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Importance of Education

‘Education’ the word is enough to understand its importance

as education is a weapon to change someone’s life and it
brings a lot of changes in a personality and behaviour. It
facilitates knowledge as well as better understanding about
something which is beneficial for us, by this way there are so
many things recognized by person who don’t know about it.
It plays a vital role in everyone’s life as someone is able to
know what actually happen in today’s world like only
because of good study we know the ongoing political actions,
organisational behaviour in different firms as well as it
teaches us how to act , how to perform and succeed in life. It
improves various qualities of people as only because of it
they are in position to talk confidently, respectively and
prove themselves in front of others. Education is important
to everyone but there are some peoples in our society who
don’t aware about its importance and they are still illiterate.
It is not only responsibility of professors and other teachers
to tell us that how much it is important but also its
responsibility of everyone to know and has to be responsible
to get it. It is the right of every individual to study which is
productive and it only give good results to them. There is no
age gap to get education any individual can study as much as
they want to that’s the only reason why Dr.APJ Abdulkalam,
Abraham Lincoln succeeded in their life and they also gave
good lessons to society. It give a knowledge of better
understanding of world and what different crisis happen in
society. Only because of Education it helps to lower the
poverty level, gains women empowerment and strict laws
and regulations all this things only to be improved by good
study and hence Education is very important aspect in
everyone’s life and it is now need of each to achieve it.

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