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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

Blockchain-Based Public Integrity Verification for

Cloud Storage against Procrastinating Auditors
Yuan Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Chunxiang Xu, Member, IEEE, Xiaodong Lin, Fellow, IEEE,
and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The deployment of cloud storage services has significant benefits in managing data for users. However, it also causes
many security concerns, and one of them is data integrity. Public verification techniques can enable a user to employ a third-party
auditor to verify the data integrity on behalf of her/him, whereas existing public verification schemes are vulnerable to procrastinating
auditors who may not perform verifications on time. Furthermore, most of public verification schemes are constructed on the public key
infrastructure (PKI), and thereby suffer from certificate management problem. In this paper, we propose the first certificateless public
verification scheme against procrastinating auditors (CPVPA) by using blockchain technology. The key idea is to require auditors to
record each verification result into a blockchain as a transaction. Since transactions on the blockchain are time-sensitive, the
verification can be time-stamped after the corresponding transaction is recorded into the blockchain, which enables users to check
whether auditors perform the verifications at the prescribed time. Moreover, CPVPA is built on certificateless cryptography, and is free
from the certificate management problem. We present rigorous security proofs to demonstrate the security of CPVPA, and conduct a
comprehensive performance evaluation to show that CPVPA is efficient.

Index Terms—Cloud storage, data integrity, certificateless public verification, procrastinating auditors, blockchain.

1 I NTRODUCTION this lays a heavy communication burden on users to retrieve

and verify the data.

W ITH cloud storage services, users outsource their data

to cloud servers and access that data remotely over
the Internet [1], [2]. These services provide users an efficient
Public verification techniques enable users to outsource
the data integrity verification to a dedicated third-party
auditor. The auditor periodically checks the data integrity,
and flexible way to manage their data, while users are free and informs the users that the data may be corrupted
from heavy local storage costs [3], [4], [5]. Although users once the checking fails [16]. In most of public verification
enjoy great benefits from these services, data outsourcing schemes, the auditor is assumed to be honest and reliable.
has also incurred critical security issues [6], [7], [8]. One of If the auditor is compromised, these schemes would be
the most important security concerns is data integrity [9], invalidated. For example, an irresponsible auditor may al-
[10]. Unlike traditional data management paradigm, where ways generate a good integrity report without performing
users store their data locally, users would not physically the verification to avoid the verification costs. In such a
own their data once having outsourced the data to cloud way, the auditor is virtually non-existent. Furthermore, a
servers. Therefore, users are always worried about the data malicious auditor may collude with the cloud servers to
integrity, i.e., whether the outsourced data is well main- generate a bias verification result to deceive the users for
tained on cloud servers. profits. To ensure the security in the case that the auditor is
The integrity of outsourced data is being put at risk compromised, the users are required to audit the auditor’s
in practice [11], [12]. For example, the cloud servers may behaviors [17], [18], [19]: After each verification, the auditor
always conceal incidents of data corruption for good repu- records the information used to verify the data integrity,
tation, or may delete a part of data that is never accessed which enables the user to audit the validity of the auditor’s
to reduce the storage costs [13], [14]. Furthermore, an ex- behavior.
ternal adversary may tamper with the outsourced data for Existing public verification schemes require the auditor
financial or political reasons [15]. Therefore, the integrity of to perform the verification periodically so that the data
outsourced data should be verified periodically. The verifi- corruption can be detected as soon as possible. Actually,
cation can be performed by the users themselves. However, periodical verification can reflect the state of integrity of the
outsourced data in each period, which enables the user to
• Y. Zhang and C. Xu are with the Center for Cyber Security, School
find the data corruption within the period. For example,
of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Sci- for a cloud-assisted electronic health system, the outsourced
ence and Technology of China, China (e-mail: ZY; electronic health records (EHRs) are sensitive [20], [21], [22], and should be verified periodically to guarantee their
• Y. Zhang and X. Shen are with the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada (e-mail: correctness. Any time the EHRs are corrupted, the health- care provider can find it within the period, stops to use
• X. Lin is with the School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, the corrupted EHRs, and attempts to recover the EHRs at
Canada (e-mail:
once. This can protect the healthcare provider against losses

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

caused by the EHR corruption as far as possible. However, management problem existing in most of existing
an irresponsible auditor may procrastinate on the sched- public verification schemes.
uled verification, due to network failures, system errors, • We present rigorous security proofs to prove that
or request from the cloud server1 . We call this auditor a CPVPA is secure against the procrastinating auditor
procrastinating auditor, it deviates from the original objective defined in this paper, the semi-trusted server and
of public verification schemes, i.e., detecting data corruption the malicious auditor in the strongest model [14],
as soon as possible. It might be too late to recover the [17], [18]. We also conduct a comprehensive perfor-
data loss or damage if the auditor procrastinates on the mance analysis, and show that CPVPA has constant
verification. In fact, the procrastinating auditor also cannot communication overhead, and is efficient in terms of
be detected in the public verification schemes, even though computational overhead on both the server side and
malicious auditors can be detected there [17], [18], [19]. the user side.
Furthermore, most public verification schemes are built
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
on the public key infrastructure (PKI), where the auditor
We motivate CPVPA in Section 2, and define the system
needs to manage the user’s certificate to choose the correct
model, adversary model, and design goals and present
public key for verification. Consequently, these schemes
preliminaries in Section 3. We propose CPVPA in Section
suffer from the certificate management problem including
4 and analyze its security in Section 5. We provide the
certificate revocation, storage, distribution, and verification,
performance evaluation in Section 6, review the related
which is very costly and cumbersome in practice [23], [24].
work in Section 7, and draw the conclusions and present
In this paper, we propose the first certificateless public some open problems in Section 8.
data integrity verification scheme that resists malicious and
procrastinating auditors, dubbed CPVPA. The key idea be-
hind CPVPA is to use blockchain-based currencies (i.e., on- 2 P ROBLEM S TATEMENT
chain currencies), such as Bitcoin and Ethereum [25], [26], 2.1 Public Verification of Data Integrity
[27], which provide a tamper-proofing and distributed way
to conduct transactions without a central authority (i.e., The key idea of the public verification technique [13], [14],
bank). In CPVPA, the auditor is required to create a new [15] is that the user (i.e., data owner) splits the data into
transaction after each verification, where the information multiple blocks, computes a signature for each one, and
corresponding to the verification is integrated into the trans- outsources the data blocks as well as corresponding signa-
action, and the auditor conducts the transaction. After the tures to the cloud server. When the auditor verifies the data
transaction is recorded into the blockchain, the user is able integrity, it chooses a random subset of all data blocks (e.g.,
to verify the time when the auditor performs the verification sample 300 blocks from 10000 ones) and sends the sampled
by checking the generation time of the transaction. We stress blocks’ indexes (as a challenging message) to the cloud
that for a blockchain system, the more participants in it, server. The cloud server responses with the corresponding
the stronger security guarantee it can provide. Therefore, proof, the auditor checks the integrity of challenged blocks
we construct CPVPA on a well-established and widely-used by verifying the validity of the proof. If the verification
blockchain system (e.g., Ethereum), rather than a newly passes, the integrity of entire data set is ensured. The key
created one. Moreover, CPVPA is built on the certificateless technique used here is aggregated signature [29], which
cryptography [28] and avoids the certificate management enables the auditor to verify multiple blocks simultaneously
problem. Specifically, the contributions of this work are without downloading the data.
summarized as follows. In public verification schemes, after data outsourcing,
the user sets a verification period (i.e., the frequency at
which the auditor performs the verification). Then the audi-
• We analyze existing public verification schemes, and
tor verifies the outsourced data integrity at the correspond-
demonstrate that existing schemes cannot resist a
ing time. In practice, the auditor generates a verification
procrastinating auditor who may not perform the da-
report containing multiple verification results (correspond-
ta integrity verification on schedule and deviate from
ing to multiple periods, we call these periods an epoch).
the original objective of public verification schemes,
If in any period the verification result is “Reject”, it means
i.e., detecting the data corruption as soon as possible.
that the data may be corrupted and the auditor needs to
• We propose a certificateless public verification of
inform the user at once. Otherwise, the auditor generates
data integrity scheme, namely CPVPA, which resists
a verification log and provides the user with the log at the
malicious auditors and procrastinating ones without
end of each epoch. Since the auditor is able to verify the
introducing any trusted entity, where each verifica-
data integrity without the user’s participation, the user can
tion performed by the auditor is time-stamped by
assign the auditor to perform the verification with any pe-
integrating it into a transaction of blockchain-based
riod as needed. In other words, from the user’s perspective,
currencies, e.g., Ethereum. Such mechanism enables
if the outsourced data is corrupted, the longest delay within
the user to check the time when the auditor perform-
which she/he needs to find the data corruption should be
s the verification. CPVPA addresses the certificate
the verification period.
We stress that the frequency at which the auditor checks
1. When the data corruption occurs, the cloud server may collude the data integrity would not be very high in practice, due
with the auditor, where it asks the auditor for halting the scheduled
verification, and gains much more time to retrieval the outsoucrced to the following reasons. First, the auditor serves multiple
data for good reputation. users simultaneously. If users require the auditor to perform

