DBMS Lab Steps - CMD Prompt

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MySQL is an open-source RDBMS, owned by Oracle
1) Show databases

2) Creating a New Database

3) Use Database

Table is a Database Object that holds, or contains, all of the data within that portion of the
database. It stores this data in named columns and numbered rows. Each row represents a
whole database record.
 When creating our Table, we need to Specify the type of data its rows and columns will

More Commonly Used Types of Data

 char(size) - fixed length string that can contain letters, numbers, special characters

 varchar(size) - variable length string that can contain letters, numbers, & special

 boolean - Zero (or values that equate to 0) is false, non-zero is true ( 0- False / 1- True

 int(size optional) - a number up to 10 characters in length, accepts negative & positive


 bigint(size optional) - a number up to 19 characters in length, accepts negative &

positive numbers

 float(size, d) - a number with total number size represented by size and the number of
characters after
the decimal represented by the d

 date - date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD

 datetime - date time in the format of YYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

 time - time in the format of hh:mm:ss

ALTER TABLE `hello` ADD `rollno` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL 
AFTER `regno`;
Order By (ASC, DESC)
( Auto Increment )

insert into accounts(CustomerName, DateOpened,CurrentBalance) values ('Ranjith','2019-02-01',23456.23),


CREATE TABLE Persons ( Personid int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT=200, LastName varchar(255) , FirstName varchar(255), Age int,
PRIMARY KEY (Personid));


CREATE TABLE Animals ( AnimalID NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,AnimalName CHAR(30) NOT NULL,Category char(10),Breed
varchar(20),Color varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY(AnimalID) );


Alter table Animals Auto_Increment=500;


INSERT INTO Animals (AnimalName, Category,Breed,Color) VALUES ('Gary','Dog','Labrador Retriever','Spotted'),

('Rosie','Cat','Oriental ShortHair','White'), ('Miranda','Penguin','Angel','Gray'), ('Susan','Fox','Deep Wood','Brown');
Create table testautoincrement
( ID NOT NULL Auto_Increment ,
Name varchar(25),
Dept varchar(25),
Primary Key(ID)
) Auto_Increment=250 ;
Mysql[Sales]> SET @@auto_increment_increment=2;

insert into testautoincrement(Student_name , Dept) values ('Pranav Anand','Mech');

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