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24th JUNE 2021
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Matric Number: 2019274582
Course Code: ENT300
Programme code: BA118

Faculty / Campus : KAMPUS DUNGUN

Bahagian Pentaksiran & Penilaian Akademik 0404/2021

Table of content …………………………………………………………………………………..…3

1.0 Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………………4
2.0 Project Description ..…………………………………………………………………...……... 5
3.0 Project Outcome ………………………………………………………………………………..7
3.1 Simple Calculation …….………………………………………………….………….. 8
4.0 Experiential Learning ……………………………………………………………………….... 9
Appendices …………………………………………………………………………………………10


Business opportunities are about how we related the case study and business and
apply it to our business plan to be a successful entrepreneur. In this era of globalization, it is
undeniable that business plays an important role in the economic development of the nation
especially during the pandemic. Without business, nations' economics would be much smaller
and weaker than they are. Therefore, there are several businesses being proposed and
carried out among our society in order to keep the growth of the economy.

Hence, for this report, I have proposed a Women's Apparel business known as
Moiselle.Farah. The reason why it is named Moiselle.Farah is because it is catchy, short, and
easy to be remembered. My business is one of the drop shippers of MoiselleMY. MoiselleMY
is a new business that sells defective jeans with high quality and various trendy designs. This
brand is well known by women as their target customers are women. I decided to be one of
MoiselleMY dropship for 2 months as I can see the income of profit will be great and
considerable. I choose Instagram as my main platform to offer my product because of the
pandemic situation and I choose The Decoy Pricing Strategy as my marketing strategy.

Overall, since I selling my product online. There will be a lot of competition in the
surrounding. I offer free shipping, low price product and prioritize my customer's satisfaction
as I sure it can be an advantage to my business that other competitors can’t provide. I start
to run my business from 14 April 2021 till 14 June 2021 and I managed to sell 80 pairs of
jeans. Furthermore, I have made roughly RM 506.00 profit for two months. I find out the
number of profits is quite impressive since I do not expend any money on the product. I am
very concerned about my customers. I provide the best quality of the product to the customers
so that they feel they are appreciated and worth it.


I choose to sell the best Women’s apparel, that is jeans for my Business Opportunity
project. I decided to be the dropship of MoiselleMY because I can see a huge opportunity can
be grabbed in the business. MoiselleMY selling defective jeans at their best. MoiselleMY
provides various types of high-quality jeans at the best prices and has various style, materials
and design can choose from at the best prices and low as RM39. Although the price is low,
MoiselleMY still maintains high-quality products for their customers. Malaysia's women
concern about their fashion and style. Most women have about 15 to 30 pairs of trousers not
including skirts. I see this is the best business I can join because it would gave a huge profit.

I decided to involve in women's apparel as my business opportunity because of the

ability to start the business from home. As a dropship, it's not necessary to have a physical
storefront or office space to get my business started. Moreover, I can do everything from the
comfort of my own home since I only use Instagram and WhatsApp as my business platform
to do advertising and communication with my customers. In the women's clothing line, I have
a much higher chance of encouraging my customers to buy impulse. The MoiselleMY often
give their drop shipper option about their product. I can alter the price, placement, packaging,
and promotional value to influence the decision of my buyer. Thus, I determined to give
attention to only a few types of products that MoiselleMY has offered to make sure my goals
and vision are clear to archive a high profit in the business and not loss.

I am focusing my business opportunity more on women. In the view of fact that women
consumers are a powerful demographic. Women drive 70-80% of all consumers purchasing
whether directly or through their influence. Women's purchasing power can be attributed to
the multiplier effect. Women buy for the child and elderly in their lives and other extended
family and friends. Moreover, women are likely to share a product or good deal with a friend.
In sum, I decided to target women between the ages of 18-30 to be my consumers for the
reason that they can potentially be regular consumers of my businesses in the future.

I choose to start running my business on 14 April 2021, Wednesday, and going to carry
the business for 2 months, until 14 June 2021, Monday. As a dropship, it is important to know
either I going to have a profit or neither. Wherefore I decided to run the business for the short
term. The profit that I may get for the 2 months going to be the main reason for me to keep
the business or not. In addition, I choose to run my business online via social media,
Instagram and WhatsApp as my main platform to advertise my product and communicate with

my customers. The core reason I go for an online platform, due to the covid-19 pandemic I
see an online platform as the best and safe way to run a business.

