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Received October 30, 2018, accepted November 12, 2018, date of publication November 19, 2018,
date of current version December 19, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2882196

OFDM Based SWIPT for Two-Way

AF Relaying Network
WEIDANG LU 1 , (Member, IEEE), WEILIN ZHAO1 , SU HU 2, (Member, IEEE),
XIN LIU 3 , (Member, IEEE), BO LI 4 , (Member, IEEE),
AND YI GONG 5 , (Senior Member, IEEE)
1 College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
2 National Key Laboratory on Communications, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
3 School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
4 School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai 264209, China
5 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China

Corresponding author: Su Hu (

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61871348, Grant 61601221, and
Grant U1833102, and in part by the Project funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 2017M612027.

ABSTRACT We consider a three-node two-way relaying network, where an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay
helps to forward the information of source nodes by using the energy harvested from the radio frequency
signals transmitted from the two source nodes. The source and relay nodes work on half-duplex, which
completes the transmission in two phases. Specifically, in the first transmission phase, two source nodes
transmit their signals to relay. The received signals at relay will be divided into two subcarrier groups,
to perform information decoding and energy harvesting separately. In the second transmission phase, after
subcarrier pairing, relay amplifies the received signals then forwards them to the two source nodes with the
harvested energy. An joint resource optimization problem, including subcarrier grouping, paring and power
allocation, is formulated to maximize the sum transmission rate of source nodes with power constraints.
Simulation analyses show that our proposed algorithm outperforms the other two benchmark algorithms and
reveal the system performance influence of relay location and total transmission power.

INDEX TERMS SWIPT, two-way relay, subcarrier grouping, subcarrier pairing, power allocation.

I. INTRODUCTION switching (TS) and power splitting (PS) are two practical
Through energy harvesting, the battery can be powered by schemes to realize SWIPT. In TS scheme, the receiver works
ambient sources, such as wind, solar, and vibration, which either in ID mode or EH mode. In PS scheme, the receiver
can prolong the lifetime of wireless powered devices effec- splits the RF signals into two streams using a power splitter,
tively. But the wireless devices may be deployed under- to perform ID and EH, respectively.
ground or indoor place, which will make the ambient Cooperative relaying has been known as an efficient solu-
sources difficult to harvest. Comparing with the unstable tion for cutting down the path-loss effect as well as enhanc-
nature resources, radio frequency signals are more obtain- ing transmission reliability in wireless communications [5].
able and controllable [1]–[3], which can provide continual Decode-and-forward (DF) relaying and amplify-and-forward
stable resource to the wireless devices through wireless power relaying are two major cooperative relaying protocols. Since
transfer. DF relaying needs to decode information first, then regen-
Since the RF signals carry both information and energy, erates the received signal and forwards it, which makes
it is possible to realize simultaneous wireless information its implementation complexity higher than AF relaying.
and power transfer (SWIPT), which has received increased Integrating cooperative relaying with SWIPT, significant
research attention recently [4]. However, in practical sys- improvements can be achieved in both flexibility and system
tem, due to the electronic circuits limitation, the receiver performance.
cannot perform information decoding (ID) and energy har- Various forms of cooperative relaying schemes have been
vesting (EH) on the same RF signals. Thus, it is essential proposed for SWIPT system. In one-way relaying (OWR)
to divide the received signal into two separate parts. Time SWIPT system, a wireless powered relay helps to forward

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W. Lu et al.: OFDM-Based SWIPT for Two-Way AF Relaying Network

the source signal to the destination [5]–[17]. Reference [5]

proposed time switching relaying (TSR) protocol and power
splitting relaying (PSR) protocol in AF SWIPT system,
in which the delay-tolerant and the delay-limited transmis-
sion modes are adaptively selected according to whether
the destination node is able to buffer the received infor-
mation blocks. Reference [6] compared the ergodic and
outage capacity of PSR and TSR based SWIPT system. FIGURE 1. System model.

