Veins – unoxygentaed (EXCEPT: Pulmonary (TAPVR)
vein)  Pulmonary vein Emptying in the RA
(bumabalik) instead of LA
 First cry of the baby – adult circulation
 Tricuspid Atresia  High risk PTX: Prosthetic valves &
 No tricuspid valve (valve bet. RA& RV) grafts
and the dev’t of the RV & pulmonary  HR Procedure: Dental Procedure
artery is interrupted  Manifestation: fever (MC)
 Mitral valve – LA & LV tachycardia, murmur, airway lesion;
 Truncus Arteriousus osler nodes
 All pulmonary arteries system and  Duke Criteria –
coronary circulation originates from  DOC: antibiotic - penicillin
the single arterial 
 Mixed blood  Cardiomyopathy
 Coartion of the Aorta  Dilated- all four chamber
 Narrowing in the aorta (kink) near  Left side involve
ductus arteriousus in upper thoracic  Hypertrophic – 1 or 2 chamber
 Rib notching
 Narrow blood flow in the body  Hematuria
 Decreased pulses in the BP in the  Increase +5 RBC microliter of uterine
lower extremities and higher in the  Can be macro hematuria – can be
upper extremities seen
 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome  Transient micro hematuria – lab
 Hyperplasia of the left ventricle studies
 Atrial Ventricular Septal Defect  DX: KUB ( kidney reter bladder;
 L->R shunting of the blood causing urinalysis; more than 20 CT Scan
pulmonary circulation  Urinary Tract infection – UTI
 Patent Ductus Arteriousus  Bacterial infection in children
 Ductus arteriosus fails to close  MCE: E. coli
spontaneously  In toilet: polyuria, dysuria, onset of
 Normal = DA closes w/in 15 hours of enuresis, back pain, discharges, fever
birth & seals completely @ 3 weeks  Dx: urine culture, urinalysis (fever –
of age, becoming ligamentum morethan 40. C), sympubic aspiration
arteriosum  DOC: antibiotic
 PG (prostaglandin) E1 – restore  Admitted – less than 1 month
patency for duct depend lesion  Acute Renal Failure - ARF
 DX; CXR; ECG; Echocardiography  Decrease function of the kidney
(most definitive)  Pre-renal – before entering kidney
 Assessment: history; check VS; - shock, interruption of blood
murmur; pulses, heaves; lifts; thrills flow
 Myocarditis  Intra-renal – direct cause to renal
 MC: End stage of cardiography - drugs, toxin
 Viral infection  Post-renal – obstruction
 Dx: biopsy- check layers of the heart - stone, enlrge prostate
 Pericarditis  Extreme muscle injury/hazing – decrease
 Chest pain – worsening in supine; myoglobin – Renal Failure
improves in leaning forward  End- stage Renal Failure (ESRD)
 CXR: With water bottle shape heart  Less than 10% GFR
 Infective Endocarditis  MC: congenital renal disease, reflex
 Damage endocardium is exposed to nephropathy
circulation bacterial cause vegetation  CMPLX: DM (adult)
(focus on infxn)
 Common problem: fever; abd pain;
dyspnea; chest pain; syncope; HPN;
acid base
 TX: hemodialysis
 FXN:
 Sodium & h20 remove – fluid
 Waste removal – increase in
urea, creatinine, potassium =
cardiac dysrthmias
 Hormone production – blood
pressure; RBC production
(Erythropoietin, Anemia);
decrease in CA
 Emergecny - Jugular vein
 Normar – subclavian (NO BP check
 Acute Glumerulonephritis
 Hematurial proteinuria; edema; HPN
 Pharyngeal infextion
 Cause: GABHS – group A beta
hemolytic streptococcus
 TX: steroids
 Nephrotic Syndrome
 Pretenuria; hypopreteinuria, HPN,
hyperlipidemia; edema (more
 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
 MC: ARF in children
 Multisystem disorder leading to ARF
 ARF, Thrombocytopenia,
microandiopathic anemia

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