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Section VIII Chapters 27 – 33 The Successful Family

1. What parts of our body need to be sanctified to God? p. 177

Tongues, ears and eyes and every member of our body needs to be sanctified.
It's because Christ's sanctification of our bodies assures us that we have nothing to fear when we come
into contact with evil, because Christ has made it possible for a person's character to become
acquainted with good. Also, The discipline of our bodily members, especially the ear, eye, and tongue, is
emphasized heavily in the New Testament. Paul says in Romans 8:13 that we cannot enjoy eternal life
until we mortify our body's deeds by the influence of the Spirit. He tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:27 how
severely he disciplined his own body. If we are to be holy, no matter what experience of sanctification
we might have had, we must continue to discipline our bodily members, as Paul did, until the end of our
lives. We must be selective about the types of conversations to which we listen. We can't trust our ears
to be attuned to hear God's Voice if we waste our time listening to gossip and slander.

Our eyes, particularly these days, need to be disciplined about what they are allowed to look at and
read. More than one missionary and servant of God has fallen into immorality as a result of his inability
to restrain his gaze on a regular basis. How many more are perpetually falling in their thought-life,
because of indiscipline in this area. How many more are perpetually falling in their thought-life, because
of indiscipline in this area. "Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity," should be our constant prayer
(Psa. 119:37).

Our tongues, too, must be regulated by the Holy Spirit. The human tongue may be the greatest spreader
of spiritual death in the Christian Church. When Isaiah saw God's Holiness, he was deeply troubled,
especially by his use of the tongue. He didn't realize it until he saw himself in God's glory, according to
reports. Jeremiah was told by the Lord that he could be God's mouthpiece only if he was careful about
the way he used his tongue - if he separated the valueless from the precious in his conversation (Jer.
15:19). These prophets couldn't afford to be reckless with their words, or they'd lose their status as
God's messengers. They couldn't get away with casual conversation, idle chit-chat, gossip, slander, and

If God has ever put His Word on our lips, we have a solemn responsibility to protect these lips solely for
His service. We cannot give a part of our bodies to Him one day and then take it back to use at our
leisure the next. Whatever is given to Him once is forever His.
2. How do the members of the family dishonor God in the home circle?
It is through misrepresenting Christ character in the home circle. And by not manifesting patience,
forbearance, forgiveness, and true love. Also, have their likes and dislikes and feel at liberty to manifest
their own perverse disposition rather than to reveal the will, the works, the character of Christ. For our
home is regarded to be a sacred place, a symbol of heaven, a mirror in which to reflect ourselves. And
wherein a strong sense of proprietorship should be felt, giving a sense of ease, restfulness, trust.

The life of Jesus is full of kindness and love. Therefore, as His children, we should reflect the character of
our Father in Heaven so that other people might see Jesus in us.

3. What is the cause of division and discord in families and in the church?
The cause of division and discord in families and in the church is separation from Christ. To come near
to Christ is to come near to one another. The secret of true unity in the church and in the family is not
diplomacy, not management, not a superhuman effort to overcome difficulties—though there will be
much of this to do—but union with Christ.

Therefore, any relationship centered to Christ is the one that last longer or is not shaken despite of the
turbulence that they faced.

4. What is the age of the child that he/she can help already in the household chores?
The family firm is a sacred, social society, in which each member is to act a part, each helping the other.
With that, children aging from six (6) years old and upward should already be of help in doing household
chores. By doing this, this help the family members to be oriented of the responsibility rests upon him
individually to do his part in adding to the comfort, order, and regularity of the family. One should not
work against another.
With this training, it does not only help each member at the early age to become responsible but also
teaches them to understand that it is required of them to bear their share of life’s burdens.
5. What is the description of the Bible or the Word of God in p. 180? It is the only _____ of the
Spirit which we can safely use.

It is only the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, which we can safely use.

This simply means that in order for us to successfully guard our spirit, our actions and word, we must
rely upon only on the word of God for it is the only sword that assures us of successful protection.

