WooClap - What Is Marketing

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Pause for a moment and think about how you will define Marketing?

Write down the word(s)/or sentence which comes in your mind when you think of

selling a product or service
Best way to advertise a product
advertising products, promoting brand and improving pr, etc
In layman language,marketing is how you advertise and sell a product or service.
promotion of any product or business
A process or a way to sell a product or service, right from the beginning, like identifying the
need of the market
production to sales
"Sell me this pen"
advertisement of things
It is a skill which is learnt and used basically to sell a product in form of advertising etc.
the promotion and selling of products/services
for me marketing is basically a function of an enterprise or organization, which is used for
various purpose like creating brand awareness,increasing sales etc.
A place where exchange of goods & currency take place
Selling with motive of consumer satisfaction.
product exchange relationship
Marketing is the process of getting people interested in your company's product or service.
marketing means actions taken in markets .
Marketing is how you well you sell your product or how well you familiarise people with
your business
advertising ,dealing with clients or customers about product or company
Activity undertaken to promote buying and selling of good/services that creates value.
Social process through which consumer obtains what he/she needs through market to get
Advertising, selling and promoting of products through re
the process after production that introduces your product to the market for its sale
Act of trading between seller and buyer
advertising a product to increase its sale in a effective and efficient manner
marketing is theinterest
engaging public art of promoting ur products
by understanding theand servicesand prevalent trends in the
Activities and research that are done to promote the buying of a product or service.
determining demand and initiating supplies
the activity where in you promote something with the intention of awareness or to increase
the volume of selling.
Advertising, selling and promoting products and services through research.
creative slogans
Marketing is the process of getting people or potential customers interested in buying your
company's product.
Advertising to buy or sell something
Marketing is a process of promoting the buying and selling of goods and services
activity of promoting ,selling and buying products or services
Understanding the need of the market and fulfilling it profitably.
Marketing means to sell or buy good
buying , selling or advertising a company/brand/product in its best possible way
Marketing is promoting and selling goods and services of the organisation to the people.
selling of goods & services with a view of customer satisfaction
It is basically a link between producers and buyers while producers endorse their goods or
products by advertising. But it should be more an adequateness than an excessiveness
Marketing is a basic component of a company which helps in creating value and promote
products in the mind of the customers.
Advertising and selling what customers needs
Marketing includes all activities starting from production to after sale activities such as
advertisement and many more.
Marketing Management is the process of promoting and distributing goods and services.
Selling and buying goods..providing essential goods in exchange of money to the country
Marketing is basically advertising . It refers to the idea of promoting goods and services in
order to increase the sales .
Marketing includes planning and Executing things like pricing, promotion and distribution of
advertising and selling products
Marketing can be defined as a strategy of observing the market, consumers etc. and planing
how to sell or present your products and services
marketing start before makeing of product and end at providing services after the selling of
Or how to sell your maximum product in market
marketing is a process of influencing other people
Marketing is the act of advertising a product to sell it.
marketing is also about making your product stand out than the rest by being creative in
advertising and developing an USP for your product
Planning and designing your ideas or product in a
Marketing is a process of analysing a product and doing in-depth analysis so that it would be
useful to sell the product or improve it
Marketing is the process of promoting the buying or selling of a product or service.
product exaggeration
making efficient use of the available resources
the activity of selling and promoting goods and services
maximizing profit
Increasing the demand of various products and services
Marketing is the process of making a product well known to the market in a
alluring/appealing way.
all activities a company does to promote and sell products

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