Reference [7] proposed adaptive maximum ratio combin-

ing (MRC) protocol based on the TSR and PSR, where
direct link was taken into consideration by adopting MRC • We propose an OFDM based SWIPT scheme for an
method with the purpose of maximizing system through- AF-TWR network, where a wireless powered relay uti-
put. Reference [9] proposed a multiple-input-single-output lizes two disjoint subcarriers groups to perform ID and
(MISO) downlink multiuser SWIPT system, which focuses EH, respectively. As the relay only needs subcarriers
on maximizing the system energy efficiency by joint power index used for ID and EH, no splitter is needed to equip
splitting and beamforming. Reference [11] proposed three at the relay. Comparing with PS and TS based SWIPT
wireless power transmission (WPT) schemes according to scheme, the complexity can be significantly reduced at
different energy supply, in which performances of three WPT the relay.
• We propose an efficient algorithm to solve the joint
schemes at various relay positions are compared. Applying
SWIPT technology to MIMO-OFDM relay networks, [17] subcarrier grouping, paring and power optimization allo-
discussed the impacts of the number of antennas and cation problem for the proposed OFDM based SWIPT
subcarriers. scheme, to maximize system sum transmission rate
Two-way relaying (TWR) protocol is more frequency effi- while meeting the power constraint.
• Simulation analyses demonstrate the better performance
ciency than OWR protocol, since TWR protocol only occu-
pies a quarter of the transmission time of OWR protocol of our proposed scheme and reveal the impact of relay
in one transmission [18]–[30]. Reference [19] optimized the location and transmission power on the system perfor-
resource allocation of the power splitting and time phase mance.
ratios in a DF-TWR network, in which the goal is to mini- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
mize the probability of system outages. Reference [21] stud- In Section II, we introduce the system model. Optimal solu-
ied power allocation to achieve a balance between spectral tion is presented in Section III. Simulation results are pro-
efficiency and energy efficiency (EE) with PS protocol in vided in Section IV to illustrate the performance of the
an AF-TWR network. Reference [22] studied the problem proposed algorithms. Finally, we conclude this paper in
of distributed beamforming in an AF-TWR network with Section V.
multiple EH-based relays, where the effect of interference
on the performance was also investigated. Reference [23] II. SYSTEM MODEL
combined SWIPT with wireless body area network (WBAN), As shown in Fig. 1, our system model is consisted of two
and adopted both PS and TS protocols, in which optimal time source nodes S1 , S2 , and one AF relay node R. All the nodes
and power ratios were studied to maximum system through- operate in half-duplex mode in two equal phase to transfer
put. Reference [26] proposed a novel dynamic asymmetric signal, which are OFDM modulated. We assume the ideal
PS scheme in a three-step multiplicative AF-TWR network, OFDM modulation and demodulation in this paper, and chan-
which is simpler than that of two-step on circuitry design and nel state information of two transmission phases is assume
obtained the optimal solutions by dinkelbach-based iterative to be known at the corresponding nodes [5]–[10]. In the first
algorithm. The above works mainly focus on power allocation transmission phase, two source nodes transmit its signal x1,k
with different design objectives, relay selection is rarely con- and x2,k over subcarrier k ∈ K, where K = {1, 2, . . . , K }
sidered as [27]. Reference [27] studied a joint relay selection denotes the subcarriers set. The received signal at R can be
and optimal power allocation scheme in asymmetric TWR written as
q q
networks, which selected a relay from K available relays. yR,k = h1,k pIs1,k x1,k + h2,k pIs2,k x2,k + nR,k (1)
OFDM is considered as an key technology for future
wireless networks [31]–[33], because it can allocate sub- where pIsi ,k , i ∈ {1, 2}, denotes the transmit power used for
carriers resources flexibly and acquire high data rate in ID over subcarrier k of source node Si . h1,k and h2,k represent
the frequency-selective fading channel. Therefore, with the the channel coefficients of the S1 → R link and S2 → R link
purpose of maximizing the system sum transmission rate, over subcarrier k, respectively. All involved links are block-
the objective of this paper is to use OFDM to design SWIPT fading, which are assumed to be constant in a transmission
scheme for TWR network. phase but vary independently from one phase to another.
The main contributions of this paper are summarized as nR,k ∼ CN (0, σk2 ), represents the Gaussian random noise at
follows: relay with zero mean and variance σk2 .