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

the data integrity verification with a high frequency, e.g., can be regenerated in the 30th day. As such, the verification
performing the verification every hour, the auditor would report only reflects the most recent (the 30th day’s) state
bear a heavy communication and computation burden. Fur- of integrity for the outsourced data. This deviates from the
thermore, the higher frequency to perform the data integrity public verification’s original target: if the outsourced data is
verification, the more costs to employ the auditor. From a corrupted, the data owner is able to find it within 1 day (i.e.,
pragmatic standpoint, users would not require the auditor one verification period).
to perform data integrity verification with a high frequency To resist the procrastinating auditor, a straightforward
in existing scenarios. Second, performing the data integrity solution is to require the user to audit the auditor’s be-
verification with a high frequency would also cause heavy haviours in a random time interval. However, before the
verification burden on the cloud server. As pointed out by user audits the correctness of auditor’s behaviours, she/he
Armknecht et al. [17], if integrating security mechanisms needs to interact with the auditor to obtain the data that
into existing cloud systems incurs considerable costs on the records the auditor’s behaviours for the auditing, this suf-
cloud service providers, most of the providers would not ficiently gives rise to forge the data for the auditor and
accept liability for the corresponding security guarantees in cloud server. As such, a procrastinating auditor can pass
their Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and only ensure the the user’s auditing by colluding with the cloud server.
service availability. Another straightforward solution is to introduce a trusted
service provider who provides a time-stamping service [33].
After each verification, the auditor is required to query the
2.2 On the vulnerability of existing public verification
time-stamping on the information, which is used to check
schemes against procrastinating auditors
the data integrity, and is used to be audited by the user
In most of existing public verification schemes [14], [16], to prove the correctness of its behavior. This enables the
[30], auditors are assumed to be honest and reliable. This information to be time-sensitive, and therefore can resist the
means that the auditor would honestly follow the prescribed procrastinating auditor. Nevertheless, the security of such
schemes, and performs the verification reliably2 . mechanisms rely on the security and reliability of the time-
These schemes cannot resist malicious auditors. The stamping service provider, and the provider here becomes
most trivial attack a malicious auditor can perform is that it a single point of failure. Furthermore, the provider has to
always generates a good integrity report without verifying bear heavy communication and computation burden in the
the data integrity to avoid the verification burden. To thwart case of multiple users and auditors. As such, how to resist
such attacks, the user is able to audit the auditor’s behavior the procrastinating auditor without introducing any trusted
at the end of each epoch. However, a more tricky attack still entity is a very challenging problem.
exists in the mechanism: the auditor colludes with the cloud
server, and always generates bias challenging messages
2.3 On the (in)efficiency of PKI-based public verifica-
such that only the data blocks which are well maintained
tion schemes
are verified, this avoids revealing the data corruption. To
resist this attack, the challenging messages should not be Most of existing public verification schemes are built on
predetermined by any participant. Existing schemes [17], the public key infrastructure (PKI), where a fully trusted
[18], [19] utilize Bitcoin to generate the challenging messages certificate authority issues the participants’ certificates, and
to ensure the randomness of challenged data blocks, where the auditor has to manage users’ certificates to choose the
the auditor extracts the hash value of the latest block from correct public keys for the verification. However, certifi-
the Bitcoin blockchain, and generates the challenging mes- cate management, which includes revocation, storage, dis-
sage according to the security parameter and the extracted tribution, and verification, is very costly and cumbersome
hash value. Since in the Bitcoin blockchain the hash value in practice [18], [28]. Therefore, removing the certificate
of a block generated at a future time is unpredictable, this management problem could be economic and favorable in
ensures that the auditor cannot generate a bias challenging practice.
message to deceive the user, and enables the user to effi-
ciently audit the auditor’s behavior. 3 D EFINITIONS AND P RELIMINARIES
However, such mechanism is vulnerable to a procrasti-
3.1 System model
nating auditor. Assuming the agreed verification period is
1 day, and an epoch is 1 month (i.e., 30 days), this means The system model is shown in Fig. 1. There are four different
that the auditor checks the outsourced data integrity one entities in CPVPA: cloud user (data owner), cloud server,
time per day, and the user audits the auditor’s behaviors third-party auditor (TPA), and key generation center (KGC).
one time per month. Normally, the auditor would perform • User: The user is the data owner, who outsources
the verification every day and generate a verification report her/his data to the cloud server and accesses the
every 30 days. For a procrastinating auditor, it would not outsourced data as needed. After data outsourcing,
perform the verification on the first 29 days, and would the user employs a TPA, agrees a verification period
perform the verification 30 times on the last day, where the with TPA, and let TPA periodically verify the data
challenging messages in each verification of the first 29 days integrity.
• Cloud server: The cloud server is subject to the
2. Some works [15], [31], [32] assume that auditors are honest but cloud service provider, and provides cloud storage
curious, however, from the perspective of data integrity verification,
there is no difference between these two assumptions, since the auditors services. It has not only significant storage space, but
would not deviate from the prescribed schemes. also a massive amount of computing power.

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

• TPA: TPA works for the user. It feeds back the 2) Type II adversary AII : He is able to access the KGC’s
verification results to the user and the cloud server, master key but cannot perform public key replacement.
and detects the data corruption as soon as possible. Misbehaved auditors. We extend the existing threat
The communication between TPA and other entities models of malicious auditors [17], [18]. TPA may be com-
is authenticated. promised, which means that TPA may hide an incident of
• KGC: The KGC is controlled by an authority. It data corruption from the user by colluding with the cloud
generates a partial private key for the user by using server. Furthermore, TPA may deviate from the prescribed
the user’s identity. verification period, and may not perform the verification on
Malicious users. We follow the existing threat model
of malicious users [17], [18]. The only attack the user may
perform is that he uploads incorrect verification tags (signa-
tures) to circumvent the cloud server.

