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Do you think the sidewalks cleanup campaign in vietnam will be widely successful? Why or why not?
Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading experience or

From my point of view, the sidewalks clean up campain in vietnam will be not widely successful. Because
Vietnam still has no law on walking, law on sidewalks, and urban law. It is necessary to have laws and
disseminate laws (phổ biến luật) for people to follow. The law must not be tboo strict but must benefit
the people and the government. Cleaning the sidewalks must be synchronous, having policies and
methods, but following the movement style, it is ineffective. Handling methods on the basis of
voluntary, voluntary, cultural changes must be attached to the sidewalks associated with motorcycle
culture. Sidewalks exist partly because people use the motorcycle culture, which is convenient to place
and often deals with vendors on the sidewalk. Countries do not trade on the sidewalks because they do
not have motorcycles. Sidewalk culture is convenient but convenient for a group of people. Motorbikes
are convenient but inconvenient for the community. Sidewalk elimination (xóa bỏ) must be long-term,
work with a moderate (có chừng mực) level so that people can adapt and self-arrange their lives.
Making people more self-conscious (tự giác) than making people afraid (sợ hãi) . Excessive (quá mức),
too drastic (quá quyết liệt) will fail.


Due to the increasing number of motorcycles in ho chi minh, the traffic situation is getting worse.
Banning all motorcycles from the city will solve the traffic problem. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement ? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observation to support your
point of view.

Banning on motorbikes will not be the best way to solve the current traffic jam problem in HCMC. If
motorbikes were banned immediately, the city's current public transport could not satisfy the traveling
needs of people. Furthermore, the proportion of alleys in HCMC is more than 70% so the role of
motorbikes is very important. With 15-30 minutes of walking time to get to the bus stop, wait for the
bus and transfer, it takes workers 1 to 2 hours to reach the destination, while it takes less than 30 if
riding a motorbike minute. In order to reduce private vehicles, urban planning solutions are required,
such as in central areas, which are not licensed to build buildings for many people such as schools,
hospitals, supermarkets, on city level route. Solutions to combat congestion must meet people's needs,
must have a roadmap consistent with construction planning.


What are some solution to raise the position of vietnamese agricultural products in the world market?
Support your position with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.

Vietnamese agricultural products are increasingly gaining a foothold (chỗ đứng) in the market, both
domestically and internationally. One of the solutions to improve the value of agricultural products is
the protection of trademarks (nhãn hiệu) and geographical indications (chỉ dẫn địa lý). Vietnam has
always been in the top of the world in agricultural exports, but in fact branding is still inadequate (không
thỏa đáng). Besides agricultural products that have a foothold in the market, many manufacturers,
businesses, organizations and localities have not paid attention to protection of intellectual property (sở
hữu trí tuệ) for agricultural products. This has reduced the competitiveness of domestic products as well
as caused great damage to the agricultural sector of Vietnam. In addition, the state also needs to
continue maintaining and implementing (thực thi) other support policies to reduce poverty and help
farmers in the development of large-scale agricultural production. It is necessary to renovate and
develop high-yield varieties, apply scientific and technical advances, and invest heavily in scientific
research. Evaluate in detail the competitiveness of each agricultural product to take measures to
overcome the weaknesses, to ensure that our country's agricultural products dominate (thống trị) the
domestic market and reach out to the international market.


Should hanoi model after Paris or Ho Chi Minh City model after Singapore? Why or why not? Give your
opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.


What are some social responsibilities of journalism? Support your position with reasons and examples
taken from your reading, experience, or observations.

A journalist writes what for the society that he observes.He presents whatever,is consumed by the
society people which may consist of different classes, religions, categories and characteristics.

Social Responsibiliy:

- Press reflects the social images or pictures of our society.The whole activities of the press
imparts many events of our society with a view to present them later on, in decent manner to
the society people. The intention behind such approaches and activities, is to make the society
people tobe well-informed as well as well-aware of round about happenings.So,every
presentation of any journalist should be fair, balnce, truthful,inspiring and meeting the needs of
common consumers of the news.

Legal Responsibilty:

- While working as a journalist, one should be well conversant with all legal clutches as to avert
the generation of complicacy as well as to keep the organization ‘troublefree’ any way. For this
reason, a journalist must not intervene or inflict to someone’s privacy or confidential matter
until it is required to be brought to the notice of public

Professional Responsibility:

- A journalist should have sincerity (sự chân thành) and commitment (cam kết) towards its
profession. The news of any event that is going to be published for the audience, should be
delineated (khoanh vùng) very clearly and fairly (công bằng). A very good homework in this
regard is essential for each and every event, and should be done by the journalist with a view to
present the same to the audience confidently and satisfactorily.. The presentation must be
truthful and unbiased (không thiên vị) above all and shall never bring any embarrassment or
complicacy to the organization anyway in future. The objective of any journalist is to
disseminate the correct and fair report in undistorted (không bị xuyên tạc) manner to the
audience rather than crowding them intentially or allegedly to meet the present challenging
situation.of the news world

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