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Lesson 1

Why do we study?

-it allows man to be better understand his present situation.

-man uses history almost universally. It is not just about the history of a country or community.


I. when a patient to a hospital, the first thing that the Doctor will ask is the history of the patient.

ii. when you have bf/gf, the first thing you ask to him/her is history.

-how many bf/gf he/she had?

-what is his/her family background?

HISTORY – Greek word “historia” learning by inquiry

*it deals with the study of past events.

*it is a record of the past made available for the present.

*Knowing history therefore makes life more bearable. We will be able to know what to do based on
inputs from the past.

2 TYPES OF HISTORY – factual and speculative

FACTUAL- presents readers the plain and basic information.

- It usually answers the questions: what, when, who

SPECULATIVE- it goes beyond facts because it is concerned about the reasons for which events

-it goes to the deeper meaning or reason of the occurrence of the event.

-it answers the questions: why and how

HISTORIAN- is an individual who writes about history.

-they seek to understand the present by examining what went before.

-they usually undertake historical research (HISTORIOGRAPHY)

-traditional method in doing historical research that focus on gathering of documents from different


- Is something that limits man to understand history.

HISTORIANS study the records of evidences that survived the time.

- Aim= verisilitude- truth, authenticity of the records from the past.

HISTORICAL METHOD- process of critically examining and analyzing the records and survival of the past.

*in doing analysis, historians follow some steps:

1. select the subject matter

2. collect probable sources of information

3. examine the sources genuineness.

4. extract credible sources.


Historical Data

- These are sourced from artifacts or remains that have been left by the past.


- As a work of non-fiction, the study of history is a relentless search for the truth.
- In the study of history, sources are always important.
- SOURCES are where the information came from.
- Provide evidence about the existence of an event.


-usually gives clues about the past

examples: coin, book, strand of hair or other archeological evidence or anthropological remains.

2 types of sources of history

1. Written Sources Category

a. Narrative or literary

- presented in narrative form

- impart message

b. Diplomatic Sources
- Purest and the best source
- Legal document
- Sealed or authenticated
- Usually undergone proceeding
c. Social Documents

-government reports (ex: municipal accounts, civil registry records, records of


2. Non- written Sources Category

a. Material evidence
- Archaeological evidence
- Artifacts, bones, jewelries, churches and others that tell a story about the
- This evidence can tell a great deal about the way of life of people in the
past and their culture.
b. Oral evidence

-much are told by the tales of ancient people and the folk songs or rituals

- present age: INTERVIEWS

2 Categories of Historical Sources

1. Primary Sources
- These sources are original and factual
- That was not interpreted
- First-hand account of an event

Ex: diaries, letters. Paintings. Songs, journals, magazines, drawings. sculptures

2. Secondary Sources

-second-hand source
- analyzes and interprets primary sources

Digested information from primary sources

Ex: magazines articles about a topic reviews, interpretation of newspaper and

journal articles.

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