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Student’s Guide

12 Edition




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dan apabila aku sakit, Dialah yang menyembuhkan aku (QS. Asy-Syu’ara: 80)



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The immune system first defense is our skin, the largest organ of our body. The
skin covers total area of about two square meters, the size of a typical basketball
backboard. When the microbes attack, they are routinely deflected by the skin. Inside
our bodies, mucous membranes are slimmy warm surfaces that make up about 400
square meters, roughly the size of an entire basketball court. They are under constant
attack from microbes in the air we breath, and the food we eat. They line our nose,
throat, intestines, and reproductive tracts that is a large area to defend. Your mucous
membranes are going to need help.
Fortunately, certain cells in your body have evolved to fend off microscopic
attackers. Early responders like this macrophage, identify invaders and attack them. They
also give off chemical signals, called cytokines to call up reinforcements like neutrophils
and natural killer cells. Macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells collectively
referred to as innate immunity. They are non specific, often sacrifiying healthy tissue that
contain an infection. But, if the invader slips through, you are going to need a more
targeted defense.
The adaptive immune system provides a more targetted defense. Dendritic cells are
intelligent specialist. They collect pieces of invader of the battle site, then they travel to
nearest lymph node triggering a cascade of events. Inside the lymph node, the dendritic
cells present pieces of the invader to T cells, the immune system communication
specialist. In turn, T cells activate B cells, training them to form antibodies, the molecular
weapons that target the invader specifically. The immune system now mount its ultimate
defense. B cells release millions of antibodies. Each antibodies shape tailored to identify
and neutralize the enemy. The immune sytem deploys these specific weapons until the
infection is wiped out. Ready to respons even faster the next time.


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