Tumor Marker CYFRA

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Early Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring Roles of

Tumor Markers Cyfra 21-1 and TPS in Oral Squamous
Cell Carcinoma

Rafael M. Nagler, D.M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.1,2 BACKGROUND. Mucosal oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounts for 3–5% of
Mira Barak, Ph.D.3 all reported cancers, with a 5-year survival rate of approximately 50%. Unfortu-
Micha Peled, D.M.D., M.D.1 nately, current detection means are of no value in diagnosing lesions early enough
Hanna Ben-Aryeh, Ph.D.2 for cure, especially when they recur after resection. Postoperative radiotherapy
Margarita Filatov2 and/or covering the resection site with reconstructive flaps (regional or free vas-
Dov Laufer, D.M.D.1 cularized) often makes early diagnosis an impossible task.
METHODS. The authors examined the detection and treatment monitoring capacity
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, of two relatively new tumor markers in the serum of SCC patients, comparing their
Rambam Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, levels with those in patients with other oral/perioral malignancies or benign oral
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Is- tumors and with disease free, posttreatment SCC patients and healthy controls.
RESULTS. Values of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative prediction for
Oral Biochemistry Laboratory, Rambam Medical Cyfra 21-1 were 96%, 87%, 93%, and 53%, respectively, whereas those for tissue
Center and Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel polypeptide specific antigen (TPS) were 69%, 87%, 93%, and 54%, respectively.
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Approximately 2–3 weeks after resection of the SCC lesion, Cyfra 21-1 and TPS
Central Laboratories Haifa and Western Galilee, levels were reduced by 47% (P # 0.003) and 36% (P # 0.041), respectively. Cyfra
Nesher, Israel. 21-1 levels in SCC patients were significantly greater than those of healthy patients
by 73% (P # 0.0001), patients with benign tumors by 74% (P # 0.0003), and patients
in disease remission by 66% (P # 0.0002). Similarly, the TPS levels of SCC patients
were significantly greater than those of healthy patients by 59% (P # 0.0005),
patients with benign tumors by 55% (P # 0.0001), and patients in disease remission
by 59% (P # 0.0001). In two patients, a second, new SCC lesion was diagnosed
within the follow-up period, with increased tumor markers noted concomitantly
with the diagnosis.
CONCLUSIONS. The accumulated data point to the suitability of the clinical usage of
these two markers, especially Cyfra 21-1, in the early detection of oral SCC lesions
(primary, recurrent, or secondary) as well as for treatment monitoring. These
results may open new avenues for the diagnosis and follow-up of these patients
and hopefully improve their treatment outcome. Cancer 1999;85:1018 –25.
© 1999 American Cancer Society.

KEYWORDS: diagnosis, prognosis, oral, squamous cell carcinoma, tumor markers,

Cyfra 21-1, tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPS).

The authors thank Mrs. S. Gan for statistical anal-

ysis and Mrs. M. Perlmutter for her assistance in
the preparation of this article. O ral carcinoma (mucosal squamous cell carcinoma [SCC]) ac-
counts for .90% of malignant lesions of the mouth and is a major
and growing problem worldwide.1 The relative prevalence of oral SCC
Address for reprints: Rafael M. Nagler, D.M.D., is 3–5% of all cancer cases, similar to that of skin melanoma. Unfor-
M.Sc., Ph.D., 17 Yaara Street, 23840 Timrat, Is-
tunately, despite enormous clinical and basic investigative efforts, the
reported 5-year survival rates of oral carcinoma remain essentially
Received June 8, 1998; revision received Septem- unchanged.2,3 Primary oral carcinoma usually is superficial and easily
ber 15, 1998; accepted September 15, 1998. detected. However, deeply invading tumors and oral tumors that