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W. Lu et al.: OFDM-Based SWIPT for Two-Way AF Relaying Network

FIGURE 2. Two-way amplify-and-forward OFDM SWIPT relay.

As shown in Fig.2 at the top of the page, the received signal and βk,k 0 is the positive amplification factor
at R is firstly performed by analog-to-digital (A/D) conver- s
sion and serial-to-parallel (S/P) conversion. After removing pr,k 0
βk,k 0 = 2 2 (4)
its cyclic prefix (CP), subcarrier allocation is performed, p h1,k + pI h2,k + σ 2

s1,k s2,k k
in which a part of the subcarriers, denoted as G1 , are utilized
for ID, and the rest subcarriers, denoted as G2 , are utilized for where pr,k 0 is the allocated transmit power over subcarrier k 0
EH. Thus, the harvested energy at R can be written as at R.
X Since Si knows its own signal xi and channel state informa-
Q= ζ (pEs1,k |h1,k |2 + pEs2,k |h2,k |2 + σk2 ) (2) tion, it can decode the information successfully. Therefore,
after two phases transmission, the signal to noise ratio of
where ζ represents the EH conversion efficiency and pEsi ,k , link S1 to S2 and S2 to S1 over subcarrier k and k 0 could be
i ∈ {1, 2}, represents the transmit power of source node Si expressed as
used for EH over subcarrier k.
pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0
After subcarrier allocation, the relay continues to perform SNR1k,k 0 =   (5)
DFT, Amplification, IDFT, CP insertion, P/S and D/A with pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + 1
the subcarriers in G1 by utilizing the subcarrier k 0 to pair
with subcarrier k, k ∈ G1 , to forward the source node pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0
SNR2k,k 0 =  (6)
signals with the harvested energy Q. Let ρk,k 0 ∈ {0, 1} rep-

pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + 1
resents the indicator of subcarrier pairing, which satisfying
K 2
ρk,k 0 = 1, ∀k. If subcarrier k 0 in the second phase is |h1,k |2 |h2,k |2
1,k 0
where γ1,k = , γ2,k = , γ1,k 0 =

k 0 =1 σk2 σk2 σk2
paired with subcarrier k in the first phase, ρk,k 0 = 1. And
one subcarrier k could only be paired with one subcarrier k 0 . γ2,k 0 = 2,k2 .
Then, the received signal at Si can be rewritten as Then, the transmission rate of source node Si with relay R’s
forwarding can be given as
yi,k 0 = βk,k 0 hi,k 0 yR,k + ni,k 0 (3)
where ni,k 0 is the noise at Si over subcarrier k 0 , hi,k 0 represents
Rsi = ρk,k 0 ln 1 + SNRik,k 0 (7)
the channel coefficient of the R → Si link over subcarrier k 0 2
k∈G1 k 0 =1

 
L(G, P, ρ) = Rs1 + Rs2 + α1 Ps1 − pIs1,k − pEs1,k 
k∈G1 k∈G2
   
+ α2 Ps2 − pIs2,k − pEs2,k  + α3 Q − ρk,k 0 pr,k 0  (11)
k∈G1 k∈G2 k∈G1 k 0 =1

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W. Lu et al.: OFDM-Based SWIPT for Two-Way AF Relaying Network