Chapter 72 Hospitality
1. Some excuse themselves not to accept visitors at home because they are suffering and in poor
health. What’s the remedy for this?
Some refuses to accept visitors for the reason of having not enough resources to provide to their
visitors, but this is considered to be an inadequate excuse. Simply because, God said that if you have
done it to my people, you have done it also to me. With that, we must act and show what Jesus to us, let
us be to others as well.
Being unstable financially should not hinder us from being hospitable. Instead, If you have no bread,
sister, imitate the case brought to view in the Bible. Go to your neighbor and say: “Friend, lend me three
loaves; for a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.”

We have not an example of this lack of bread ever being made an excuse to refuse entrance to an
applicant. When Elijah came to the widow of Sarepta, she shared her morsel with the prophet of God,
and he wrought a miracle and caused that in that act of making a home for his servant and sharing her
morsel with him, she herself was sustained, and her life and that of her son preserved. Thus will it prove
in the case of many, if they do this cheerfully, for the glory of God.

2. What do we lose if we fail to entertain visitors or strangers at home?

God is dissatisfied with the selfish interest so frequently manifested for "me and my family." Every
family that cherishes this spirit must be converted by the pure principles exemplified in Christ's life.
Those who close themselves off within themselves, refusing to be drawn upon to entertain visitors, miss
out on many blessings. Angels are watching to see if we will seize opportunities to do good that come
our way—to see if we will bless others so that they can bless us in turn. The Lord Himself has made us
different—some poor, some rich, some afflicted—so that we can all grow in character. The poor are
purposefully allowed to be so by God, so that we can be tested and proven, and so that we can develop
what is in our hearts. 5 The heart becomes palsied with selfishness when the spirit of hospitality dies.

3. How do we extend hospitality in our homes according to the Word of God?

Our homes should be a place of refuge for the tempted youth. Many there are who stand at the parting
of the ways. Every influence, every impression, is determining the choice that shapes their destiny both
here and hereafter. Evil invites them. Its resorts are made bright and attractive. They have a welcome
for every comer. All about us are youth who have no home and many whose homes have no helpful,
uplifting power, and the youth drift into evil. They are going down to ruin within the very shadow of our
own doors. These youth need a hand stretched out to them in sympathy. Kind words simply spoken,
little attentions simply bestowed, will sweep away the clouds of temptations which gather over the soul.
The true expression of heaven-born sympathy has power to open the door of hearts that need the
fragrance of Christlike words and the simple, delicate touch of the spirit of Christ’s love. If we would
show an interest in the youth, invite them to our homes, and surround them with cheering, helpful
influences, there are many who would gladly turn their steps into the upward path.
4. As Christians, what does the Bible say when we invite others into our homes? Who will be the
ones to be invited? Who will be not invited? p. 448
Our social activities should be guided by the Spirit of Christ and the teachings of His word, not by the
dictates of worldly custom. In all of their festivities, the Israelites included the poor, the stranger, and
the Levite, who was both the priest's assistant in the sanctuary and a religious teacher and missionary.
How much such a welcome might do to cheer and encourage the missionary nurse or the teacher, the
care-burdened, hard-working mother, or the feeble and aged, so often without a home and struggling
with poverty and many discouragements. “When thou makest a dinner or a supper,” Christ says, “call
not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee
again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the
lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be
recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” These are guests whom it will lay on you no great burden
to receive. You will not need to provide for them elaborate or expensive entertainment. You will need to
make no effort at display. The warmth of a friendly welcome, a seat by your fireside, the honor of
sharing the blessing of the hour of prayer would be like a glimpse of heaven for many of these. Our
sympathies are bursting through the boundaries of self and the confines of family walls. There are
valuable opportunities for those who want to make their homes a blessing to others.