© 1999 American Cancer Society

Tumor Markers in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma/Nagler et al. 1019

recur after primary resection usually are detected only and monomorphic adenoma, hemangioma, angio-
when they are large and no longer curable. Further- myxoma, giant cell granuloma, plasmacytoma, my-
more, early diagnosis of recurrence is difficult if not coma, cherubism, and eosinophilic granuloma; 4) 20
impossible, especially when the resected region is ir- patients in disease remission from oral SCC (disease
radiated or covered by a reconstructive flap. No fewer free) with no evidence of disease by history, physical
than 15– 43% of T1 and T2 SCC patients4,5 have clini- examination, biopsy specimen, and radiologic tests;
cally undetected, occult neck metastases and, accord- and 5) 30 healthy controls who were matched for age
ingly, do not undergo dissection until the metastases and gender.
become clinically apparent, with an attendant failure Patients in the first group also were followed pe-
rate of 40%.6 This unfortunate state of affairs is com- riodically in an attempt at detecting recurrences. The
plicated further by the fact that imaging modalities, malignant lesions of the SCC patients were classified
such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic as moderately or poorly differentiated according to the
resonance imaging (MRI) are not helpful in the early histopathology and divided into Stages I and II or
stages of tumor development.7–10 Thus, an accurate Stages III and IV according to local invasiveness and
and sensitive method for detecting early SCC lesions the TNM staging classification.
as well as predicting regional recurrence and/or Venous blood samples (6 mL) were collected after
spreading metastases is of paramount importance.11 informed consent was obtained from patients admit-
Tumor markers, which have been accepted as a ted to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur-
valuable tool for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment gery at Rambam Medical Center for treatment of their
monitoring in recent years,12–18 could be an easy and oral SCC lesions. The samples were allowed to clot,
desirable means of achieving this purpose. Various centrifuged at room temperature, and stored at 220 °C
tumor markers have been examined for their value in until assayed. TPS was assayed using the monoclonal
detecting head and neck and/or oral carcinoma.19 –31 immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) of Beki.34 The assay
However, the main drawback of these markers was measures the M3 epitope soluble fragments of human
their low sensitivity for head and neck carcinoma, cytokeratin 18. Cyfra 21-1 was evaluated using a kit
which rendered them useless for clinical purposes. (Elsa-Cyfra 21-1 IRMA kit; CIS Bio-International, Gif-
Recently, two new markers, Cyfra 21-1 (cytokera- Sur-Yvette, France). Cyfra 21-1 was developed using
tine-19 fragments) and tissue polypeptide specific an- two monoclonal antibodies (BM 19-21 and KS 19-1)
tigen (TPS) were shown to be highly sensitive and that react with different epitopes on cytokeratin 19
specific in their detection potential and prognostic found in serum samples. The first monoclonal anti-
value in head and neck malignancies.12,32,33 Unfortu- body was immobilized in plastic tubes, whereas the
nately, these markers were not evaluated for oral SCC. second antibody was iodinated. When the serum sam-
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine ple contained cytokeratin 19 fragments, their epitopes
the serum levels of Cyfra 21-1 and TPS in oral SCC cross-linked both antibodies, resulting in an increase
patients before and after treatment, thus determining in the radioactivity as measured by a gamma counter.
the suitability of these markers for SCC diagnosis,
prognosis, and treatment monitoring. Statistical Evaluation
The results of the statistical evaluation were taken
PATIENTS AND METHODS from these 5 groups of patients: SCC (n 5 38), other
Both Cyfra 21-1 and TPS were analyzed in 148 patients malignancies (n 5 12), benign tumors (n 5 48), dis-
who were divided into the following groups: 1) 38 ease free (n 5 20), and healthy (n 5 30). Demographic
patients with oral SCC, which included a subgroup of and clinical characteristics of gender, age, histology,
15 patients who were examined at 2–3 weeks after and stage of disease were obtained for the SCC pa-
tumor eradication; 2) 12 patients with other oral/peri- tients. Data from serum tests of Cyfra 21-1 and TPS
oral malignancies but not SCC. The malignancies were levels in each group were observed and calculated.
located in the maxilla, mandible, tongue, and the par- Means, standard deviations, and standard errors were
toid and submandibular glands and included malig- computed.
nant lymphoma, malignant melanoma, sarcoma, SCC, The site, stage, and histology levels between gen-
and the following salivary malignancies: adenocarci- ders in the SCC patients were compared with the
noma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, carcinoma E 1 Wilcoxon rank sum test.35 The means of Cyfra 21-1
mixed tumor, acinic cell carcinoma, and adenoid cys- and TPS levels between genders, disease stages, and
tic carcinoma; 3) 48 patients with benign oral tumors, histology of the SCC patients were compared with the
including fibroma, granuloma, neuroma, lipoma, os- two sample Student’s t tests for differences in means.
teoma, ameloblastoma, oncocytoma, pleomorphic The mean Cyfra 21-1 and TPS levels of each of the five
1020 CANCER March 1, 1999 / Volume 85 / Number 5