The sum transmission rate of source nodes S1 and S2 can X X
1α3 = (Q − ρk,k 0 pr,k 0 ) (15)
be given as
k∈G1 k 0 =1
Rs = Rs1 + Rs2 (8) We can obtain the optimal dual variables of convergence
by updating α t+1 = α t + ξ t 1α, where ξ t is the step size.
III. OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM The computational complexity of this sub-gradient algorithm
The two source nodes intend to maximize their sum trans- is O(V ν ) [35], in which V is dual variables number and ν is a
mission rate. In this section, we aim to jointly determine nonnegative integer. Because we have three dual variables in
the optimization of subcarrier grouping G = {G1 , G2 }, this paper, the complexity can be denoted by O(3ν ). After get-
subcarrier pairing ρ = {ρk,k 0 } and power allocation P = ting the dual variables, the optimal G, P, ρ can be obtained
(pIs1,k , pIs2,k , pEs1,k , pEs2,k , pr,k 0 ) with the power constraints, through the following two procedures. First, we assume that
so that the sum transmission rate of source nodes is maxi- G and ρ are known to derive the optimal P. Secondly, deriv-
mized. ing the optimal ρ and G.
This joint optimization problem is formulated as
{G ,P ,ρ} We can obtain the partial derivatives of L(G, P, ρ) to
subject to pEs1,k , pEs2,k pIs1,k , pIs2,k and pr,k 0 , as
C1 : pIs1,k + pEs1,k ≤ Ps1 2
= −α1 + α3 ζ h1,k

k∈G1 k∈G2 ∂ps1,k

C2 : pIs2,k + pEs2,k ≤ Ps2
= −α2 + α3 ζ |h2,k |2 (17)
k∈G1 k∈G2 ∂pEs2,k
C3 :
ρk,k 0 pr,k 0 ≤ Q ∂L ∂L ∂L
where , I and are given as (18)-(20) shown
k∈G1 k 0 =1 ∂ps1,k ∂ps2,k
I ∂pr,k 0
K at the bottom of the next page. By Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
conditions, we could know that the optimal solution of the
C4 : ρk,k 0 ∈ {0, 1}, ρk,k 0 = 1, ∀k
k 0 =1
Lagrange function can be obtained when the value of partial
derivative is zero. Therefore, the optimal power used for EH,
where C1 and C2 indicate the sum transmission power
pE∗ E∗
s1,k and ps2,k can be obtained as
constraints of two source nodes, respectively. C3 indicates
( 2
that relay cannot consume more energy than it harvested, pmax , α3 ζ h1,k − α1 ≥ 0

and C4 represents subcarrier pairing constraint. The above ps1,k = 2 (21)
pmin , α3 ζ h1,k − α1 < 0

optimization problem is a non-convex optimization prob- ( 2
pmax , α3 ζ h2,k − α2 ≥ 0

lem. If the problem satisfies the time division condition E∗
and the number of subcarriers is sufficient, then the above ps2,k = 2 (22)
pmin , α3 ζ h2,k − α2 < 0

problem can be solved equivalently by the Lagrangian dual
method [34]. The specific proof process is given in the where pmax and pmin are the maximum and minimum power
appendix. We denote the Lagrangian dual function of the constraints over each subcarrier, individually. And we can
optimization problem in (9) as obtain the optimal power of every subcarrier k used for ID,
∗ and pI ∗ by getting the positive root of the following
pIs1,k s2,k
g(α) = max L(G, P, ρ) (10) two equations.
{G ,P ,ρ}

where L(G, P, ρ) is shown in (11) at the bottom of previous a4 (pIs1,k )4 +a3 (pIs1,k )3 +a2 (pIs1,k )2 +a1 pIs1,k + a0 = 0 (23)
page, in which α = (α1 , α2 , α3 ) denotes non-negative dual b4 (pIs2,k )4 +b3 (pIs2,k )3 +b2 (pIs2,k )2 +b1 pIs2,k + b0 = 0 (24)
variables vector. And the dual optimization problem can be
expressed as where a4 , a3 , a2 , a1 , a0 and b4 , b3 , b2 , b1 , b0 are shown at the
top of page 6. And M (k) = 1 + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 , N (k) =
min g(α) (12) 1 + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 , U (k) = 1 + pIs1,k γ1,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 ,
The minimization problem in (12) can be settled by utiliz- V (k) = 1 + pIs1,k γ1,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 .
ing sub-gradient algorithm. The sub-gradients can be easily Similarly, we can obtain the optimal power allocation at
obtained by the following formulas relay R, p∗r,k 0 by getting the positive root of the following
X X equation
1α1 = (Ps1 − pIs1,k − pEs1,k ) (13)
k∈G1 k∈G2
c4 (pr,k 0 )4 + c3 (pr,k 0 )3 + c2 (pr,k 0 )2 + c1 pr,k 0 + c0 = 0 (25)
where c4 , c3 , c2 , c1 , c0 are given at the top of page 6. And
1α2 = (Ps2 − pIs2,k − pEs2,k ) (14)
k∈G1 k∈G2 X (k) = 1 + pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k .

