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Activity 1


1. What was the major argument raised by Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo
against the passage the Rizal Bill?

Senator Rodrigo's main point was that Rizal's novels, particularly Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, were designed to directly target and humiliate
the Catholic Church. He claims that it is in violation of the Canon Law of 1933,
and that the books are blatantly anti-Catholic.

2. What was the major argument raised by the Senators Jose P. Laurel and
Claro M. Recto in support of the passage of Rizal Bill?

Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto supported the Rizal bill
because of their patriotism, which served as a foundation for their support.
They argued in favor of the law that it was necessary to keep the country out of
the hands of others and to ensure that they could stand on their own.

3. Are there points of convergence between the supporters and opposers of the
Rizal Bill based on these statements?

Yes, there are elements of agreement in both supporters and opponents'

views regarding the Rizal Bill since it is still linked to the Bill's ideas about
religion or morals that should be preserved and disseminated by Filipinos.

Activity 2

1. Do you think the debates on the Rizal Law have some resonance up to the
present? If yes, in what way? If no, why?

Yes, in a way that attempts to awaken the determined Filipino in each of

us, preparing us to accept our shortcomings and demand more sacrifices in
order to achieve freedom, as well as to appreciate the lives of our heroes who
fought the Spaniards. Furthermore, the arguments over the Rizal Law
demonstrate that we Filipinos think that understanding history may help us
become better citizens.

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