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Semtence3 (Homorhenes wods)

Fait} The made a lau exchange o g0d.

faveTAe ully inclujive Jane lon tKe tuin uEU2.

2 nught He 8leers duwung dle olay amd oakA af t

Knight The Kir dulbed Tom_aKngt

eace -y eelat Neace_ cond gektleck.

Ceo uece ute it down oma iece a ranoN.

leal- Take Time whem time tomeA lest dime gteal CUL
4 &teel- Casle is ued as uel amd in maling gteel

bue pause i the conNeratton.

5 ause
wa a

ouds Cue tdo big to fext

Sententex Homonume uwghds

Rurk He peeled the bark a de tee_
Rok7 Dord Jet the dogs tolk

Bat- he kat i rqodn guybnes

Rout-T haue Jet my bot at home

Rught A bugld bou lew Qickl4

Ruglt TRe ued kky auay bug
nq-1He hau a gald uinq on h ge
n The mem LOeXeemding n & unq.

5 RAL2The 8um oro8Q HeTty eOxdy dodel

Rose dahul gwe km non a beuauet OReS

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