5. Why are we admonished to just be ourselves with no pretensions or serving with no elaborate
kind of food but simple yet nutritious food?
Let the family's simplicity be preserved. Don't try to give the impression that you can maintain a way of
life that is truly beyond your means. Such as, preparing rich cakes, pies, and unhealthy appetizers for the
table should not take up time. These are an additional cost that many people cannot afford. The greater
evil, however, is in the example. Do not try to appear what you are not, either in your table preparations
or in your manners.
While you should always treat your visitors with kindness and make them feel at ease, keep in mind that
you are a teacher to the children God has given you. They are watching you, and no course of action you
take should lead them astray.
Be as pleasant, considerate, and courteous to your visitors as you are to your family every day. In this
way, everyone can be an educator and an example of good works. They testify that there is something
more important than focusing on what they will eat and drink and how they will be clothed.
6. If we do our best to entertain visitors or believers or unbelievers for Jesus’ sake, what’s the
Lord’s promise to us?
Christ keeps track of every penny spent on entertainment for His sake. He provides everything required
for this task. Those who entertain their brethren for Christ's sake, doing their best to make the visit
profitable for both their guests and themselves, are recorded in heaven as deserving of special blessings.
7. Galatians 6:9 Why we should not be weary in well-doing? or let’s not be afraid of doing good
Every seed sown produces a harvest of its kind. So, it is to human life, We all need to sow the seeds of
compassion, sympathy, and love; for we shall reap what we sow. Every characteristic of selfishness, self-
love, self-esteem, every act of self-indulgence, will bring forth a like harvest. He who lives for self is
sowing to the flesh, and of the flesh he will reap corruption.

Hence, we are to impart what we have. There are those who struggle for a livelihood and who have
great difficulty in making their income meet their necessities; but they love Jesus in the person of His
saints and are ready to show hospitality to believers and unbelievers, trying to make their visits
profitable. For this work the Lord makes a reckoning, saying: “I will repay.
8. James 1:27 What is the attitude of a Christian who possess or professing pure religion?
A Christian is a Christlike man, a Christlike woman, who is active in God’s service, who is present at the
social meeting, whose presence will encourage others also. Religion does not consist in works, but
religion works; it is not dormant.

Chapter 81 Recreation That Yields Enduring Satisfactions

1. Jesus’ life is an example to the youth. Relate His life to the youth today. What’s that kind of
work which Jesus did which is in harmony with his developing mind and promoted physical
Jesus' life was filled with industry, and He exercised His developing physical strength by performing
various tasks. He had no time for exciting, useless amusements while doing the work that was assigned
to Him. He did not participate in anything that would poison the morale and lower the physical tone, but
was trained in useful labor and even endurance of hardship.

In relation of Jesus’ life to the youth today, instead of spending a lot of leisure time doing social media,
we must spend our time to develop physical strength in order to exercise our endurance that will be of
great use as we minister to all the Greatness and Goodness of God.