3.3 Design goals

In this paper, we target the secure public verification of out-
sourced data integrity for cloud storage systems, in which
there exist two challenges:
1) How to resist the procrastinating TPA without intro-
Fig. 1. System model ducing any trusted participant. Existing public schemes
assume that TPA would perform the data integrity ver-
A formal definition of CPVPA is given in the following: ification at the prescribed time. However, the procrasti-
Definition 1. CPVPA consists of five algorithms, Setup, nating auditor would not detect the data corruption as
Store, Audit, LogGen, and CheckLog. soon as possible, and it might be too late to recover the
data loss or damage. Such procrastination is hardly to
• Setup. This algorithm generates the necessary pa- be detected by the user without a trusted participant’s
rameters used in the following algorithm. help.
• Store. This algorithm enables a user to outsource the 2) How to avoid the certificate management. As discussed
data to a cloud server. The user needs to generate before, certificate management is cumbersome and cost-
verification tags (i.e., signatures) that enable a TPA ly in practice. Enabling TPA to verify the data integrity
to check the data integrity. Furthermore, the cloud without managing users’ certificates could be economic
server needs to confirm that the data is uploaded and favorable in practice.
correctly. To enable secure verification of outsourced data integri-
• Audit. This algorithm enables TPA to check the data ty in cloud storage under the aforementioned model, the
integrity, and allows the cloud server to prove that following objects should be achieved.
the outsourced data is well maintained.
• LogGen. This algorithm enables TPA to generate a • Efficiency: The communication and computation
log file, which records the TPA’s verification infor- overhead should be as efficient as possible; TPA is
mation. able to verify the data integrity without managing
• CheckLog. This algorithm enables the user to audit the users’ certificates and bearing a priori bound on
the TPA’s behavior by checking the validity and the number of verification interactions; TPA should
correctness of the log file. be stateless, and is not required to maintain and
update state during verification.
3.2 Adversary model • Security: When a cloud server passes the TPA’s ver-
ification, it must possess the specified data intact;
In the adversary model, we will consider threats from three A malicious TPA and a procrastinating TPA cannot
different angles: semi-trusted servers, misbehaved auditors, deceive the user; Collusion between any two par-
and malicious users. ticipants cannot break the security of the proposed
Semi-trusted servers. The cloud server is a semi-trusted scheme.
(rational) entity. We follow the existing threat model of
cloud servers [14] with the integration of the threat model
of certificateless cryptography [28], [34]. It may hide the
3.4 Notation
incident of data corruption by forging a proof information
to deceive TPA. The cloud server may become two types of For two integers i, n ∈ N, (i ≤ n), where N is natural
adversaries: number set, we denote by [1, n] the set {1, 2, ..., n}. For
1) Type I adversary AI : He is able to replace the public a finite set T , |T | denotes the number of components in
key of the user with a value of his choice, but he cannot T . For two bit-strings x and y we denote by x||y their
access to the KGC’s master key. concatenation.

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

Fig. 2. A simplified Ethereum blockchain

3.5 Bilinear maps such ledger is verifiable and inherently resistant to mod-
Let G be an additive group and GT be a multiplicative ification of chained blocks, the participants who perform
group, G and GT have the same prime order p. A bilinear the transaction verifications are called miner. Actually, the
map e: G × G → GT has the following properties: more miners that participate in a blockchain system, the
1. Bilinearity: e(g a , q b ) = e(g, q)ab for all g, q ∈ stronger security guarantee the blockchain system has. In
G1 , a, b ∈ Zp∗ . this work, we utilize the Ethereum blockchain to construct
2. Non-degeneracy: for g, q ∈ G and g 6= q , e(g, q) 6= 1. CPVPA, since Ethereum is more expressive than other on-
chain currencies and Ethereum is the one of most popular
3. There exists an efficient computable algorithm for
blockchain systems.
computing e.
Computation Diffe-Hellman (CDH) problem in G: given We show a simplified Ethereum blockchain in Fig. 2,
G and one of its generator g , for any unknown a, b ∈ Zq∗ , where Tx denotes the transaction, BlockHash denotes the
given g a and g b ; compute g ab . hash value of current block, PrevBlockHash denotes the hash
value of the last block, Time denotes the timestamp, and
MerkleRoot denotes the root value of a Merkle hash tree [38]
3.6 Public blockchain and on-chain currencies formed by all transactions recorded in current block. The
A blockchain is a linear collection of data elements, where ledger of Ethereum can be thought of as a state transition
each data element is called block. All blocks are linked system, where there is a “state” consisting of the ownership
to form a chain and secured using cryptographic hash status of all existing Ethers (which are the value token of
function. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as the Ethereum blockchain) and a “state transition function”
a link to a previous block, a timestamp, and transaction that takes a state and a transaction as input, and outputs a
data [25]. Only if a transaction’s validity is verified, it new state which is the result. When a new block is added
can be recorded into the block. Generally, the blockchain into the chain, all transactions recorded in the block should
technique can be classified into two types: private blockchain be verified first, and then miners compute a valid nonce
and public blockchain. For a private blockchain (including such that the hash value of the block is less than or equal
the consortium blockchain), the verifications are performed to a value provided by the Ethereum system. This process
by authorized participants, who may be employed by the is a proof of work (PoW) and is well known as “Mining”.
blockchain managers or the managers themselves. For a The first miner who finds the nonce broadcasts the block of
public blockchain, the verifications can be performed by any transactions together with this nonce. Other participants can
participant in the network: a transaction can be recorded verify that the nonce is a valid solution, and hence add the
into a block, only if it has been verified and accepted by a new block to their blockchain. Once the block is added to
considerable majority [35], [36], [37]. the chain, all the corresponding state information has been
The most prominent manifestation of public blockchain updated. More technique details can be found in [26].
is on-chain currencies, such as Bitcoin [25] and Ethereum In Ethereum, the state is made up of objects called
[26]. In such currencies, the public blockchain is used to “account”. In general, there are two types of accounts
serve as an open and distributed ledger that efficiently in Ethereum: externally owned accounts and contract ac-
records transactions between two participants. Furthermore, counts. Externally owned accounts are controlled by private

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

keys and can conduct a transaction. Contract accounts are and is chained to the blockchain, the string T i is
controlled by their contract code. Each smart contract corre- then time-stamped. It means that T i is generated no
sponds to a contract account, after the contract is deployed later than the time that the block is chained to the
and contained by the Ethereum blockchain, one can send blockchain. Thus T i is time-sensitive. Furthermore,
message to the contract account (i.e., transferring Ethers since the average time that a block is mined is de-
from an account to the contract account) to trigger the terministic, one can easily derive the time when the
execution of the smart contract, where the data included in block is chained to the blockchain from the height
the “data field” can be set as the input of the contract. For the of the block. Specifically, if a transaction with T i is
transaction between two external owned accounts, i.e., the recorded in the blockchain, anyone is able to extract
payer transfers Ethers from her/his account to the payee’s the corresponding block’s height (which is denoted
account, if the transaction is recorded into the blockchain, by t1 ) to determine whether T i is generated no lat-
the balances of these two accounts are updated. Note that er than BlockT imet1 , where BlockT imet1 denotes
the transactions between two external accounts in Ethereum the height-derived time. By doing so, an Ethereum
also include a “data” field. The user who conducts the blockchain provides an efficient and secure service
transaction (i.e., the payer shown in Fig. 2) can set the data for time-stamping a digital document but without
field to be any binary data she/he chooses. introducing any trusted authority [33].
There are three fundamental properties in secure
blockchain systems [39], [40], [41]:
1) ϕ-chain consistency. Blockchains of any two honest
miners at any point in time during the mining execution 4.1 Overview
can differ only in the last ϕ blocks.
2) (ι, ϕ)-chain quality. For an honest miner’s blockchain,
the fraction of blocks mined by honest miners in any
sequence of ϕ or more successive blocks is at least ι.
In other words, the probability that any ϕ successive
blocks in blockchain are generated by an adversarial
miner whose hashrate is less than 51% of the network’s
mining hashrate can be negligible. In Ethereum, ϕ ≥ 12.
3) Chain growth. The number of blocks that are added
to the blockchain during any given time interval is
deterministic. In other words, the blockchain height can
be trusted to steadily increase with respect of either
short or long term.
With the above fundamental properties as well as the
inherent characteristics of PoW-based consensus algorithm, Fig. 3. The proposed CPVPA
we derive two properties from the Ethereum blockchain and
adopt them to construct CPVPA. We utilize the Ethereum blockchain as the underlying
• Unpredicted hash value3 . The hash value (denoted public blockchain. Fig. 3 shows the proposed CPVPA.
by BlockHash in Fig. 2) of each block on the chain CPVPA consists of two phases. In the first phase, the
only can be determined after a valid nonce is com- auditor verifies the integrity of outsourced data. In the
puted and verified by all miners. Once the block is second phase, the user audits the auditor’s behavior.
added to the chain, its hash value is deterministic In the first phase, the verification period is determined
and would never be changed. This means that given by the user. For a point in time when the data integri-
a time time, if time is a past time, the hash value ty should be verified, TPA first extracts the hash values
of the latest block that has appeared since time in of ϕ successive blocks that are the latest ones confirmed
the blockchain is deterministic, and can be extracted on the Ethereum blockchain, where ϕ denotes the num-
efficiently; if time is a future time, the hash value ber of blocks deep used to confirm a transaction (in the
is computationally unpredictable. We stress that the Ethereum, ϕ = 12), and these hash values are denoted
fact that the hash value of blocks generated in the future by {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt }. Then TPA generates a chal-
cannot be predicted does not means that the hash value lenging message on {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt }, and sends
cannot be biased by an adversary who has infinite budget. the challenging message to the cloud server. Upon receiving
Since the adversary can incentivize a miner who first the challenging message, the cloud server computes the
mine a block to throw the newly mined block away corresponding proof. TPA checks the validity of the proof to
and continue to mine if the hash value of the block verify the data integrity. If the checking fails, TPA informs
does not meet the adversary’s requirement [42]. the user that the data may be corrupted; Otherwise, TPA sets
• Time-sensitive data state. For a transaction with a {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt } and the proof as a log entry,
string T i as its Data value, if a block including stores the entry to a log file, and creates a transaction that
this transaction is accepted by a majority of miners transfers 0 deposit from its account to the user’s account4 ,

