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Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase:

Michael was worried about his promotion. He needn’t have been anxious though. He
had worked in the Product Development Division for nine and a half years, almost a (1)
………. He knew the department inside out. Now, however, he would be the director.
As a member of the department, he had only to do what his supervisor told him. As the
director, he would be the person (2)………for the success of his department.
As his first task, he decided to conduct an analysis of the steps required to (3)
……….new products, and to organize the tasks into a logical order. The first step in
developing new products would be to find out what kind of products the market needed
and what problems (4)……..with the products currently being used. The second task
would be to find out how best to (5)……….these problems and determine what kind of
research would be needed to solve the problems. It would be better to say, re-examine
these problems, since most of these unsolved problems had been thoroughly researched
over the years. The third task would be to look at the (6)………..and characteristics of
the competition’s products. By examining the competition’s products, he would know
where he should (7)……….. And final responsibility would be to decide how to (8)
………….the most important information from the (9)………..number of experiments.
Michael smiled and sat back to read over his list. Confident that he had a good team and
a good plan, he felt ready to (10)……………his new job.

1. a. millennium b. century c. decade d. years

2. a. responsible b. charged b. called d. key
3. a. discontinue b. develop c. improve d. find
4. a. existed b. existing c. to exist d. will exist
5. a. deal b. examine c. gain d. obtain
6. a. quantity c. amount c. quality d. qualities
7. a. improve b. enhance c. test d. check
8. a. search b. look for c. seek d. collect
9. a. least b. fewest c. the most few d. the less
10. a. take over b. take up c. take off d. overtake
II. Read the passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F):

Advertisers have to be very careful about the way that they position their products. In
1977, cigarette makers in the US were forced to stop advertisements featuring a cartoon
camel. The government said that the company had positioned the cigarette to appeal to
children, which was against the law.
The French have a marketing strategy that sums up positioning: Cherchez le creneau
(Look for the hole). To find a hole, you have to be able to think in reverse. If everyone
is going east, see if you can find a hole by going west. One of the best examples of this
kind of thinking was the positioning of the Volkswagen Beetle. For years, American car
makers made longer, lower cars. Then came the Volkswagen Beetle. It was short, fat
and ugly. Normally, advertisers would have tried to minimize its weaknesses and
maximize its strengths. But Volkswagen’s advertising agency decided that its ‘hole’
was size. It created ads that simply said, ‘Think small’. With two simple words, this
headline did two things at once. It stated Volkswagen’s position and challenged the idea
that bigger was better. There were other small cars on the market before Volkswagen.
However, Volkswagen was the first car that said, ‘I’m better because I’m small.’
11.Cigarette makers in the US had to stop their advertisements because it was believed
that the advertisements had a bad effect on children. T
12.The French marketing strategy means that it is important to go west. F
13.In common with other cars in the market, Volkswagen Beetle was long and low. F
14.Volkswagen advertisement emphasized its product’s strengths. F
15.With Volkswagen, the small size of the car was its ‘hole’. T

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word from those given. Each word should be used
only once. There are some words that are not used.

Financial promotion 21 advertising 20 sponsor dividend

Investors 25 skill 22 endorse16 stock market 19 finance 24
Freelance23 experience pre-paid investment 17 commission 18

16. Sportswear companies often find a famous and respected athlete to………….. their products.
17. ……………isn’t a science. It’s the art of persuasion.
18. If you buy shares from a company, you will get a ……………at the end of the year.
19. ……………is the place where shares are bought and sold.
20. ……………aims at informing customers about the advantages of the products and persuading
them to buy products.
21. One way to help convert notes and coins into cybercash is through ……………cards.
22. To do a job, …………… more important than academic qualifications.
23. Many young people nowadays choose to work……………., it means they don’t work for a
particular company but sell their work or services to different organizations.
24. You should have a range of …………., it’s dangerous to put all your money in one or two
25. The …………..consultant advised me to spread my risk by investing in a range of companies.

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words in brackets

26. We are looking for someone who has a record of … in sales. (successful) Success
27 . Their new packaging is really eye-… (catch) eye-catching
28. Many young people are working in … jobs. (tradition) traditional
29. Financial services companies are rushing to provide teenagers with easier ways of spending their …
online. (save) saves
30. Will you write to them about that …, or do you want me to phone them? (ship) Shipper

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