2. What were His characteristics towards His earthly parents, Joseph and Mary?
Christ was an example to the entire human family during His earthly life, and He was obedient and
helpful in the home. He learned the carpenter's trade and worked with His own hands in Nazareth's
small shop. In short, at an early age, He did not intend to become a burden at work to His earthly
parents. Instead, He sets us an example that we must take part to every responsibility and chores we
have at home.
3. How shall the youth today exercise to develop wholesome attitude in useful labor in the home
and in the workplace?
Personally, avoiding procrastination is one of the great exercises to develop in order for us to have a
wholesome attitude because it will urge us to do our daily task while avoiding having taking too much
leisure time doing senseless acts.
Also, having a proper self-discipline would also play a great part in contributing to our character. Such
as, disciplining oneself to not stay up late at night or not spending too much time on social media.
Moreover, being inclined to doing missionary works would help us become physically fit and enhance
our social interaction with other people we came in contact with.
4. How shall we train the youth to divide time for study and time for work?
A broad and comprehensive education will result from the healthful exercise of the entire being.
However, in order to have an education that was complete, the time of study must be divided between
the gaining of book knowledge and the securing of a knowledge of practical work. Part of each day was
spent on useful work, with students learning how to clear land, cultivate soil, and build houses in time
that would otherwise be spent playing games and seeking entertainment.
In the place of providing diversions that merely amuse, arrangements should be made for exercises that
will be productive of good.
5. Missionary activity is an ideal exercise. Cite examples of these activities the youth can engage
Being involved in the missionary works such as bringing church to people and ministering to the needy
through the Five loaves ministry.
Personally, these were the best missionary activity that I would love to be involved to because a lot of
interaction were made doing this ministry. And by that, you get to know their inspiring stories and how
God works miraculously to them through using other people to blessed them and have God’s instrument
be blessed also.
6. Even the sick and the invalid will be doing something to strengthen themselves. What are
these programs to regain their strength and produce well-regulated labor that are useful?
Sick people are encouraged to leave their rooms and spend time outside, tending to flowers or doing
other light, pleasant work, their minds are called away from themselves and toward something more
health-giving. Outdoor exercises should be recommended as a healthy, life-giving necessity.
We can but be cheerful as we listen to the music of the happy birds and feast our eyes upon flourishing
fields and gardens. We should encourage our minds to be interested in all the wonderful things God has
lavishly provided for us. And by reflecting on these abundant manifestations of His love and care, we can
forget our afflictions, be cheerful, and make melody in our hearts unto the Lord.
For years we have from time to time been shown that the sick should be taught that it is wrong to
suspend all physical labor in order to regain health. In thus doing the will becomes dormant, the blood
moves sluggishly through the system and constantly grows more impure. Where the patient is in danger
of imagining his case worse than it really is, indolence will be sure to produce the most unhappy results.
Well-regulated labor gives the invalid the idea that he is not totally useless in the world, that he is at
least of some benefit. This will afford him satisfaction, give him courage, and impart to him vigor, which
vain mental amusements can never do.
7. This is God’s provision for finding true pleasures. Cite only two.
The pleasure that comes from speaking sympathizing words and doing kindly deeds.
The light of Christ shines from those who do such work, brightening lives that have been darkened by
many sorrows. What God has been to us, let us be to others.

Chapter 84 Directing Juvenile Thinking Regarding Recreation

1. How shall mothers invent and direct amusements for her children?
Rather than removing her children from her presence so that she is not disturbed by their noise and
irritated by the various attentions they seek, she would believe that her time will be better spent
calming and diverting their anxious, busy minds with some light, pleasant employment. The mother will
be amply repaid for the efforts she may make and the time she may spend to invent amusement for her
2. As Jesus loves children, what should parents do to make children happy in their innocent
Many a mother denies her children some innocent pleasure out of a lack of time and thought, while
busy fingers and weary eyes are diligently engaged on work designed only for adornment, something
that, at best, will encourage vanity and extravagance in their young hearts.
These lessons bear fruit in pride and moral worthlessness as the children grow into manhood and
womanhood. The mother laments her children's flaws, but she is unaware that the harvest she is
reaping is from seed she planted herself.

Some mothers do not treat their children consistently.

They indulge them to their detriment at times, and then they refuse some innocent gratification that
would make the childish heart very happy. They do not imitate Christ in this; He loved the children; He
understood their feelings and sympathized with them in their joys and sorrows.
3. How did Mrs. White restrain her children? What was her approach to them? p. 528
He encourages the parents that when the children beg to go to this company or to that amusement
party, tell them, "I cannot let you go, children; sit right down here, and I will tell you why." I'm putting
together work for eternity and for God. God has given you to me and has entrusted your care to me. I
am standing in God's place for you, my children; therefore, I must keep an eye on you as one who must
give an account in God's day.

