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NIA chargesheets 17 SIMI activists Nobel laureate

Venki refuses
for organising secret camp to meet Modi
T Ramavarman | TNN Shammi, Shameer, Abdul Ha- masterminding the Jaipur Bharat Yagnik | TNN
Terror Trail keem, Nizar, Mohayudheen blasts which killed about 80 TECHNOLOGY (IT) FUND FOR FY 2011-12
Kochi: The National Investi- Kutty, Muhammed Nissar, people. Another accused was Ahmedabad: One person 1. HQ South Western Comd (Sigs) flereby invites wax sealed Expression of Interest 0l) from reputed Original Equipment
gation Agency (NIA) on Thurs-
NIA claims link between Ashkar, Nissar, Salih, Hashim, detained by the Karnataka who was missing during the Manufacturers (OEMs)/System Integrators/Channel Partners for empanelment to execute Telephone Administration
day filed a chargesheet against
Simi, LeT in a chargesheet Riyas, Muhammed Naisam cops after the July 2008 serial two-day visit of Nobel laure- Grant/Information Technology projects for financial year 201 1-12, subject to fulfillment of obligatory criteria stated in
filed against 17 activists of subsequent paragraphs.
17 persons for organising a se- and Nissar — entered into a blasts. It also came to light lat- ate Venkatraman ‘Venki’ 2. The items mentioned at Pam 6 below are tentative. Final figures will be fixed as per requirement at the time of
cret camp of the banned Stu-
Simi in Kochi court criminal conspiracy to advo- er that Shaduli’s brother, Shi- Ramakrishnan to Vadodara, placement of supply order which may vary depending on the technical need of projects. A Avendor may apply for
dents Islamic Movement of In- Agency filed chargesheet in cate, incite and abet unlawful bly Peediackal Abdul, was one the city of his alma mater, empanelment for more than one category of equipment/system.
dia (SIMI) at Panayikulam, case relating to a secret activities for secession of Kash- of SIMI’s key operatives in was chief minister Narendra 3. Certifications/Enclosures Required: Applications for empanelment be sent alongwith the following essential
near Aluva, on Aug 15, 2006. meeting held by Simi men mir from India and to bring ha- south India. A wanted man in Modi. (a) All vendors must submit applications for registration on their letterhead duly signed by the CEO or his authorized
The chargesheet filed be- near Kochi on Aug 15, 2006 tred and contempt towards the the 2006 Mumbai serial blasts, Sources told TOI, efforts signatory giving information about the nature of business.
fore the CBI special court judge
Case was handed over to
government of India and in he was arrested in Madhya had been made to get Venki to ) Proof of satisfactory completion of pro]ectslsupply/service/commissioning or similar items/Services in
S Vjaykumar here revealed furtherance of the said con- Pradesh in March 2008 in what meet Modi in Gandhinagar or Government/ Semi-Government/PSUs etc. during last three years.
NIA after Kerala cops (C) Proof of partnership between OEM and System Integrator.
that the camp was held at the spiracy, they committed the was a major crackdown on the Vadodara, but he is said to
registered a case against only (r Experience of installation of quoted products in a Govt. Institution/previous experience of working with Indian
Happy Auditorium. K N Ra- crime,” the NIA said in a press outfit’s leadership. have refused apparently be- Army will be preferred. Certificates of performance from other reputed users will be provided as supporting documents.
5 of the 17 Simi men who were
jesh, a sub-inspector attached release posted on the Ministry Ansar Moulavi and Shaduli cause of the CM’s tarnished Vendors already registered with TEC of DOT, MTNL, BSNL, VSNL Ministry of l&T, DGS&D , CII, M&IT and NASSCOM
rounded up from the venue should submit their registration certificate/Rate Contract documents.
to the police station raided the of Home Affairs website. also attended a secret training image due to the 2002 riots.The
camp following a tip-off. He While one of the accused They have been charged un- camp held by the SIMI in the only picture where Modi and (e) Income Tax details and audited balance sheets for the last three years. Income Tax Clearance Certificate with a
copy of PAN cards issued by Income Tax department.
