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Earth is the only one planet where there are different

species of animals or creatures living their life. From
the millions of decades there were different species
are found on planet earth some of them are Dinosaurs,
Flying dinosaurs, different species of Fish, birds as well
as Rhinos existed on that period. They are of big size as
compare to human being as they could eat him at a
time. They had survive their life on the earth for the
longer period. But all of this species were dead when
the meteoroid is entered on the surface of earth and
destroyed all the creatures. At that period there is no
any living being on the planet that meteoroid
destroyed everything but only because of that event
most of the species are again took birth on the planet.
The planet started to change its structure, the new sea
level is started to grow and most of creatures took
birth from the ocean including the larva that changes
its shapes into different forms and had a life on the
planet. Over the period of time trees are also started
to grow rapidly, everywhere on the earth there is a
green heaven that fulfils the food need of most of
animals. Forests are growing that become the home
for most of animals. The most known animal at that
decade is the Monkey as in our ancient history says
that Human is the evolution of monkeys. In that
decade any animal is not much smart as monkey. He
started to develop his senses and develop himself to
live and survive his life. In the period when the human
took birth on the earth he developed himself to
survive. He aware about different activities toward
growing the future, at that time he entirely acts like an
animal. Here we understand how much animals are
important and has presence on the earth. At present
we found different species of them like Tiger, zebra,
Rhinos, elephant, panthers, lions, snakes, and other
small crawlers. Forest is the only one home for them
and we have to take care of their home. We can see
that most of the forests are cut down for the industrial
and infrastructural development as we are stealing
their home. It’s our responsibility to protect our
creatures and their home. Humans not only have life
animals also have breathe we have to protect them. In
India there are different communities are living, in
some of them they kill the animals for the various
rituals they have perception that if they do then god
will become happy. In fact all of this is the act of
superstition and most of people are locked down in
this cage. Some of them provide human with food like
chicken. We use animals as food, clothes, and for the
entertainment also. Nowadays we can see the animals
in the zoo to describe and to know how animal look
like is. But in fact this is also one of cage for them as
they are not free and hasn’t right to live their life
openly like they living in forests. Animals has more
knowledge and understanding as compare to human
beings as they have the senses that produces the good
energy in their mind and those senses helps them to
react towards the various actions. They have their own
language and they talk with us by doing different
gestures for example the Dog when he is continuously
lying on his back or by his tail then he is telling us to
love him or he showing us his dignity towards his
owner. Moreover each animal has its different senses
that help them to communicate and to response.
Animals also had their lessons in the ancient history
like in Ramayana or we can found in our goddess Lord
Ganesh. In India animals are treated like a god we pray
for them for e.g. The Indian Cobra. In reality each
animal is a god, we have to treat them positively. One
of the animal is treated as god is a Cow. This is one of
the animal who is most beneficial for the humans. Not
only the situated animals are important but also each
species of them need to be protected and treated
positively in this world. Every animal has a right to live
freely, to breathe freely on this planet because this
planet is nothing without them….
Feed Animal…Save Animal... Protect Animal...

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