3. Other PoW-based on-chain currencies, such as Bitcoin, also have 4. The Ethereum blockchain allows a payer to conduct a transaction,
this feature [17]. wherein the transaction value is 0.

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

wherein the data field is set to the hash value of the entry. • U outsources M̃ = {M, {Si }i=1,2,...,n , R, ∆} to C .
In this paper, for the sake of simplicity, we assume the • After receiving M̃ , C first computes τ =
transaction is recorded to the block whose height is t + ϕ + 1 H(name||n||∆||spkU ), and then it verifies the cor-
and PrevBlockHash = Blt+ϕ , as shown in Fig. 4. rectness of the data by checking
In the second phase, the user audits the TPA’s behav- n n
ior in a much longer period compared with the verifica-
e( Si , g) = e( (Qm i ~i
U ,0 · QU ,1 ), PM )
tion period. We first show how is a single entry (with- i=1 i=1
out loss of generality, {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt } and the Yn n
corresponding proof) in the log file audited by the user. × e( (V mi · W ~i ), pkU )e( Ti , R),
The user first determines the verification time that TPA i=1 i=1
should perform data integrity verification. Then she/he where ~i = H(i||τ ||R). If the checking passes, C
obtains {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt } from the Ethereum
accepts M̃ .
blockchain according to the agreed verification time, and
extracts the hash value of the entry from the transac- Audit. To check the integrity of outsourced data, TPA
tion. Next she/he regenerates the challenging message on first generates a challenging message as follows:
{Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt }, and checks the validity of the
corresponding proof by using the challenging message gen- • Extract {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt } from the
erated by herself/himself. If the checking passes, it means Ethereum blockchain based on the current time,
that TPA performs the verification correctly. Multiple entries where ϕ denotes the number of blocks deep used
can be audited simultaneously, and the auditing costs can be to confirm a transaction, t denotes the height of the
amortized over these entries, which we show in Section 6. block that is latest confirmed at the current time.
• Set ({Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt }, t) as the challeng-
ing message and send it to C .
4.2 Construction of CPVPA
A user U , a TPA, a cloud server C , and a KGC are involved After receiving ({Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt }, t)
in CPVPA. The user U has an identity IDU . from TPA, C first checks the validity, i.e., whether
Phase 1. TPA verifies the data integrity. {Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt } are the correct ones in the
Setup. With a security parameter `, KGC determines the blockchain. If the checking fails, C rejects; Otherwise, C
system parameters as follows: generates the proof information as follows:

• Determine the bilinear map e : G × G → GT , where • Compute k1 = h1 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ) and
G and GT are multiplicative groups with the same k2 = h2 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ), where h1 (·) is
order p, g is the generator of G. a secure hash function and maps {0, 1}∗ to the key
• Choose a random λ ∈ Zp as the master key and space of πkey (·), and h2 (·) is a secure hash function
computes PM = λP as its public key. and maps {0, 1}∗ to the key space of fkey (·).
• Choose five hash functions H(·), H1 (·), H2 (·), H3 (·), • Compute iξ = πk1 (ξ), viξ = fk2 (ξ), ξ = 1, 2, ..., c,
H4 (·), where H(·) : {0, 1}∗ → Zp , H1 (·) ∼ H4 (·) : where c is the number of data blocks that should be
{0, 1}∗ → G are cryptographic hash functions. checked, and is determined by `.
c vi c
Choose a pseudorandom permutation πkey (·) and a Siξ ξ , µ =
• • Compute S = viξ miξ .
pseudorandom function fkey (·) [43]. ξ=1 ξ=1
• Send {S, R, µ, ∆} to TPA.
The system parameters are {e, G, GT , g, p, H(·), H1 (·) ∼
H5 (·), πkey (·), fkey (·)}. Upon receiving the proof information from C , TPA
The KGC generates the partial private key for U using checks the integrity of the data as follows:
IDU as follows:
• Compute τ = H(name||n||∆||spkU ).
• Compute QU ,0 = H1 (IDU , 0) and QU ,1 = • Compute k1 = h1 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ) and
H1 (IDU , 1). k2 = h2 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ).
• Compute DU ,0 = QλU ,0 and DU ,1 = QλU ,1 . • Compute iξ = πk1 (ξ), viξ = fk2 (ξ), ξ = 1, 2, ..., c.
• Check wether
U chooses a random xU ∈ Zp∗ and computes pkU = g xU .
c c
U ’s signing key is sskU = {xU , DU ,0 , DU ,1 }, and the vi ~ i ξ vi
e(S, g) = e(QµU ,0 ·
Y ξ
QU ,1 , PM )e( Tiξ ξ , R)
corresponding public key is spkU = {pkU , IDU }.
ξ=1 ξ=1
Store. c
W viξ ~iξ , pkU ),
• U transfers his/her data M into n blocks: M = × e(V µ · (1)
{mi }1≤i≤n . ξ=1
• U randomly chooses an element name ∈ Zp for file where ~iξ = H(iξ ||τ ||R), Tiξ = H2 (iξ ||τ ||R).
naming, randomly chooses a one-time number ∆ ∈ • If the equation 1 does not hold, TPA takes the
Zp , and computes τ = H(name||n||∆||spkU ). checking result as Reject; Otherwise, TPA takes the
• U randomly chooses r ∈ Zp∗ , and computes R = g r , checking result as Accept.
V = H3 (∆), W = H4 (∆).
• For each i ∈ [1, n], U computes Ti = H2 (i||τ ||R), and Phase 2. The user checks the TPA’s behavior.
Si = (DU ,0 · V xU )mi · (DU ,1 · W xU )H(i||τ ||R) · Tir . LogGen. TPA generates a log file as follows:

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

• For each verification task, generate an entry as • U checks

{Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt , t, S, µ}. (1)
c (1) (1)
vi ~ i
e(S (1) , g) = e(QµU ,0 ·
Y ξ ξ
• Store the entry to a log file Λ in chronological order, QU ,1 , PM )
as shown in Table 1. ξ=1
• Compute the hash value (hereinafter, we take the first c (1) (1)
(1) Y vi ~ i
verification task as an example): × e(V µ · W ξ ξ , pkU )
c (1)
(1) viξ
(1) (1) (1) × e(
θt1 = H(Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ||t(1) ||S (1) ||µ(1) ). (Tiξ ) , R), (2)

(1) (1) (1) (1)