found 17 persons attending the Rasheed turned approver, an- der various Acts and provi- tourist haven of Vagamon in Venki were ‘seen’ together (f) Trade license number.
camp and some of them were other accused, Nasser, was ab- sions such as 120 B (criminal Kerala’s Idukki district in De- were a couple of posters put (g) ISO 9001: 2000 or any other higher certification if available will be attached.
making inflammatory speech- sconding. According to NIA, conspiracy), 124 A (sedition) of cember 2007, a year after they up outside the hotel where he (h) Valid Sales/Excise/Service Tax Certificate.
es. Pro-Pakistani, anti-govern- he was in the Gulf and efforts the IPC, 10 a(i), 10 a(ii) and Sec- were arrested in Panayikku- stayed and the airport, which ffi Office addresses and contact telephone numbers, both landline and mobile as well as fax numbers.
ment, seditious and provoca- were on for his extradition. tion 13 (1)(b) of Unlawful Ac- lam and released on bail. showed Vadodara mayor in the (k) Current financial status/capability of the vendor. Copy of certificate may be given from bank.
(I) Balance sheet of the company for the last three years. The company should have a clear profit after paying off all
tive books and pamphlets were The chargesheet was filed tivities (Prevention) Act. The case which was al- centre, flanked by Venki and liabilities for the last three years.
seized from the accused, said after examining 89 witnesses The state police had ar- legedly derailed by the Kerala Modi. (m) As vendors will be classified for different services offered like turnkey solutions, software development,
the chargesheet by Lhari and 69 documents . “During a rested five persons initially and police had attracted national According to sources, “Ef- consultancy, networking , EPABX and other switching/multiplexing equipment system integration etc. they should
Dorgee Latoo, superintendent thorough and exhaustive in- had let off the remaining par- attention forcing the govern- forts had been made by the categorically mention their area of business with certified technical competence for consideration of empanelment.
(n) Willngness to abide by stipulations laid down by Indian Army for security, non disclosure , and ethical dealings. (If
of police, NIA, New Delhi. vestigation conducted by the ticipants in the camp. Two of ment to hand it over to the NIA state education department at any stage , the OEM or the nominated System Integrator is found to be violating the accepted norms, he will be
Most of the accused were NIA, it was established that the the accused — Ansar and after a TOI report in August and the CM’s office to arrange removed from the vendor list and legal action initiate .
arrested at different times but accused — P A Shaduly, Abdul Shaduli — were picked up by 2008, in the aftermath of the a meeting between the two, for (o) Willingness to Execute Proiects in all Terrains and Regions: The company will clearly mention whether it is
all of them were let off on bail. Rasik, Ansar, Nizamudeen, the Rajasthan police later for Jaipur and Bangalore blasts. 30 minutes or so, but it did not interested in getting registered in the national list (pan-India) or in the regional list (i.e. only for Rajasthan and Punjab
region) against each item for which the registration has been applied for. It may be noted that applying for registration
materialise, because Venki did in national list will deem the company liable for honouring all tenders which are issued to the company for TAG projects
not agree.’’ from any Army Unit, if the company fails to respond to such tenders, the company will be liable to be removed from

Srikrishna panel submits report on Telangana Known to be an intense ac-

ademic, Venki is also said to
have strong views on the Gu-
the National vendor list. In addition, if the registered company also fails to respond to tenders even for the
Rajasthan/Punjab region it is again liable to be removed from the vendor list.
(p) Capability to provide training to the users should be specified unambiguously.
(q) Certification regarding treating Indian Army as a Preferred Customer for commercial considerations.
TIMES NEWS NETWORK of 8 recog- and security in Andhra Pradesh ahead jarat riots of 2002. (r) Certification by OEM to provide support to any equipment for its entire life (generally) ten years from the date of
nised political of the submission of the report. When contacted, MS Uni- acceptance) irrespective of the relationship between OEM and the SI.
New Delhi: The Justice Srikrishna Com- parties of Earlier, the five-member committee versity VC Ramesh Goyal, who (5) ValIdity: The OEM/SI (if selected) will normally be included in the vendor list for one financial year. The
mittee on Telangana statehood demand A n d h r a on Telangana statehood issue had said hosted a dinner for Venki dur- performance as certified by user will be sole criterion for continuance in the vendors list.