With that, I am really amaze of Mrs. Whites’ way of disciplining her children. She inculcates in their
minds the best principle on how to live one’s life. That is to be accountable of your actions and be
mindful if it pleases God.
4. What’s the number one problem of teen-agers today? They want to go and come as they
please but parents see danger. What is this? p. 529
Being a teenager myself, I would say that one of the problem of teenagers today is that they
misinterpret the protection their parents is giving to them.
Under restraint, children frequently become impatient and wish to have their own way, to go and come
as they please. They are more likely to believe that there is no harm in attending worldly gatherings of
young associates when they are between the ages of ten and eighteen. However, experienced Christian
parents can detect danger. They are familiar with their children's peculiar temperaments and the
influence of these things on their minds, and they should keep them away from these exciting
amusements out of a desire for their salvation.
5. When is vigilance of parents most needed even after conversion?
What a burden is lifted from the hearts of careful, faithful parents when their children decide for
themselves to leave the pleasures of the world and become Christ's disciples! Even so, the parents'
efforts must not be abandoned. These young people have only recently begun to wage a serious battle
against sin and the evils of the natural heart, and they require the advice and protection of their parents
in a special way.
The very moment we come closer to God, the more we are tempted. Therefore, vigilance of parents
after conversion is very needed in order that we may guided accordingly and not fall short from God’s
6. What’s the secret of attracting children to stay at the foot of the cross of Jesus?
How many parents bemoan the fact that they are unable to keep their children at home, that they have
no love for their home! They have a desire for the company of strangers from an early age, and as soon
as they are old enough, they break away from what appears to them to be bondage and unreasonable
restraint, and they will not heed a mother's prayers or a father's counsels.

The secret of saving your children lies in making your home lovely and attractive. Indulgence in parents
will not bind the children to God nor to home; but a firm, godly influence to properly train and educate
the mind would save many children from ruin.

Chapter 85 The Reward Here and Hereafter

1. What is the rich reward that awaits faithful parents in guiding their children?
They are performing the highest service to God by presenting to the world well-ordered, well-disciplined
families that not only fear the Lord, but honor and glorify Him through their influence on other families.
With that, God promised that they will reap good fruits in due season and will be rewarded a

2. Dig deeper into Proverbs 31:28 and see the result of a godly wife and mother. What is this?

God's female image-bearers have a lovely design. The majority of the people will be summoned to assist
her husband. This will result in a fortunate man and family. When godly women embrace God's design
and call, their children thrive. The woman in Proverbs 31 is an excellent model of feminine godliness.

3. What could be the outcome if the true wife and mother looks up to God for her strength and
comfort, and seek wisdom from Him?
If she [the true wife and mother] looks to God for strength and comfort, and seeks to do her daily duty
in His wisdom and fear, she will bind her husband to her heart and see her children grow up to be
honorable men and women, morally strong enough to follow their mother's example.

4. If we want to experience the joys of heaven, what will we do with our atmosphere in the
Life on earth is a preparation for life in heaven; education on earth is an initiation into the principles of
heaven; and lifework here is a preparation for lifework there. What we are now, in terms of character
and holy service, is a sure foreshadowing of what we will shall be. Hence, the service rendered in
sincerity of heart has great recompense.
5. Who are qualified to join and be fitted for the society of heaven?
All to be fitted for the society of heaven. In fact, God does not see heaven without us that is why He has
sent His only Son to save us from sin and give us the opportunity to wear the crown of life.

And even though we still commit sin, all of our families, institutions, and churches would experience
spiritual transformation is still given the privilege. And When this transformation occurs, these agencies
will become instruments through which God will impart heaven's light to the world, and thus fit men
and women for the society of heaven through divine discipline and training.
6. Surely, God will give the reward at the Last Great Day. What is this reward to those who work
and obey God and trust Him fully?
Through the merits of Christ, they will be crown with immortal glory and be with Him in heaven. And
they shall hear Him say, “ Well done.”
What a wondrous day that would be hearing God being pleased of you!

7. Describe the “fine linen, clean and white” of Christ’s righteousness which will be the robe of
the redeemed when we get to heaven.
A royal robe woven in heaven’s loom. This represents Christ’s own spotless character that He freely
offers to human being.
8. What will be written on our crowns when we get to heaven?
Our name is written on the crown which Jesus with His lovely right hand placed the crowns on the heads
of the saints.
9. How can we describe the glory of heaven and the matchless love of our Savior? Say it in your
own language or expression.

