Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love: 1.describe The Main Character in The Movie You Watched

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1.Describe the main character in the movie you watched.

-Bears Kaufman- A f a t h e r o f R a u n K a u f m a n w h o i s l o v i n g , c a r i n g a n d r e a d y
t o s a c r i f i c e everything for the own good of his child and his family. Suzi Kaufman- A
mother of Raun Kaufman, she is a loving and caring person and a motivated mother as
she took care of her son until Raun would become a happy, active and loving
normal boy.Raul Kaufman- A disabled and untreatable child who have problem with his
hearing and vision and as evaluated, Ruan has autism.

2. What was his or her exceptionality? Describe.

-The exceptionality of the child is classic autism, the difficulty with social interaction as to
communication and repetitive behavior as well.

3. What problems/difficulties did the main character experience?

- As a child, Raun was diagnosed with severe Autism. His parents developed The Son-Rise
Program, which enabled Raun to completely recover from his Autism with no trace of his former

4. Who provided support? What support did he/she get from his/her

- The support began to his family as they knew that Raun has severe autism they persisted and
persevered. Not knowing what the future held, not requiring the reciprocation of their love,
care, smiles, and cheers, they gave to raun every chance.

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