(t) Operation , Administration, Maint and Warranty for a period of 3 years and AMC for a period of 7 years clearly to
on Thursday submitted its report to Pradesh on it would give “several options with their ing his visit, told TOI, “He had be mentioned as part of E0l. Availability of Spare depots and the adequacy of spares in India to be confirmed.
home minister P Chidambaram. After a January 6. Im- pros and cons” in its report that will seek no plan to go anywhere and (u) The OEM/System Integrators will enclose Non Disclosure Agreement’ alongwith the bid.
meeting, the five-member committee, mediately af- to achieve the highest satisfaction of the had come exclusively to MS (v) Indusion of Vendor in the List: Response to this EOl will be on the basis of inclusion inclusion in the vendor list for
headed by former Supreme Court judge ter the meet- largest number. University of Baroda. Venki financial year 2011-12. No vendor other than those responding to this EOI will be included.
Justice Srikrishna, met the home min- ing, the report Addressing a press conference here did not even wish to meet any- (w) Cateoorv of ltems/Proiects: The OEM or the System Integrator will clearly indicate the category of items/projectc
for which they should be listed. Generic/ambiguous bids will not be evaluated. Details of technology/technical
ister in North Block office to present the will be made on Tuesday, Justice B N Srikrishna hoped one.’’ specifications will be enclosed alongwith the bid. Presentations and equipment demonstration will be given, if asked for.
report. public,” Chi- that the report, would offer a solution to Sources said, “In fact, if we (x) Responsibility of OEM: OEM will be solely responsible for supporting supporting
a product during its life cycle. This will be
Details of the report are still awaited, dambaram the divisive demands for the bifurcation had invited Modi for the MS done irrespective of OEM’s relationship with the System Integrator. In case an OEM decides to change the SSystemys
Integrator for operation , administration and maintenance of any project, written permission will be taken from the HQ
but the home minister has appealed for said. of Andhra Pradesh. He also expressed University convocation, he
South Western Command (Sigs) atleast three months in advance before affecting the change. OEM will also be
peace. Security all across Andhra Pradesh Home Minister P O n the hope that all political parties in the (Venki) might not have at- responsible for providing solutions conforming to Open Standards ’.This is needed for ensuring better interoperability.
has been tightened. Chidambaram speaks to We d n e s d ay, state will accept the report and maintain tended.’’ If any product or solution offered does not conform to Open Standards’ and integration with other system deployed in
A meeting of eight political parties media after receiving the Prime Minis- peace and harmony after the report is Just a week before Venki’s the network is not possible, the systems will be rejected and action as deemed appropriate, initiated against the OEM.
has been convened by the home minister Srikrishna panel report in ter Dr Man- submitted. visit another Nobel laureate Certificate as under will be furnished by the OEM and the System integrators:-
(I) Certificate by SYstem Intearatars (SO. Ws hereby give a commitment that products/solutions
on January 6, 2011. Details of the com- New Delhi on Thursday mohan Singh “I hope peace prevails in the state af- RK Pachauri attended a func- of the M/s (OEIv will be supported throughout the lifecycle respective of the relationship between
mittee's report will only be revealed once presided over ter the report is submitted. It is the re- tion where Modi released his M/s (OEIv and the M/s (System Integrators)”.
they are shared with the other political an emergency meeting of the Union Cab- sponsibility of the politicians and the book on climate change in (ii) CertIfIcate Dv OEM. The contractual liability of M/s (SI) will be honoured by M/s
parties. “I propose to convene a meeting inet to review the Telangana state issue media,” he said. Ahmedabad. ___________(OEM) in case of any default by the M/s (System Integrators)” .
4. Intending vendors who are considered acceptable on evaluation of their credentials and who fulfil the requisite criteria
as stated above may be empanelled for issue of tender enquiry notice for supply of required items. However, decision of
Chief Signal Officer, Headquarter South Western Comd, Jaipur, will be final and no correspondence on rejection will be
JAMSHEDPUR NOTIFIED AREA COMMITTEE, JAMSHEDPUR 5. All other terms and conditions would be as per Tender Enquiries issued from time to time.
