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Statement of purpose answers:


1. In Starting years of my Under Graduate Institute, I Started showing interest in Web Development, I
become enthusiastic and start doing Side courses while doing my Bachelors in technology. I started
Front end Dev. And then back end Web dev. , and after which I didn’t want to stop, so I started
learning Frameworks like React.js, WordPress and UI/UX Designing tool- Adobe XD. This all Personal
Experiences sparked my interest in Web Development.

2. I took personal interests in Classes of Web Technology subject. And also Designing webpages using
HTML, CSS and JS were easy and fun for me. Also I was able to give every question’s answer with
ease. I also took different projects related to Cloning websites like Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. That’s
why I came to know that It can be my course of interest, and that I can continue with Web Designing
as my carrier.

3. At the end of third year of my undergraduate course. I started Freelancing. I provide different
Services like Full Stack web build up using M.E.R.N stack, website Build-up using WordPress also
UI/UX design using adobe XD, where I provide Prototypes and designs of websites. These Services in
freelancing helps me to Gain extra knowledge and skills besides what I’ve learned and also give me
suggestions on what people demand in their websites which further helps me keeping updated. Also
since the web Development field is very vast, it also helped me Shifting my focus on particular area,
in my case WordPress and React.js.

4. After my matrix, I started Bachelor’s in Technology for Computer Science Engineering. Course
duration was 4 years. Here I Studied subjects related to my interests. Subjects like Database
Management Systems, Cyber Security, MySQL, Web Technology, Data structure, Software
Engineering. All these subjects were a Start for my ultimate goal.

5. After a year I start developing extra skills required for Website Development. I started from the
basics by learning HTML, CSS and Javascript. Later on I started learning front end and back end
Development, which includes Node.js and then finally I learnt React.js Framework based on JS. After
Completion of these courses I gained 2 certificates for Frontend and Backend, and also 2 Top
performer certificates.

6. In 3rd year I joined Clavax Company situated in Gurugram, Haryana under project FMEA for 2
months. In this duration I learnt a lot about Corporate center and Team membership, also how to
work in a Company. I received Certificate for Completion of Internship from Company.

7. Soon I realise that due to Low salary factor and the interest to learn further skills, I started
Freelancing, where I acquire WordPress skills. I started making Full e-commerce websites,
Multivendor Websites and learnt about PHP-coding. I also learnt different plugins and their
functionalty. Also my interest towards Web-designing become strong. Therefore I started leaning
Adobe XD and Designed different UI’s for clients.
8. I’ve taken different Website’s frontend and backend projects. I’ve made different clones of famous
companies like Netflix, Amazon Shop, Prime and Spotify using M.E.R.N Stack. I used their API keys to
link the Streaming services to my websites. Also side by side I created simple Blog websites using
HTML, CSS and JS. Also I learned Firestore Authentication for Google Accounts. Also I’ve made a
project in 4th year named as Smart automation system using Arduino uno chipset and different
sensors to see the workability of individual sensors combined together, how they perform. This make
use of machine learning and supervised learning where agents are present in form of codes that are
written in Arduino uno.

9. I’d participated in College fest Competitions where I presented different projects related to
website Development. Also I’d Participated in Different colleges and Compete with other College’s
students. I’ve also Participated in patent competition, where I’ve made Biometric Pendrive. Which
works anywhere with network connections. I received Participation certificate.

10. In final year I worked on Smart Automation System, which improves Smart Sensors applications
when combined with some transportation. Prototype has been created using Arduino uno Chipset.
I’ve presented it with my partner and Work papers related to the project is going to be published.

11. I’ve done Internship in Clavax Industries Gurugram, Haryana under project FMEA. It was duration
of 2 months in which I’ve learnt many things like how to work in a Corporate Sector. Team
membership and leadership. Project FMEA states for Failure Analysis Methods for Product Design
Engineering. Where my job was to Detect any failures in Product, using common failure analysis
methods and create a workflow to resolve it. Also to reduce number of mistakes in programs is also
my prime job.

12. Joining Clavax give me knowledge regarding IT Sectors and how they work. I get to know more
about IT industry, working with collaborations with others, Teamwork, Leadership and enhancing my
skills as a web Developer.

13. Starting as a freelancer is final step towards growing my knowledge in Web Development. I get to
know which tools are demanded more in today’s time. After learning basics and a stack, I get to learn
Wordpress on which 1/3 rd of total websites are build. I get to know PHP language and with working
client, I get to modify the way of working which was restricted in Company’s job. Also I learned UI/UX
development tool – Adobe XD which goes handy with coding websites.

14. Learning HTML, CSS, JS that are basics to build any websites. HTML is basic coding of the
page( Content), CSS is the design and the way a website looks and JS adds functionality to the
website. These 3 languages are basics of a website development.

15. Learning a stack is my second step towards Web development. A stack is combination of front
end and back end Development tools. In my case I learnt M.E.R.N. MongoDb is Database tool used to
deploy our website. Express.js is application framework used to designing and building website.
React.js is a javascript library which includes components used to build websites for example header
and footer. Node js is a javascript runtime built on Chrome’s javascript engine.
16. The Basics of web Development are cleared by me with ease. I’ve also abundant knowledge of
Full Stack. I can think like a developer and a designer giving me versatility. Therefore I think I am
prepared for this course. I want to do masters for hike in my carrear and to find a renowned Post.