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B. DERIVING THE OPTIMAL ρ AND G Algorithm 1 Proposed Algorithm for the Joint Optimization
Substituting the optimal P∗
into (11), and adopting some Problem
manipulation, (11) can be rewritten as (26) shown at page 6, 1: initialize non-negative values {α1 , α2 , α3 }.
in which 2: repeat
3: Calculate the optimal power allocation P ∗ =
1   1  
Ek,k 0 = ln 1+SNR1k,k 0 + ln 1+SNR2k,k 0 −α3 pr,k 0 (ps1,k , pIs2,k
I ∗ ∗ , pE∗ , pE∗ , p∗ ) defined in (21) to (25).
s1,k s2,k r,k 0
2 2 4: Obtaining the optimal subcarrier pairing ρ ∗
5: Obtaining the optimal subcarrier grouping G ∗ =
Only Ek,k 0 is related to ρ. Therefore, we can get the optimal {G∗1 , G∗2 },
ρ∗ by finding the maximize Ek,k 0 in order. The computational 6: Update {α1 , α2 , α3 } by subgradient algorithm with the
complexity of subcarrier pairing is O(K 2 ). After obtaining subgradients defined in (13) (14) and (15).
ρ∗, we can get 7: until {α1 , α2 α3 } converge.

Fk = ρk,k 0 Ek,k 0 −α3 ζ (pEs1,k |h1,k |2 + pEs2,k |h2,k |2 + σk2 )
k 0 =1
+ α1 (pEs1,k − pIs1,k ) + α2 (pEs2,k − pIs2,k )
Only Fk is related to G1 . We only need to find all the k who
makes Fk positive. Then, all these k form G∗1 , which can be
expressed as
G∗1 = arg max Fk (28)

At last, the optimal G∗2 , subcarrier group utilized for EH,

can be easily determined by G∗2 = K − G∗1 . Obviously,
the involved complexity is O(K). So far, we have got all the
optimal variables with given dual variables, which involve
an overall computational complexity of O(3ν × K 2 × K ) =
O(3ν × K 3 ). We summarise the proposed subgradient-based
algorithm as Algorithm 1. FIGURE 3. Sum transmit rate versus d1 .

IV. SIMULATION RESULTS loss index. Other simulation parameters are set as follows:
In the simulation, we set the distance between two source m = 2, K = 32, ζ = 1, Ps = Ps1 = Ps2 , σ 2 = −30 dBm.
nodes to 8 m, and di , i ∈ {1, 2}, denotes the distance between In Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the performance of our proposed
Si and relay, satisfying d1 + d2 = 8 m. The channel coeffi- algorithm is compared with the following two benchmark
cients follow hi ∼ CN (0, di −m ), where m represents the path algorithms.

∂L 1 −pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 γ1,k

= −α1 +
∂pIs1,k 2 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)(pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)
1 pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 γ1,k (pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)
+ (18)
2 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)(pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)
∂L 1 −pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 γ2,k
= −α2 +
∂pIs2,k 2 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)(pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)
1 pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 γ2,k (pIs1,k γ1,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)
+ (19)
2 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)(pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)
∂L 1 pIs2,k γ2,k γ1,k 0 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + 1)
= −α3 +
∂pr,k 0 2 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)(pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + 1)
1 pIs1,k γ1,k γ2,k 0 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + 1)
+ (20)
2 (pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)(pIs1,k γ1,k + pIs2,k γ2,k + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + 1)

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W. Lu et al.: OFDM-Based SWIPT for Two-Way AF Relaying Network

a4 = 2α1 γ1,k 3 (1 + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 )

a3 = 2α1 γ1,k 2 ((1 + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 )(2M (k) + N (k) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 ) + N (k))
a2 = 2α1 γ1,k ((1 + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 )(M (k) (M (k) + 2N (k)) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 (M (k) + N (k)))
+ N (k) 2M (k) + N (k) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 ) + γ1,k 2 (pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 1 + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 − pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 N (k))

a1 = 2α1 ( 1 + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 M (k)N (k) M (k) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0

