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HS 11

The movie review should not merely provide a summary of the plot, but it should go with an evaluation and reaction.

1. Hook
2. Introduction to the movie + background information (title, director, publication information – year released, length of movie, genre – comedy,
drama, animated, etc.)
3. Summary of the main idea/theme of the movie in one or two sentences.
4. Thesis statement (your viewpoint about the movie)
Your thesis may answer one of the following questions:
 Does the movie portray a current issue? Does the content relate to the “real world”?
 Does the movie seem to convey a message? Does it try to evoke a specific reaction or emotion from the audience? Discuss if the movie
successfully achieves the purpose.
 Does the film connect with your personal life? Does it reflect on your personal stories and feelings?

1. Explanation:
Give a brief summary of the plot that identifies the main characters, setting and central conflict — remember to not give away too much. When
you write the name of the character for the first time, write the actor’s name in parenthesis.
E.g. Eilis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan) is a working-family girl who sails thousand miles away to New York, looking for a better life.

2. Evaluation
Write about your opinions and be sure to explain and support them with examples. Think of some of these questions:
 How does the movie (director) achieve the purpose?
 Is the acting/writing/dialogue/soundtrack/music effective, powerful, difficult, beautiful?
 What are the success and failure or strengths and weaknesses of the movie?
 What is your overall reaction to the movie? Did you think it is entertaining, inspiring, boring? Why?
Sum up your thoughts to briefly conclude the review. Write your final impression of the movie and what you think the reader should
know. You may want to rate the movie from 1-5. Finally, write whether you would recommend the movie or not and explain why.

Movie Review Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (5pts) Good (3-4 pts) Needs Improvement (2 pts) Unsatisfactory (1 pt)
Content  Introductory paragraph clearly Introductory paragraph states Introductory paragraph attempts to No attempt is made to state the subject
states subject of essay and captures subject of essay but is not state subject of essay but does not of the essay in an introductory
reader's attention. Thesis statement particularly engaging. contain a clear thesis. paragraph.
is effectively crafted.  Summary consists of a discussion  Summary consists of a discussion  Summary is mostly an outline of the
 Summary consists of a discussion of of major themes, ideas, characters of major themes, ideas, characters movie and does not discuss
major themes, ideas, characters, and/or plot. and/or plot. message/theme or major idea of the
and/or plot.  Critique consists of thoughts,  Critique consists of thoughts, work.
 Critique consists of thoughts, responses, and reaction to the responses, and reaction to the  No evidence of critique provided.
responses, and reaction to the movie, discussing only two aspects movie, discussing only one aspect
movie (e.g., reacting to the such as message/theme and such as message/theme, and
message/theme, the movie’s aims another element of the movie. consists of basic opinions e.g., “I
or intent, acting, camera angle, There is not a thorough review of liked it”
music and other elements, and various aspects.
overall success or failure of the

Organization  Structure of the text flows and is  Structure of the text flows and is  Structure of the text does not  Structure of the text does not follow a
easily read because of smooth easily read, but 1 or 2 transitions follow a logical order. logical order.
transitions from one to another may be faulty or missing.  There ideas may jump around and  There are no transitional phrases to
paragraph.  There is some illogical order in not cohesive. make it easier to read.
 The sequence of topics is in logical sequence of topics.  There is no clear-cut introduction,  The review is simply copying from
order.  There is a clear-cut introduction, body and conclusion. the other online reviews.
 There is a clear-cut introduction, body and conclusion.
body and conclusion.
Language Use  Uses extensive precise and Uses precise and creative verbs,  Uses limited word choice.  Uses dull, highly repetitive word
creative verbs, adverbs, nouns, adverbs, nouns, and adjectives.  Has fragmented, run-on, or choice.
and adjectives. Sentences flow. confusing sentences.  Sentences are incomplete, unclear,
 Sentences have natural flow and  Sentence structures are correct  Sentence structures are limited and/or lacking in variety.
rhythm. and varied. in variety.
Sentence length, structure, and
complexity is varied.
Writing  Spelling, capitalisation, Spelling, capitalization, Spelling, capitalisation,  Spelling, capitalization, punctuation,
Conventions punctuation, paragraphing, and punctuation, paragraphing, and punctuation, paragraphing, and paragraphing, and grammar errors
grammar are effective, and make grammar are mostly correct. grammar create problems that are so numerous that they make
the text easy to read and  Errors don’t make writing difficult slow the reader or cause writing difficult to follow.
understand. to read and don’t interfere with confusion.
Contains few if any errors in the meaning.  Contains frequent convention
conventions. errors that are noticeable

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