CQI flIGE I1DUJIVI 6. List of items which are intended to be procured are given below:-
(a) SwitchIng Eoulnment (SW):
Due to wiavoidable circumstances the tender no JnNURM-0112010•201 1 invited vide memo Design and construction of Flyover at Dange Chowk along Aundh Ravel Road.
no. 1496,dated 30-11-10 published in this Newspaper eu 04.12.2010 is hereby extended. (I) EPABX5, EPAX5, KTS , RLU telephones and their accessories.
Date: 30/12/2010 (ii) Optical Switches Switches
and LAN Switches.
The extended date of different stages related to Pare 3,5 and 6 are as under and all the clauses, IFB No.: 29/2010-11
Pare and matter shall remain same. (iii) Radio Trunking System and Cellular Switching System.
Project ID: (iv) Multi Service Switches , Multilayer Switching System , ATM Switches , Routers, Modem and Multiplexing
Details Para No. Extended Date Time equipment (PCM Mux/2M Order MwdHigher Order Mux) .
1 Period of of
Sale of Bid Document 3 07-01-201 i t o On Worki ng Days (v) Data switches md IP Switch/Packet Switching System etc.
1. This 1FB follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this Project that appeared in UNDB on line or (vi) ADPCM , opti Mux and Access Multiplexer.
13-01-2011 & Working Hours October 01 , 2008


Pre bid Meeting 5 20-01-2011 At 15.00 hrs. (vii) Data communications accessories for legacy NW.
2. The Government of India has obtained a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and (viii) Video Conferencing System (MCU, Camera and other HW and SW).
3 Submission of Bid Document 6 27-01-2011 Up to 15.00 hrs. Development (1BRD) in various currencies towards the cost of Sustainable Urban Transport Project. (ix) Access Switches such as ATM Access Device , ATM Concentrator.
Opening of of
Bid D ocument 6 27-01-2011 At 15.30 hrs. [SUTP] in India. It is intended that part of proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments undel (x) MPLS/Carrier Ethernet Switches.
Detail can be seen on site: the contract for Design and Construction of Flyover at Dange Chowk along Aundh Ravet Road in the (xi) Any other networking equipment.
Special Officer ,Jamshadpur Notified Area Consnittso, jurisdiction of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation through Government of Maharashtra. (xii) WDM equipment.
Cum Nodal Officer, Jemshedpur Urban AAgg lonieration, .Jamshepdur. 3. The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Constructior (b) Media Equipment (ME):
and Completion of contract as described below. (I) HFNHF/IJHF/Microwave Radio Systems including antenna and towers/masts.
Name of work Bid Security Cost of Bid Period of (ii) Millimeiric Radio and Laser/Optical Systems.
j HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM C ORPORATION LTD Document completion (iii) Optical FIbre Cable (OFC) and Optical Line Terminating Equipment (OLTE).
2ND FLOOR . HINDUSTAN BHAVAN , B, S.V. MARC. Design and construction of Flyover Rs. 16.80 iakhs Rs.5,000/- 18 Months (iv) Satellite Systems (e.g. VSAT5) INMARSAT Terminals GMPCS, Satellite Hub etc.).
_____ BALLARD [STATE , MUMBA I - 400001 at Dange Chowk along Aundh Ravet Road. including Monsoon (v) Modems of all types.
(vi) STM/SDH Equipment.
TEL :D1 .22 .22637211,FAX No:91 22 22671017 J 22G31235 4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect bidding documents at the Office (vii) Fractional E-1 equipment with MUX.
Sea led tenders are invited in two bid system (Unpriced an of the City Engineer, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Mumbai Pune Road, Pimpri , Puns (viii) STM/SDH Radio Systems.