Instagram has become my main platform to promote my product because they are
non-cost needed to activate the Instagram Business Account. Thus, the Instagram Business
Account has a lot of features that can be used. I notice, I need to show what I do creatively.
I must post my product with pretty and nice quality photos. Moreover, a stunning photos on
the Instagram business account can attract customers. I am planning to show off my customer
review and trust signals since, in today's social media environment, customer feedback has
never been more important. Fortunately, this means that customer satisfaction can provide
the most valuable weapons in my sales strategies.

Ultimately, I am going to use The Decoy Pricing strategy as it can be leveraged to

increase sales online with tiered pricing structures. Decoy pricing is a strategy that aims to
guide a potential customer towards a specific product by presenting an inferior choice. By
including a third "decoy" option in my pricing structure, I can push people toward the middle
option which is the one that I want them to buy. People often avoid the cheapest and the most
expensive product making the middle-tier option the most appealing. Surely some people will
go for the most expensive option which I consider is a bonus.


After 8 weeks of being a dropship for MoiselleMY. I consider it is a profitable business

because they are not many workforces needed since I only a dropship, I just need to promote
my product on my Instagram Business Profile that is @moiselle.farah and they are no capital
that has been used. MoiselleMY offers a reasonable commission for each of their product
according to the price range has given. MoiselleMY also often offers a promotion to their
customers without affecting their dropship make there always buyers of their products.

I am able to state for each week I get 10 pairs of orders for jeans and a total for the 2
months, I manage to sell 80 pairs. Since there is Movement Control Order (MCO), people are
not able to go out for any occasion, I can say there are quite a lot of customers. As dropship,
I only make money with the commission according to the price have given by the MoiselleMY.
As I have stated in my Project Description, I consider focusing on few products to reach my
target profit. I decided to focus on 3 ranges of price and product as I am using The Decoy
Pricing Strategy.





Diagram 1 : Product offered at Moiselle.Farah


After 2 months running my business, I manage to archive my target profit as the simple
calculation have shown. RM 3,304 is the total amount I need to endow to MoiselleMY. One
of my customers are using RM 2 voucher as that the reason discount allowed. I do not have
any delivery charge because all stock were delivered straight from MoiselleMY HQ to the
customers. Total the net profit that I manage as dropship is RM 506.


Total Revenue 39 24 936 938
49 48 2,352 2352
69 8 522 522
Gross Profit 3,812
(-) Cost of
Goods Solid
Purchase 34 24 816 816
42 48 2,016 2,016
59 8 472 472
Gross Profit (3,304)
(-) Expenses
Discount 2 (2)
Net Profit 506


First-hand experience that I get after conducting my Women's Apparel business. I will
always remember that a good photo can be worth thousands of words. Do not underestimate
the power of high-quality photographs of the product. Online shoppers find image reassuring,
not to mention immensely helpful in identify that they are getting the thing they want. An online
business without great images will not get customers to checkout. Great photos and lots of
them will give shoppers the same feeling as if they were picking something up in a store.

Marketing strategy is the most important aspect when running an online business.
Always mention offering free shipping. Customers love free shipping as shipping can easily
make or break a relationship with customers. It has a huge effect on the bottom line. Shipping
costs can be what turns the customers off completely before they even complete a transaction.
In sum, when free shipping is mentioned to the customers, they make the transaction for the
product immediately without any hesitation. This makes the buying process more transparents
and my customers are much happier with the shopping experience.

The next lesson learned is online business sellers must make it easy for customers to
find contact information about you. Customers have short attention spans and have no
patience when it comes to hunting down the seller's phone number. Moreover, the customer's
impression of the business may drop when their time is wasted searching for something that
should be easy to find in seconds. From the first day I run my business I decided to put a
Whatsapp hyperlink on my Instagram profile that can be seen clearly so the customers can
easily reach me.

I determine to make WhatsApp's hyperlink unable for 1 week. Thus, my customers

need to jot down my contact number that has been displayed on my Instagram's Business
Profile instead of clicking the hyperlink. I notice my number of customers has reduced
compared to when the WhatsApp hyperlink is available. This confirms that customers prefer
online business sellers that easy to be reached with. Overall, I decided to always inform my
customers if an item is in stock or what the backorder date is, right on my Instagram business
account as making sure my shoppers know early on about stock availability aid in my


Instagram Business Account profile. While run the business I always make sure that
my profile neat and stunning. I post a catchy and informative caption about my product and
mention that whatsapp hyperlink is available so the customers can easily reach me.

Few products offered by moiselle.farah

Bootcut Jeans Boyfriend Jeans

Palazzo Jean Various colours of bootcuts jeans to be
choose from

Conversation with customers. Proof of transaction and feedback.


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