+ N (k) M (k) (M (k) + 2N (k)) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 (M (k) + N (k)) )
+ γ1,k N (k)(pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 (2 + pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 ) − pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 2M (k) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 )
N (k)2 M (k) M (k) + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 + pIs2,k γ2,k pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 N (k) N (k) − pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 M (k)

a0 =
− pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 M (k)2 N (k)
b4 = 2α2 γ2,k 3 (1 + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 )
b3 = 2α2 γ2,k 2 ((1 + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 ) 2V (k) + U (k) + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + U (k))
b2 = 2α2 γ2,k ( 1 + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 V (k) (V (k) + 2U (k)) + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 (U (k) + V (k))
+ U (k) 2V (k) + U (k) + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 ) + γ2,k 2 (pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 1 + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 − pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 U (k))

b1 = 2α2 (U (k)V (k) 1 + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 V (k) + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + (2U (k) + V (k))
+ pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 U (k)(U (k) + V (k))) − γ2,k (pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 U (k) 2V (k) + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0
− pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 U (k)(2 + pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 ))
U (k)2 V (k) V (k) + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 + pIs1,k γ1,k pr,k 0 γ2,k 0 U (k) U (k) − pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 V (k)

b0 =
− pr,k 0 γ1,k 0 U (k) V (k)2
c4 = 1 + pIs1,k γ1,k 1 + pIs2,k γ2,k γ1,k 0 2 γ2,k 0 2
X (k)
c3 = 2α3 γ1,k 0 γ2,k 0 ( 1 + pIs1,k γ1,k 2 + pIs2,k γ2,k γ2,k 0 + (2 + pIs1,k γ1,k )(1 + pIs2,k γ2,k )γ1,k 0 )
c2 = 2α3 X (k) − pIs2,k γ2,k γ1,k 0 1 + pIs1,k γ1,k γ2,k 0 2 + (2α3 X (k) − pIs1,k γ1,k γ2,k 0 )(1 + pIs2,k γ2,k )γ1,k 0 2
+ 2α3 4 + pIs1,k γ1,k pIs2,k γ2,k + 2pIs1,k γ1,k + 2pIs2,k γ2,k X (k)γ1,k 0 γ2,k 0
c1 = 2α3 X (k) − pIs2,k γ2,k γ1,k 0 2 + pIs1,k γ1,k X (k)γ2,k 0 + 2α3 X (k) − pIs1,k γ1,k γ2,k 0 (2 + pIs2,k γ2,k )X(k)γ1,k 0
c0 = X (k)2 2α3 X (k) − pIs2,k γ2,k γ1,k 0 − pIs1,k γ1,k γ2,k 0

X 2 2
L(G, ρ) = α1 Ps1 + α2 Ps2 + [−α1 pEs1,k − α2 pEs2,k + α3 ζ (pEs1,k h1,k + pEs2,k h2,k + σk2 )]

+ { ρk,k 0 Ek,k 0 − α3 ζ (pEs1,k |h1,k |2 + pEs2,k |h2,k |2 + σk2 ) + α1 (pEs1,k − pIs1,k ) + α2 (pEs2,k − pIs2,k )} (26)
k∈G1 k 0 =1

• Power average allocation (PAA) algorithm: the power of rest of subcarriers are used for EH. The power allocation
source and relay nodes are all average allocated while and subcarriers pairing are the same as our proposed
subcarrier grouping and pairing are the same as our algorithm.
proposed algorithm. In Fig. 3 we can see the variation of sum transmission
• Subcarrier allocation based (SAB) algorithm: certain rate with d1 , when Ps is set to be 1mW . We can clearly
half of the subcarriers are allocated for ID, whereas the observe that our proposed algorithm outperforms the other

73228 VOLUME 6, 2018

W. Lu et al.: OFDM-Based SWIPT for Two-Way AF Relaying Network

FIGURE 4. Sum transmit rate versus Ps . FIGURE 6. Power and subcarrier allocation of source node S2 .