groups were analyzed and compared using the analy- patients died soon after the surgical procedure,
sis of variance single factor test.36 A multiple compar- whereas the remaining 13 patients were monitored at
ison test model was used. There were five means of the later time points (mean follow-up period, 11.5
groups for Cyfra 21-1 and five means of the group for months). It is interesting to note that the mean Cyfra
TPS, for all of which the Student-Newman-Keuls pro- 21-1 and TPS values during this follow-up period for
cedure for multiple pairwise comparison tests be- the 11 disease free patients were not statistically dif-
tween all groups was performed. Ten of the two sam- ferent from those noted at 2–3 weeks after resection or
ple Student’s t tests for differences in means were those of the control group. A second diagnosis of an
performed for the Cyfra 21-1 level and ten two sample SCC lesion was made during the follow-up period in
Student’s t tests were performed for the TPS level. two patients, with a concomitant increase in Cyfra
Each of the Student’s t tests tested the differences 21-1.
between the means of two of the groups in the model. Values of sensitivity, specificity, positive predic-
The correlation between the Cyfra 21-1 level and TPS tive value, and negative predictive value for Cyfra 21-1
level in each group was calculated using Pearson’s were 84%, 93%, 97%, and 70%, respectively, whereas
correlation. The sensitivity, specificity, positive pre- those for TPS were 69%, 87%, 93%, and 54%, respec-
dictive value, and negative predictive value in the SCC tively. These values corresponded with cutoff levels of
and healthy groups of patients were calculated at a 0.7 ng/mL and 40 ng/mL for Cyfra 21-1 and TPS,
cutoff level of 0.7 ng/mL for the Cyfra 21-1 marker and respectively. The mean levels of Cyfra 21-1 and TPS in
at 35 ng/mL for the TPS marker. These cutoff levels, the 30 healthy controls were 0.49 6 0.8 ng/mL and
(i.e., the upper limits of normal) were determined by 28.5 6 2.1 ng/mL, respectively. The correlation be-
calculating the mean value plus one standard devia- tween Cyfra 21-1 and TPS in the SCC group was found
tion. The differences in the Cyfra 21-1 level and the to be very high according to Pearson’s analysis (P 5
TPS level for 15 patients before and after treatment 0.65 and P # 0.0001, respectively).
were compared with the Student’s t test for paired
Comparison of SCC and Other Groups
RESULTS The Cyfra 21-1 and TPS levels of four different control
SCC Group groups were computed and compared with those of
The mean age of the SCC group (n 5 38) (Table 1) was the SCC group. These groups included 20 disease free
66.6 6 2.7 years and included 24 males with a mean patients (in disease remission from oral SCC with no
age of 69.2 6 9.3 years and 14 females with a mean age evidence of disease on physical examination, biopsy
of 61.4 6 17 years. Four patients had a recurrent lesion specimen, and radiologic tests 2–7 years after surgical
whereas the other 33 patients had a primary lesion resection of the neoplasm), 48 patients with benign
when examined. The mean levels of Cyfra 21-1 and oral tumors, 12 patients with other malignancies in
TPS in this group were 1.71 6 0.29 ng/mL and 66.7 6 the oral/perioral region, and 30 healthy controls. The
8.3 ng/mL, respectively (Tables 1 and 2). No signifi- mean levels of both Cyfra 21-1 and TPS in the various
cant differences were found for either Cyfra 21-1 or groups are presented in Table 2. The Cyfra 21-1 level
TPS levels between the following subgroups: males in the SCC patients was significantly higher than those
versus females, various sites of the lesions, different T in healthy controls by 73% (P # 0.0001), patients with
or N scoring, Stages I and II versus Stages III and IV, benign tumors by 64% (P # 0.0003), and patients in
and patients with primary lesions versus patients with disease remission by 66% (P # 0.0002) (Fig. 2). Simi-
recurrent lesions (Table 3). The lack of correlation larly, the TPS level in SCC patients was significantly
between the stage of the tumor and its concomitant higher than those in healthy controls by 59% (P #
level of markers is significant, because more advanced 0.0005), patients with benign tumors by 55% (P #
lesions would be expected to be characterized by 0.0001), and patients in disease remission by 59% (P #
higher levels of markers. 0.0001) (Fig. 3). There were no significant differences
After surgical resection of the tumors at 2–3 in Cyfra 21-1 and TPS levels among the three control
weeks, the serum levels of both Cyfra 21-1 and TPS groups (healthy controls, patients in disease remis-
were obtained for 15 patients; significant reductions in sion, and patients with benign tumors). The Cyfra 21-1
both markers were demonstrated in 14 patients (93%). levels of patients with other malignancies were signif-
The Cyfra 21-1 levels were reduced from 1.61 6 0.19 icantly greater than that of the control groups (P ,
ng/mL to 0.85 6 0.18 ng/mL (47%) (P # 0.003). The 0.05), in contrast to the TPS level, which was not
TPS level was reduced from 66.2 6 10.7 ng/mL to statistically different from that of the three control
42.1 6 11.7 ng/mL (36%) (P # 0.041) (Fig. 1). Two groups.
Tumor Markers in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma/Nagler et al. 1021