• Generate a transaction Tx1 shown in Fig. 4, where where ~iξ = H(iξ ||τ ||R), Tiξ = H2 (iξ ||τ ||R).
the data field is set to θt1 , and upload it to the If the checking fails, U sets the auditing result as
Ethereum blockchain. Ideally, Tx1 is recorded in the Reject; Otherwise, the auditing result is Accept.
block whose height is t + ϕ + 1 and hash value is In practice, a user needs to audit multiple entries to
Blt+ϕ+1 . ensure the correctness of the TPA’s behaviour during an
epoch. To reduce the auditing costs, multiple entries in Λ
can be audited simultaneously. Specifically, the user picks a
random b-element subset of the set [1, l]. Let {l1 , l2 , ..., lb } be
TABLE 1 the picked subset. The user then audits the TPA’s behaviour
The log file Λ in CPVPA by checking
b b b Y
c (lη ) (lη )
R (lη ) vi ~i
QµU ,0 ·
(1) (1) (1) e( S (lη ) , g) = e( ξ
QU ,1 ξ
, PM )
Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt t(1) S (1) µ(1)
(2) (2) (2) η=1 η=1 η=1 ξ=1
Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt t(2) S (2) µ(2)
b b Y
c (lη ) (lη )
··· ··· ··· ···
Y (lη ) Y vi ~i
(l) (l) (l)
× e( Vµ · W ξ ξ , pkU )
Blt−ϕ+1 , Blt−ϕ+2 , ..., Blt t(l) S (l) µ(l) η=1 η=1 ξ=1
b Y
c η(l )
(l ) viξ
× e( (Tiξ η ) , R).
η=1 ξ=1
𝐵𝑙 𝐵𝑙 Tx1
From If the check fails, U sets the auditing result as Reject;
PrevBlockHash 𝐵𝑙 TPA’s address
Nonce Time Nonce Time
To Otherwise, the auditing result is Accept.
… 𝒰’s address
Value Correctness. The correctness of CPVPA depends on the
MerkleRoot MerkleRoot

Tx Tx Tx … Tx Tx1 Tx …
Data correctness of equation (1) and (2), and we provide the
Signature correctness proof in the following:
𝑆𝑖𝑔 (Tx1)

Y vi
Fig. 4. The Transaction Tx1 in PVPA
e(S, g) = e( Siξ ξ , g)
c c
vi miξ
V viξ miξ , pkU )
CheckLog. We first show that how to check the validity = e( ξ
QU ,0 , PM )e(
of a single entry (e.g., the first row) in Λ: ξ=1 ξ=1
c c
vi ξ ~ i ξ
W viξ ~iξ , pkU )
× e( QU ,1 , PM )e(
• U first acquires t(1) and t(1) + ϕ + 1, and derives
ξ=1 ξ=1
the physical time when the verification is performed c
vi ξ
from t(1) and t(1) + ϕ + 1. If the time does not match
× e( Tiξ , R)
the agreed one, U sets the checking result as Reject. ξ=1
• U acquires Blt from the Ethereum blockchain, and c
vi ξ ~ i ξ
e(QµU ,0 ·
extracts θt1 from the block whose hash value is = QU ,1 , PM )
Blt+ϕ+1 . If the extraction fails, U sets the checking ξ=1
c c
result as Reject. vi
W viξ ~iξ , pkU )e(
• U checks that whether θt1 matches the entry in the × e(V µ · Tiξ ξ , R).
ξ=1 ξ=1
first row of Λ.
• U computes τ = H(name||n||∆||spkU ), iξ =
(1) 4.3 Remark and further discussion
πk1 (ξ), viξ = fk2 (ξ), where
In CPVPA, we do not set the timestamp recorded in the
block as the transaction time (i.e., when the verification is
(1) (1) (1) performed), since the timestamp recorded in the Ethereum
k1 = h1 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ),
(1) (1) (1) block might suffer from up to 15 minutes error. In CPVPA,
k2 = h2 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||...||Blt ). the user derives the transaction time from the height of the

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

block which includes the transaction, due to the property of • Sign queries S(∆i , mi , IDU , spkU ): AI can request
chain-growth discussed in Section 3.6. U ’s signature on a message mi under a state informa-
Now, we show how to compute the height-derived phys- tion ∆i . On receiving a query S(∆i , mi , IDU , spkU ),
ical time when a block was generated. An Ethereum block ℘ generates the corresponding signature σi , and
averagely takes 15.85579752 seconds (this is counted based sends σi to AI .
on the data released by Etherscan5 ) to be mined from the
time of genesis block (which was generated on 2015-07- Forgery: For the IDU , AI outputs the corresponding
30) to the time of block with height 5784426 (which is the public key spkU , a messages m∗ , a state information ∆∗ ,
last block generated on 2018-06-15). We denote time5784426 and a signature σ ∗ .
the height-derived physical time that transactions includ- We say that AI wins Game I if and only if:
ed in the block with height 5784426 were generated. 1) σ ∗ is a valid signature on m∗ with state information ∆∗
time5784426 = time0 + 15.85579752 × 5784426 (seconds), under IDU and spkU .
where time0 is the physical time when the genesis block of ∗
2) m is not submitted during the sign queries.
Ethereum was generated (2015-07-30, 03:26:13 PM +UTC). Game II (for adversary AII ):
In CPVPA, the main goal of utilizing blockchain-based Setup: a challenger ℘ runs the Setup algorithm and
currencies is to resist procrastinating auditors. CPVPA also obtains the secret and public parameters. ℘ sends the public
achieves an appealing feature, which we believe might be parameters and the KGC’s master key to AII .
of independent interest. The auditor cannot pre-perform the Query:
scheduled verifications due to the unpredictability of block’s
hash value. In other words, if the auditor is required to • Sign queries S(∆i , mi , IDU , spkU ): AII can request
verify the data integrity at a time, it has to perform the U ’s signature on a message mi under a state informa-
verification at the time. Our proposed mechanism used to tion ∆i . On receiving a query S(∆i , mi , IDU , spkU ),
resist procrastinating auditors is well compatible with most ℘ generates the corresponding signature σi , and
of existing public verification of data integrity schemes. sends σi to AII .
We stress that we construct CPVPA on PoW-based
Forgery: For the IDU , AII outputs a messages m∗ , a state
blockchain systems, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Theo-
information ∆∗ , and a signature σ ∗ .
retically, CPVPA can also be constructed on the blockchain
We say that AII wins Game II if and only if:
systems that are based on other consensus algorithms (e.g.,
proof of stake (PoS) [44]), since the ϕ-chain consistency, 1) σ ∗ is a valid signature on m∗ with state information ∆∗
(ι, ϕ)-chain quality, and chain growth are fundamental under IDU and spkU .
properties for secure blockchain systems. However, due 2) m∗ is not submitted during the sign queries.
to the differences on the block structure of the PoS-based Proof: We first prove that the advantage that AI wins
blockchains, constructing CPVPA on different PoS-based Game I is negligible.
blockchains requires different constructions. Furthermore, Let ℘ be a CDH attacker who receives a random instance
as discussed before, for a public blockchain system, the (g, g a , g b ) of the CDH problem in G and needs to compute
more participants in it, the stronger security guarantee it can g ab . Here, we show that if AI is able to forge a signature
provide. The number of participants in existing PoS-based with a probability , ℘ is able to solve the CDH problem by
blockchain systems, e.g., CARDANO [44], is much less than using AI ’s output with the same probability. Due to space
that in Ethereum. Therefore, if we construct CPVPA on these limitation, we only show the proof sketch and omit some
blockchains, the costs that the adversary breaks the security interaction details. In fact, this proof follows the proof of
of CPVPA are reduced significantly. [34].
At the beginning of the game, ℘ sets PM = g a as an
instance of the CDH problem, and simulates H(·), H1 (·) ∼
H4 (·) as random oracles. In the game, ℘ sets QU ,0 = g αU ,0 ·
0∗ ∗ 0∗ ∗ ∗
Lemma 1. The signature σi = {Si , R} in CPVPA is existen- g αU ,0 b , QU ,1 = g αU ,1 · g αU ,1 b , T = g ς , V = g β , and W =
∗ 0 0
tially unforgeable under adaptively chosen-message attack. g γ , where αU∗ ,0 , αU∗,0 , αU∗ ,1 , αU∗,1 , ς ∗ , β ∗ , γ ∗ ∈ Zp∗ are chosen
To prove this lemma, we first define two games cor- randomly. For any signature query on any message m under
responding to the type I adversary and type II adversary, any state information, ℘ responses with the corresponding
respectively. signature as follows.
Game I (for adversary AI ): 0 0
Setup: a challenger ℘ runs the Setup algorithm and ob- • ℘ sets H(R) = −(mαU∗,0 )/αU∗,1 .
tains the public parameters. ℘ sends the public parameters • ℘ randomly choose r ∈ Zp , computes R = g r and
to AI . ∗ ∗ 0∗ ∗ 0∗