411018. Maharashtra, India. Phone No. 91-020-67333333, Fax No.91-20-67330000 , email id:’ (C) Cable (1JG/JFC/OFC etc.): UG Cable (Jelly Filled Cable/Copper Wire etc.), Drop wire , Telephone Cable and Structured
Priced Bid) from bidders for following job: from 03/01/11 to 31/01/2011 during office hours (10.00 to 16.00 Hrs). Cabling (IJTP, Cat 5, Cat 6 and Category 6 A Aetc.), Field OFC.
ITenderiNo. lIDescription [, li EMD Due
l T Date
lfl 5. A Acomplete set of bidding document may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a
written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs.5,000I- (Rupees Five (d) Network Manaoement System fIlMS):
in Lakhs Thousand) in the form of Demand Draft from any reputed bank or insurance company in any eligible (I) NMS Hardware and Software , Network Monitoring and troubleshooting Equipment.
10000168— Transportation of Bulk Lube 03.00 24.01.2011 country payable at Pimpri in favour “The Commissioner , Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation” . II (ii) Communication and Network Test Equipment.
requested Bidding documents will be dispatched by registered / Speed/ post at an additional payment 01 (iii) Simulators and Network Analysers.
HD— 14001 in Tank Trucks Ex-Mumbai 15.00 Hrs 1NR 2500 per Bid. Employe r will not be responsible for delay occurred in delive ry due postal reasons. (iv) Simulator Packages for Communication NW5.
Terminals to various locations @ (v) Handheld network programming devices.
6. A APre-bid meeting will be held on 12/01/2011 15.00 hrs. at the office of City Engineer, First Floor,
all over India. Pimpri Chinchwad Corporation, Main Building, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri , Pune -411018. (e) Power Suuolv Systems (PSS):
Please visit our website for further 7. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures specified in the World (ii) Batteries of all types, inverters and isolation Transformers.
details and for tender document. Tender can be downloaded free of Bank Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and is open to all bidders from eligible (iii) Captive power system.
cost. Unpriced Bids will be opened on the due date at 15.30 Hrs. source countries as defined in the guidelines. (iv) Generator Systems.
8. Bids must be delivered to the Controller of StoresStores, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Mumba (f) Secuiitv Systems (SS):
Sr.Mgr —Proc.DSBU Pune Road , Pimpri , Pune 411 018. Maharashtra, India on or before 15.00 hours on 31/01/2011 and musi (I) FIrewall, Intrusion Detection Systems , Access Control Systems, Data Encryption System (Hardware and
be accompanied by a bid security of Re 16.80 iakhs. Software both), AES etc.
9. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders/representatives who choose to attend at 15.30 hours on (ii) Cyber Security Systems.
j owER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED 31/01/2011 at the office of Controller of Stores, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation , Mumbai Puns (iii) Secrecy Modules for Hand Sets/Hand Mobiles.
(A Government of India Enterprise) Road , Pimpri , Pune 411 018. Maharashtra, India. (iv) Terminal End Secrecy Devices for Voice, data and video.
Corp. Off.: “Saudamini ”,Plot No. 2, Sec.-29, Gurgaon.122001,Haryana Adv No :- 239 SW - (9) ProtectIon Eaul ment (PB:
(I) IPM5, SLPs, TLP5.
Regd. Off.: B.9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 No:- ENGG/ACC1T/WS/1/877/10 Commissioner (ii) Earthing Equipment.
Date :- 30th December , 2010 Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation ,
NOTICE Mumbai Pune Road , Pimpri -411 018
(iii) Lightening Protection Systems , Spike Arrestors, over/under voltage & over current protection system.
1.The applicant above-named has made an application before the (iv) Fibre Protection Systems with Audio and Visual indications.
Maharashtra State , (India) (h) IT Access Network Peripherals/Equipment (IT AN):
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission , New Delhi for Phone No: 91-020-67333333 Fax No: 91-020-67330000 (I) Computers, peripherals and consumables of all types required for communication systems.
determination of Transmission Tariff from DOCO to 31.03.2014 for Email: /
/ (ii) WAN Equipment.
Asset —1: LILO of Ballabgarh-Bhiwadi 400 kV S/C line at Gurgaon (iii) Routers , switches , LAN extenders and other Networking Peripherals.