Profile of the SCC Group (n 5 38)

Cyfra TPS
Patient Gender Age (yrs) Site P/S/M TNM Stage (ng/mL) (ng/mL)

1 M 75 Mandible, cheek P T4N1M0 III–IV 0.9 49.4

2 F 70 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 1.6 —
3 M 68 Maxilla P T2N0M0 I–II 3.6 147.4
4 F 85 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 2.8 86
5 M 71 Mandible, cheek P T4N0M0 III–IV 1.5 58.6
6 F 49 Tongue P T4N2M0 III–IV 0.8 46.1
7 F 82 Tongue P T3N2M0 III–IV 1.3 40.3
8 F 76 Tongue P T4N1M0 III–IV 0.6 24.9
9 M 71 Maxilla S T1N0M0 I–II 1.8 92.3
10 M 45 Floor of mouth P T3N1M0 III–IV 0.6 55.2
11 M 79 Mandible P T3N1M0 III–IV 1.9 83.3
12 F 64 Cheek S T3N1M0 III–IV 0.8 3.1
13 M 80 Maxilla P T4N3M0 III–IV 0.4 32.9
14 M — Cheek P T4N0M0 III–IV 1.6 68.6
15 M — Floor of mouth P T4N2M0 III–IV 4 211.4
16 M 70 Tongue P T1N0M0 I–II 1.6 18.8
17 M — Tongue, floor of mouth P T4N3M0 III–IV 0.5 30.7
18 M 88 Lower lip P T1N0M0 I–II 1.5 82.4
19 M 82 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 2.6 45.4
20 F 81 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 0.9 36.7
21 M 43 Tongue S T4N1M0 III–IV 0.4 45.4
22 F 66 Maxilla P T1N0M0 I–II 0.6 19.6
23 M 41 Lower lip P T2N1M0 III–IV 0.8 16.8
24 M 84 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 0.9 27
25 M 62 Mandible, floor of mouth P T4N1M0 III–IV 1.9 81
26 F 62 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 2.6 120
27 M 21 Lower lip P T1N0M0 I–II 1.3 69
28 M 70 Tongue, floor of mouth S T3N1M0 III–IV 10.8 1400
29 M 51 Floor of mouth P T1N0M0 I–II 0.9 58
30 F 77 Tongue P T2N1M0 III–IV 1.3 21
31 M 31 Maxilla P T3N0M0 III–IV 1.5 48
32 M 74 Mandible, cheek P T3N0M0 III–IV 1 50
33 F 56 Mandible P T2N1M0 III–IV 1 80
34 F 79 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 0.8 198
35 M 72 Tongue P T2N0M0 I–II 2 88
36 F 66 Mandible M — — 121.8 1760
37 M 72 Tongue P T4N1M0 III–IV 1.9 132
38 F — Tongue P T3N0M0 III–IV 2.1 66

SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; P: primary; S: secondary; M: metastasis; TPS: tissue polypeptide specific antigen; M: male; F: female.