Query: S = g αU m·a · g (β m)xU

· g −((mαU ,0 ·αU ,1 )/αU ,1 )·a
0∗ ∗ 0
m)/(αU∗,1 ))xU ∗

• Public-Key-Replacement queries P KR(IDU , spkU ):

× g −((αU ,0 γ · gς r .
AI is able to choose a new public key spkU = • ℘ response with (S, R).
{QU ,0 , QU ,1 , pkU∗ } and sets spkU as the new public
key of U . ℘ will record this replacement. Finally, AI outputs a tuple {m∗ , σ ∗ , ∆∗ , pkU∗ }, where
σ = {S ∗ , R∗ } is a valid signature of m∗ under ∆∗ and

5. pkU∗ .

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

Since σ ∗ is a valid signature, we have Game 0. This game is simply the challenge game between
∗ ∗ TPA and the cloud server defined in Section 4.2.
e(S ∗ , g) = e(Qm H
U ,0 · QU ,1 , PM ) Game 1. This game is the same as Game 0, with the
∗ ∗
× e((V ∗ )m · (W ∗ )H , pkU∗ ) exception of one difference. The adversary is trained to be
× e(T ∗ , R∗ ), (3) able to forge a part of the proof information in Audit. Since
σi = {Si , R} in CPVPA is existential unforgeable, here, the
where H ∗ = H(R∗ ), T ∗ = H2 (R∗ ). Here, we discuss the challenger records each proof information generated by the
security of a single signature, hence the form H ∗ is slightly adversary, and declares failure and aborts if
different from the one in CPVPA. This difference should not 1) the proof information is a valid one;
reduce the security of Si . Note that 2) µ0 in the proof information is different from the expect-
∗ ∗ ∗ 0∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0
αU∗,1 ab ed µ.
e(S ∗ , g) = e(g m αU ,0 a · g m αU ,0 ab · g H αU ,1 a · g H
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Analysis. As Game 1 defined, in the case that the chal-
× (pkU∗ )m β · (pkU∗ )H γ · (R∗ )ς , g). lenger aborts, the proof information generated by the ad-
We have versary is {S, R, µ0 , ∆}. By the correctness, we have

α∗ ∗
α∗ ∗
β∗ vi ~ i ξ
g ab = (S ∗ · (g m U ,0 a · gH U ,1 a · (pkU∗ )m e(S, g) = e(QµU ,0 ·
Y ξ
QU ,1 , PM )
∗ ∗ 0 0
∗ ς ∗ −1 (m∗ αU∗,0 +H ∗ αU∗,1 )−1
× (pkU∗ )H γ · (R ) ) ) . ξ=1
W viξ ~iξ , pkU )
By this way, ℘ can solve the CDH problem. × e(V µ ·
For AII , let ℘ be a CDH attacker who have received a ξ=1
random instance (g, g a , g b ) of the CDH problem and needs Y vi
to compute g ab by using AII ’s output. × e( Tiξ ξ , R), (4)
At the beginning of Game II, ℘ randomly selects λ, xU ∈
Zp∗ and obtains the public parameters. Then ℘ sends λ and and for the adversary’s output, we have

the public parameters to AII . In Game II, ℘ sets T = g β , 0
vi ~ i ξ
e(S, g) = e(QµU ,0 ·
0∗ 0∗
X ξ
γ∗ γ a ς∗ ς a xU b QU ,1 , PM )
V = g · g 0 , W0 = g · g , and pkU = g ,
where β ∗ , γ ∗ , γ ∗ , ς ∗ , ς ∗ ∈ Zp∗ are chosen randomly. For ξ=1
any signature query on any message m under any state 0
W viξ ~iξ , pkU )
information, ℘ responses with the corresponding signature × e(V µ ·
as follows. c
0 0
Y vi
• ℘ sets H(R) = −(γ ∗ m)/(ς ∗ ). × e( Tiξ ξ , R). (5)
• ℘ randomly choose r ∈ Zp , computes R = g r and ξ=1
∗ Since µ 6= µ0 , µ̄ = µ − µ0 6= 0. We further have
S = H1 (U, 0)λ · H1 (U, 1)λ · g γ mxU
0 0
QµU ,0 6= QµU ,0 , V µ 6= V µ .
∗ 0∗ 0∗ ∗
× g −((ς γ m)/ς )xU
· gβ r .
• ℘ outputs (S, R) as the response. Furthermore, we also have
0 0

Finally, AII outputs a tuple {m∗ , σ ∗ , ∆∗ }, where σ ∗ = e(QµU ,0 , PM )e(V µ , pkU ) = e(QµU ,0 , PM )e(V µ , pkU ).
{S , R∗ } is a valid signature of m∗ under ∆∗ .

Rearranging terms yields:
Since σ ∗ is a valid signature, it satisfies the equation 3. 0 0
By our setting, we also have e(Qµλ
U ,0 · V
, g) = e(QµU ,0λ · V µ xU , P ),
∗ ∗ ∗ 0
γ∗ that is, (QλU ,0 · V xU )µ = (QλU ,0 · V xU )µ . We set ω =
e(S ∗ , g) = e(Qλm λH
U ,0 · QU ,1 · g
xU bm

∗ 0∗ ∗ ∗ QλU ,0 · V xU , and for arbitrary ω , we can represent it as

× g xU bm γ a
· g xU bH ς
∗ 0 0∗ 0 0

xU bH ς ∗ 0∗
a ∗ β ∗ ω = (g ∗ )ζ · (g ∗ )ζ , where ζ ∗ , ζ ∗ ∈ Zp , g ∗ , g ∗ ∈ G are
× g · (R ) , g), random elements. Similarly, there exists χ ∈ Zp such that
0 0

where QU ,0 = H1 (IDU , 0), QU ,1 = H1 (IDU , 1), and H ∗ = g ∗ = (g ∗ )χ . Here, the CDH problem is that given g ∗ and
H(R). ℘ can solve the CDH problem: g ∗ = (g ∗ )χ , computing χ. By our setting, the solution of
∗ ∗ ∗
CDH problem is χ = −(ζ ∗ /ζ ∗ ).
g ab = (S ∗ · (Qλm λH ∗ β
U ,0 · QU ,1 · (R ) Game 2. This game is the same as Game 1, with the
0∗ 0 ∗ −1

γ ∗ +xU H ∗ ς ∗ )b −1 (xU m∗ r +xU H ∗ ς exception of one difference. The adversary is trained to be
× g (xU m ) ) )
able to forge any part of proof information in Audit. That is,
the challenger records each proof information generated by
This concludes the proof of this lemma. the adversary, and declares failure and aborts if
0 0 0
Claim 1. CPVPA achieves the authenticity defined by 1) the proof information {S , R , µ , ∆} is a valid one;
0 0 0
[14], that is, if the cloud server passes the TPA’s verification, 2) the proof information {S , R , µ , ∆} is different from
it must possess truly the specified data intact. the expected {S, R, µ, ∆}.
Proof: To prove the authenticity of CPVPA, we define Analysis. We consider the user as the challenger. At the
a sequence of games with interleaved analysis. beginning of the game, the challenger sets PM = g s as an