(DOCO :01.07.2010) & (iv) XDSL (HDSL/ADSL/SDSL/SHDSL/DSLAM etc).
Asset — —2: 315MVA 400kV/220kV ICT-l at GIS Substation at
Gurgaon(New) along with associated bays (DOCO: 01.07.2010) MILITARY ENGINEER SERVI CES (v)
Metro Access Routers, Metro Edge Routers, Headend Access/Edge Devices.
Trainina & Specification Standards (ERG): Training Literature and Reference Book pertains to Communication
under Transmission System associated with Northern Region 1. Commander Works Engineers (Project), Banar (Jodhpur), invites applications by 07 Jan 2011 equipment/systems.
System Strengthening Scheme — —VI (N RSS-Vl), for tariff block 2009- (Ic) Test & Measuring Instruments/Tools (lEST):
from eligible enlisted Contractors of appropriate class of MES as given below and the corresponding (I) Laser sources/detectors.
14 period in Northern Region classes of Railways, PWD and CPWD for issue of tender for the following works:-
2.The beneficiaries of theTransmission system are: (ii) Cable Tracing Eqpt.
AT UNDER (iii) Cable Fault Locator.
(1) Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited. (2) AjmerVidyut (iv) Laser Range FInders.
Vitran Nigam Ltd. (3) Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. (4) Jodhpur GE BANAR. (v) GPS.
Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. (5)Punjab State Electricity Board. Estimated Cost of Work Rs. 27.00 Lakhs. (vi) Data Logger for Power and Environment Control.
(6) Haryana Power Purchase Centre (7) Power Development Deptt, (vii) LAN/WAN Analysers.
Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir (8) Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Completion Period 06 Months. (viii) Attenuators.
Ltd.(9)Delhi Transco Ltd. (10) BSES Yamuna Power Ltd. (11) BSES Amount of Earnest Money Rs. 54,000/- (ix) VOIP Testers.
Rajdhani Power Ltd. (12) North Delhi Power Ltd. (13) Chandigarh for Contractors not (x) RF Power Meters.
Administration. (14)Uttaranchal Power Corporation Ltd. (15) North Enlisted with MES (xi) Electrical Power Analysers.
Central Railway (16) New Delhi Municipal Corporation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (xii) SONDE Transmitters and Digital Receivers.
Cost of Tender Rs. 500/- each in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt from any Scheduled Bank (xiii) Digital Measuring Wheel.
(17) Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board
in favour of GE Banar. (xiv) Digital Earth Resistance Testers.
3.Transmission line length (Ckt. Km ’s), No. of Bays, Approved capital (xv) OTDR.
cost (Rs. In Lacs), Scheduled & Actual Date of Commercial Operation < Last Date of Receipt of 07Jan 2011 (xvi) Digital Comn Analyser.
and Capital cost up to date of Commercial Operation (Rs. In Lacs) Applications (xvii) Optical Test Kit.
and Tariff details (As in Lacs):

Eligibility Criteria:- (xviii) Splicing and Jointing Tools.

Asset Asset — —1 Asset — —2 (a) For MES Enlisted Class: D’ , Category: a’(i) ( Miscellaneous (Misc.):
Line Length (Km) 33.192 - (I) Environmental Control System such as Air Conditioners, Cooling/Heating Devises and Dust Control Mechanism
Contractors etc. required for Communication Complexes.
No of Bays - 400 kV — 3 nos., (b)For Other Contractors Meeting enlistment criteria of MES in class D’ with regard to having
220 kV— 3n os (ii) Laying of Cable (OFC/UGIJFC).
satisfactorily completed requisite Value Works , Annual Turnover, Working (iii) GIS Software and Maps for records of Cable layout.
Apportioned approved Capital cost 7492.92 5989.92 Capital , Fixed Assets . No Recovery outstanding in any Government (lv) Alltypes of accessories for cable (GI Pipes / HDPE
/ Pipes/Termination Boxes / Disiribution
/ Boxes / Jointing
/ Kit etc).
Schedule DOCO (FR) 22.07.2009 22.07.2009 Department , Security Clearance etc. (v) All hardware and software for Desk Top Publishing (DTP) at Communication Complexes.
