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• Name: The Badge of

• Purpose: The Badge of
Generosity will be awarded
to a student who looks
forward to contributing to
other, creates a culture of
caring and collaboration,
and is able to give cherished
things to others. In an
online setting, this may be
as simple as letting others
speak first or helping a

• Name: The Badge of

• Purpose: The Badge of
Mastery will be awarded to
a student who
demonstrates competence
in many areas including
cognitive, social, and
physical. They display self-
control, responsibility, and
the desire to achieve
personal goals. This student
displays a culture of
learning and well-
• Name: The Badge of
• Purpose: The Badge of
Belonging will be awarded
to a student who
demonstrates a sense of
community, by going out of
their way to include and
consider the best interest of
others. This student will
help create a culture of
equity and inclusion in the

• Name: The Badge of

• Purpose: The Badge of
Independence will be
awarded to a student who
demonstrates the ability to
make their own decisions
and be responsible for both
their failures and successes.
They will be able to set their
own goals and maintain
self-discipline. This student
will help create a culture of
inquiry and responsibility.
• Name: The Badge of
• Purpose: The Badge of
Leadership will be awarded
to a student who shows the
ability to guide others and
set an example. Though not
one of the four quadrants
of the Circle of Courage,
this badge will allow
students to be recognized
for being a strong leader in
the classroom and
encourage others to be a
role model for their peers.

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