Capstone Exhibition Rubric 2020-2021

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Capstone Exhibition Rubric


Poster Level of Proficiency

Criteria Distinguished Accomplished Developing Pre-Novice

Abstract Distinguished includes all of ___Abstract is a brief ___ Abstract present ___ No abstract
the “Accomplished” criteria description of the entire and relatively complete
(Poster) and the following work described in the poster but not prepared
according to all
5% ___Abstract clearly ties ___ Abstract understandable
together the entire project without reading the entire
from Grand Challenge to poster
chosen solution, design
___ Includes (1) purpose of
requirements and prototype,
the study, (2) brief
testing results and
statement of what was done
(without including minor
___Abstract alone generates details of the methods), (3)
excitement and desire to brief statement of major
learn more about the topic findings, and (4) major
___ Writing is professional,
organized and well

Introduction Distinguished includes all of __ Connection is made to ___ Introduction No introduction

(Poster) the “Accomplished” criteria Egypt’s Grand Challenges. present and relatively
and the following complete but not
___Connection is made to
10% current semester Capstone
prepared according to
all guidelines
___Moves clearly from a
broad view of the Grand ___ Clearly and objectively
Challenge and research on identifies the problem and
various solutions to an summarizes prior solution
increasingly narrow focus on attempts strengths and
the team’s chosen solution, weaknesses.
design requirements, and
___ Summarizes prior
prototype, justifying each
solution attempts strengths
and weaknesses.
___Includes design
___Provides a smooth requirements for a new
transition from “what” solution that can be tested
choices they made and
_____ Summarizes how the
“why” they made them to the
team’s solution was chosen
next section,
and how it addresses design
Capstone Exhibition Rubric 2021-2022

Materials and Distinguished includes all of ___Prototype materials lists ___ Materials and ___ No Methods or
Methods the “Accomplished” criteria and/or illustrations are Method present and no Materials list
and the following summarized relatively complete but
(Poster) ___Describe how the
does not address all
points indicated
10% prototype was constructed
___The methods are clear
enough to permit a reader to ___ A summary of Methods of
explain the method to the test plan for the
another professional prototype includes a
summary of tests conducted
and how they address
design requirements

Results Distinguished includes all of ___ All types of prototype ___ Results present and ___ No results
the “Accomplished” criteria testing results are relatively complete but
(Poster) and the following presented, whether positive does not address all
or negative points indicated
___ Well organized results
documentation from the
that could be handed to a
Capstone Portfolio is
new team to replicate the
available to show data for
work with high fidelity
tests or scenarios that were
(Supporting documentation
conducted for the prototype
in the Capstone Portfolio
testing results
contains all data collected)
___ Includes a table or figure
___The visual representation
that is appropriate for the
of the results alone (without
type of prototype test
the words in the Results
results being described
section) leads the reader to a
conclusion about the results.

Analysis Distinguished includes all of ___Discussion ties ___ Analysis present ___ No analysis
the “Accomplished” criteria performance results and relatively complete
(Poster) and the following (positive and negative) to but does not address all
the original challenge or points indicated
20% problem being addressed
_____Analysis is clear, and to the Grand Challenge
organized and well
__Analysis ties the prototype
developed. It explains,
testing results to the design
questions or persuades. It is
written to meet the needs of
the intended audience. ___Analysis is supported by
pictures, graphs, charts and
other visuals, and prototype
test results

___ Analysis is supported by

scientific laws and theories
and provides evidence of
learning transfer of
discipline learning outcomes

Conclusions ___Conclusions drawn from ___Conclusions are drawn ___ Conclusions and ___ No conclusions
prototype test results and from the prototype test present and relatively
10% analysis are also compared results and analysis. complete but does not
with the team’s research on address all points
other solutions Findings indicated

Recommendation ___Recommendations are ___ Recommendations for ___ recommendations No

practical and directed future study are provided, present and relatively recommendations
5% towards a future research, including specific ways the complete but does not
Capstone Exhibition Rubric 2021-2022

engineering or policy group. project could be improved in address all points

Recommendations are the future indicated
clearly informed by the
problem, their proposed
solutions, and their

Literature Cited Distinguished includes all of ___ Literature cited ___ No literature
the “Accomplished” criteria ___ Includes only sources present and relatively cited (appropriate
(Poster) and the following cited in the poster text (at complete but does not only if no citations
least 5 credible sources) address all points used in the text)
5% Different kinds of sources indicated
___At least five citations are (paper- books, encyclopedia
peer-review publications. - websites) not only

_includes only papers

actually read by the

___ Is prepared according to

the American Psychological
Association (APA) style

(Poster) Distinguished includes all of ___ Text is readable from a ___ Elements are ___ No graphics,
the “Accomplished” criteria distance of about 1 meter present but not tables, photos or
Layout and the following meeting all of the other images (the
___Title is at top of the
requirements in the poster should
Title, Name, ___ Writing is clear and poster, short, descriptive of
“Accomplished” include at least
Affiliation, Size, readable the project and easily
column, or some some images)
readable at a distance of
Graphics, Tables, ___ The poster demonstrates
about 2 meters (words
elements are missing
Photos, Other brevity (focused, well
about 1.5-2.5 cm tall)
synthesized and straight to
Images the point) while targeting a ___ Includes presenter's
(Poster) professional audience name and school's name in a
section about 20-30%
___Visuals are well titled and
10% smaller than the title
labeled and tell clear stories
with no other supporting ___Include grade level,
text necessary. semester and academic year
(i.e., Grade 1, Semester 2,
___ Illustrations, tables,
figures, photographs or
diagrams have unique
identification numbers and a
key to identify symbols
___ Text includes references
to specific graphics or
___ Legends include full
explanation and where
appropriate, color keys,
scale, etc.
___ All images presented in
appropriate layout and size
relative to text
___ Uses forms that are
common among STEM
disciplines (E.g. notes,
Capstone Exhibition Rubric 2021-2022

accounts, research reports)

