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RJ Andaya General Biology

STEM 111-08

Activity No. 2: General Biology

A. Directions: Now that you are equipped with the knowledge of the differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells, differences between plants and animal cells. In a clean sheet of paper, list down the
characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. ( 10pts.)


Prokaryotes are exclusively Eukaryotic cells are larger

unicellular organisms. than prokaryotic cells and
have a “true” nucleus,
organelles, and rod-shaped

Most prokaryotes are A cell wall is the outermost

extremophiles. layer of the eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotes do not have Having complex cells in

membrane bound organelles. which the genetic material
is organized into
membrane-bound nuclei.

Prokaryotes have circular DNA. All eukaryotic cells have a

surrounding plasma
membrane, which is also
known as the cell

Prokaryotes do not have a true The cell has mitochondria.

nucleus, instead, their DNA
occupies an irregularly-shaped
area (nucleoid)

The cell size ranges from 0.1 to Flagella and cilia are the
5.0 micrometre in size. locomotory organs in a
eukaryotic cell.

Chloroplasts are absent. The nucleus houses the

cell’s DNA and directs the
synthesis of proteins and
B. Direction: Do you think there is any differences between the plant and animal cells? And how does they
differ in structure. In an essay form, explain your answer on the space provided. (5pts.)

Yes, since animal cells lack a cell wall, although plant cells do, which is a significant
distinction, and animal cells lack chloroplasts, but plant cells do not lack
chloroplasts. Photosynthesis is carried out by chloroplasts, which allows plants to
manufacture food. Plant cells frequently have one or more large vacuoles, in
which animal cells have tiny vacuoles, if any at all.

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