Actual DOCO 01.07.2010 01.07.2010 ___________________________
(vi) Stationery for communication centers including computer stationery, printing of directories and forms etc.
Capital cost on DOCO 10477.41 5,488.67 Date of Issue of Tender On or after 07 Jan 2011. (vii) System Study and Software / Operating
/ Systems / Communication
/ software development and procurement.
Tariff for year 2009-14 _________ ___________ Date of Receipt of Tender 31 Jan 2011 upto 1530 hrs. (viii) All Communication related services.
2009-10 -- -- (ix) Any new generation communication equipment / system / falling under above categories.
2010-11 (Pro-rata) 1509.55 878.65 ? Notes:- (x) Radio Frequency F) Engineering including ground survey from specialised firms for RF planning.
2011-12 2110.72 1268.83 (xi) Main Distribution Frame (MDF) and Digital Distribution Frame (DDF).
1. The Contractors enlisted in one class below the “Eligibility Criteria ” given above may also apply. (xii) Modification of vehs for communication detachments in Mobile role.
2012-13 2096.44 1277.88 Accepting officer may consider such applications in the event of inadequate response from eligible (xiii) Prototypes and customized customized
communication hardware/equipment.
2013-14 2047.70 1259.41 class contractors. (xiv) All kinds of equipment racks and attachments for fitment.
List of beneficiaries to share All 17 nos as at SI no (6) as (xv) Systems Integration.
Transmission charges para 2 above mentioned at 2. Applications not accompanied by requisite value of DD/Banker’s Cheque towards cost of tender (xvi) Structured cabling and conducting.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
para 2 above shall not be considered for issue of tender. (xvii) Towers / Antenna
/ bases for all types of antennas.
.1 Authority which has approved the Capital Cost : Board of Directors of
4. 7. EOI will be submitted in duplicate and last date for EOl to reach this Headquarters will be 30 days from the date of
3. Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to enclose necessary documents to prove their advertisement. Clarifications, if any regarding EOl should be submitted minimum 15 days prior to last date of submission of
5.A copy of the application made for determination of tariff is posted on eligibility as given above including Affidavit for no recovery outstanding. the EOI. The CSO, South Western Command, will have the right to suspend EOl process/accepprocess/accept/t/reject
any application ifreject
the website of the applicant at 4. In case of rejection of application for issue of tender, the applicant shall be refunded the cost of incomplete or if information provided by the OEM/SI is inconsistent with that available from MoD or other agencies.
Deadline for declaration of qualified OEMs / SI / will be at the discretion of CSO, South Western Command.
6.The suggestions and objections, if any, on the proposals for tender. Contractor may appeal to next higher Engineer Authority i.e. CEBZ for rejection of his application 8. Interested vendors will also indicate the groups under which they have applied for empanelment (namely SW, ME ,
determination of tariff contained in the application be filed by any for issue of tender, whose decision shall be final and binding. However, Contractor shall not be entitled Cable, NMS, PSS, SS, PE , IT AN ,TRG , TEST, Misc.). Wax sealed application should reach the undermentioned address under
person , including the beneficiary before the Secretary, Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission, 3 & 4th floor, Chandralok
to any compensation whatsoever for non-issue of tender. registered cover through courier with envelopes marked VENDOR EMPANELMENT - TAG/IT PROJS: FY 2011-12”.
Building,Janpath,New Delhi -110001 (or other address where the 5. The above details are also available on MES website: and Indian Trade Journal. Chief Signal Officer
office of the Commission is situated), with a copy to the applicant at the Full Notice of Tender IAFW-21 62 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all Offices of MES and also on Headquarters South Western Command
address of its corporate office within 30 days of publication of this notice. MES website. PIN-908546
C/o 56 APO
Place : GURGAON S. S. Raju 2. For conditions and complete details refer Indian Trade Journal dated 29 Dec. 2010.
Date : 24.12.2010 Dy. General Manager (Commercial) 9. The last date of receipt of application from vendor registration is 30 days from the date of advertisement.
davp 10102/11/2890/1011 davp 10101/11/0095/1011

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