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

instance of the CDH problem. Then the challenger randomly Proof: For the first case, we will discuss it in two
0 0 0 0
chooses α0 , α0 , α1 , α1 ∈ Zp and sets Hi = −mi α0 α1−1 , aspects.
0 0 0
0 0
QU ,0 = g α0 · (g )α0 , and QU ,1 = g α1 · (g )α1 . For random
First, TPA forges an entry {Blt−ϕ+1 , · · · , Blt , S , R , µ }
values r and xU , the challenger computes (Si , Ri ): that can pass the user’s auditing. However, due to the
authenticity of CPVPA, it is computationally infeasible to
Ri = g ri generate the entry. Specifically, since we have proved that if
Si = (DU ,0 · V xU )mi · (DU ,1 · W xU )~i · Tir the data loss occurs, the cloud server can pass the auditor’s
0 0 −1 verification with negligible probability. If TPA is able to
= g (mi α0 −mi α0 α1 α1 )s
· V mi xU forge the entry that passes the user’s auditing, the cloud
0 0
mi α0 α1−1 xU
× (W )−1 · Tir . server is able to break the authenticity of CPVPA by follow-
ing the TPA’s method.
The challenger continues to interact with the adversary. Second (for the procrastinating auditor), at the time
When the challenger aborts, the received proof information BlockT imet + time1 , time1 > 0, TPA forges an entry to
0 0 0
is {S , R , µ , ∆}, while the expected one is {S, R, µ, ∆}. By convince the user that the entry is generated at the time
the correctness, we have the equation 3 and BlockT imet . In this attack, TPA needs to generate a trans-
0 c action and record it to a block that has been chained in
0 vi ~ i ξ
e(S , g) = e(QµU ,0 ·
Y ξ
QU ,1 , PM ) the Ethereum blockchain. However, due to the security of
ξ=1 Ethereum, this attack is computationally infeasible.
c c
0 0
For the second case, we will analyze it in three aspects.
W viξ ~iξ , pkU ) · e( (Tiξ )viξ , R ).
× e(V µ · First, the hash values of blocks used to compute the chal-
ξ=1 ξ=1 lenging messages cannot be pre-determined and specified
0 0 0 by any entity, due to Lemma 2.
By our setting, (S , R ) 6= (S, R). Clearly, µ 6= µ , and we
0 Second, the blocks used to compute the challenging
define µ̄ = µ − µ. Here, the CDH problem is that given messages would not be generated by the adversary, due to
0 0
(g, g , g s ) computing (g )s . (ι, ϕ)-chain quality of the Ethereum blockchain [39], [45].
0 sµ̄
Now we have e(S /S, P ) = e(QU ,0 · V xU µ̄ · Third, the only attack the malicious auditor can perform
c 0 0 0 0
((Tiξ )r /Tirξ )viξ , g). Recall that QU ,0 = g α0 · (g )α0 , is to bias the hash value of the blocks by incentivizing the
miners who mine a new block to throw the newly mined
0 0
we can further get S /S = g sµ̄α0 · (g )sµ̄α0 · V xU µ̄ · block away and continue to mine if the hash value of the
Qc 0
r r viξ block does not meet the adversarys requirement. Here, the
ξ=1 ((Tiξ ) /Tiξ ) . Finally, the CDH solution:
adversary’s requirement to the biased hash value is that the
0 0
(g )s = (S · S −1 · (g sµ̄α0 )−1 · (V xU µ̄ )−1 indexes of challenged blocks that generated on the hash
c 0 0 −1
value of the blocks exclude the corrupted ones, i.e., for
((Tiξ )r · Tirξ )viξ )(µ̄α0 ) .
× ξ = 1, 2, · · · , c, iξ = πh1 (Blt−ϕ+1 ||Blt−ϕ+2 ||···||Blt ) (ξ) would
ξ=1 not include the indexes of corrupted blocks. Note that the
adversary can bias {iξ }(ξ = {1, 2, · · · , c}) only by biasing
This concludes the proof.
Blt . Now, we compute the probability that the adversary
Lemma 2. In a PoW-based public blockchain system,
successfully biases Blt . The adversary model and game
such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, an adversary cannot pre-
model follow the ones proposed by Pierrot et al. [42].
determine the hash value of the block generated at a future
For illustration, we assume an adversary A who aims
at biasing Blt to break the security of CPVPA. In our
Proof: We first introduce the preimage resistance of a
setting, the indexes of corrupted data blocks form a set ε,
cryptographic hash function.
A wins whenever anyone of indexes of challenged blocks
A hash function is preimage resistant if given a uniform
generated by Blt do not fall in ε. Let Υ : ε → {0, 1} be the
y it is infeasible for a PPT adversary to find a value x such
characteristic function that predicates whether a given value
that H(x) = y [43].
meets A’s requirement.
With the preimage resistance of hash function, the proof
We denote by P the probability for a extracted hash
of this lemma is straightforward.
value of a block Bl to satisfy Υ(Bl) = 1. We stress that
Assuming the block of underlying blockchain
P is essentially a probability that the corrupted data set can
has the form shown in Fig. 4, where Blt =
pass the auditor’s verification in CPVPA. As evaluated by [9],
H(Blt−1 ||Nonce||Time||MerkleRoot), and H(·) is a secure
[16], [31], if ρ fraction of data is corrupted, then randomly
hash function with preimage resistance. If the adversary
(uniformly) sampling c blocks would reach the detection
can pre-determine Blt , the preimage resistance of H(·) is
probability Pdetec = 1 − (1 − ρ)c . Therefore,
This concludes this lemma.
P = 1 − Pdetec = (1 − ρ)c . (6)
Claim 2. CPVPA is able to thwart malicious auditors who
can perform two attacks to break the security: A’s strategy here is straightforward: he will focus all
1) Forging an entry in the log file Λ to pass the user’s his computational power on mining the next block and
audit; incentivize the miners to throw the newly mined blocks
2) Sampling bias challenging messages to generate bias away and continue to mine if Υ(Bl) = 0, where Bl denotes
verification results. the hash value of the newly mined block.

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

it is equipped with Window 10 system, an Intel Core 2 i5
c = 460
c = 500
CPU, and 8GB DDR 3 of RAM. We utilize C language and
MIRACL Library version 5.6.1. We select 80 bits security
level for analysis, the corresponding elliptic curve is a MNT


curve, its base field size is 159 bits and its embedding degree
is 6.
The difference for choices on the sector number s has
0.008 been discussed in [14], and we only give the atomic op-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
eration analysis for the case s = 1 for simplicity in the
Proportion of mining hashrate following. Furthermore, we also assume the total number
(a) Probability that the adversary wins w.r.t. of data blocks is less than 10000.
mining hashrate