__Writing uses correct
grammar and spelling,
__Consistency between the
font and background color

Presentation ___ Uses Specific _ Introduces Self + Team ___ Elements are One student
Terminology/Language (Uses Topic Transition present but not monopolies
10 % Introductory meeting all of the presentation
___ Speaks with Appropriate
requirements in the
Loudness, Speed, + Voice ___ Provides an Overview of
Inflection Topic or Agenda of Key
column, or some
___ Uses Gestures + Body elements are missing
Language ___ Clearly Describes
+Emphasizes Key Ideas and
___ Demonstrates
Enthusiasm for Subject +
Interest in evaluation ___ Restates objectives of
___ Produces Quality Visual
Aids +Uses Effectively ___ Summarizes Key Ideas
___ Provides Quality ___ Reinforces/Repeats
Materials + Uses Handouts Benefits to evaluator
Effectively (Learning Outcomes
___ Responds to evaluator
Questions +Comments

Capstone Portfolio Rubric


Prototype Level of Proficiency

Criteria Distinguished Accomplished Developing Pre-Novice

Construction Distinguished includes all of the ___ Students can describe ___ A prototype or ___ No prototype or
of a testable “Accomplished” criteria and the design requirements chosen model has been model; or no evidence
following for this prototype. Choice of constructed, some that constructed
prototype design requirements is justification for the prototype or model
___Prototype is directly relevant to
(Prototype) logical and well reasoned. selection of design would facilitate test of
the chosen solution (E.g. an actual
requirements and any of the design
water treatment step) ___ A prototype has been
modeling approach is requirements.
constructed that was
___If software prototype provided, but it is
50% suitable for testing
(simulation) is used, modeling incomplete
software such as Excel, LabView, or ___Students can
a programming language is demonstrate their prototype
demonstrated live and can be tested is testable or show visual
proof that prototype is
___ If a software prototype
(simulation) was used, the
selection of modeling
methods is logical and
justified and students can
identify the functions or
relationships contained in
Capstone Exhibition Rubric 2021-2022

their software prototype

___The prototype materials
are student purchased
___ Students design and
construct the prototype—
NOT done by other people
___During the testing of the
prototype, all Safety Rules
are followed
Capstone Exhibition Rubric 2021-2022

Portfolio Level of Proficiency

Criteria Distinguished Accomplished Developing Pre-Novice

Prototype Distinguished includes all of the ___Capstone Portfolio ___ Testing plan exists ___Testing plan is
Testing “Accomplished” criteria and the contains a test plan for the and partially missing altogether, or
following prototype, which provides describes the testing fails to demonstrate
(Portfolio) ___Capstone Portfolio contains a test
the scenarios to be tested, to be conducted; any understanding of
and how they relate to limited justification why tests relate to the
20% plan that clearly connects every
design requirements. of why the tests were design requirements
type of test listed to a specific
design requirement, and all chosen ___ Capstone Portfolio
design requirements are addressed contains a test plan that
by the test plan. describes tests to be
conducted in a thorough and
___Capstone Portfolio clearly
clearly understandable
communicates how each test in the
test plan isolates what is being
tested and acknowledges other ___Capstone Portfolio test
interfering factors that might affect plan supports repetition and
the results. testing by others.
___Capstone Portfolio contains ___Capstone Portfolio
measurement methods that have contains a materials lists
quantified error described explicitly with cost (includes receipts
(E.g. +/- 0.1 Volts) if purchased) and/or
illustrations, needed to
___The Materials list is clear enough
replicate the prototype or
that a reader can replicate the work
__ The prototype budget will
not exceed 1000 LE
___Capstone Portfolio
indicates that the total
materials expenditures are
within the budget.

Data Distinguished includes all of the ___ Capstone Portfolio ___Documentation is ___ No documentation
Collection “Accomplished” criteria and the demonstrates whether the provided for some presented for test
following prototype met design tests that were results, or results
and Analysis requirements with data conducted, but some presented are not tied
___Capstone Portfolio accurately
(Portfolio) from each portion of the test are not described to the testing plan in
records all data collected through
procedure. any logical way
the project phases ___ Analysis of the
30% ___ Capstone Portfolio effectiveness of the
___Capstone Portfolio is sufficiently
contains analysis supported design is generally
well organized that it can be turned
by graphs, charts and/or described and has
over to another group to replicate
other visuals. limited support using
the prototype and tests.
pictures, graphs,
___Capstone Portfolio lists at
___Capstone Portfolio lists at least charts and other
least 5 learning outcomes
10 learning outcomes from their visuals
from their other subjects
other subjects that they have
that they have transferred
transferred and applied in their
and applied in their
Capstone. Each learning outcome
Capstone. Each learning
should have one paragraph
outcome should have one
explaining how this learning
paragraph explaining how
outcome was transferred to their
this learning outcome was
transferred to their

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