De Guzman - Assignment No. 1

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Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila

College of Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Engineering Management (BES4-M)

Reaction Paper #1 : Introduction to Engineering Management

Submitted by:

De Guzman, Lester S.


Submitted to:

Engr. Arnolfo G. Arcibal

CASE 1. ALMA ELECTRONICS: I’ll dream of you
Mr. Andy Mallari opened a small shop selling transistor radios in 1979. His store was located at
one corner (Gen. Luna St.) of the entire stretch of Burgos Avenue, the main thoroughfare of
Cabanatuan City.
The demand for electronic parts made him carry a wide assortment parts that are used in
the assembly and maintenance of radios, tape recorders, amplifiers, and various related appliances.
By 1990, Mr. Mallari was able to save enough money for the purchaseof a 300 square meter lot
along Del Pilar Street. He constructed a 10x15 meters two-storey building on the lot. The ground
floor is used as his store where sales are made to customers which grew in number month
after month. The second floor is used as his residence.
Mr. Mallari thinks that he can duplicate his feat in the other big towns of San Jose City, Gapan,
and Guimba. He has already started operating his stores in those towns and sales are already
picking up. His current operations cover sales and repair. There are five sales ladies in Cabanatuan
attending to the various needs of the customers. Those who bring their appliances for repair are
served by one of the six technicians. The parts used come from the stocks maintained at the store.
Those who purchase parts from the store consist of technicians from the various towns of Nueva
Ecija. Sometimes, the technicians send somebody to do the purchasing of parts.
Mr. Mallari’s perspective has changed drastically after he met his former classmate Estelito Chan
in a class reunion at Araullo University. Mr. Chan has a well-established appliance assembly
plant in Manila. He indicated that he did not start big but rather as a subcontractor for a large
assembly plant. Slowly, Mr. Chan’s business picked up until he was able to establish his own
Mr. Mallari thinks that he can follow the footsteps of his friend. As he is already 47 years old and
his oldest child is about ready to enter college, he thinks this is the best time for him to consider
sending his son to an engineering school. His decision will center on which school and which
engineering course. He feels that his children are keenly interested in whatever career he will ask
them to take.
Mr. Mallari has three sons, all belonging to the top tenin their respective classes. He thinks all
three have the potential to help him realize his dream of establishing his own assembly
plant. His immediate concern now is to identify the right college courses for his children.
Solution and Reasoning.

Mr. Mallari’s business is about electronic parts and his dream is having assembly plant.
His eldest son can take Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Since, they have already
the on going business of electronic parts, it is common that Mr. Mallari had the vast knowledge
about his products and services. Therefore, it is good that his son that who will be first to graduate
engineering course will come from mechanical engineering since they are aiming to have their
own assembly plant. Mechanical engineer will be the best engineer for it since it is most related to
plant production. They can start already with the help of his mechanical engineer son.
The electronics industry is a fast pace industry because of the new innovation and new
technology that are being made every year. Therefore, it is advisable for Mr. Mallari that his second
son will take Bachelor of Science in Electronics Communication Engineering majoring in
mechatronics. With this, they can improve their products and services in their assembly plant with
the help of his second son who has a vast knowledge about the new innovation and technology.
Since they have now built their assembly plant and improve their products and services
with the help of his mechanical and electronics engineer sons. It is now time for them to expand
their connections. And I think the best way to do it, is to enroll his youngest son to Bachelor of
Science in Civil Engineering that can major in Construction Management. Through this, they can
create their own construction firm and it will help them distribute, promote, or use their own
products in their construction projects. Moreover, as we all know that civil engineers has a lot of
connections from different industries since the profession is general and has a wide of target

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