Heaven's glory or the unfathomable depths of a Savior's love are beyond description even in the most
exalted words. But how I perceived heaven is would be a place that I would always long to be in and will
always be my choice of home. God’s love is in carve to every place my eyes would land to see. “Oh!
How I love Jesus!”

Chapter 83 The Lure of Pleasure

1. Worldly pleasures are so inviting. There is momentary enjoyment but what is the end of this?
Worldly pleasures are alluring, and many people are willing to give up Heaven's friendship, along with
the harmony, devotion, and joy that it brings. However, these chosen objects of pleasure quickly
become revolting and unsatisfying.
2. Why are many found among pleasure lovers who are church members. This is what God
forbids us to do so. Later we have to sever this connection with God and join the ranks of
pleasure lovers. What will be our decision?
The youth are swept away by the popular current. Those who learn to love amusement for its own sake
open the door to a flood of temptations. And sadly, among pleasure lovers are church members. The
desire for thrills and pleasing entertainment is a temptation and a trap for God's people, especially the
youth. Satan is actively devising enticements to divert attention away from the solemn work of planning
for scenes that will occur in the near future. He maintains a constant state of excitement by the use of
worldlings in order to entice the unwary to partake in worldly pleasures. There are plays, seminars, and
an endless array of entertainments that are designed to contribute to a love of the universe, and trust is
undermined as a result of this union with the world.

In this is where the importance of interconnectedness of the youth and adults is important in order for
them to be guided accordingly. Constant prayer and a strong foundation on faith to God is very
important for the youth in order to resist pleasure temptation.
3. What’s the presentation of Satan about God’s path to righteousness in order to deceive
Satan portrays holiness as a daunting journey, whereas worldly pleasure paths are strewn with flowers.
He arranges the world and its pleasures in front of the youth in fake and flattering colors. However,
earthly pleasures will soon come to an end, and what is sown must also be reaped.
4. Identify the great mistake of parents in rushing their children into society at an early age.
Thus, their attention is divided between education and love of pleasure. What’s the sure
Parents make a mistake by hurriedly integrating their children into society. Age, fearful that if they don't
go, they won't learn anything. They encourage their children to attend parties and mingle in society
even when they are at school. This is a huge blunder. Children learn evil far faster than they learn the
sciences, and their minds are filled with pointless objects, as their love for entertainment grows to the
point that they are unable to learn even the most basic branches of education.
As a result, Their interest is split between education and a desire for pleasure, and since pleasure takes
precedence, academic progress is slow.
5. In the last days, what will happen to God’s last message of warning and how will it be
As their probation period drew to a close, the antediluvians indulged in thrilling amusements and
festivities. Those in positions of authority and power were determined to keep the public's minds
occupied with laughter and fun, should anyone be moved by the final solemn warning.
And that even the planet is absorbed in amusements and pleasure seeking as God's servants deliver the
message that the end of all things is near. There is a relentless flurry of activity that renders people
indifferent to God and prevents them from being moved by the realities that are the only thing that can
save them from the impending catastrophe.
6. What are the ways in which Sabbath keepers will have to be tested and proved?
The perils of the last days have arrived, and people will face a test that few have expected. They will be
thrown into perplexity, and the sincerity of their religion will be proved. They profess to be looking for
the Son of man, yet some of them have been a miserable example to unbelievers. However, it is
precisely such indulgences that divide them from God and make them worldly children.
God does not own the pleasure seeker. Real followers of Jesus are those who deny themselves and live
lives of sobriety, modesty, and holiness. And such cannot enjoy the lover of the world's trivial, hollow
7. What’s the all-important consideration we have to put in mind when invited to such
Let no one think that amusements are necessary, or that a reckless disregard for the Holy Spirit during
hours of selfish enjoyment is an insignificant matter. God will not be mocked. Let every young man,
every young woman, consider: “Am I prepared today for my life to close? Have I the heart preparation
that fits me to do the work which the Lord has given me to do?”

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