DISCUSSION Thus, the potentially neoplastic active region is hid-

To our knowledge, no reliable circulating tumor den, and both direct physical examination and/or har-
marker currently is available for use in the treatment vesting of a biopsy is prevented, while the only diag-
of patients with oral SCC, despite efforts to establish nostic tools remaining (CT, ultrasound, and MRI)
such a marker.26 –30,37 This is a major drawback in the often are not sensitive enough for early lesions. This
field because the importance of the early detection of led us to search for reliable circulating tumor markers
these lesions cannot be overemphasized. Early detec- that could assist in monitoring response to therapy
tion often is difficult in a previously operated and/or and in the early detection of recurrent disease or de-
irradiated region that develops fibrotic scars. The velopment of a second primary lesion.
widely and rapidly developing use of reconstruction We decided to examine two similar antigens shar-
flaps (both pedicle and free vascularized) in the last ing relatively new tumor markers, Cyfra 21-1 and TPS.
decade38 makes the situation much more difficult and These markers, evaluated using IRMAS, recently were
complex, because relatively large volumes of recon- examined in patients with head and neck malignan-
structive tissue eventually cover the resected area. cies and demonstrated their diagnostic and prognostic
1022 CANCER March 1, 1999 / Volume 85 / Number 5

Cyfra 21-1 and TPS Levels of Examined Groupsa

Cyfra 21-1 No. Mean SD SE P value

SCC 38 1.71 1.75 0.29

Other malignancies 12 1.23 1.04 0.30 NSb
Benign 48 0.61 0.34 0.05 , 0.01
Disease free 20 0.58 0.31 0.07 , 0.01
Healthy 15 0.49 0.21 0.08 , 0.01

TPS No. Mean SD SE P value

SCC 38 66.7 48.4 8.3

Other malignancies 12 41.3 43.4 13.1 NSb
Benign 48 30.1 26.8 3.9 , 0.01
Disease free 20 27.4 16.6 3.9 , 0.01
Healthy 15 28.5 11.5 2.1 , 0.01

TPS: tissue polypeptide specific antigen; SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; NS: not significant.
The groups examined were squamous cell carcinoma (n 5 38), other malignancies (n 5 12), benign (n 5 48), disease free (n 5 20), and healthy (n 5 30).
Not significant. Cyfra 21-1 and tissue polypeptide specific antigen levels of the four control groups (other malignancies, benign, disease free, and healthy) were compared with those of the squamous cell carcinoma

Cyfra 21-1 and TPS Levels of Subgroups of SCC Patients

Patients Cyfra 21-1 TPS

Group No. Mean SE Mean SE

Total 38 1.71 0.29 66.7 8.3

Histology—well 5 1.44 0.21 73 15.9
Histology—moderate 17 2.00 0.58 59.8 10.6
Histology—poor 11 1.24 0.26 58.7 6.7
Stages I–II 15 1.67 0.23 72.7 14.2
Stages III–IV 22 1.71 0.49 62.5 10.2
Male 24 1.91 0.43 69.2 9.3
Female 14 1.32 0.21 61.4 17.1
N50 20 1.64 0.18 73 10.8
N.0 17 1.76 0.6 59.6 12.9
T51 6 1.28 0.2 56.7 12.7
T52 12 1.74 0.28 78.7 17.4
T53 8 2.56 1.38 46.6 10.6
T54 11 1.32 0.32 71 16.7

TPS: tissue polypeptide specific antigen; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; SE: standard error.