17. From my childhood, my mind was creative. I want to pursue for a creative field of work and by
Applying for this course I am Going closer to my Goals. I want to create Beautiful Websites with good
functionality and responsiveness.

18. I want to specialise in Website Coding, testing and deployment.

19. There are many creative fields, so why choose Website Development only ?

20. While studying under graduate, my short term goal was to only able to develop, design and
deploy websites only, and after gaining skills, doing a decent job in a reputated IT company with
good CTC. In long term goal, I want to start my own Business in IT sector and buld websites for
different clients, and then Start my own Company.

21. For Achieving my long term goal, it is a must that I have full knowledge in my field from a
reputated institution. This Masters degree will give me abundant Knowledge regarding the field as
many of parts are unexplored by me. In under graduate program, I’ve come to understand whole
computer science field, but master in Web Development will give me expertise in particular field in
Computer Science i.e. Web Development.

22. My second step will be, for even my short term goals, i.e. applying for an IT Company, it will be
good for my Qualifications. And hence good for my carrier.

23. After graduation, I hope to join a good IT Company, scale my knowledge and learn new
technologies and development environment, gain experience and increase my value in IT field.

24. Five years after earning my degree I wanted to be in a reputed position in reputed IT Company
with decent CTC and good knowledge and experience. Side by Side I want to do freelancing, help to
create websites for my clients. After 20 years, as CEO and Founder of a Company, I want to increase
my Company’s revenue, reputation and advance company’s technology to maintain at top in IT field.

25. with my values, skills and traits I will try to present these qualities in group discussions, debates or
any other topic of interests and always try to help others in understanding particular topics as for a
learning environment it is essential to create an interactive medium first. also since I have good
leadership qualities, I’ll try to guide my fellow classmates by staying well organized and influence them.

26. My Ambition: I am very passionate and curious about Web Development /Artificial
Intelligence/Data analytics/computer science. My ambition is to create some Extra-ordinary piece of
technology and to made use of it in the advancement of technologies. So that I can obtain Versatility.
This degree will help me reach my ultimate goal which is mentioned below.
My Goal: My ultimate goal is to open a Multinational Company like Facebook, which will give me
International recognition. This goal seems far away right now. But with proper knowledge and
education, it can be a good start. That’s why I want to study this field.

27. Within this field of Master in Web Development /Artificial Intelligence/Data

analytics/computer science. , I want to specialize in Website Developing, Designing, Website
testing ,Web deploying, Cyber securities, intelligent systems, Database management, Data
Structures, Machine learning, Information systems and so on.

28. Masters in Computer Sciences

Masters in Artificial intelligence
Masters in cyber security
Masters in information technologies
Masters in data analytics
Masters in software engineering

29. Since I want to go for research field also, the college will give me this opportunity.

30. Yes the university provides specialization programs. This programs will help me to specialize in
specific area in particular field.

31. Since course of Computer science requires practicality therefore many opportunities will be
available to showcase my learnings and make practical use of my skills that I’ll learn there.

32. Will there be end in improvement of softwares will different technologies like Artificial
intelligence and machine learning or not?

33. Computer Science will help me in addressing the issue.

34. Since the college is also a research facility therefore there will be abundant opportunities to try
my skills.

35. Immediately after my graduation, I would like to work in a Multinational national firm for about
5-8 years with decent ctc.

36. Students after completing their 1 st year will get opportunity to search for their internship in final
year. And after completing their final year and internship period, they can start working for the
company or can look for other companies.

37. In my undergrad school I had started a patent named I-pendrive. I would like to continue that
project with the help of research team in the college helping myself to completely build the same. I
would also like to make another project that is my mind regarding Safe pole, an exemplary idea for
human safety and sos with the help of networking.

38. Yes surely this program will help me to work closely with the faculty as he/she will be of same
department. Also with the help and knowledge of faculty member I’ll also hain some knowledge and
that will surely help boosting my efficiency.

39. After 5 years working in a MNC, I would like to open my own small firm with same area of
interests with small staff at beginning like an agency which will provide services to the customers.
After which I will help to grow my firm into a company, after 20 years I would like to develop my
company into a MNC of it’s own.

40. Program will provide me mentorship and abundant things to learn which will help me in growth. Also
it will help me learning basic corporative skills like Leadership, Companionship etc.

41. This department will help me to increase my knowledge in Computer science field. I’ll be able to
learn various tools and languages to foster what I’ve learned till now. Also interacting with others
with same department will surely help me to see concepts from their point of view.
The department is ranked between top courses that excites me.
Since the department is ranked in top programs the competition to get into will be very difficult, but
due to it also I’ll be able to improve myself a lot.
They showcase their campus and the facilities they truly will provide, which in my thinking is
authentic making it different as compared to other universities.

42. With my knowledge I’ll also help contributing my skill or what I know to other students and make
contribution in an argument or discussion.

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