6.1 Communication overhead
= 0.25
= 0.5
We first show the communication overhead between TPA

and the cloud server in Fig. 6, and also give a comparison



with SWP [14]. In CPVPA, the communication overhead


between TPA and the cloud server is constant, while it


in SWP is proportional to the number of challenged data



400 440 480 520 560 600

Number of challenged blocks

6.2 Computation overhead
(b) Probability that the adversary wins w.r.t.
number of challenging blocks
We first estimate the computational costs in terms of basic
cryptographic operations, which is shown in Table 2.
Fig. 5. Probability that the adversary wins
Notation of operations
We denote by PA the probability that A wins. According
to [42], we know that: Symbol Operation
HashG hash a value into G
PA = , (7) ExpG exponent operation in G
1 − ϑ(1 − P )
M ulG group operation in G
where ϑ denotes the proportion of A’s mining hashrate. In M ulZp multiplication in Zp
our security analysis, we assume ϑ < 51%, otherwise, the P airGT computing pairing e(χ, ς) where χ, ς ∈ G
security of underlying blockchain would be broken. Cf computing a PRF f (·)
According to Equation 6 and 7, we have AddZp addition in Zp
c HashZp hash a value into Zp
(1 − ρ)
PA = . (8)
1 − ϑ(1 − (1 − ρ)c ) We show the computation costs on the server side of
We show the probability that A wins in Fig. 5, where CPVPA, SWP [14], SCLPV [18], and CLPA [24] in Table 3,
ρ = 1%. For instance, when ϑ = 1/4, ρ = 1%, c = 460, the where c denotes the total number of challenged data blocks.
probability that A wins is 0.01305; When ϑ is set to 1/2 Since the challenging messages in CPVPA are computed on
and others parameters remain the same, PA is increased the hash value of the Ethereum blockchain, this requires
from 0.01305 to 0.01983. Note that ϑ = 1/2 denotes that additional computation costs. However, such additional
the adversary is very powerful, but the probability that A costs ensure that the communication overhead between the
wins is still very small. server and TPA is constant, and also protects CPVPA from
The above analysis demonstrates that CPVPA is able to malicious or/and procrastinating auditors.
thwart malicious auditors.
This concludes the proof of this claim. TABLE 3
In CPVPA, it is easy to prove that the security holds Computation costs on the server side
under the cases that the user colludes with TPA to circum-
vent the cloud server, and the user colludes with the server Computation costs on the server
to circumvent TPA. Here we would not elaborate on it in SWP [14] c · ExpG + c · M ulG + c · M ulZp + c · AddZp
details. CLPA [24] c · ExpG + c · M ulG + c · M ulZp + c · AddZp
SCLPV [18] 2c · ExpG + 2c · M ulG + c · M ulZp + c · AddZp
CPVPA c·ExpG +c·M ulG +c·M ulZp +c·AddZp +2c·Cf
We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in We show a comparison of computation costs on the
terms of communication overhead and computation over- auditor side in Table 4, and show the computation delay
head. All the experiments are conducted on a computer, on the TPA of CPVPA in Fig. 7.

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

12 4.0 35

3.5 CPVPA CPVPA (c=300)
SWP 30
10 SWP CPVPA (c=460)
Communication costs (KB) SCLPV
3.0 SCLPV SCLPV (c=300)

Verification Delay (s)

25 SCLPV (c=460)

Auditing delay (s)

6 2.0


0.5 5

0 0.0 0
0 200 400 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
The number of challenged data blocks The number of challenged data blocks The number of audited entries

Fig. 6. The communication overhead Fig. 7. The verification delay on the TPA side Fig. 8. The auditing delay on the user side


Computation costs on the TPA side
To ensure the integrity of data stored on an untrusted
Computation costs on TPA server, Juels et al. [30] proposed the “proofs of retrievability”
SWP [14] 2 · P airGT + (c + 1) · ExpG + c · M ulG + c · HashG (POR) technique. However, in [30], public verification is not
CLPA [24] 2 · P airGT + (c + 3) · ExpG + (c + 3) · M ulG + considered, and hence the data owner needs to verify the
(c + 1) · HashG + 2 · HashZp data integrity periodically. This requires the data owner
SCLPV [18] 4 · P airGT + (2c + 4) · ExpG + (2c + 2) · M ulG + to keep online for verification. As such, the data owner
5 · HashG + 2c · HashZp + 2c · M ulZp has to bear heavy communication and verification burden
CPVPA 4 · P airGT + (3c + 2) · ExpG + 3c · M ulG + (c + 4) · to retrieve and use the data. At the same time, Ateniese
HashG + (2c + 3) · HashZp + 2c · M ulZp + 2c · Cf
et al. [16] proposed the “provable data possession” (PDP)
technique, which is the first scheme that considers the public
verification, where the data owner is able to employ a
Compared with existing schemes, CPVPA requires the third-party auditor to check the data integrity on behalf
user to audit the TPA’s behavior at the end of each epoch. of her/him. Later, Shacham et al. [14] proposed the first
The costs of user’s auditing are the same as the TPA’s compact POR scheme with full proofs of security against
verification costs, when the user checks a single entry. How- arbitrary adversaries in the strongest model proposed by
ever, when the user checks multiple entries simultaneously, Juels et al. [30]. Following the Shacham et al.’s work, several
the auditing costs can be amortized over these entries and public verification schemes have been proposed [9], [13],
reduced significantly. We show the user’s auditing delay in [15], [32], [46]. These schemes are built upon a homomorphic
Fig. 8. signature technique.
According to the analysis, we can see that the user is able Privacy preserving public verification has also attract-
to audit the TPA’s behavior within 1 minute in the case of ed attentions in the recent literature. A privacy-preserving
50 entries. Furthermore, as discussed before, the period that public verification scheme enables the auditor to verify the
the user audits the TPA’s behavior is much longer than the integrity of oursourced data without learning the content
one that TPA verifies the data integrity, and these additional of the data. Most of existing privacy-preserving schemes,
costs ensure that CPVPA can resist procrastinating auditors. such as [9], [15], [31], [32], require the cloud server to utilize
Therefore, these computation costs on the user side can be, a random mask to blind the proof information such that
to a large extent, tolerated in practice. the auditor can check the validity of the proof information
without extracting the data content. For our scheme, to
From the system perspective, CPVPA does not require
protect users’ data against the auditor, we encrypt the data
the user, the auditor, and the cloud server to be a full
before generating the tags. Since in CPVPA, we consider that
node of Ethereum network, since a light client protocol
the auditor may collude with the cloud server, the cloud
of Ethereum has been released6 which enables a user to
server would straightforward send the data to the auditor
conduct Ethereum transactions without maintaining and
to violate the data privacy of users.
storing the Ethereum blockchain. The block information of
the Ethereum blockchain is released by multiple sites and The above schemes are built on certificate-based cryp-
systems in real time, such as Etherscan7 and Etherchain8 , tography and thereby are confronted with the certificate
which allow the user, the auditor, and the cloud server to management problem. To avoid managing certificates in
securely extract the block information from the Ethereum a public verification scheme, some schemes [10], [47] con-
blockchain. Therefore, the user, the auditor, and the cloud structed on the identity-based signature schemes were pro-
server in CPVPA would not incur heavy burden in terms of posed. However, these schemes are subject to an inherent
communication and computation costs. drawback: the key escrow problem [28]. Wang et al. [23]
proposed the first certificateless public verification scheme.
Then some certificateless public verification schemes with
6. enhanced security were proposed [18], [24]. These schemes
7. are constructed on the homomorphic certificateless signa-
8. ture schemes. Therefore, the auditor in these schemes does

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2908400, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing

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2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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Transactions on Cloud Computing

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uploading and remote data integrity checking in public cloud,” Dr. Shen is the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Internet of Thing Journal and
IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. the vice president on publications of IEEE Communications Society. He
1165–1176, 2016. received the Joseph LoCicero Award in 2015, the Education Award in
[48] M. Sookhak, A. Gani, H. Talebian, A. Akhunzada, S. U. Khan, 2017, the Harold Sobol Award in 2018, and the James Evans Avant
R. Buyya, and A. Y. Zomaya, “Remote data auditing in cloud Garde Award in 2018 from the IEEE Communications Society. He has al-
computing environments: A survey, taxonomy, and open issues,” so received the Excellent Graduate Supervision Award in 2006, and the
ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1–34, 2015. Outstanding Performance Award in 2004, 2007, 2010, 2014, and 2018
from the University of Waterloo, the Premier’s Research Excellence
Award (PREA) in 2003 from the Province of Ontario, Canada. Dr. Shen
served as the Technical Program Committee Chair/Co-Chair for IEEE
Globecom’ 16, IEEE Infocom’14, IEEE VTC’10 Fall, the Symposia Chair
for IEEE ICC’10, the Tutorial Chair for IEEE VTC’11 Spring, the Chair
for IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Wireless
Communications, and P2P Communications and Networking.

2168-7161 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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