potential.12,32,33 Both markers are soluble forms of epitope of the tissue polypeptide antigen.32,40 The
keratins in human sera that are relatively new in the high sensitivity and usefulness in disease monitoring
field of monitoring cancer patients, and previously of TPS previously was reported in patients with breast
were examined in patients with pulmonary, bronchial, and cervical carcinomas.46 – 48
endometrial, cervical, urinary bladder, and large The presented data clearly demonstrate the po-
bowel carcinomas.39 – 43 The Cyfra 21-1 marker is a tential role of both markers in the diagnosis of oral
cytokeratin fragment (an intermediate filament pro- SCC, because the sensitivity and specificity of both
tein44) recognized by the KS 19-1 and BM 19-21 anti- markers were relatively high: 84% and 93%, respec-
bodies that was obtained by the immunization of mice tively, for Cyfra 21-1 and 69% and 87%, respectively,
with MCF-7 cells.45 The TPS marker is a specific M3 for TPS. The Cyfra 21-1 and TPS levels for SCC patients
Tumor Markers in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma/Nagler et al. 1023

FIGURE 3. Tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPS) levels of the squamous

cell carcinoma (SCC) group in comparison with those of another oral/perioral
FIGURE 1. Cyfra 21-1 and tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPS) levels of malignant group and three nonmalignant control groups: healthy, post-SCC
15 oral squamous cell carcinoma patients before (Pre) and 2–3 weeks after disease free patients, and patients with benign tumors. The marker levels were
(Post) resection of the tumors. For both markers, there was a significant significantly higher (P # 0.01) than those of the healthy control group by 59%,
reduction. * denotes P # 0.05; ** denotes P # 0.01. 59%, and 55%, respectively. The numbers above the bars denote the number
of patients in each group. ** denotes P # 0.01.

tions; healthy groups, groups with benign tumor, or

those with disease remission had similar mean levels
that were not statistically different. The mean levels
for the 30 healthy controls were 28.5 6 2.1 ng/mL for
TPS and 0.49 6 0.08 ng/mL for Cyfra 21-1. This level of
Cyfra 21-1 is close to the minimum detectable by the
assay, 0.3 ng/mL. The demonstrated slightly higher
accuracy of Cyfra 21-1 in comparison with TPS with
regard to both sensitivity and specificity accords well
with previously published studies performed in lung
and bronchial carcinoma patients.40 – 42 No statistically
significant differences were found between the levels
of Cyfra 21-1 and TPS in patients with primary or
FIGURE 2. Cyfra 21-1 levels of the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) group in recurrent lesions, emphasizing the value of these
comparison with those of another oral/perioral malignant group and three markers in the early detection of oral SCC lesions
nonmalignant control groups: healthy, post-SCC disease free patients, and (Tables 1 and 2).
patients with benign tumors. The marker levels were significantly higher (P # In a recent article, Bongers et al.33 failed to dem-
0.01) than those of the healthy control group by 73%, 66%, and 64%, onstrate a correlation between the stage of head and
respectively. The numbers above the bars denote the number of patients in neck tumors and Cyfra 21-1 levels, in contrast to
each group. ** denotes P # 0.01. Doweck et al.,12 who found such a correlation. Similar
contradictory findings regarding the correlation be-
were above the cutoff values in 84% and 69% of pa- tween the level of another tumor marker, SCC antigen,
tients, respectively. The data also clearly delineate the and head and neck carcinoma also were found.25,49
potential role for treatment monitoring of both mark- The lack of correlation between the stage of the oral
ers, as demonstrated by the significant reduction of SCC lesion and the level of both Cyfra 21-1 and TPS
both Cyfra 21-1 (47%; P # 0.003) and TPS (36%; P # could either characterize the nature of the lesion (rel-
041) after total resection of the neoplastic tissue. Thus, atively sensitive for early detection by the markers) or
both Cyfra 21-1 and TPS were shown to have a dual the relatively small number of patients with a great
role in diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Further- variation between tumor stage and intraoral sites. In
more, it was demonstrated that this detection capacity this respect, it is interesting to note that Molina et al.32
is applicable to malignancies in the oral/perioral re- did not find a significant correlation between the TPS
gion in general, but not to the other control condi- and SCC antigen serum levels in patients with head
1024 CANCER March 1, 1999 / Volume 85 / Number 5

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