FIGURE 5. Power and subcarrier allocation of source node S1 . FIGURE 7. Power allocation of relay node.

two algorithms, because we do not optimize the power of

source and relay nodes in PAA algorithm, and in SAB algo- phase, respectively, when Ps = 1mW and d1 = 1.6 m.
rithm the subcarrier grouping is not optimized. In SAB algo- We can find that the two source nodes S1 and S2 use the
rithm fixed number of subcarriers are allocated for ID and same subcarrier group for ID and EH, respectively. However,
EH, which will lead some power and subcarriers sacrificed the power allocated over these subcarriers are different, which
for EH. Also in Fig. 3, we can observe that all three algorithms is due to the different channel coefficients between S1 → R
get the minimum rate when R locates in the middle of the S1 and S2 → R.
and S2 . It is due to that in this place, the interference caused Fig. 7 shows the power allocation of relay in the second
from the two source nodes to each other reaches the maximum transmission phase. From the figure, we can see the number
value. of relay subcarriers used for forwarding the information is
Fig. 4 plots the sum transmission rate versus Ps when d1 = the same as the number of subcarriers in G1 , which is used
3.2m. Fig. 4 shows that the performance of our algorithm is by the source nodes for ID in the first transmission phase.
better than PAA and SAB algorithms. Besides, we can see the It is because that one subcarrier k, k ∈ G1 in the first
sum transmission rate becomes larger when Ps increases. It is transmission phase could only be paired with one subcarrier
easy to understand that when Ps increases, more power can be k 0 in the second transmission phase.
allocated for ID and EH, which makes the relay obtain more Fig. 8 illustrates power allocation proportion of ID and
power to forward the information of source nodes, resulting EH at two source nodes varies with d1 . We use PIsi and PEsi
larger sum transmission rate. to denote the sum power used for ID and EH of Si . As we
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 illustrate the power allocation and subcar- can see, power used for EH becomes larger then smaller
rier grouping of two source nodes in the first transmission when d1 becomes larger. It is because that when d1 is smaller

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Let x, y and z0 be the optimal solutions to the joint opti-

mization problem with energy constraints Qx, Qy and
Qz, respectively. Since Qz ≥ θ Qx + (1 − θ )Qy, the time-
sharing property implies that there exists a z0 such that
Qz0 ≥ θ Qx + (1 − θ )Qy and f (z0 ) ≥ θ f (x) + (1 − θ )f (y).
Because z0 is a feasible solution for the optimization problem,
f (z) ≥ f (z0 ) ≥ θ Qx + (1 − θ )Qy, which proves that our joint
optimization problem is a concave function of Q. Therefore
the duality gap is zero can be proved by the similar methods
used in [34].

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[34] W. Yu and R. Lui, ‘‘Dual methods for nonconvex spectrum optimiza-
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[35] W. Dang, M. Tao, H. Mu, and J. Huang, ‘‘Subcarrier-pair based resource coding.
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Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The
Hong Kong University of Science and Technol-
LU WEIDANG (S’08–M’13) received the Ph.D. ogy, Hong Kong, in 2002. He then joined the
degree in information and communication engi- Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology
neering from the Harbin Institute of Technol- Research Institute, Hong Kong, as a Member of
ogy in 2012. He was a Visiting Scholar with Professional Staff. He was with Nanyang Tech-
Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, The nological University, Singapore, with which he
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, and the still has active collaborations. He is currently a
Southern University of Science and Technology, Professor with the Southern University of Science
China. He is currently an Associate Professor with and Technology, Shenzhen, China. Since 2006, he has served on the Edi-
the College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang torial Board for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and
University of Technology, Hangzhou, China. His the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. His research interests
current research interests include simultaneous wireless information and include multi-antenna and cooperative communications, caching and edge
power transfer, wireless sensor networks, cooperative communications, and computing, and physical layer security for wireless systems.
physical layer security for wireless systems.

VOLUME 6, 2018 73231

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