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React supports all the syntax of _________________.


Exciting feature of ReactJS is ________.Virtual DOM

React considers everything as _______.Components

React covers __________ layer of the app.View

React is mainly for building _____________.User interfaces

In React state can be accessed using ________.this.state

React cannot be used without JSX.False

State can be initialized when code is loaded or state can be set on event changes.True

In React, a state can be defined as a ____________.key-value

When a component state data changes, we can use __________.this.setState

JSX is faster because it performs ____________ while compiling code to JavaScript Optimization

In JSX most of the errors can be caught during _________.Compilation

JSX is typesafe.T

A component may return any number of elements.False

Components increases _____________.Reusability

_________ can be done while more than one element needs to be returned from a

Props are mutable.False

Arbitrary inputs of components are called __________.props

Two building blocks of ReactJS are ______________.Components and Elements

Function that does not change its results for the same set of inputs are called __________.Pure
Invoked once, only on the client, after rendering occurs.componentDidMount

Lifecycle methods are mainly used ___________.freeup resources

How can we prevent default behavior in React? using preventDefault()

Event handling in React is more similar to Event handling in DOM.True

React uses _____________ syntax.camelcase

In JSX ______________ is passed as event

We can declare special methods on the component class to run some code when a component mounts
and unmounts.True

Invoked once, only on the client, after rendering occurs.componentDidMount

Which of the following needs to be updated to achieve dynamic UI updates?state

ref is used to refer a element / component returned by _______________.render()

An altered component may be uniquely idemtified with the help of ref.F

If our elements are dynamic, react can keep track of the changes using keys.T

We can go for keys when there is possibility that our user could change the data.keys

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